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Necromancer Pets

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Hi, there is an extremely important question for me, are the Necromancer Pets frankly they are terrible and ugly, I haven’t met such ugly ones in any mmo, and then I was visited by the thought, what if I add a change in the appearance of the Pets to the sale? for example, dogs will become skeletons or ghosts? I think it added visual diversity to Pets, because now they are terrible and ugly even for undeadWho thinks what?

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I don't necro much outside of the occasional keyrunner, but I agree a lot of the minions are creepy af. But at the same time I think it may be intentional, and I imagine there are a lot of players who really like the current design. I'd be fine with more options, particularly if anet feels like they could make some money off of it . . .

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@LucianDK.8615 said:...But considering no minions bar the flesh golem is used in raids or fractals...

No minions? Really? Good thing I do not do fractals or raids (or even know what they are, really).

As for the minions, I have always rather liked the way they look. Kind of dead looking skeletal critters. I like em. I play mostly necro/minions. By far my favorite avatar, because of the minions. :)

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@Tukaram.8256 said:

@LucianDK.8615 said:...But considering no minions bar the flesh golem is used in raids or fractals...

No minions? Really? Good thing I do not do fractals or raids (or even know what they are, really).

As for the minions, I have always rather liked the way they look. Kind of dead looking skeletal critters. I like em. I play mostly necro/minions. By far my favorite avatar, because of the minions. :)

Minions aren't used in fractals and dungeons because they mess with boss AI and can make encounters take 10 times longer in the worst case scenario. Basically, using minions in instanced content can be considered griefing.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@Gryphon.2875 said:They're like that because of the way they looked in GW1, but yes I'd love to have some proper zombies for a change.

Tbh the Gw1 minions looked much better.I'd much rather have their Gw1 skins

I do have to say, though, given how annoying devourers were in GW1, having an undead one as a minion in GW2 is oddly satisfying.

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@Gryphon.2875 said:

@Gryphon.2875 said:They're like that because of the way they looked in GW1, but yes I'd love to have some proper zombies for a change.

Tbh the Gw1 minions looked much better.I'd much rather have their Gw1 skins

I do have to say, though, given how annoying devourers were in GW1, having an undead one as a minion in GW2 is oddly satisfying.

We at least had the Bone Fiend in GW1 for that whipping twin-tailed action, though they were bipedal. It was hard to keep more than 2-3 up with the 25 energy cost, but man did I like those! ;)

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I would totally pay for Skin Packs.

I can just imagine holiday theme skin packs.1.) Ginger Bread Men2.) Toys3.) Robots (Azura Necromancer Tech?)4.) SkyScales (using the different baby stages would be so cute)5.) Zombies6.) Plants (got to have Zombies vs Plants)6.) Skeletons

We really need cuter alternatives for a contrast. They have to sell.

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@Gryphon.2875 said:They're like that because of the way they looked in GW1, but yes I'd love to have some proper zombies for a change.

Tbh the Gw1 minions looked much better.I'd much rather have their Gw1 skins

I do have to say, though, given how annoying devourers were in GW1, having an undead one as a minion in GW2 is oddly satisfying.

We at least had the Bone Fiend in GW1 for that whipping twin-tailed action, though they were bipedal. It was
to keep more than 2-3 up with the 25 energy cost, but man did I like those! ;)

I had a Hero with Aura if the Lich to take care of all that for me. ?

But, yes, on topic... Skin packs, yes. ??

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Would be muchly welcomed for certain. But considering no minions bar the flesh golem is used in raids or fractals, I think its a quite low priority for anet.

Shadow Fiend and Blood Fiend see raid play.

As to the OP, Necromancer minions are not the reanimated dead. They're amalgamations for flesh, bone, and sinew animated through magic, as Guild Wars Necromancers primarily act as shepherds of the dead, not rulers of it. There are the occasional Necromancers who do truly animate the dead, and they are reviled for it as it goes against the unwritten code.

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