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What is the "worst" map?

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@"DMO.4158" said:All of them are bad.

Conquest is a poorly conceived game mode. PvP in this game might actually be fun if it didn't revolve around conquest snowballing and +1'ing.

The maps are terribly designed and every gimmick is used to compound a snowball. They offer zero counterplay or come back opportunities for the losing team.

The map gimmicks should have been a way for the losing team to catch back up NOT for the winning team to snowball.

There should have been a 4th node. Its far too easy to snowball if you secure mid at the start. 90% of games are entirely decided by which team wins mid first.And it shows because your team will immediately throw.

Take a look at every other PvP MMO(that is more successful than gw2 with greater population); lets use wow as a prime example.

  • There are no 3 node maps. Why do you think that is?
  • arathi basin has 5 nodes.
  • battle of the eye has 4 nodes and a flag to run.

It's a better design because it gives the losing team counterplay options.AndThe winning team has to make a strategic decision on how to allocate players between the nodes. They don't just get to camp mid and spawn trap.

Better design. More people playing it. Period.

If a team can't win those big team fights they aren't going to win the match. It's already been decided - which is why so many people quit and throw. It's too predictable with 3 nodes. There needs to be an objective based way to overcome that. It's not like your team of pugs are suddenly going to click when its 400-100.

Either end the game right then and there after the first team wipes on midOrGive the losing team other options.

Because right now every time I reinstall this game and come back to PvP, it's always the same. 90% of my matches are toxic snowballs with no way out. And I immediately remember why I uninstalled in the first place.

It's not even competitive. It's just luck. Roll of the dice. Will my team win mid? Hope so because 90% chance of a torturous frustrating snowball otherwise.

If anyone wants to know why the PvP population is as low as it is, this is the crux of the issue. Thousands of people like me come back every couple years and this is what were met with. This toxic snowball where veteran players just farm the kitten out of you. It's garbage and I'm about 2 more snowball away from uninstalling again.

Funny thing is, you are experiencing something I just don't. I'm comfortably in plat 2 this season(EU), and snowballing hardly ever happens at 1600+ (given no team has a DC etc.)The only fault of conquest is that the designers overestimated the average player. Snowballing occurs less and less the higher you go in rating, sometimes the winner team doesn't have more then 4-5 kills. So you might see the gamemode as "ruined by toxic snowballing", it's just that you're not good enough at the game to get into matches where everyone knows how to play. Disengageing losing battles is a very important skill (to judge it accurately when you have to retreat, can you even retreat etc.), and most people in the goldswamp just go into a battle and spam skills until someone dies.

On lower rating this gamemode is ruined by people who just want to kill the enemies, when in reality it's about playing objectives and not dying. The "snowball" should be a warning that the team is doing something(possibly everything) wrong.

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@Tayga.3192 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:Legacy of the Foefire. Its not the worst map by itself, but for some inexplicable reason
picks it. Its the map I was forced to play the most on, and I simply dont like it.

It feels like THE conquest map. That's why.

Iunno, for me it just feels like one of the weakest maps. Id much rather play on Temple, Kyhlo or collosseum.

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I think the maps are all quite balanced overall. I really like the fact of additional goals that have an impact on the game but also need and resource investment to achieve. For this reason I think Djin and Battle are the two less interesting maps. Djin map is a bit to little and the bonus point is quite useless. Battle of Kyhlo has treb which may be impactful on the game but 99% of the time gives too much advantage to enemy team using them. And it is quite simple to dodge treb.Legacy is another map where the mechanic is ignored most of the times but when it is used is so fun and nice to watch so maybe the only thing I would change there is the visibility of the spawn of the enemy team so is a bit harder to snowball

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@UNOwen.7132 said:Legacy of the Foefire. Its not the worst map by itself, but for some inexplicable reason everyone picks it. Its the map I was forced to play the most on, and I simply dont like it.

I like it because it’s nice and open. There isn’t a ton of crap for people to jump onto or hide behind. I mean there is, but it’s not as noticeable as something like nifelhel

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I detest coliseum with passion, because of that damn ledge that allows you to go from mid to sides with ease, but from sides to mid you gotta walk all the giant way around. It's also just extremely cluttered in general, with a bunch of pillars that have no business being there.Other than that, Khylo is awful aswell, too big and vertical and the trebuchets are annoying.

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Coliseum is worst. It's enough to get one enemy ranger camping on high ground on close and your entire team will run like headless chickens around it till the end of the match. I don't understand why this BS is not removed yet. I mean this climbable stuff near points not map itself.

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@fumcheg.1936 said:Coliseum is worst. It's enough to get one enemy ranger camping on high ground on close and your entire team will run like headless chickens around it till the end of the match. I don't understand why this BS is not removed yet. I mean this climbable stuff near points not map itself.

I love coliseum, my favourite map. its very simple and clean, with no bullshit jumping puzzles that you have to practice for hours to get them done, its a good map to learn kiting.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:Legacy of the Foefire. Its not the worst map by itself, but for some inexplicable reason everyone picks it. Its the map I was forced to play the most on, and I simply dont like it.

I find don't like Foefire because of snowballs. I find it impossible to reverse momentum on this map. The Lord rework did this in part, no one ever goes for it any more.

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@Tazer.2157 said:Djinn. No kiting spots, the area available to fight is way less than the area occupied by the map. Combat only takes place on nodes which is boring. Comparing skyhammer and djinn, skyhammer is masterpiece. Hammer sees combat all around the map, the side nodes have excellent kiting spots, mid is punishing with the elevation.

Skyhammer, after its rework, has been in my top 3. I love this map.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:that dumb spirit watch map

i dont think we need a poll for determining that, lol

There are some people, including me, who'd rather have Spirit Watch in ranked than Skyhammer.

i'd put skyhammer higher on my fun list if they removed the walls from hammer, was funny to knock people off it xD

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