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What actually counts as Double teaming?


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Double teaming is a complaint made by people that think PPT still matters.

It reality, green attacked red, red defended green, blue followed the orange swords for content.

Next up, "we lost because the other group had ascended food" and "Only our server is getting skill lag"

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If a team wants to end the matchup in a certain spot, they may opt to not "take" points from a given server. Let's say Green wants to win the match. They are currently trailing behind Blue. It's in Green's best interest for them to win the skirmish, Red to come in second, and Blue to finish last. This way, Blue's lead is decreased by 2.

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Sometimes it can be planned, but most of the time it is just "attacks of opportunity" and it is a valid tactic. Sometimes someone, somewhere just needs that T3 papered and for that to happen it's just a general good idea to have all the help you can get from your "my_enemy's_enemy_is_my_friend". Also this can be spurred from a population issue where a server is smaller than the other 2, and they just take what they can get when either side is busy. Sometimes both of the bigger servers just bully the small one because they can and it is easy pickings. It's not always that they have partnerships going on, just that most of the time this is how things flow.

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Double teaming happens pretty much every minute in wvw because it's a three sided match.

In the case mentioned, with blue attacking red keep lord and then green comes in to wipe them and leave without capping, that could be chalked up to a few things, green just looking to get bags and then leaving in hopes blue will try again and maybe backdoor them again, or want red to beat blue so they leave them with their points, or maybe leaving red with their keep so they don't get fully discouraged and leave the map, etc.

Blatant double teaming is when the second team assist in attacking to get something capped and avoid each other, this happens quite a lot in the case of like a t3 smc, or when two sides raid a side/map of the third team while avoiding each other like in the case of blue ebg keep getting hit by a red bravost and green langor sides.

Usually double teams don't last very long as commanders tend to just go after the next easy target so whomever is getting double teamed can change by the minute. Some servers and their commanders use to have preferences on who to attack for reset or the week, but don't think that's been a big thing for years now.

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Double teaming is a necessary thing to do with 3 factions.

For example, if SMC reaches t3, it's up to both of the other sides to aggressively push SMC and also the SMC holder's other objectives to stretch them thin to render it paper. It doesn't matter who papers it. Otherwise the side with a intact t3 SMC will be able to launch attacks easily on the other 2 server's towers with trebs and such as well as having map control.

With that in mind, why not?

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Really you need a thread for this, the one way to stop this is that you have a timer for how long each can stand next to each other before they have negative effects like a massive dot that can kill in seconds so they die quick that one one team cant help the other and we all know they do. The other way to ensure one team fights another is to make the map cause a fight and that its different for each team IE you cant take some that is not in the line IE cant go take a supply point that is near your enemy keep till you hold the tower that is next too it. This will cause major battles which everyone wants.

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