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With the major patch coming up, can Anet FINALLY update Hundred Blades please?


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I know, I know... Wait till the patch is out and see how it feels, but Hundred Blades has been in desperate need of a rework for a while and now would be the perfect time to do it. I love the theme of the skill, being a way to capitalize on CC with a big damage channeled skill is super fun to play and iconic to the class. But ask yourself, how many times have you actually landed the last hit on an enemy who wasn't downed? I mean, even when the game was more generous with quickness, it was almost impossible to land the final hit, even with a 3s KD from Bull's. I would love to see a simple change; reduce the channel time to 2.5 seconds from 3.5 seconds and reduce the damage accordingly. That way, we could realistically land those last few hits on a CC'd enemy. I'm not asking for the skill to be buffed, I'm just tired of the skill feeling so clunky and janky in PvP. Please Anet, consider looking at this.

EDIT: Added some nice bold letters as some people seemed to miss this very important point.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Being able to reliably land a skill that consistently hits for 20k+ with a full channel? No thank you.

Well, if you read it carefully, you would see I also suggested reducing the damage in accordance with the cast time. I'm not asking for a buff to the skill, I just wish the ceiling of the skill was slightly lower and the floor slightly higher, if that makes sense. Plus, the skill feels totally jank right now. A 2.5 second cast time with proportionally reduced damage would feel so much better.

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@Khalisto.5780 said:i dont really want to land a full hb, usuallz 50% hb + gs f1 + gs spin will do more dmg and prolly be faster

I agree with you, and that's actually part of what I'm trying to get at with this post. Atm we can realistically get maybe 4 to 6 at most hits off even with a hard CC. I just wish it was within the relm of possability to actually land all of the skill. Of course, this would require a reduction of damage to maintain roughly the same DPS (although I think the DPS of the skills could be ever so slightly buffed).

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@Tycura.1982 said:With the patch coming and stunbreaks going up in CD I think 100b is going to be just fine even with damage nerf. I don't think it needs a rework. But if it was to get one I'd like an axe 2 style attack. Would be op.

Yeah it probably will be better with stun breaks being less common, but I'm not asking for the skill to change in terms of its power. I think it would feel better and less janky if the cast time and damage were brought down to a 2.5 second cast time, that way it would actually be possible to land the last few hits of the skill on a hard CC'd opponent.

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tbh i would keep the self rooting and cast time, but instead of rooting in place, make the skill displace the character in small distance .like after 2 or 3 slashes, the character move to another angel for attack,

u may think the video looks like scrapper hammer 3, or rev sword 3, but what i have in mind is like a ground targeted AoE with melee animation that displaces warrior character, no enemy follow, no evade


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@"lighter.2708" said:tbh i would keep the self rooting and cast time, but instead of rooting in place, make the skill displace the character in small distance .like after 2 or 3 slashes, the character move to another angel for attack,

u may think the video looks like scrapper hammer 3, or rev sword 3, but what i have in mind is like a ground targeted AoE with melee animation that displaces warrior character, no enemy follow, no evade


That could be very cool. I like the idea of it keeping the Warrior rooted as an exchange for high damage potential, I just feel the skill is really clunky and out of date for PvP. I like your idea but that sounds like a lot of work to code. I don't actually see anything wrong with the skill itself, and its kind of iconic to the Warrior now. I just think the numbers are in pretty dire need of adjustment (namely cast-time with damage adjusted accordingly) and that would be a pretty simple change. If we wanted to turn into a something other than that, I do really like your idea. But realistically, I don't think Anet would ever put in the effort to do it.

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tbh i think gw2 lacks channeling melee skills that makes character move within selected area and only damage within this area, most channeling melee skills simply jumps from enemy to enemy or just follows enemy.

i think rev sword 4 should be AoE as well, would a lot more skillful and fun to play instead of just pressing when u see enemy in range

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