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How long...?

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If you mean literally not logging in at all then about 2 months. The short version is I was away for most of that time and had other things to do when I was at home. If you count times when I was only logging in for daily rewards or to unlock new episodes then it's about 3 months on a few occasions.

(This is over about 7.5 years...or 2,735 days if you want to be precise.)

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I actually stopped playing quit soon after release. Then I got back and finally got my toon to level 80, (still no world completion) and when HoT arrived I went on another long hiatus of more then a year. Then I came back for some reason, did World completion, got really involved in HoT (made Astralaria) and since then I have never really left the game anymore. I now have 7 Legendaries including two trinkets and almost 15k AP, with still almost 13KP on dailies missing..... I still barely do dailies, dunno why I can't be bothered.

The thing I regret is that I pretty much missed the entire LW1 season. :( I remember one event with karka's and that's it.

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I think my record length so far is two weeks. That was when I visited my parents to help my mom after her dual knee replacement since my dad had to leave the house occasionally for errands and leukemia shots. A year later at his funeral I stayed out there for three weeks to keep Mom company, but had an old computer of mine shipped out so I could play GW2.

And now I'm tearing up :( Thinking about my longer term times away from this game will always make me miss Dad.

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Probably 3 years. I bought the game when it was first released, as I was a big fan of GW1 and then was majorly disappointed by the game. I tried again in 2013 but that didn't last and then it was till after HoT was out for a while so 2016. Also that didn't last but got back after PoF and that lasted a while, possibly a year also since I gave HoT and masteries a new try. Since then it's on and off.

I like parts of the game but there's also a bunch of stuff I'm not that excited about and it generally leads to me getting bored with the game and needing to take another break.

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Taking a break right now and playing a lot of SWTOR. Been roughly a month since I've been in GW2. After playing pretty much constantly since GW1 released in 2005 I've finally hit a point that it doesn't hold much for me anymore. Two hours of new content every couple of months just doesn't cut it and I've got nothing left to do.

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