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Can't wait for Anet to GUT thief

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potential of thief reflects on game iq, rotation skill and mechanical skills along with teamwork for 1ups along with knowing who to focus. so you have to be skilled in order to actually excel on thief and not be a liability.

You seem to want to imply that thief is broken and abused by players of all skill levels when it's really just not the case as bad ones stand out easily and get outplayed hard. It's class platform does excel in conquest due to it's role, but that doesn't mean broken when played by average or non-skilled players.

Look at sindrener then look at other thieves. You'll notice the difference between good ones and bad ones within just a few games.

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Thief already is. Like I get that huge dodge uptime pw is annoying but if u are training for dodges then the damage is bad or if I trait for damage it’s good but has less dodges. Also high stealth uptime is annoying but bad rotations or bad mechanics in team fights and ur useless. Thief isn’t as ez as ppl think and even if it is ez if an unskilled thief goes into a skilled one they will most likely be farmed so what exactly if the problem...

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@ZhouX.8742 said:

You seem to want to imply that thief is broken and abused by players of all skill levels when it's really just not the case as bad ones stand out easily and get outplayed hard. It's class platform does excel in conquest due to it's role, but that doesn't mean broken when played by average or non-skilled players.

I really wanna agree, but these days, any thief that knows how to use Black Powder + Leap is just a headache.The fact they can do this nearly endlessly and reset fights over and over is not a very good display of skill imo.

Like majority of the thief players in sPvP right now are just Stealth spam + Staff + Smokescreen.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

You seem to want to imply that thief is broken and abused by players of all skill levels when it's really just not the case as bad ones stand out easily and get outplayed hard. It's class platform does excel in conquest due to it's role, but that doesn't mean broken when played by average or non-skilled players.

I really wanna agree, but these days, any thief that knows how to use Black Powder + Leap is just a headache.The fact they can do this nearly endlessly and reset fights over and over is not a very good display of skill imo.

Like majority of the thief players in sPvP right now are just Stealth spam + Staff + Smokescreen.

You seem to want to imply that thief is broken and abused by players of all skill levels when it's really just not the case as bad ones stand out easily and get outplayed hard. It's class platform does excel in conquest due to it's role, but that doesn't mean broken when played by average or non-skilled players.

I really wanna agree, but these days, any thief that knows how to use Black Powder + Leap is just a headache.The fact they can do this nearly endlessly and reset fights over and over is not a very good display of skill imo.

Like majority of the thief players in sPvP right now are just Stealth spam + Staff + Smokescreen.

staff? you just pointed out how clueless you are with a single word

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@Yasai.3549 said:

staff? you just pointed out how clueless you are with a single word

Stealth Spam = Dagger+Pistol

Staff = Cleave

Smokescreen = Op skill

Am I wrong?

Given that no build uses Staff and Stealth (because that would mean giving up shortbow, and shortbow 5 is literally the main reason thief is a viable pick), yeah, you are. Youre also wrong with people resetting with BP + HS, given how that is just inviting the enemy to kill you in the couple seconds of free hits youre giving them.

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@"UNOwen.7132" said:Given that no build uses Staff and Stealth


@Yasai.3549 said:I really wanna agree, but these days, any thief that knows how to use Black Powder + Leap is just a headache.

Thats a real low bar there. That's like saying any Ryu player that knows how to shoryuken is a headache. Idunno what to tell you if the mechanics you need to perform as thief are annoying other than avoid fighting them. Annoying is the best we can do since anything approaching broken gets tapped down pretty darn fast.

can't say the same about firebrand but that's neither here nor there

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