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Condi rev is so much worse than core necro


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I would fight core necro over condi rev right now 100% of the time. Core necro might have too much sustain right now but at least outside of lich they don't really have anything threatening. Condi rev is just ugh. I had a game last night where I had 30 stacks of torment within the first couple seconds of the engagement against two condi revs. I would have cleansed, but after stacking they just CC lock you. I'm not saying they are "unbeatable" but gods are they supremely unpleasant to deal with. The jury is still out on the balance patch and I'm not enough of a rev player to suggest changes but with as many as I see I'm thinking it's more than just as l2p issue on my part.

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@"Zexanima.7851" said:I would fight core necro over condi rev right now 100% of the time. Core necro might have too much sustain right now but at least outside of lich they don't really have anything threatening. Condi rev is just ugh. I had a game last night where I had 30 stacks of torment within the first couple seconds of the engagement against two condi revs. I would have cleansed, but after stacking they just CC lock you. I'm not saying they are "unbeatable" but gods are they supremely unpleasant to deal with. The jury is still out on the balance patch and I'm not enough of a rev player to suggest changes but with as many as I see I'm thinking it's more than just as l2p issue on my part.

Yes, Condi Rev damage should be nerfed. The amount of condi they can stack in a short amount of time is insane. The dps is more than a Thief burst. The 3 overtuned specs at the moment are FB, Necro, and Condi Rev.

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@Avatar.3568 said:I had also 30 stacks torment in 2v2 and was instant dead

Only 30 I could cast stable 48 stacks after burn cleanses on target before this patch, this is if target lasted that longer lol...

I was melting weavers, tempest, firebrands in just a few seconds before patch ._. Now I a have to put effort.

Imo it feels weaker than before, if it is still strong that what people should point out, but it’s carrying bit less than before.

Maybe people haven’t realized how strong was before since there where other gimmicks to carry.

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Necro sustain might be broken but a condi rev and burn FB have enough AoE CC and AoE condi damage to overwhelm most specs while also being tanks enough to not die so easily.

With necro I think nerfing lich and some sustain makes it manageable. With FB and Rev it’s the sustain and the damage output and the cc output that make them problematic.

In duos of FB and Rev the two are really overly strong when paired together.

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Now imagine two burn guards, are they gonna get nerfed? No. Why should condi rev be nerfed then? Because Firebrands are covering their conditions in duos? Do a thonk, all condition revs got is CC spam and Torment, what needs to get nerfed is not the damage but the CC spam with 35 energy 5 seconds CD, don't kill a class that can be easily controlled and ignored because they have only one condition to output damage with the most telegraphed skills in the game. Two condi revs would be in fact the easiest fight of your life if you had any form of CC consistently output or proper stability application.

You CC a Revenant, they lose half their damage potential per stunbreak, all Herald Condition run is Carrion with no crit change at all which means terrible power damage and since their only condition is Torment you can stand still for the big burst and clear it right after, 30 Torment standing still does less than 15 Burning which is easily applied by 1 burn guard.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

In duos of FB and Rev the two are really overly strong when paired together.

We shouldn’t be balancing around 2v2
though. And 2v2 isn’t necessarily an indication of how it will perform in the overarching 5v5 meta.

I think it will also be strong in the 5v5 meta. The combo of AoE cc is very valuable to locking down an opponent to secure a kill. Sure, in 2v2 the pairing is relatively strong because sustain will matter more than in a 5v5 where sustain can be broken through with multiple players. However, the specs are strong in the damage and cc departments as well (in aoe) which makes balancing them a concern for larger scale PvP as well.

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@saerni.2584 said:Necro sustain might be broken but a condi rev and burn FB have enough AoE CC and AoE condi damage to overwhelm most specs while also being tanks enough to not die so easily.

With necro I think nerfing lich and some sustain makes it manageable. With FB and Rev it’s the sustain and the damage output and the cc output that make them problematic.

In duos of FB and Rev the two are really overly strong when paired together.

The most are playing Necro-Weaver or Necro-FB.there is no place for condi revs

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