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This is the worst meta Ive played

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Ive never before compalined or posted anything, but now I felt like I had to come and say that this patch made pvp awful in my opinion. There are way too big potential for everyone to be so tanky that 1v1 last literally forever.Ive played with many professions, but for example I was holosmith and was 1v2 and they could not killed me, same when I was weaver and many others. I cant kill them, they cant kill me.In one game our team won and everyone of us got the top kills, it was 1 kill! Everyone in our team got one kill during the whole game and we won. I didnt die once and I also didnt play tank or healer. This is just so awful meta atm, so easy to be unkillable. Also I think I heard they wanted to make it more reactional nerfing the passive stunbreaks but the game is so slow now I dont need any reactions anymore.This really is worst the pvp has been for me

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@Jopettaja.7451 said:Ive never before compalined or posted anything, but now I felt like I had to come and say that this patch made pvp awful in my opinion. There are way too big potential for everyone to be so tanky that 1v1 last literally forever.Ive played with many professions, but for example I was holosmith and was 1v2 and they could not killed me, same when I was weaver and many others. I cant kill them, they cant kill me.In one game our team won and everyone of us got the top kills, it was 1 kill! Everyone in our team got one kill during the whole game and we won. I didnt die once and I also didnt play tank or healer. This is just so awful meta atm, so easy to be unkillable. Also I think I heard they wanted to make it more reactional nerfing the passive stunbreaks but the game is so slow now I dont need any reactions anymore.This really is worst the pvp has been for me

If you only get one kill per game, I would suggest trying to improve your gameplay/build. If you want to kill someone invest in damage potential + focus a target with your team. You should see results. Also I assume a lot of players run subooptimal builds for conquest due to the large number of changes + ranked being 2v2, meaning there is no actual meta for 5v5 yet. Be patient the last patch was a shake up, not a balance patch. Balance patches are announced to come in quickly in order to create a more fun gameplay experience.

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@Ghostof Luzifer.6159 said:If you only get one kill per game, I would suggest trying to improve your gameplay/build. If you want to kill someone invest in damage potential + focus a target with your team. You should see results. Also I assume a lot of players run subooptimal builds for conquest due to the large number of changes + ranked being 2v2, meaning there is no actual meta for 5v5 yet. Be patient the last patch was a shake up, not a balance patch. Balance patches are announced to come in quickly in order to create a more fun gameplay experience.

I dont really think there is anything wrong with my gameplay, I just think there is way too much potential to be tanky in this meta when all damage got nerfed. In that 1 kill game the other team had healer tempest and other tanky builds who were unkillabe. But for example in 2v2 I can win alone the other team with holo sometimes and revive forever with scrapper. I just feel its so slow and after damage nerf it is so easy to be super tanky

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@"Jopettaja.7451" said:I dont really think there is anything wrong with my gameplay,Unless you're one of the handful of people who win the monthly AT, you're lying to yourself. There's always room to improve, but if you don't accept that, you never will improve.

I just think there is way too much potential to be tanky in this meta when all damage got nerfed.You don't have to kill in order to win in Conquest; you just need to control the nodes. Before power creep started got out of control in HoT, a "decap" build was a good counter to these tanky builds. If the tanky build can't hold a nose, it's of limited use.

Now that's not saying everything is fine right now. Some things need adjusted. But the general feel is much better than it has been for years.

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@"Exedore.6320" said:Unless you're one of the handful of people who win the monthly AT, you're lying to yourself. There's always room to improve, but if you don't accept that, you never will improve.

Well yeah Im not saying Im the best player in the world, point was I dont think Im worst either and in many of those games I dont think it was about my playing skills why I didnt get kills, or enemies skills why they didnt get to kill me

You don't have to kill in order to win in Conquest; you just need to control the nodes. Before power creep started got out of control in HoT, a "decap" build was a good counter to these tanky builds. If the tanky build can't hold a nose, it's of limited use.

Yes you dont, but I dont find it fun to either fight forever on point or leave and let them cap just so I can go decap everytime they leave, because in some games that seems to be only option.

Also to be more precise not every game is like this. What I ment is that there is way too much Potential to be tanky, and when eveyone go tanky theres no way to kill them anymore atm.

But I do find it more slow some how and not as fun at all with every profession ive tried so far. Again opinion

Thats why I said its worst meta ive palyed, im not saying it is a fact. Just wanted to hear what others think, but I guess people disagree with me then and thats fine, but I still dont like it so far at all

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@"Jopettaja.7451" said:Ive never before compalined or posted anything, but now I felt like I had to come and say that this patch made pvp awful in my opinion. There are way too big potential for everyone to be so tanky that 1v1 last literally forever.Ive played with many professions, but for example I was holosmith and was 1v2 and they could not killed me, same when I was weaver and many others. I cant kill them, they cant kill me.In one game our team won and everyone of us got the top kills, it was 1 kill! Everyone in our team got one kill during the whole game and we won. I didnt die once and I also didnt play tank or healer. This is just so awful meta atm, so easy to be unkillable. Also I think I heard they wanted to make it more reactional nerfing the passive stunbreaks but the game is so slow now I dont need any reactions anymore.This really is worst the pvp has been for me

You're completely correct.

This is the result of dumbing down the game to the point where only 3 builds are really worth playing competitively lol.

Build diversity is completely gone. A lot of builds got reduced to gimmick specs because of how garbage their tradeoffs were.

But high skill right? Isn't it soooo skillful to just throw on the tankiest build possible and facetank every attack for several minutes because there isn't enough damage in the game to down you? Wow so fun, very exciting.

And funnily enough, people are still complaining about damage when several classes are literally forced into full glass builds in order to do anything in a fight.

So yeah... very bad meta atm. It's funny how they wanted to "increase the skill required" yet all it takes for a random, below average player to be unkillable is to just throw on whatever build acts as the biggest meat shield. :joy:

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It is also the worst meta since I have started playing sPvP. What is most disappointing is that we have been through similar metas before and figured out solutions for the issues. Yet some genius decided to reset the clock to 5 years ago, and ignore all what have learned through these years. Even though the players specifically told Anet that this would happen.

In the immortal word of immortal Joe (if anyone gets the ref :# ): mediocre!

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I don't understand why anyone has expectations that the 'meta' should be good right now? ANET didn't balance anything in the last patch? They just nerf bombed the game from orbit (it was the only way to be sure). Now they are watching and observing to see what isn't balanced and needs fixing. The game is literally back in BETA mode right now, at least for competitive modes.

How anyone didn't already see that coming from their patch announcement is beyond me.

So share your feedback - that is what is required right now - but save the shock / surprise and resentment.

You aren't playing a finished game atm (in competitive), so manage your expectations.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:I don't understand why anyone has expectations that the 'meta' should be good right now? ANET didn't balance anything in the last patch? They just nerf bombed the game from orbit (it was the only way to be sure). Now they are watching and observing to see what isn't balanced and needs fixing. The game is literally back in BETA mode right now, at least for competitive modes.

How anyone didn't already see that coming from their patch announcement is beyond me.

So share your feedback - that is what is required right now - but save the shock / surprise and resentment.

You aren't playing a finished game atm (in competitive), so manage your expectations.

^ This is the right way to look at it. Also, this is a great time for building crafting. Don't go grabbing your torches and pitch forks for the first low hanging strong build that pops up. Instead, work on countering it. I've already found a few good counters for core necro and condi rev.

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This is what was lost when they dumbed the game down with HoT and the original power creep, the skill, the mentality of a team PLAYING AS A TEAM and coordinating in some fashion to bring down others, to not mindlessly cleave out downed players but to tactically save cool downs to stomp while another person slowed a rez.

If you think the game was more skilful before this patch then I suggest you don't step outside for 8 months, spring is coming.

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Use the knockbacks + imobilizeor Fear + imobilizeor Mesmer Curtain/pull offhand spellDo some crazy combo ESL S/D theif port 2 >do some feint attacks >get back > Scorpion Wire> Spamm Riffle immobilize >get on base while he is immobilized

If you have an SSD drive , put and start the GW2 from there . You can change characters and you will get into the pvp map in 15 secYou get ''infracted'' as Deserter , if you spent 90 sec total (15+15+15+15sec+15sec+15sec+15sec) in the loading screen per match

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They nerfed damage ratios, the more you invest into damage the harder your nerfed, bunker was an option before patch, now it's over performing.I don't do story modes because they are so slow/boring I fall asleep, now pvp is slow, and boring, I think that was the balance they wanted spvp/wvw was too OP for eRP fantasy soap opera, so there is no skill in spvp/wvw now.When everything hits like a wet noodle it doesn't matter what you dodge, Anet turned competitive modes into costume brawl instead of adding costume brawl content.The problem with balance before was evades on skills/invuln while dealing 1 shot(uncounterable, but easily replaced with aegis/channeled invuln).Anet isn't going to reverse a patch, and the game is unplayable, may as well uninstall.

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How can it be that nobody is dying now? I mean I know power took a huge hit but Condi was so overpowered and brainless that people should be getting wrecked by it now. It doesn't seem like Condi got nerfed THAT much. Was power actually that far out of line this whole time and it was only corrupts and mirrors that were even giving condi builds a chance in the first place? I know the meta hasn't shaken out yet but 'unkillable' doesn't sound right with all the condi complaints we had for so long. Unless it's just that people are taking condi clear now. O.O That would kinda make sense.

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@Tman.6349 said:How can it be that nobody is dying now? I mean I know power took a huge hit but Condi was so overpowered and brainless that people should be getting wrecked by it now. It doesn't seem like Condi got nerfed THAT much. Was power actually that far out of line this whole time and it was only corrupts and mirrors that were even giving condi builds a chance in the first place? I know the meta hasn't shaken out yet but 'unkillable' doesn't sound right with all the condi complaints we had for so long. Unless it's just that people are taking condi clear now. O.O That would kinda make sense.

Condis did get a good shape down, there are not that strong anymore theoreticly, but the problem is, the tanks itself are the condi machines.Also torment is atm, with fire, the most used condi, and it you tank on node, you do not need to walk that much

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@apharma.3741 said:This is what was lost when they dumbed the game down with HoT and the original power creep, the skill, the mentality of a team PLAYING AS A TEAM and coordinating in some fashion to bring down others, to not mindlessly cleave out downed players but to tactically save cool downs to stomp while another person slowed a rez.

If you think the game was more skilful before this patch then I suggest you don't step outside for 8 months, spring is coming.

Coordinating my ass. It is just FBs and necros spamming AOE CCs and AOE condi damage while being nigh indestructible. A 1v2 battle could last upward of a minute. And diversity is down to.. 5-6 competitive builds?

Very skillful indeed. LMAO, I swear the patch was made for clickers so they can keep up.

@Turkeyspit.3965 said:I don't understand why anyone has expectations that the 'meta' should be good right now? ANET didn't balance anything in the last patch? They just nerf bombed the game from orbit (it was the only way to be sure). Now they are watching and observing to see what isn't balanced and needs fixing. The game is literally back in BETA mode right now, at least for competitive modes.

How anyone didn't already see that coming from their patch announcement is beyond me.

So share your feedback - that is what is required right now - but save the shock / surprise and resentment.

You aren't playing a finished game atm (in competitive), so manage your expectations.

Lots of people saw it coming. Anet even admitted that the meta is probably what it is now and basically responded: “we hear, we are just too lazy to fix it.” And test server was suggested so This fuckin broken mess is not released on live.. I think calling this “beta” is too generous.

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@Avatar.3568 said:

@Tman.6349 said:How can it be that nobody is dying now? I mean I know power took a huge hit but Condi was so overpowered and brainless that people should be getting wrecked by it now. It doesn't seem like Condi got nerfed THAT much. Was power actually that far out of line this whole time and it was only corrupts and mirrors that were even giving condi builds a chance in the first place? I know the meta hasn't shaken out yet but 'unkillable' doesn't sound right with all the condi complaints we had for so long. Unless it's just that people are taking condi clear now. O.O That would kinda make sense.

Condis did get a good shape down, there are not that strong anymore theoreticly, but the problem is, the tanks itself are the condi machines.Also torment is atm, with fire, the most used condi, and it you tank on node, you do not need to walk that much

Can't even kill anyone with berserker amulet/glass builds? That's what all the best players (people that don't like condi) have always played b/c it's skillful. There's just no chance for them to outplay in 5v5 conquest now?

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What a surprise!!!


not too long ago; i walked into wvw and pvp and asked myself, what did this patch do? the damages and the gimmicks are everywhere. I literally laughed out loud and we shared the joke amongst ourselves.

'balance' in Guild Wars 2 remains a complete joke once again; Toxicity never left, its symptoms are resurfacing all over again at a full rate because Anet continues to refuse to address its root cause problem

Power damages are returning all over again, condition has return, all this patch did was shoving Toxicity under the rug and guess what, for 8 years....Toxicity can no longer be contain

Bad Design Mesmer Profession and Thief Profession continue to +1 shot, Toxic Stealth is having a party, Toxic mechanics are just laughing away at once again at 'balance' who pretend to take itself seriously.

Guild Wars 2 'balance' is a circus fiesta and will always be because patches after patches, the jokes was already there.

-the next patch after next patch will not result in anything...just a continual laughing meme

-one thing for sure; absolutley no lessons were learned to the patch-

---it's just not worth to take 'balance' serious anymore---

--the game started as a joke and will end as a joke--

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I mean the term condi spam itself should have been enough of a deterrent to bringing it back again but no they weren't happy with the power being scaled way too high so lets bring back something they hate even more. Except this time lets completely nuke thief and warrior out of being playable that will really make them happy.

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@Klypto.1703 said:I mean the term condi spam itself should have been enough of a deterrent to bringing it back again but no they weren't happy with the power being scaled way too high so lets bring back something they hate even more. Except this time lets completely nuke thief and warrior out of being playable that will really make them happy.

everything is coming back...the patch was just a reset....'a slap on the wrist'

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@"apharma.3741" said:This is what was lost when they dumbed the game down with HoT and the original power creep, the skill, the mentality of a team PLAYING AS A TEAM and coordinating in some fashion to bring down others, to not mindlessly cleave out downed players but to tactically save cool downs to stomp while another person slowed a rez.

Quoting this for emphasis because it is a 100% accurate.

What we have today is way closer to what an ability based game should feel like. CDs, stomping, "corpse play", cleaving, peeling, etc. it all matters again. The game play does not revolve around a basic, unavoidable damage rotation anymore that downs anyone who can't answer in kind. You now have to plan your actions carefully. It feels great. I want more of this.

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