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Zeal Symbolbrand Nerf Suggestions (PvP Split)

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  1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.
  2. The symbols on scepter and axe should both be 12s cd
  3. Symbolic Avenger should go from 2% to 1% extra damage per symbol hit
  4. Symbolic Power should go from 30% extra symbol damage to 7% (it's literally a minor trait that increases their damage by 30% lol...)
  5. Symbolic Exposure should go from 2 vulnerability per symbol hit to 1 stack, 5% damage increase to 3% vs. vulnerable foes
  6. Mantra charge cooldowns should go from 12s to 25s.
  7. Furious Focus should go from 1 stack of vulnerability per second with fury to 2 stacks every 3 seconds.
  8. Symbol max targets should be reduced from 5 to 3 (maybe)
  9. Zealous Scepter needs a 2s ICD on the might gain


  1. Firebrands will need to pick whether they buff + deal damage, heal + cleanse, or support instead of all 3 within a short time frame + being able cast them all again with Renewed Focus. Lower cooldowns on tomes to compensate for global cooldown
  2. 50% traited symbol uptime instead of the current 75%
  3. 15% extra damage vs. foes with vulnerability who get hit by symbols instead of the current 45% extra damage (70% extra damage vs. max vuln enemies currently...)
  4. Firebrand will no longer be stack 25 vulnerability on a max of 5 people just by casting 2 symbols
  5. Firebrand will no longer be able to easily stack 25 might on themselves
  6. 20s traited mantra charge cooldowns instead of 9.5s cooldowns
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Well, overall it looks good on paper for once, though IMO "free" access to all 3 tomes is still a bit too much and I would force a choice via traits to pick 1 out of 3 tomes to have all 5 skills and the rest 2 would have first 1-3 skills(or whatever, its hard to even find a way to nerf that). 15 skills for free with such variety in effect is an overkill.Also, increased cd on elite mantra to around 40~50s a minimum, rest mantras around 20~30s.I'm not sure if the nerf to Symbolic Power is necessary TBH, I would rather remove +60 radius increase from Writ of Persistence.Rest of changes look "fine", though I'm a bit worried that these will have not enough impact on bunkers.

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While I agree symbols can become utterly cancerous and need to be looked at, what you are asking here is a significant nerf to other guard builds (must it be core, DH or FB) .To make symbols such a good source of sustain and damage, you need 2 traitlines fully dedicated for them. That's an insane lot. Firebrand can give up on others because of their insanely powerful class mechanics, but core and DH cannot.I'd rather see symbols doing something different than damage and all these trait reworks than a lazy nerf justified on one brokenly designed elite.

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I love how firebrands without any traits and weapons have access to1) Burning (AoE)2) Reflect3) Resistance4) Stunbreak5) CC6) Aegis7) Condi cleanse8) Toughness

I would say remove free utility based skills in tomes so that firebrands actually have to choose their utilities good, lol.

Reflect, resistance, toughness and aegis should go.AoE cc with big tell, stunbreak, burning and mayyyybe condi cleanse is fine.

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@Tayga.3192 said:I love how firebrands without any traits and weapons have access to1) Burning (AoE)2) Reflect3) Resistance4) Stunbreak5) CC6) Aegis7) Condi cleanse8) Toughness

I would say remove free utility based skills in tomes so that firebrands actually have to choose their utilities good, lol.

Reflect, resistance, toughness and aegis should go.AoE cc with big tell, stunbreak, burning and mayyyybe condi cleanse is fine.

I love how Tempests without any traits and weapons have access to:

  • Burning (AoE)
  • Stunbreak x4
  • Protection, Vigor, Regen, Might
  • Condi cleanse
  • AoE heals
  • Lightning field + Fire field
  • Cripple, Bleed, Immobilise, Vulnerability
  • Stability
  • Blast & Whirl finishers

I love how Reapers without any traits and weapons have access to:

  • Leap + Finisher
  • Blind
  • Projectile destruction
  • Stability
  • Damage Reduction
  • Condi-damage reduction
  • Poison
  • Fear
  • Stun
  • Ice-Field

It's almost like balance is more complicated than making stupid lists of stuff out of context.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Suggestions:

  1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.
  2. The symbols on scepter and axe should both be 12s cd
  3. Symbolic Avenger should go from 2% to 1% extra damage per symbol hit
  4. Symbolic Power should go from 30% extra symbol damage to 7% (it's literally a minor trait that increases their damage by 30% lol...)
  5. Symbolic Exposure should go from 2 vulnerability per symbol hit to 1 stack, 5% damage increase to 3% vs. vulnerable foes
  6. Mantra charge cooldowns should go from 12s to 25s.
  7. Furious Focus should go from 1 stack of vulnerability per second with fury to 2 stacks every 3 seconds.
  8. Symbol max targets should be reduced from 5 to 3 (maybe)
  9. Zealous Scepter needs a 2s ICD on the might gain


  1. Firebrands will need to pick whether they buff + deal damage, heal + cleanse, or support instead of all 3 within a short time frame + being able cast them all again with Renewed Focus. Lower cooldowns on tomes to compensate for global cooldown
  2. 50% traited symbol uptime instead of the current 75%
  3. 15% extra damage vs. foes with vulnerability who get hit by symbols instead of the current 45% extra damage (70% extra damage vs. max vuln enemies currently...)
  4. Firebrand will no longer be stack 25 vulnerability on a max of 5 people just by casting 2 symbols
  5. Firebrand will no longer be able to easily stack 25 might on themselves
  6. 20s traited mantra charge cooldowns instead of 9.5s cooldowns

This is actually a pretty good suggestion. I hope ANet take a look at this post.

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A global cooldown on virtues sounds perfect but I don't see the devs doing it any time soon. Instead they could at least rework Renewed Focus for now:

It reduces cooldowns of Virtues by a set amount. F1 by 20 seconds, F2 by 30 seconds, F3 by 45 seconds (= in line with the cooldowns on core virtues).

This is intended to reduce the constant spam of Firebrand virtues by a bit.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Suggestions:

  1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.
  2. The symbols on scepter and axe should both be 12s cd
  3. Symbolic Avenger should go from 2% to 1% extra damage per symbol hit
  4. Symbolic Power should go from 30% extra symbol damage to 7% (it's literally a minor trait that increases their damage by 30% lol...)
  5. Symbolic Exposure should go from 2 vulnerability per symbol hit to 1 stack, 5% damage increase to 3% vs. vulnerable foes
  6. Mantra charge cooldowns should go from 12s to 25s.
  7. Furious Focus should go from 1 stack of vulnerability per second with fury to 2 stacks every 3 seconds.
  8. Symbol max targets should be reduced from 5 to 3 (maybe)
  9. Zealous Scepter needs a 2s ICD on the might gain


  1. Firebrands will need to pick whether they buff + deal damage, heal + cleanse, or support instead of all 3 within a short time frame + being able cast them all again with Renewed Focus. Lower cooldowns on tomes to compensate for global cooldown
  2. 50% traited symbol uptime instead of the current 75%
  3. 15% extra damage vs. foes with vulnerability who get hit by symbols instead of the current 45% extra damage (70% extra damage vs. max vuln enemies currently...)
  4. Firebrand will no longer be stack 25 vulnerability on a max of 5 people just by casting 2 symbols
  5. Firebrand will no longer be able to easily stack 25 might on themselves
  6. 20s traited mantra charge cooldowns instead of 9.5s cooldowns

And this is why you aren't on the balance team. This would decimate these weapons and traits for core specs and go a long way to seeing that dh never uses them either.

Balance is not a vacuum. You're treating it as such. You need to put more thought into this if you want the devs to take you seriously.

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This will do.. nothing but prevent any possibility for power build in sPvP from ever using zeal. Just try to play power FB instead of condi and tell me how it works for you (hint it does not). The only change that zeal line needs is removal of the extra virtue of justice procing, to reduce condi builds effectiveness. This is what makes this entire line useable over virtues for condi builds. If you do not have Mara amulet, symbols barely tickle.

FB 25 vulnerability stacking?! Dude I struggle to do that with zeal and DH spear and SoJ in PvE. Lol.. and 25 might? Common man.. if this was so good everyone should have used it in power builds last meta, but no one did cuz they.. are not. It is not even used in PvE.. And it existed forever.

Axe CD symbol increase makes sense. It was one of the suggestions. Scepter does not. Again, power builds are supposed to... work.

25 secs on mantra? Dude... one cast of healing does 1k and 1 aegis. Do you think this will go on 25 sec CD? No fucking way. I personally think they should increase the healing and increase the CD to 15 secs to reduce aegis spam. Mantra of truth, should go on 15 sec CD and remove the weakness completely. Mantra of lore is too weak to go on CD longer than 12 secs. 1 condi every 12 sec barely registers. The reg is 5 sec. It could be decreased slightly.

The tomes changes are potatoes. The only time skill that should have increased CD is ToC 3. Everything else barely does much.

Other than that, I think aegis heal in homer heal scaling should be dropped like 15%.

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Suggestions:
  1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.
  2. The symbols on scepter and axe should both be 12s cd
  3. Symbolic Avenger should go from 2% to 1% extra damage per symbol hit
  4. Symbolic Power should go from 30% extra symbol damage to 7% (it's literally a
    trait that increases their damage by 30% lol...)
  5. Symbolic Exposure should go from 2 vulnerability per symbol hit to 1 stack, 5% damage increase to 3% vs. vulnerable foes
  6. Mantra charge cooldowns should go from 12s to 25s.
  7. Furious Focus should go from 1 stack of vulnerability per second with fury to 2 stacks every 3 seconds.
  8. Symbol max targets should be reduced from 5 to 3 (maybe)
  9. Zealous Scepter needs a 2s ICD on the might gain

  1. Firebrands will need to pick whether they buff + deal damage, heal + cleanse, or support instead of all 3 within a short time frame + being able cast them all again with Renewed Focus. Lower cooldowns on tomes to compensate for global cooldown
  2. 50% traited symbol uptime instead of the current 75%
  3. 15% extra damage vs. foes with vulnerability who get hit by symbols instead of the current 45% extra damage (70% extra damage vs. max vuln enemies currently...)
  4. Firebrand will no longer be stack 25 vulnerability on a max of 5 people just by casting 2 symbols
  5. Firebrand will no longer be able to easily stack 25 might on themselves
  6. 20s traited mantra charge cooldowns instead of 9.5s cooldowns

And this is why you aren't on the balance team. This would decimate these weapons and traits for core specs and go a long way to seeing that dh never uses them either.

Balance is not a vacuum. You're treating it as such. You need to put more thought into this if you want the devs to take you seriously.

we are waiting for your proposal chief.If they nerfs are too hash they can be buffed back up. Doing nothing is the worst thing they can do.If it takes 2-3weeks of guard not being broken in pvp for once to finally have a shot at balancing it then why not take it?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:Suggestions:

  1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.

I stop reading here.

Might aswell delete the class.

Surprises me how stupid and nonsense people can be. If you wanna change the core mechanic of a class at least come up with something more creative and interesting.

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Having a hard global-cooldown on accessing Tomes would be incredibly clunky, and mean that basically nobody would ever use F1 or F2 again, since F3 is the only one with any real value, and you wouldn't want to restrict your access to F3 for the sake of the crap on F1 and F2.

I don't see why Pages can't be shared across all Tomes, with a charge-recovery of 5s or something. So you can't spam all 15 skills back-to-back, but you do still have some flexibility of what to use when.

I'm fine with the proposed symbol changes.

For the mantra changes, 25s recharge makes sense for Mantra of Truth, but not for the others. Heal mantra gives 1k healing....... giving that a 25s CD is ridiculous.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:I love how Tempests without any traits and weapons have access to:

  • Burning (AoE)
  • Stunbreak x4
  • Protection, Vigor, Regen, Might
  • Condi cleanse
  • AoE heals
  • Lightning field + Fire field
  • Cripple, Bleed, Immobilise, Vulnerability
  • Stability
  • Blast & Whirl finishersFirebrand also has most of these, lol.

I love how Reapers without any traits and weapons have access to:

  • Leap + Finisher
  • Blind
  • Projectile destruction
  • Stability
  • Damage Reduction
  • Condi-damage reduction
  • Poison
  • Fear
  • Stun
  • Ice-FieldI never said tempest and reaper are fine design-wise, but most of reaper's free stuff is damage oriented so it's a bit better.

It's almost like balance is more complicated than making stupid lists of stuff out of context.I think more classes should have the ranger-revenant treatment, if you want utility you have to make a conscious choice to take them.

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@"otto.5684" said:This will do.. nothing but prevent any possibility for power build in sPvP from ever using zeal. Just try to play power FB instead of condi and tell me how it works for you (hint it does not). The only change that zeal line needs is removal of the extra virtue of justice procing, to reduce condi builds effectiveness. This is what makes this entire line useable over virtues for condi builds. If you do not have Mara amulet, symbols barely tickle.

1. FB 25 vulnerability stacking?! Dude I struggle to do that with zeal and DH spear and SoJ in PvE. Lol.. and 25 might? Common man.. if this was so good everyone should have used it in power builds last meta, but no one did cuz they.. are not. It is not even used in PvE.. And it existed forever.

Axe CD symbol increase makes sense. It was one of the suggestions. Scepter does not. Again, power builds are supposed to... work.

2. 25 secs on mantra? Dude... one cast of healing does 1k and 1 aegis. Do you think this will go on 25 sec CD? No kitten way. I personally think they should increase the healing and increase the CD to 15 secs to reduce aegis spam. Mantra of truth, should go on 15 sec CD and remove the weakness completely. Mantra of lore is too weak to go on CD longer than 12 secs. 1 condi every 12 sec barely registers. The reg is 5 sec. It could be decreased slightly.

The tomes changes are potatoes. The only time skill that should have increased CD is ToC 3. Everything else barely does much.

Other than that, I think aegis heal in homer heal scaling should be dropped like 15%.

    • Insane damage on menders amulet
    • Low cooldowns
    • Can quickly stack and maintain 25 might on self
    • Can quickly stack and maintain 25 vulnerability on 5 people
    • On-demand quickness or 9.5s mantra charge cooldowns
    • etc. etc.
  1. Pure of Heart gives 827 healing whenever Aegis blocks an attack. The first two charges of Mantra of Solace heal for 1,256 with the last charge healing for 3,334. A.K.A. not only do you get to negate an important attack potentially every 9.5 seconds, but you also heal yourself and allies for 2,000 health. Anyone who plays Firebrand understands how being able to apply Aegis and Blind + Weakness instantly to 5 people on a ridiculously low cooldown helps mitigate a massive amount of damage in fights.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@TrollingDemigod.3041 said:Also, increased cd on elite mantra to around 40~50s a minimum, rest mantras around 20~30s.

You..... you do know that the cooldown is now 60s? What you're proposing is actually a buff to FB.

People don't even know what it is they're complaining about.

You're right about it, looked at wrong stuff. Being sleepy and checking out things for x e-spec wasn't the wisest idea. My bad~

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@shadowpass.4236 said:Suggestions:
  1. Tomes should have a global cooldown depending on which one was used. Cooldowns should be reduced from 40-50-75 to 30-40-65 to account for the extra skills and global cooldown.
  2. The symbols on scepter and axe should both be 12s cd
  3. Symbolic Avenger should go from 2% to 1% extra damage per symbol hit
  4. Symbolic Power should go from 30% extra symbol damage to 7% (it's literally a
    trait that increases their damage by 30% lol...)
  5. Symbolic Exposure should go from 2 vulnerability per symbol hit to 1 stack, 5% damage increase to 3% vs. vulnerable foes
  6. Mantra charge cooldowns should go from 12s to 25s.
  7. Furious Focus should go from 1 stack of vulnerability per second with fury to 2 stacks every 3 seconds.
  8. Symbol max targets should be reduced from 5 to 3 (maybe)
  9. Zealous Scepter needs a 2s ICD on the might gain

  1. Firebrands will need to pick whether they buff + deal damage, heal + cleanse, or support instead of all 3 within a short time frame + being able cast them all again with Renewed Focus. Lower cooldowns on tomes to compensate for global cooldown
  2. 50% traited symbol uptime instead of the current 75%
  3. 15% extra damage vs. foes with vulnerability who get hit by symbols instead of the current 45% extra damage (70% extra damage vs. max vuln enemies currently...)
  4. Firebrand will no longer be stack 25 vulnerability on a max of 5 people just by casting 2 symbols
  5. Firebrand will no longer be able to easily stack 25 might on themselves
  6. 20s traited mantra charge cooldowns instead of 9.5s cooldowns

And this is why you aren't on the balance team. This would decimate these weapons and traits for core specs and go a long way to seeing that dh never uses them either.

Balance is not a vacuum. You're treating it as such. You need to put more thought into this if you want the devs to take you seriously.

we are waiting for your proposal chief.If they nerfs are too hash they can be buffed back up. Doing nothing is the worst thing they can do.If it takes 2-3weeks of guard not being broken in pvp for once to finally have a shot at balancing it then why not take it?

No. Doing the wrong thing is far worse. Do you even stop for minute to wonder why the devs are silent until the dust settles. You're the very reason for it. Maybe if you're not able distinguish guard from FB you might go read up a bit prior to anything.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@"otto.5684" said:This will do.. nothing but prevent any possibility for power build in sPvP from ever using zeal. Just try to play power FB instead of condi and tell me how it works for you (hint it does not). The only change that zeal line needs is removal of the extra virtue of justice procing, to reduce condi builds effectiveness. This is what makes this entire line useable over virtues for condi builds. If you do not have Mara amulet, symbols barely tickle.

1. FB 25 vulnerability stacking?! Dude I struggle to do that with zeal and DH spear and SoJ in PvE. Lol.. and 25 might? Common man.. if this was so good everyone should have used it in power builds last meta, but no one did cuz they.. are not. It is not even used in PvE.. And it existed forever.

Axe CD symbol increase makes sense. It was one of the suggestions. Scepter does not. Again, power builds are supposed to... work.

2. 25 secs on mantra? Dude... one cast of healing does 1k and 1 aegis. Do you think this will go on 25 sec CD? No kitten way. I personally think they should increase the healing and increase the CD to 15 secs to reduce aegis spam. Mantra of truth, should go on 15 sec CD and remove the weakness completely. Mantra of lore is too weak to go on CD longer than 12 secs. 1 condi every 12 sec barely registers. The reg is 5 sec. It could be decreased slightly.

The tomes changes are potatoes. The only time skill that should have increased CD is ToC 3. Everything else barely does much.

Other than that, I think aegis heal in homer heal scaling should be dropped like 15%.
    • Insane damage on
    • Low cooldowns
    • Can quickly stack and maintain 25 might on self
    • Can quickly stack and maintain 25 vulnerability on 5 people
    • On-demand quickness or 9.5s mantra charge cooldowns
    • etc. etc.
  1. Pure of Heart gives 827 healing whenever Aegis blocks an attack. The first two charges of Mantra of Solace heal for 1,256 with the last charge healing for 3,334. A.K.A. not only do you get to negate an important attack potentially every 9.5 seconds, but you also heal yourself and allies for 2,000 health. Anyone who plays Firebrand understands how being able to apply Aegis and Blind + Weakness instantly to 5 people on a ridiculously low cooldown helps mitigate a massive amount of damage in fights.

I could argue, but this is just too silly. Menders and power damage? And using mender heal values for heals comparisons? I can use that on heal capacity of any class and it would seem OP. FB cannot stack anywhere close to 25 might or 25 vulnerability... in PvE. Plus sPvP players are not automatons. You would be lucky if you manage to hit 2 players with the symbols. And 90% of the time you will only hit the initial cast plus a sec or less.

FB is out performing, for many reasons (which clearly you do not understand). We cannot do class balance around semi blind people.

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@otto.5684 said:

@otto.5684 said:This will do.. nothing but prevent any possibility for power build in sPvP from ever using zeal. Just try to play power FB instead of condi and tell me how it works for you (hint it does not). The only change that zeal line needs is removal of the extra virtue of justice procing, to reduce condi builds effectiveness. This is what makes this entire line useable over virtues for condi builds. If you do not have Mara amulet, symbols barely tickle.

1. FB 25 vulnerability stacking?! Dude I struggle to do that with zeal and DH spear and SoJ in PvE. Lol.. and 25 might? Common man.. if this was so good everyone should have used it in power builds last meta, but no one did cuz they.. are not. It is not even used in PvE.. And it existed forever.

Axe CD symbol increase makes sense. It was one of the suggestions. Scepter does not. Again, power builds are supposed to... work.

2. 25 secs on mantra? Dude... one cast of healing does 1k and 1 aegis. Do you think this will go on 25 sec CD? No kitten way. I personally think they should increase the healing and increase the CD to 15 secs to reduce aegis spam. Mantra of truth, should go on 15 sec CD and remove the weakness completely. Mantra of lore is too weak to go on CD longer than 12 secs. 1 condi every 12 sec barely registers. The reg is 5 sec. It could be decreased slightly.

The tomes changes are potatoes. The only time skill that should have increased CD is ToC 3. Everything else barely does much.

Other than that, I think aegis heal in homer heal scaling should be dropped like 15%.
    • Insane damage on
    • Low cooldowns
    • Can quickly stack and maintain 25 might on self
    • Can quickly stack and maintain 25 vulnerability on 5 people
    • On-demand quickness or 9.5s mantra charge cooldowns
    • etc. etc.
  1. Pure of Heart gives 827 healing whenever Aegis blocks an attack. The first two charges of Mantra of Solace heal for 1,256 with the last charge healing for 3,334. A.K.A. not only do you get to negate an important attack potentially every 9.5 seconds, but you also heal yourself and allies for 2,000 health. Anyone who plays Firebrand understands how being able to apply Aegis and Blind + Weakness instantly to 5 people on a ridiculously low cooldown helps mitigate a massive amount of damage in fights.

I could argue, but this is just too silly. Menders and power damage? And using mender heal values for heals comparisons? I can use that on heal capacity of any class and it would seem OP. FB cannot stack anywhere close to 25 might or 25 vulnerability... in PvE. Plus sPvP players are not automatons. You would be lucky if you manage to hit 2 players with the symbols. And 90% of the time you will only hit the initial cast plus a sec or less.

FB is out performing, for many reasons (which clearly you do not understand). We cannot do class balance around semi blind people.

What are you talking about??? That is literally the Zeal Symbolbrand meta build. Firebrands are either running this or Virtues Sagebrand.

The video demonstrates how easily 25 might and vulnerability is achieved and maintained. Those golems died so fast there wasn't even enough time to wrack up all of the damage modifiers.

On side nodes or maps where the mid node is not the size of Legacy Mid, these symbols essentially cover the entire point. If you want to have any presence on the node and not give them up for free, you're going to have to stand in these symbols. The modifiers and might generation can trigger off of AI too like pets or clones. Not to mention that these symbols can cleave ridiculously well on top of passively regening allies, debuffing enemies, and providing important offensive and defensive boons.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:What are you talking about??? That is literally the Zeal Symbolbrand meta build. Firebrands are either running this or Virtues Sagebrand.The video demonstrates how easily 25 might and vulnerability is achieved and maintained. Those golems died so fast there wasn't even enough time to wrack up all of the damage modifiers.On side nodes or maps where the mid node is not the size of Legacy Mid, these symbols essentially cover the entire point. If you want to have any presence on the node and not give them up for free, you're going to have to stand in these symbols. The modifiers and might generation can trigger off of AI too like pets or clones. Not to mention that these symbols can cleave ridiculously well on top of passively regening allies, debuffing enemies, and providing important offensive and defensive boons.

Nerf Symbols and you delete large portion of DH and Core Guard who are not over-performing.Firebrands will opt to use other parts of core Guardian still be over-performing.

Just because Firebrands also use a core mechanic while stacking over-performing stuff exclusive to the elite-spec, doesn't make the core mechanic automatically over-perform.

The root and entirety of the problem lies within Firebrand itself, not in core Guardian.

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