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25k ranger spikes out of stealth are ok still?


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@Rickster.8752 said:

@"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

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@Madisonlee.9641 said:

@"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

Yeah i think that too. I wish ppl would make some simple tests with maul, for example, to end once for all these types of thread. Like zerk vs zerk, zerk vs bunker and then bunker vs bunker.To me high numbers are acceptable in a zerk vs zerk situation. A 16k dmg agasint a bunker(ish) with high toughness is not, tho.

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@dtox.8397 said:

@"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

Yeah i think that too. I wish ppl would make some simple tests with maul, for example, to end once for all these types of thread. Like zerk vs zerk, zerk vs bunker and then bunker vs bunker.To me high numbers are acceptable in a zerk vs zerk situation. A 16k dmg agasint a bunker(ish) with high toughness is not, tho.

I do not feel in zerk v. zerk hitting 16k with a single ability is acceptable unless it's on a long cooldown and setup. With 6s of stealth access, it's an outlier for sure.

Go from zerk Soulbeast to Engi, Guardian, Revenant, Ele, you'll notice you are doing 33%-66% of the damage output.

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

Yeah i think that too. I wish ppl would make some simple tests with maul, for example, to end once for all these types of thread. Like zerk vs zerk, zerk vs bunker and then bunker vs bunker.To me high numbers are acceptable in a zerk vs zerk situation. A 16k dmg agasint a bunker(ish) with high toughness is not, tho.

I do not feel in zerk v. zerk hitting 16k with a single ability is acceptable unless it's on a long cooldown and setup. With 6s of stealth access, it's an outlier for sure.

Go from zerk Soulbeast to Engi, Guardian, Revenant, Ele, you'll notice you are doing 33%-66% of the damage output.

Carefully chosen class arguments I see, as you probably know full well that thief and mes can burst from stealth and one shot other glass as well (though it's a LOT harder on thief now), and DH can do it too from stealth with trapper runes (I run one that gets 10K+ tests of faith and true shots on other glass, hitting the traps is a death sentence)

I am not good with my zerk ele, but check out cellofrag's one shot ele video (pre-patch but still works post patch to the same degree that one shot Slb does in terms of the damage)

Though I don't play them, I have seen wars and necros that hit like absolute trucks vs glass.

The only two classes that your argument might stand for in my opinion (in terms of damage, I'm not talking about active defense because we all know stealth is a giant help) is Rev and Engi, because I play neither so can't personally confirm nor have I seen one shot variants running around post-patch. (pre-patch I saw one particular Holo build ran by one holo only that would consistently one shot from stealth. I can't remember his name but me and him would always joke that we would just be trading stealth one shots @ eachother the entire match)

All of this being said, we can shave off WI or Maul even more so that it hits for a bit lower on glass if you feel it hits too hard for a single ability, or perhaps increase CDs, or change modifiers etc, just don't push it too far.

You are definitely a top tier player and probably should be listened to by devs more than me but, the one thing I'm freaked out about is reverting to a bunker meta, and all of these posts about power damage on forums are really peeving me off since power was shaved so drastically this patch. My thought process is this: ok, people have a problem with being one shot for 16k on glass. Let's get that nerfed to 10k on glass. What that does is make ranger's hardest hitting ability, perhaps THE hardest hitting single ability in the game (WI), do maybe what. . . .sub-5k on a bunker? I can't do the math but probably something around there, meaning full blown bunker meta where nothing ever dies, or perhaps a condo meta, the likes of both I argue are ALREADY starting to emerge.

Point is be careful what you ask for.

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

Yeah i think that too. I wish ppl would make some simple tests with maul, for example, to end once for all these types of thread. Like zerk vs zerk, zerk vs bunker and then bunker vs bunker.To me high numbers are acceptable in a zerk vs zerk situation. A 16k dmg agasint a bunker(ish) with high toughness is not, tho.

I do not feel in zerk v. zerk hitting 16k with a single ability is acceptable unless it's on a long cooldown and setup. With 6s of stealth access, it's an outlier for sure.

Go from zerk Soulbeast to Engi, Guardian, Revenant, Ele, you'll notice you are doing 33%-66% of the damage output.

Agree. 16k for a single ability shouldn't happen when the ranger/thief can stealth first. That is how people quit gw2. Stuff like that with 0 counter play needs to end. It is way better after the patch but still not acceptable at all.

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@Lordrosicky.5813 said:

@"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

Yeah i think that too. I wish ppl would make some simple tests with maul, for example, to end once for all these types of thread. Like zerk vs zerk, zerk vs bunker and then bunker vs bunker.To me high numbers are acceptable in a zerk vs zerk situation. A 16k dmg agasint a bunker(ish) with high toughness is not, tho.

I do not feel in zerk v. zerk hitting 16k with a single ability is acceptable unless it's on a long cooldown and setup. With 6s of stealth access, it's an outlier for sure.

Go from zerk Soulbeast to Engi, Guardian, Revenant, Ele, you'll notice you are doing 33%-66% of the damage output.

Agree. 16k for a single ability shouldn't happen when the ranger/thief can stealth first. That is how people quit gw2. Stuff like that with 0 counter play needs to end. It is way better after the patch but still not acceptable at all.

Then why not argue to balance stealth rather than nerf damage and shift toward bunker meta?

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Maul needs to be on a15 second cooldown not the 4 it is nowBut not just maul needs a longer cd......rapid fire also should be 15 seconds at least.....ranger has some of the lowest dps cd skills in the game with the biggest benifit in game 1500 range.

That's fair, since hilt bash resets maul a 15 sec cd would def be a fair nerf in terms of sustained DPS, but it wouldn't help you not be one shot by them though, and so people would still cry. People will ALWAYS find something to cry about, even if it's not remotely being used in high tier play.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Maul needs to be on a15 second cooldown not the 4 it is nowBut not just maul needs a longer cd......rapid fire also should be 15 seconds at least.....ranger has some of the lowest dps cd skills in the game with the biggest benifit in game 1500 range.

Imagine Maul on a 15 second cooldown. What exactly would we kill people with? Maul is literally the only skill on ranger greatsword that does non-insignificant damage and it only hits that hard on marksmanship and/or glass soulbeast builds.

And what would we do against people that aren't AFK and actually dodge things?

Nerfing the cooldown to 15 seconds would just completely gut non-meme glass ranger builds and delete the weapon from play entirely.

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@"primatos.5413" said:Yay works as int... wait.. thought they brought down everything?!

Maul: Reduced power coefficient from 1.75 to 1.5.14,3% nerf :)

Should have been 30%. It needs to be 1.25

Don't pretend you wouldn't be here making the same exact post if that maul had been 12k instead of 16k XD

We got peeps in other threads complaining about sub-10k numbers from WI and Maul, so basically anything you die to should be nerfed and people won't stop crying until no one ever dies.

Oh wait we got that post HoT bunker meta, and then people cried that no one died and game was slow and boring so devs wanted to make things "feel dangerous" again and up crept the power since.

It's like a friggin yo-yo man XD

Yeah i think that too. I wish ppl would make some simple tests with maul, for example, to end once for all these types of thread. Like zerk vs zerk, zerk vs bunker and then bunker vs bunker.To me high numbers are acceptable in a zerk vs zerk situation. A 16k dmg agasint a bunker(ish) with high toughness is not, tho.

I do not feel in zerk v. zerk hitting 16k with a single ability is acceptable unless it's on a long cooldown and setup. With 6s of stealth access, it's an outlier for sure.

Go from zerk Soulbeast to Engi, Guardian, Revenant, Ele, you'll notice you are doing 33%-66% of the damage output.

Only hitting 16k with sic em (28s CD), after a CC... so take down (20s cd tarited), hilt bash (16s cd) traited, or countertattck (20s cd) - though this last one usually knocks them out of the range. You also have to be merged with your pet. And then get an interrupt. This will proc 6 different traits and you need sic em. So you have to align a bunch of stuff

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The reason this is possible is only becuz of damage modifiers- anet did reduce power creep and pretty well imo but in most cases didn’t touch modifiers, actually some got buffed.The reason this is ok imo is becuz the way they did it truly reduces spam- let’s look at thief rq they nerfed damage in bounding dodger really hard now it barely tickles but increased the modifier to 15%. This means that I won’t win just by spamming dodges or rather I’ll win half as fast but if I do want to burst it’ll hit almost as hard as it would, hence less spam. Though there are some problems in some cases such as how staff thief builds are reduced to vault only builds which are spammy in nature, but the spam is overall less likely to succeed hence successful patch

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Is the problem Sic em? Is the problem Marksmanship (I traitline vastly underused until now)? Is the problem people not playing counters to power ranger like thief, power rev, etc,? is that people just need to find better ways/efficiency of playing to not get interrupted in melee range?

Greatsword should do damage. and a full zerker soulbeast with every dps enhancer should do big damage.... other things do big damage. No ones complaining about berzerker or power mesmer or dead eye. So what's a reasonable number for a fully enhance maul to hit for? How do we get it there without ruining GS, marskmanship, or core ranger?

Because if you nerf marksmanship, that's like nerfing shadow arts thief. its a traitline that isnt used much except for some people spamming thieves guild. If you nerf sic em though, (thats probably fine). but then soulbeast will still get like 12k mauls after interrupts and everything. I just don't see how you nerf 6 traits, a utility, and a class mechanic without deep rippling consequences.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Eddbopkins.2630 said:Maul needs to be on a15 second cooldown not the 4 it is nowBut not just maul needs a longer cd......rapid fire also should be 15 seconds at least.....ranger has some of the lowest dps cd skills in the game with the biggest benifit in game 1500 range.

Imagine Maul on a 15 second cooldown. What exactly would we kill people with? Maul is literally the only skill on ranger greatsword that does non-insignificant damage and it only hits that hard on marksmanship and/or glass soulbeast builds.

And what would we do against people that aren't AFK and actually dodge things?

Nerfing the cooldown to 15 seconds would just completely gut non-meme glass ranger builds and delete the weapon from play entirely.

Thats a cute argument. Are there any melee power classes that can hit for 15k with ONE skill anymore? I don’t think so. How do they kill things?

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"Not one time in the history of GW2 Ranger was a skillful class, one pet is still too many" Vallun 2k20 xD

Just as for Mesmer, that is the problem when you nerf around the real issues. Just give Soulbeast the pet swap back and finally rework pets into something that is balanced. Holy cow!

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@BarnacleBoy.6918 said:

Thats a cute argument. Are there any melee power classes that can hit for 15k with ONE skill anymore? I don’t think so. How do they kill things?

Warrior Eviscerate can hit for those numbers.

Can other professions in GW2 do that damage by pressing multiple keys? Or is OP only the damage that can be done with a single ability?

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