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Mesmer needs buff


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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

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@"Ithilwen.1529" said:The thread has basically ignored an important point: Core Mesmer has been nerfed to the point that it is nearly unplayable.

While I appreciate the desire for "skilled" play... I also believe there is nothing wrong with a more passive style. MM Necro is one example.

Mesmer clones are untenably weak for both Chrono and core Mesmer because of this emphasis on Ambush.

Mirage isn't the only spec and there are those of us who simply don't want to play it.

Clones need to be stronger , since phantasm Mesmer has been removed from the game.

No one liked MM Necro or Turret Engi for good reasons. Passive style is not ok. Ppl cry about Ranger pet dmg in one thread so be consistent and cry about passive clone dmg too. It is all the same balance issue. Npcs should not have remarkable dmg or hard cc (at max they can have a short daze) on passive skills. Simple!

@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:@"Ithilwen.1529" makes a good point that deleting or moving condi clone damage to the Mirage player's Ambush leaves core Mesmer and Chrono with one less build option.That is why i said the clone ambush dmg and clone normal autoattack dmg should be moved to shatters and not to Mirages own ambushes.

Seems like a possible place for an Anet Trade-offâ„¢. Clone damage can be higher on core Mes, but virtually zero on Mirage. EDIT: Of course, they should reverse not-so-good "trade-offs" like one-dodge Mirage while they're at it.

See above and above but yes that would at least be better than the one dodge change, and it would only affec Condimirage what is the only op playstyle on Mirage and would not dumb down Powermirage for no reasons.

@Khalisto.5780 said:nah, they haven't nerfed infinite horizons yet

Why should they? IH does nothing. It has no dmg or multiplier included you could nerf. IH is not the reason Condimirage was op and passive, neither is MC. In fact IH is what adds massive skill ceiling to the spec if ambushes are designed well (like on sword/greatsword).

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

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@bravan.3876 Not everyone is a 20 y/o male with reflexes and hand to eye coordination to match.There is nothing wrong with a more passive playstyle.

It's a disservice to the game to keep trying to exclude players by making the game harder to play.

Ranger with it's largely passive pet and MM Necro are still in very regular use. There is no reason Mesmer needs to be exclusionary.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about fucking downstate phantasm lol

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Phantasmal_RogueI googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

I feel like something is missing from this story tbh. Not saying it can't, but Phantasmal Rogue hitting 7K backstab on a medium armor target seems.. unlikely? I honestly don't know. If someone better at crunching the numbers says it's possible, I'll believe it.

"all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k" --> sounds like you were hit by a shatter? Maybe your opponent ordered a shatter before going downed, and the lovely AI pathfinding caused a delayed shatter? Then the PR finished you off?

I did something similar to a DE in 1v1 recently. My Phantasmal Mage with its S+ timing and targeting (/s) downed the DE right after I was downed. This put him in downstate with a long burn stack and some confusion, which he was making worse by using his downstate 1 ability on me. Then I rallied after my PR finished him.

Point is, maybe you were downed by more than just PR?

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

I feel like something is missing from this story tbh. Not saying it can't, but Phantasmal Rogue hitting 7K backstab on a medium armor target seems.. unlikely? I honestly don't know. If someone better at crunching the numbers says it's possible, I'll believe it.

"all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k" --> sounds like you were hit by a shatter? Maybe your opponent ordered a shatter before going downed, and the lovely AI pathfinding caused a delayed shatter? Then the PR finished you off?

I did something similar to a DE in 1v1 recently. My Phantasmal Mage with its S+ timing and targeting (/s) downed the DE right after I was downed. This put him in downstate with a long burn stack and some confusion, which he was making worse by using his downstate 1 ability on me. Then I rallied after my PR finished him.

Point is, maybe you were downed by more than just PR?

nah, phantasms hit high numbers due to them using thier own weapon numbers that are twice as high if not more of other weapons.so even tho it has 1.15 coof its actually 2.3+ and bonus from back hit pushes it to almost 3.0 coof. almost as much as pet autoattack.I have seen up to 15k rogues before the patch.And now its propably even possible to hit bigger numbers if you get might and oponent still somehow has 20+ vunl stacks.mostly its just 2-8k hits

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

pet doesnt vanish after it misses :D

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

pet doesnt vanish after it misses :D

Do u guys know how to play mirage? I'm just asking cuz I literally played two games in a row where a gs mirage was insta burting my 16k+ hp in literally a sec and all while from stealth. Not only does mesmer not need any buffs it actually needs its bursts severely lowered. U guys whining that it has no damage leads me to believe u dont know ur class because both these mesmers were doing easy 14k bursts from stealth and ur whining about pets or rangers 5k+ bursts in other threads lmao u guys are ridiculous and have zero right asking for nerfs on any classes when urs needs heavier nerfs :)

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

I feel like something is missing from this story tbh. Not saying it can't, but Phantasmal Rogue hitting 7K backstab on a medium armor target seems.. unlikely? I honestly don't know. If someone better at crunching the numbers says it's possible, I'll believe it.

"all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k" --> sounds like you were hit by a shatter? Maybe your opponent ordered a shatter before going downed, and the lovely AI pathfinding caused a delayed shatter? Then the PR finished you off?

I did something similar to a DE in 1v1 recently. My Phantasmal Mage with its S+ timing and targeting (/s) downed the DE right after I was downed. This put him in downstate with a long burn stack and some confusion, which he was making worse by using his downstate 1 ability on me. Then I rallied after my PR finished him.

Point is, maybe you were downed by more than just PR?

nah, phantasms hit high numbers due to them using thier own weapon numbers that are twice as high if not more of other weapons.so even tho it has 1.15 coof its actually 2.3+ and bonus from back hit pushes it to almost 3.0 coof. almost as much as pet autoattack.I have seen up to 15k rogues before the patch.And now its propably even possible to hit bigger numbers if you get might and oponent still somehow has 20+ vunl stacks.mostly its just 2-8k hits

Ok. I was watching my PR extra carefully today because of this discussion and I wasn't seeing higher than 2K-ish backstabs. Maybe I got a dud. :pensive:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

pet doesnt vanish after it misses :D

Do u guys know how to play mirage? I'm just asking cuz I literally played two games in a row where a gs mirage was insta burting my 16k+ hp in literally a sec and all while from stealth. Not only does mesmer not need any buffs it actually needs its bursts severely lowered. U guys whining that it has no damage leads me to believe u dont know ur class because both these mesmers were doing easy 14k bursts from stealth and ur whining about pets or rangers 5k+ bursts in other threads lmao u guys are ridiculous and have zero right asking for nerfs on any classes when urs needs heavier nerfs :)

I don't play GS-burst or anything with more stealth than Torch 4, so I promise it wasn't me. ^^

Isn't that build a glass cannon that dies as easily as it kills, especially after baiting its only dodge? The core mes version is probably better.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

pet doesnt vanish after it misses :D

Do u guys know how to play mirage? I'm just asking cuz I literally played two games in a row where a gs mirage was insta burting my 16k+ hp in literally a sec and all while from stealth. Not only does mesmer not need any buffs it actually needs its bursts severely lowered. U guys whining that it has no damage leads me to believe u dont know ur class because both these mesmers were doing easy 14k bursts from stealth and ur whining about pets or rangers 5k+ bursts in other threads lmao u guys are ridiculous and have zero right asking for nerfs on any classes when urs needs heavier nerfs :)

Have you ever played mirage?Maybe you can upload your video to let me see what is a good mirage? I suggest that who lose to mirage stop playing PVP immediately

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@Avatar.3568 said:first: i play ranger not mesmer.second: mesmer are just food and a legit free kill in 2vs2 or conquest !!third: kitten what to buff but pls buff the class is dead !!!!! (listen to the players)

first you play mesmersecond when mesmer was hiting for 20k+ from stealth you werent asking for debuffs so now you shouldnt be asking for buffs either.third they listen to the players thats why we have damage reduction in most classes i will agree that mesmer got nerfed harder than others but im sure the nerfs will continue and in the end it will be fair cause right know.....yea nerfs arent spread equally

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@bravan.3876 said:Btw the EM change is probably what keeps Anet away from reverting that one dodge change, because with 2 dodges 2 condis removed with EM will be insanely broken. Sadly it seems Anet has no better idea what to do with that trait even though there were more than one suggestion made for a rework (incl from me).

If this is true I find it morbidly disheartening that they can't just change it to 1 clear per evade....

Also anyone here complaining about GS shatter combos really needs to learn how to dodge. If it's coming from a core, I can almost sympathize but in a 2v2 setting you shouldn't be blindsided even with PU mesmer, it doesn't get that much stealth to make it particularly hard to anticipate.

and without PU the GS shatter combo is stupid easy to avoid, like you can almost literally feel it about to land... If I can avoid it from other mesmers (Including by some of pretty high up their in rankings) with one dodge; none of you have an excuse. And that refreshes a lot slower than a backstab who gets much more stealth.

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

I feel like something is missing from this story tbh. Not saying it can't, but Phantasmal Rogue hitting 7K backstab on a medium armor target seems.. unlikely? I honestly don't know. If someone better at crunching the numbers says it's possible, I'll believe it.

"all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k" --> sounds like you were hit by a shatter? Maybe your opponent ordered a shatter before going downed, and the lovely AI pathfinding caused a delayed shatter? Then the PR finished you off?

I did something similar to a DE in 1v1 recently. My Phantasmal Mage with its S+ timing and targeting (/s) downed the DE right after I was downed. This put him in downstate with a long burn stack and some confusion, which he was making worse by using his downstate 1 ability on me. Then I rallied after my PR finished him.

Point is, maybe you were downed by more than just PR?

nah, phantasms hit high numbers due to them using thier own weapon numbers that are twice as high if not more of other weapons.so even tho it has 1.15 coof its actually 2.3+ and bonus from back hit pushes it to almost 3.0 coof. almost as much as pet autoattack.I have seen up to 15k rogues before the patch.And now its propably even possible to hit bigger numbers if you get might and oponent still somehow has 20+ vunl stacks.mostly its just 2-8k hits

Ok. I was watching my PR extra carefully today because of this discussion and I wasn't seeing higher than 2K-ish backstabs. Maybe I got a dud. :pensive:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

pet doesnt vanish after it misses :D

Do u guys know how to play mirage? I'm just asking cuz I literally played two games in a row where a gs mirage was insta burting my 16k+ hp in literally a sec and all while from stealth. Not only does mesmer not need any buffs it actually needs its bursts severely lowered. U guys whining that it has no damage leads me to believe u dont know ur class because both these mesmers were doing easy 14k bursts from stealth and ur whining about pets or rangers 5k+ bursts in other threads lmao u guys are ridiculous and have zero right asking for nerfs on any classes when urs needs heavier nerfs :)

I don't play GS-burst or anything with more stealth than Torch 4, so I promise it wasn't me. ^^

Isn't that build a glass cannon that dies as easily as it kills, especially after baiting its only dodge? The core mes version is probably better.

You can definitely hit high numbers on backstab as high as a mesmer burst if not more, without the effort, you just have to do what you do on mesmer, choose all damage traits.

As for the rest of the conversation on this thread thieves complaining about mesmers make my heart warm. Any thief that dies against a mesmer should have their game autouninstalled. Mesmer is a free meal for thieves.

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@bravan.3876 said:

@Crozame.4098 said:Free kill? If it is severely underpowered then at least one duoQ with mirage would not be able to win DuoQs with cancer builds and top players.

What kind of logic is that? Ofc when players are 10000 times better than others they can make up stuff work. Just as low skilled noobs can win vs much better players only because of buildcarry.

...... They are also against top players. So they are not 10000 times better. Maybe slightly better, but cannot compensate if the builds are as you mentioned, very very weak.

Barely, most times i see them vs clearly worse wannabe goods or simple nonames. Maybe they get q dodged a lot, no clue. And Sindrener does a lot with his Thief to make that comp work. But i am not even saying Condimirage is unplayable, why should it? Anet didn't fix the real issues at all. They just forced Mirages more into toxic retargeting mechanic and from an offensive passive dodge trait (passive because of the condi ambushes, not because of IH itself) to a mostly passive defensive dodge trait (EM), which is rly strong right now, because condis are stronger than power dmg atm. The change didn't add any skill ceiling to Mirage, they just deleted all potential skill ceiling Condimirage could get with reworked condi ambushes.

I am just saying your logic doesn't make sense. Also even for Condimirage (what is still braindead spammy and passive) you barely see anyone else except Misha playing it successful. Maybe it could be few more when you give them a Sindrener at their side too but still it makes more sense and is a way easier life to play Ele, Necro, FB... most other classes,... than a Condimirage, not to mention Powermirage what is now even more only something for masochists.

I mean, I am simply saying mirage is ok, and might not need a buff. Thats all I am trying to say. And you said it is not unplayable.Regarding the logical part. If it is completely garbage, then no one can make it work. . I don't see why its flawed. Also, there was just a video on forum: power mirage & rev got into plat, and I think they are not those who consistently make to the finals of the MATs.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

Mesmer downed 3 is a phantasm which hits for crazy damage.

It has limited range, quite long casting time, on top of the long casting time the phantasm attack itself has a long casting time, the phantasm sometimes wait one or two seconds before attacking, and can be stunned\cleaved before it hits. There's a trait to give quickness to phantasms, but quickness on phantasms is apparently bugged and doesn't work.

Now let me get this straight, if you were downed by that thing you kinda deserved it, it's probably the easiest skill to dodge in the mesmer arsenal.

Or, if it was a shatter.A class with max resources used them against you all at once; it dealt damage. Crazy how that works, huh?

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

I feel like something is missing from this story tbh. Not saying it can't, but Phantasmal Rogue hitting 7K backstab on a medium armor target seems.. unlikely? I honestly don't know. If someone better at crunching the numbers says it's possible, I'll believe it.

"all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k" --> sounds like you were hit by a shatter? Maybe your opponent ordered a shatter before going downed, and the lovely AI pathfinding caused a delayed shatter? Then the PR finished you off?

I did something similar to a DE in 1v1 recently. My Phantasmal Mage with its S+ timing and targeting (/s) downed the DE right after I was downed. This put him in downstate with a long burn stack and some confusion, which he was making worse by using his downstate 1 ability on me. Then I rallied after my PR finished him.

Point is, maybe you were downed by more than just PR?

nah, phantasms hit high numbers due to them using thier own weapon numbers that are twice as high if not more of other weapons.so even tho it has 1.15 coof its actually 2.3+ and bonus from back hit pushes it to almost 3.0 coof. almost as much as pet autoattack.I have seen up to 15k rogues before the patch.And now its propably even possible to hit bigger numbers if you get might and oponent still somehow has 20+ vunl stacks.mostly its just 2-8k hits

Ok. I was watching my PR extra carefully today because of this discussion and I wasn't seeing higher than 2K-ish backstabs. Maybe I got a dud. :pensive:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

pet doesnt vanish after it misses :D

Do u guys know how to play mirage? I'm just asking cuz I literally played two games in a row where a gs mirage was insta burting my 16k+ hp in literally a sec and all while from stealth. Not only does mesmer not need any buffs it actually needs its bursts severely lowered. U guys whining that it has no damage leads me to believe u dont know ur class because both these mesmers were doing easy 14k bursts from stealth and ur whining about pets or rangers 5k+ bursts in other threads lmao u guys are ridiculous and have zero right asking for nerfs on any classes when urs needs heavier nerfs :)

I don't play GS-burst or anything with more stealth than Torch 4, so I promise it wasn't me. ^^

Isn't that build a glass cannon that dies as easily as it kills, especially after baiting its only dodge? The core mes version is probably better.

You can definitely hit high numbers on backstab as high as a mesmer burst if not more, without the effort, you just have to do what you do on mesmer, choose all damage traits.

As for the rest of the conversation on this thread thieves complaining about mesmers make my heart warm. Any thief that dies against a mesmer should have their game autouninstalled. Mesmer is a free meal for thieves.Its getting even funnier when extremely bad players still whine about
after all nerfs that ruined the entire class
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@Odik.4587 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

I feel like something is missing from this story tbh. Not saying it can't, but Phantasmal Rogue hitting 7K backstab on a medium armor target seems.. unlikely? I honestly don't know. If someone better at crunching the numbers says it's possible, I'll believe it.

"all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k" --> sounds like you were hit by a shatter? Maybe your opponent ordered a shatter before going downed, and the lovely AI pathfinding caused a delayed shatter? Then the PR finished you off?

I did something similar to a DE in 1v1 recently. My Phantasmal Mage with its S+ timing and targeting (/s) downed the DE right after I was downed. This put him in downstate with a long burn stack and some confusion, which he was making worse by using his downstate 1 ability on me. Then I rallied after my PR finished him.

Point is, maybe you were downed by more than just PR?

nah, phantasms hit high numbers due to them using thier own weapon numbers that are twice as high if not more of other weapons.so even tho it has 1.15 coof its actually 2.3+ and bonus from back hit pushes it to almost 3.0 coof. almost as much as pet autoattack.I have seen up to 15k rogues before the patch.And now its propably even possible to hit bigger numbers if you get might and oponent still somehow has 20+ vunl stacks.mostly its just 2-8k hits

Ok. I was watching my PR extra carefully today because of this discussion and I wasn't seeing higher than 2K-ish backstabs. Maybe I got a dud. :pensive:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I wish I coulda screen shot the mirage downstate bursting me for 7k lmao. That's complete bs lol I killed him and was poking with sb and had over 7k actually and bam bursted down to downstate. That's fing ridiculous

is this any different the ranger bursting you with pet, condi thief applying 10 stacks of poison etc etc? no? move along

Yeah cuz being insta burst for 7k from a downed mesmer is like thief's downstate poking with its poison lmao even rangers isnt that broken. Yes rangers revive is broken but their downstate burst even with pet isnt that broken. Its fine tho I'm sure itl get nerfed with rest of downstates :) but yup moving on.

diut, ranger pet can legit hit bigger numbers with autoattacks

And that makes it ok? I've never had a ranger pet even pre patch burst me instantly for 7k, if they did I'd be saying the same as it ridiculous. No class should be bursting another for 7k while being in downstate, that's crazy broken no matter what class is doing it.

its like complaining about handgun while everyone is running aroud with rifles.and your argument is that guns are bad, read what the skill does look how it works. after quick google and a little bit of brain power you will realize how to counter it.there is no hope for mesmer, if people start complaining even about kitten downstate phantasm lol

Umm I disagree. I'm talking about bursts while being in downstate and that alone. Don't start mentioning what everything every class can do that's op to compare lol I'm just mention something that's overperforming and not listing off everything that is so.Like I said regardless of class no class or spec should be in downstate and be able to insta burst another to downstate when their at half hp regardless of any situation. Again with damage nerfs but zero downstate nerfing it is broken.

learn to play.first thing you should do after you got hit for 7k with the ability should be googling what it does.
I googled it for you since you seem to be too lazy.3 things for you my man since you are the whiny type not the thinking type.1 it deals more dmg towards the back, if you cant dodge stare towards it to take 20% less damage and have it go on longer cooldown.2 half a sec cast time + phantasm delay means you have 1s of a tell, easy to dodge.3 it can not be used instantly, its on cooldown from the start like other classes skills, meaning you have time to LoS,get endurance for a dodge or simply wait on an elevation and drop down when you see the phantasm.

I was standing there shooting it with sb and all the sudden clones rushed and exploded me for 7k, I didnt do anything grand defensively because I knew I was still half hp, it insta burst me to downstate. I assumed half my hp was enough to keep pinging the downed mesmer. I'm not arguing with u anymore because u always turn toxic and ignorant and are so bias towards mesmer u will never admit something on it is broken. Are u a child? Regardless of class no class should be able to burst another for anything close to 7k while their in downstate, can u not read? Thats broken no matter who is doing it. Anyway u can reply ur usual nonsense all u want I will not be wasting time replying

So you stood still, and let clone kitten you over. and isntead blaming yourself for doing something stupid you go onto the forums to complain.clap clap clap clap clap

Replace "clone" with "pet" and you just described yourself.

pet doesnt vanish after it misses :D

Do u guys know how to play mirage? I'm just asking cuz I literally played two games in a row where a gs mirage was insta burting my 16k+ hp in literally a sec and all while from stealth. Not only does mesmer not need any buffs it actually needs its bursts severely lowered. U guys whining that it has no damage leads me to believe u dont know ur class because both these mesmers were doing easy 14k bursts from stealth and ur whining about pets or rangers 5k+ bursts in other threads lmao u guys are ridiculous and have zero right asking for nerfs on any classes when urs needs heavier nerfs :)

I don't play GS-burst or anything with more stealth than Torch 4, so I promise it wasn't me. ^^

Isn't that build a glass cannon that dies as easily as it kills, especially after baiting its only dodge? The core mes version is probably better.

You can definitely hit high numbers on backstab as high as a mesmer burst if not more, without the effort, you just have to do what you do on mesmer, choose all damage traits.

As for the rest of the conversation on this thread thieves complaining about mesmers make my heart warm. Any thief that dies against a mesmer should have their game autouninstalled. Mesmer is a free meal for thieves.Its getting even funnier when extremely bad players still whine about
after all nerfs that ruined the entire class

Even funnier considering said player plays the only profession on game who has permaevade.

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