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Necromancer Shroud Life bar Insane, Condition damage Insane

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

Easiest way is to hit shroud uptime. They need to nerf boon corruption regardless.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

Easiest way is to hit shroud uptime. They need to nerf boon corruption regardless.

But that still would hit reaper equally as hard as core necro.

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

Easiest way is to hit shroud uptime. They need to nerf boon corruption regardless.

But that still would hit reaper equally as hard as core necro.

If you change the core necro shroud degrade speed, that only impacts core necro. I am not experienced enough with necro, but on every class various builds utilize different traits and utilities. You can hit some of the ones core necro uses, but reaper does not.

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

They can easily just nerf life steal and unholy sanctuary and it wont matter much to non-OP builds. Doesnt even need much. Rev is much better than necro in every department anyway

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@Lordrosicky.5813 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

They can easily just nerf life steal and unholy sanctuary and it wont matter much to non-OP builds. Doesnt even need much. Rev is much better than necro in every department anyway

The problem is over nerfing. You need to be really careful since in the past they were too easy to kill. You don't want them to be free kill anymore.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Gwaihir.1745 said:Going to be interesting to see how they nerf necro without dumpstering reaper, since they both use some of the same traits and skills for sustain.

Might well end up the same as they did to firebrand in the main patch but dumpstered core guard in the process.

They can easily just nerf life steal and unholy sanctuary and it wont matter much to non-OP builds. Doesnt even need much. Rev is much better than necro in every department anyway

The problem is over nerfing. You need to be really careful since in the past they were too easy to kill. You don't want them to be free kill anymore.

Yeh I agree. But I think unholy sancturary is a bit of an oversight as there isn't enough counter play. And life steal just needs nerfing like they nerfed all healing. Not bu that much though. Minor nerfs will be enough. Other classes hopefully get nerfed too so necro isn't just trash tier again

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@"Fantasylife.7981" said:this is outrages and insanely strong, condition damage needs a damage nerf and Necromancer shroud from 2nd and 3rd in some cases life bar needs a heavy nerf.

  1. Necromancer is a condition base Profession
  2. Necromancer have the power to summon death to aid itself at will

In other word; Necromancer Profession is death incarnate and is to be feared by all professions and is to be the hardest Profession to diehttps://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Necromancer


-Thank You very much for your understanding-

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@Fantasylife.7981 said:this is outrages and insanely strong, condition damage needs a damage nerf and Necromancer shroud from 2nd and 3rd in some cases life bar needs a heavy nerf.


Since the last hotfix my shroud has been dissipating pretty quickly, especially with the half-toughness nerf to carapace. What in particular is hitting you for a lot of condition damage /what necro skills are generating too much life force?

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Oh? The condition damage focused Necromancers I ran into this far were all about attrition. None of them delivered "insane" damage. Unless I was already low on health or CDs - which usually doesn't go well against any kind of threat - I always managed to disengage when things turned sour. My condition removal is very limited, too.

Granted I don't do much 2v2.

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I think they should just nerf Soul Battery from 20% to 10% in PvP.It is probably the thing responsible for alot of so called "insane" "unkillable" "immortal" Necros

Considering some builds prefer to run DM instead of SR anyway, it wouldn't hurt alot of Necro builds with like a light nerf tap.

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@Faux Play.6104 said:Necro just needs to force more active ways to get shroud and carpace. The broken Necro builds can easily build these passively.It needs to be a balance. Because shroud is also defense, limiting the passive and reactive sources would result in focusing the necro always before they can build any shroud for an easy kill.

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So in the current nerf they also retuned signets in regards to sustain...that affected reaper. Damage burst is now really a laugh. Without solid support you can burn the reaper instantly. I urge you lads to play around with reaper builds and see how you go. Community gets rightfully angered with Necro, fair enough, but understand there's good evidence that anything in the necro/reaper/scourge will then get hit. Theres no guarantee, none at all.

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@Eurantien.4632 said:Can you imagine being a dev and seeing stuff like this and earth shield nerfs, while ranger is out there apparently slaughtering everything it sees (ESPECIALLY necro), and wondering how to balance the game?

That's only if it has support. Necro doesn't need support. Necro doesn't need anything but a nerf. Necro is a platform for bad players to ignore game mechanics and just smash their head against the keys and still be able to do something.

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Yep this what we can see now is the reason why I said right from the beginning that nerfing core shroud degeneration to 5% (like reaper) would have been a much better nerf than anything else. Core bunker is still dumb and reaper is less viable than before. Good job anet!

We ve now core that has less degeneration and a playstyle with more ranged options and staff area denial and a damage type that ignores toughness... and we have reaper that has basically to run a melee pve build to deal a bit more than laughable damage with a shroud that drops fast. But yeah lets nerf sustain traits and skills globally even more!

To put that into perspective: reaper shroud is back to damage numbers of hot release where it was played with a 7s cooldown, shroud burst traits and 2% degeneration.

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@Leafstorm.1349 said:That's only if it has support. Necro doesn't need support. Necro doesn't need anything but a nerf. Necro is a platform for bad players to ignore game mechanics and just smash their head against the keys and still be able to do something.

Ignoring game mechanics? Your kitten bias is so strong I doubt you can even list them. Far be it for me to defend some aspects of core synergies, but at least the Necro doesn't break pvp mechanics like every other class in game does.

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Fantasylife.7981" said:this is outrages and insanely strong, condition damage needs a damage nerf and Necromancer shroud from 2nd and 3rd in some cases life bar needs a heavy nerf.
  1. Necromancer is a condition base Profession
  2. Necromancer have the power to summon death to aid itself at will

In other word; Necromancer Profession is death incarnate and is to be feared by all professions and is to be the hardest Profession to die


-Thank You very much for your understanding-

I'm sure you have heard the news, consider yourself warned....

The Tahkayun are coming for you.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"Fantasylife.7981" said:this is outrages and insanely strong, condition damage needs a damage nerf and Necromancer shroud from 2nd and 3rd in some cases life bar needs a heavy nerf.
  1. Necromancer is a condition base Profession
  2. Necromancer have the power to summon death to aid itself at will

In other word; Necromancer Profession is death incarnate and is to be feared by all professions and is to be the hardest Profession to die


-Thank You very much for your understanding-

I'm sure you have heard the news, consider yourself warned....

The Tahkayun are coming for you.


'we'll be waiting for them'-Necromancer/Ritualist-

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