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How do you beat a Weaver (Ele)?


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Can somebody please explain what their weakness is because I can't find it. Everything I do gets either dodged, blinded or they're just invulnerable somehow. CC doesn't work on them, conditions don't seem to stick either and they daze and knock me around even when I have break frees.

I haven't played in 5 years and back when I left, D/D Celestial Ele was a god because they'd just rotate spells and stack every type of boon until you eventually dropped. I played it too because it was so EZ and broken. Weaver seems worse, with just plain invulnerability, barrier stacking and interrupts.

Help please. I play Core Guardian, which I hear was nerfed hard and I don't exactly feel like jumping the bandwagon and going firebrand. Just know what they can't do or when to pressure them would help because right now, it feels like they're gods in most BG's I see them in.

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I just played one for a bit and was really annoying while just spamming skills off cooldown. I was constantly dazing people, healing allies, becoming unkillable, Dotting people up, snaring them, chilling them, all while running around with silly powerful stats and no clue as as to what half my skills do. Even a weaver who was clearly very skilled had to work to kill me. Ended up doing 300k+ damage, 200k healing and dying only twice coz it was 3v1. Better than on my guard that I've played for years.

I think I figured out what Weaver's weakness is. Being grievously outnumbered while not having a clue what you're doing or fighting a better Weaver.Man, what a bullshit class. Guess this is what happens when you have a class that can do everything and then give it a spec that can do everything while doing everything else. Rerolling, I guess.

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@Aedrion.6483 said:Can somebody please explain what their weakness is because I can't find it. Everything I do gets either dodged, blinded or they're just invulnerable somehow. CC doesn't work on them, conditions don't seem to stick either and they daze and knock me around even when I have break frees.

I haven't played in 5 years and back when I left, D/D Celestial Ele was a god because they'd just rotate spells and stack every type of boon until you eventually dropped. I played it too because it was so EZ and broken. Weaver seems worse, with just plain invulnerability, barrier stacking and interrupts.

Help please. I play Core Guardian, which I hear was nerfed hard and I don't exactly feel like jumping the bandwagon and going firebrand. Just know what they can't do or when to pressure them would help because right now, it feels like they're gods in most BG's I see them in.

I just ignore the weavers with that build, I feel that fighting them is a waste of time

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I assume you played vs S/F water weaver. That build has a clear weakness. It is useless in teamfights because it doesn't really support well or do much damage. If people know how to rotate they will leave weaver to cap a node. If weaver leaves the node to join a teamfight you win s teamfight because weaver is useless and it is 5v4 for your team or you just have a fast thief decap the node. If he decides to stay on a node you let him have it and you win an actual 5v4 and then 3 man the weaver. A power rev or a thief can in most cases plus into weaver and kill it in a few seconds or at least force it of a node so weaver is forced to 1v1 on an enemy node.

In short: his weakness is he can be ignored.

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this is just general mass dynamic of pvp a lot of people are unaware of. if a team got 2 capture points there is only one left thereby entire group joins fight against other group trying to get the other 2 capture points. so no it isn't really based on a weakness.

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@pninak.1069 said:this is just general mass dynamic of pvp a lot of people are unaware of. if a team got 2 capture points there is only one left thereby entire group joins fight against other group trying to get the other 2 capture points. so no it isn't really based on a weakness.

Conquest involves more than just mashing 5 players into another 5 players and determining an outcome. If the game were that simple there wouldn't be nodes at all and it would just be 5v5 deathmatch.

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chill, immob, cripple, blind, WASD kite works against any kinds of weaver.

stab and condi spam counters Lightning Rod weavers

against bunkery fire/water ones it's not hard to stalemate them 1v1 if you bring some cleanses and be smart about kiting and when you cleanse. You can also get an upper hand on them if you have any sort of ranged pressure, especially ones that cant be projectile blocked such as symbols. The rest is to just force/bait their 2 stun breaks and after that they're dead if they stick around. They also have to give up the node pretty quickly as soon as it becomes 2v1.

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First look at the build they run. Note the evade skills. Stab, condi clear, whatever you find relevant. Memorize the animations.

Second play it a little bit, or just record and playback a couple duels. Note the general flow the weaver takes in a fight. Learn what actions usually follow an evade or precede it. Same for condi clear or whatever you need to win the fight. Learn the damage source and animations such as sword 2 in fire which trap the weaver in an animation.

Third, think through the fight and make a plan for how to react to their actions to win the fight. Say I am a spellbreaker. I might decide to save dagger 3 for their fire leap. I might decide that I will cc after earth 2, then avoid arcing slice until after they use twist of fate to break the stun. Turn the fight into a sequence of their action to your reactions.

Lastly, practice.

Apply to any class in the game and become an incredible player.

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Lol, really? You guys still have problems with weavers? Lmao.

18s. Thats how much time you have to kill sword weaver between healing rotations. Meanwhile max 2 stab sources on demand and 2 ToFs with 75s cd.Use your brain and dont spam strong spike/cc skills when you see them floating and dancing, sword has so obvious animations that it shouldnt be too hard. Good luck.

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@Aedrion.6483 said:Can somebody please explain what their weakness is because I can't find it. Everything I do gets either dodged, blinded or they're just invulnerable somehow. CC doesn't work on them, conditions don't seem to stick either and they daze and knock me around even when I have break frees.

I haven't played in 5 years and back when I left, D/D Celestial Ele was a god because they'd just rotate spells and stack every type of boon until you eventually dropped. I played it too because it was so EZ and broken. Weaver seems worse, with just plain invulnerability, barrier stacking and interrupts.

Help please. I play Core Guardian, which I hear was nerfed hard and I don't exactly feel like jumping the bandwagon and going firebrand. Just know what they can't do or when to pressure them would help because right now, it feels like they're gods in most BG's I see them in.

As an enthusiast guardian/ele/ranger/warrior I can say that.....guardian doesn't sit well in the grand scheme of things, things don't look that bad but not that good either, at best you can stall a good weaver with a core guardian as long as you play good enough : honour/valour/mender and resistance runes (these runes are close to essential for me now) ; equip a scepter and try to snare the ele into a virtue of justice activation combo when the time is right...hmmm..generally a guardian vs an ele is more of chicken vs chicken, both classes are low on the fun/efficiency spectrum

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@Nekromalistik.7045 said:

@Aedrion.6483 said:Can somebody please explain what their weakness is because I can't find it. Everything I do gets either dodged, blinded or they're just invulnerable somehow. CC doesn't work on them, conditions don't seem to stick either and they daze and knock me around even when I have break frees.

I haven't played in 5 years and back when I left, D/D Celestial Ele was a god because they'd just rotate spells and stack every type of boon until you eventually dropped. I played it too because it was so EZ and broken. Weaver seems worse, with just plain invulnerability, barrier stacking and interrupts.

Help please. I play Core Guardian, which I hear was nerfed hard and I don't exactly feel like jumping the bandwagon and going firebrand. Just know what they can't do or when to pressure them would help because right now, it feels like they're gods in most BG's I see them in.

I just ignore the weavers with that build, I feel that fighting them is a waste of time

This. You just out-rotate a weaver, fighting them is a waste of time and resources.

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i dont think you gonna win a facetank war against weaver as a core guardian.

I play weaver and thing that annoys me the most when I fight guardians in general is their immob.

After some rounds of bursta if they manage to survive and I am low on cooldowns a well placed immob is perfect to set a bigger burst

the really good ones will bait all my offensive and deffensive skills apply the immob and kill me

like I said before if you just jump the weaver and both use all your skills off cd at each other weaver will come out on top 80% of time.

The weaver greatest enemies are high burst, cc spam and chill, more chill you have easier to kill weaver

and confusion, easier way to kill noob weaver is stacking confusion, they will panic and use all their skills killing themselves with 6 ticks of 2800 confusion

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First off, it obviously depends what type of Weaver it is.You said you were playing Core Guardian, which means if you fight almost any type of Weaver, you lose that 1v1. The only 1v1 against a Weaver you can reliably win is against Fresh Air Weavers.

How to beat Weaver in general is counting their active dodges and other mitigation; Weaver has always had alot of dodges, however they use more than half of them for non dodge related reasons, be it for a water field, blasting, or doing damage, etc.When you pressure a Sword Weaver they'll want to use their healing evade combo that involves 4 straight evades to resustain themselves, however that is all of their active dodges for 5s+, this is when you start playing for the actual kill. They might have Obsidian Flesh, or their Energy sigil might proc, just repeat the same thing and they will eventually die even in a 1v1 if you can actually do this.

When you pressure a Dagger or a Scepter Weaver, all they can really do is run away and try to kite they don't have many extra dodges, if you have the chase potential to catch them, its a pretty free kill, just be careful you don't get turned on by a Shocking Aura or Mud Slide burst.

Also PSA team, you don't run Twist anymore on Weaver, CD way too long.

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