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Group content required for story completion

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Okay this content can be done solo. It takes longer, but it is doable. While it's better to play with a group in my opinion, it's definitely something that's perfect for 2 or 3 people. And again, you can solo it. So if no one is doing it doesn't really matter. Or sort of liken it to the last story of the personal story. It can be soloed, but it takes a long time, particularly for people doing it the first time.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Mea.5491" said:
"Making group content required for the story is a step backwards."

Then you would cry in FFXIV, story is locked behind DOZENS of non-soloable dungeons and trials, lol. GW2 has a ridiculously LOW amount of FORCED group content for a massively
game. :tongue:

Maybe thats why we are playing this game and not that one.

I repeat. MMO =/= 10 man instanced dungeons. It means a bunch of players online together at the same time.

actually that is exactly what MMOs are. an MASSIVE MULTI O with only solo content....?

No it is not. MMOS = a massive amount of players online at the same time, as one can find in Open World, or in WVW, that is okay and fine i love it. What i do not and have never enjoyed is being forced to have other players in my characters story in any game. I did all of GWs story solo, ive done all of this ones solo this was the first one where i needed to have other people.

NOW, had ANET made it obvious in the UI that even though its a strike mission it can be done 100% solo and scales down to one player as it does, i would never ever have posted on this thread or any other thread about the topic. But they didnt, they put it behind the standard strike mission UI which instantly makes people including me have the impression that 10 people are required.

Moving forward, if they do this again, and after playing through it solo and finding it way more fun solo i hope they make it obvious to -ALL- players that its fully capable to be done solo if a player has any skill at all outside of spamming 1.

so your complaint is mere re use of a UI assets rather then the actual content itself. then why complain about the content then or the usually expected traits of a game played online with other people, that being group content?

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@Dante.1763 said:however i will take the wind out of that sail because this is not a strike mission UI or raid UI. it also used in doungens now ( i did one today) and im not sure about fractals but i bet 10 mystic coins that they use the same UI in it aswell.meaning this is a GROUP CONTENT UI. which should tell visually that the content about to be approached should be considered best enjoy with more then your self

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@jinxykat.6519 said:I thought it was extremely fun (went with a public group) Honestly, players shouldn't be so turned off by group play, it IS an mmorpg, after all.

But that's not the point. The point is forcing a play style that hasn't been required before.

any regular build is fine for the public one to progress it. it's not unless you're actually treating it like a strike and doing the CMs with it in Sqaud mode are you going to feel any actual build coordination need. In fact dps-ing boss doesn't even require a real dps build to do. Just keep up with munitions, go to tank, cc, unload bombs on his mid torso when he breaks, then keep 111111111111 til boss is back up, rinse, replenish, and repeat. Those looking for efficiency par on that in terms of boss DPS, 250k-320k damage to boss in first burn phase per person is basically a good burn.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:I think many people are missing the distinction between can be done solo and designed to be soloable. I am not going to argue about this though.

How is that any different than a regular open world event ? Personally, the only time I died in this mission is when I accidentally targeted the boss out of his DPS phase and ended up in the lava.

I would even argue it is even more casual than any other event because at the very least you are free to do it whenever you want.

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  • 5 months later...

Yeah I really loved getting put in a public party with a grand total of four people including me, having to do absolutely ALL of the events because my groupmates didn't get it, and then getting to the final boss and having it be boring and tedious because two guys went AFK and made breaking his CC bar impossible. I just left because I didn't feel like taking the next hour of my life gathering scrap and ammo and pressing "1" repeatedly. This is a hard skip, and doing more of this in the future would be a great way to stop me from bothering with story content. Thanks Anet, brilliant job.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:The latest story requires 5-10 man instanced content in order to complete it. Anet has not required group content for story since the original Zhaitan fight which they later changed to be soloable.

Making group content required for the story is a step backwards.I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

I know anet wants to push players into trying out strikes but this is not the way to do it.A chapter in my story journal should not require group content.

Don't worry... It's just like all the other group-content in this game: where you don't talk to each other or work together, and might as well be alone anway.

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@"thugjudge.3240" said:Yeah I really loved getting put in a public party with a grand total of four people including me, having to do absolutely ALL of the events because my groupmates didn't get it, and then getting to the final boss and having it be boring and tedious because two guys went AFK and made breaking his CC bar impossible. I just left because I didn't feel like taking the next hour of my life gathering scrap and ammo and pressing "1" repeatedly. This is a hard skip, and doing more of this in the future would be a great way to stop me from bothering with story content. Thanks Anet, brilliant job.

You do know that it scale and you can enter it alone and do it right?Just chose the squad option and noone else will enter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I soloed it the day it came out on my lowly core condi ranger. Just get a few guildies, it'll scale and you'll have fun. A full group of 10 players is not needed.

But, I haven't done any Strike mode missions except that one. I also agree that the main story progression should be solo though. In the same vein, Raids supplement the lore of the game and should offer a story mode so more people can appreciate the artwork and a new venue to explore alone if desired.

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@Luthan.5236 said:So the normal story progression does require this? Yeah I remember Zhaitan. Happy they changed it - so I could finally finish it. HoT at the point where I'm now has an achievement (Migraine) that requires a group. Normal story progression was possible solo - if you ignore the optional achievements.

From what I understand there is one of these newer strike missions required? Doesn't the system have a public map where you don't need to search players (where it might lead to trouble with experienced players only wanting to team up with otherr experienced/meta players)? I only did the snowman lair strike mission during winter event where that system worked fine for me. (Since I'm still doing older stuff until I reach the point where I can start Icebrood Saga.)

I try to avoid premade groups (lfg and stuff, until it is a huge squad for farming or zerging where others don't evaluate you) for above mentioned reasons: I might make mistakes and I'm afraid of those pro players that expect others to play meta 100 percent efficience dps maxed, etc.

Op dont want to play with others

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