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Can the balance of pvp move from One build does it all to single purpose builds


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It is kinda getting really boring in pvp with the biggest slog meta in the last 3 years. Everyone is a tank that does power damage and condi damage and has disabling conditions and has several stuns and can heal for full hp why was that left in the game at all.Can we move to more single purpose builds like you make a teamfighter and you are good in teamfights since you scale more with more enemies around you but the moment you are sat in a duel you get beat up or you make a roamer that runs around really fast but can't really win a fight alone or you make someone ranged damage dealer but has the weakness of being terrible in melee.Before the big patch there were a lot of different builds running around it was way too much hyper damage everywhere and a few big outliers(wonder why they didnt get squashed in the patch) but you had multiple builds to play around with, now you are stuck on a single lame tank build.And for fucks sake can we delete the pulsing damage circles that cover the whole point.

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Honestly whether was needed or not this current version of pvp is absolute garbage. Uve got burn guards/fb literally standing there spamming their burns and defensive skills and profiting without even moving lmao, necro's can just continually use shroud to carry being outplayed to sustain long enough to kill a lot of opponents they shouldn't be able to, condi revs no point everyone knows, thief tickle dps is now so low, so good having a burst class do so little burst dps that tanks laugh in ur face and return same amount if not more damage back at you etc etc, until they fix what they broke pvp is a absolute trash bag, everyone I know left the game 2 weeks after patch and some said they MAY come back come expac but by then who knows. Good luck lol

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Honestly gw2 has gone from one of the most enjoyable pvp games to complete and utter garbage. It's been how many weeks the teams sat by while everyones bandwagoning to necro,fb/burn guard and condi revs with a few still burning bright on weaver. It's literally the only classes u see in pvp right now for a reason. Wonder how long this garbage is gonna last lol

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GW2's mechanic base is far, far too shallow to support its line-up of individual "class" options. You'll never get proper roles and playstyles unless you see anet remove at least 5 of the professions from the game. The only thing that works anymore is one-man-armies with super-generic builds (even saying "anymore" is sort of a stretch considering how this situation was a massive problem even back in 2012; it has always been a problem, and it has only gotten worse). This feels particularly bad considering how I enjoyed playing multiple professions from GW1, and I respected the fact that any team (particularly PvP teams) were often a sum of their parts rather than a hodge-podge of individuals with braindead skills slamming into each other (i.e. I loved playing Ranger in GW1, and it felt like being part of a team, but I'd delete GW2 Ranger in a heartbeat if I could, and I don't feel good about that).

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GW2 PVP is just a giant disappointment. Has been forever. GW2 pvp team is notorious across other MMOS for being shit at their job. Just sucks because GW2 has probably some of the best combat in an MMO ever, just everything surround it is marred by horrible decisions by the incompetent balance team.

You could literally hire the Pros in this game as consultants to balance the PVP and it would probably cost less than what ANET is paying the shitty balance team to sit on their thumbs and twist.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Honestly whether was needed or not this current version of pvp is absolute garbage. Uve got burn guards/fb literally standing there spamming their burns and defensive skills and profiting without even moving lmao, necro's can just continually use shroud to carry being outplayed to sustain long enough to kill a lot of opponents they shouldn't be able to, condi revs no point everyone knows, thief tickle dps is now so low, so good having a burst class do so little burst dps that tanks laugh in ur face and return same amount if not more damage back at you etc etc, until they fix what they broke pvp is a absolute trash bag, everyone I know left the game 2 weeks after patch and some said they MAY come back come expac but by then who knows. Good luck lol

In what rating is burn guard an issue? Rofl

Also, two thieves in eu finals. But I guess they just didn't feel like winning and just played it for fun /s

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@Vancho.8750 said:It is kinda getting really boring in pvp with the biggest slog meta in the last 3 years. Everyone is a tank that does power damage and condi damage and has disabling conditions and has several stuns and can heal for full hp why was that left in the game at all.Can we move to more single purpose builds like you make a teamfighter and you are good in teamfights since you scale more with more enemies around you but the moment you are sat in a duel you get beat up or you make a roamer that runs around really fast but can't really win a fight alone or you make someone ranged damage dealer but has the weakness of being terrible in melee.Before the big patch there were a lot of different builds running around it was way too much hyper damage everywhere and a few big outliers(wonder why they didnt get squashed in the patch) but you had multiple builds to play around with, now you are stuck on a single lame tank build.And for kitten sake can we delete the pulsing damage circles that cover the whole point.


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Not gonna lie, I enjoyed PvP pre-patch more than I do now. I thought powercreep was bad but now looking at those bunkers in every game with my small peepee damage it is kinda frustrating. I guess I prefer being oneshot once in a while but with a chance to oneshot someone aswell than fighting a necro, doing everything right and still doing nothing to him.

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@sitarskee.5738 said:Not gonna lie, I enjoyed PvP pre-patch more than I do now. I thought powercreep was bad but now looking at those bunkers in every game with my small peepee damage it is kinda frustrating. I guess I prefer being oneshot once in a while but with a chance to oneshot someone aswell than fighting a necro, doing everything right and still doing nothing to him.

That's what the players wanted and Anet satisfied them.

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@sitarskee.5738 said:Not gonna lie, I enjoyed PvP pre-patch more than I do now. I thought powercreep was bad but now looking at those bunkers in every game with my small peepee damage it is kinda frustrating. I guess I prefer being oneshot once in a while but with a chance to oneshot someone aswell than fighting a necro, doing everything right and still doing nothing to him.

Shows how much you know then.

Pre patch: Necro could not win vs most classes due to dmg being so power creeped, their sustain simply wasn't good enough.

Now: Their sustain is a bit too high still but now if we nerf we can at least fix that problem.

Overall: Ele is going to be in a better place necro is going to be in a better place ranger is getting hit in the right places hopefully and hopefully soon guardian gets hit on firebrand.

Think about why:

Beforehand things like invuln spam evade spam teleports were many times more powerful than tanking in the past, and since they got nerfed, and damage got nerfed, things are better.

Now it isn't instadeath for not being able to evade, which is stupid.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Honestly whether was needed or not this current version of pvp is absolute garbage. Uve got burn guards/fb literally standing there spamming their burns and defensive skills and profiting without even moving lmao, necro's can just continually use shroud to carry being outplayed to sustain long enough to kill a lot of opponents they shouldn't be able to, condi revs no point everyone knows, thief tickle dps is now so low, so good having a burst class do so little burst dps that tanks laugh in ur face and return same amount if not more damage back at you etc etc, until they fix what they broke pvp is a absolute trash bag, everyone I know left the game 2 weeks after patch and some said they MAY come back come expac but by then who knows. Good luck lol

In what rating is burn guard an issue? Rofl

Also, two thieves in eu finals. But I guess they just didn't feel like winning and just played it for fun /s

Burns themselves are way overperforming,if u can't see that then u really shouldn't be discussing balance, sry.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@sitarskee.5738 said:Not gonna lie, I enjoyed PvP pre-patch more than I do now. I thought powercreep was bad but now looking at those bunkers in every game with my small peepee damage it is kinda frustrating. I guess I prefer being oneshot once in a while but with a chance to oneshot someone aswell than fighting a necro, doing everything right and still doing nothing to him.

Shows how much you know then.

Pre patch: Necro could not win vs most classes due to dmg being so power creeped, their sustain simply wasn't good enough.

Now: Their sustain is a bit too high still but now if we nerf we can at least fix that problem.

Overall: Ele is going to be in a better place necro is going to be in a better place ranger is getting hit in the right places hopefully and hopefully soon guardian gets hit on firebrand.

Think about why:

Beforehand things like invuln spam evade spam teleports were many times more powerful than tanking in the past, and since they got nerfed, and damage got nerfed, things are better.

Now it isn't instadeath for not being able to evade, which is stupid.

Naw what's stupid is anet letting the community drive their balance to nerf what's not specifically op but rather annoying to the players in the game and decrease the ever decreasing build diversity even further all while dumbing down the game. This games gonna fail hard I'd be surprised if it's got any population in a yr even with pending expac. Now the burst classes don't have enough burst to deal with games sustain classes and on top those classes have bursts that match the classes balanced as burst classes lmao the balance I this games a sad joke and community is pushing it further that way. As always people ruin what they live eventually lol. Pretty sad.Pvp in this game is such garbage it legitimately could be called condi spam wars2 or revive wars2, both names are fitting.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"sitarskee.5738" said:Not gonna lie, I enjoyed PvP pre-patch more than I do now. I thought powercreep was bad but now looking at those bunkers in every game with my small peepee damage it is kinda frustrating. I guess I prefer being oneshot once in a while but with a chance to oneshot someone aswell than fighting a necro, doing everything right and still doing nothing to him.

Shows how much you know then.

Pre patch: Necro could not win vs most classes due to dmg being so power creeped, their sustain simply wasn't good enough.

Now: Their sustain is a bit too high still but now if we nerf we can at least fix that problem.

Overall: Ele is going to be in a better place necro is going to be in a better place ranger is getting hit in the right places hopefully and hopefully soon guardian gets hit on firebrand.

Think about why:

Beforehand things like invuln spam evade spam teleports were many times more powerful than tanking in the past, and since they got nerfed, and damage got nerfed, things are better.

Now it isn't instadeath for not being able to evade, which is stupid.

I agree that invuln and evade spams were way more powerful than tanking(?) and it's good they got nerfed. It's also good that damage got nerfed (unfortunately not evenly and some classes still can hit for 17k while others can't even hit for 10k). But they way necro is "tanking" is just pure bs.

Now it isn't death for just standing in place not even trying to evade, which is stupid.

My opinion is they were going the right way with the patch but they went kinda too far and now the opposite thing is the problem - not oneshotting but not being able to kill someone.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@sitarskee.5738 said:Not gonna lie, I enjoyed PvP pre-patch more than I do now. I thought powercreep was bad but now looking at those bunkers in every game with my small peepee damage it is kinda frustrating. I guess I prefer being oneshot once in a while but with a chance to oneshot someone aswell than fighting a necro, doing everything right and still doing nothing to him.

Shows how much you know then.

Pre patch: Necro could not win vs most classes due to dmg being so power creeped, their sustain simply wasn't good enough.

Now: Their sustain is a bit too high still but now if we nerf we can at least fix that problem.

Overall: Ele is going to be in a better place necro is going to be in a better place ranger is getting hit in the right places hopefully and hopefully soon guardian gets hit on firebrand.

Think about why:

Beforehand things like invuln spam evade spam teleports were many times more powerful than tanking in the past, and since they got nerfed, and damage got nerfed, things are better.

Now it isn't instadeath for not being able to evade, which is stupid.

Naw what's stupid is anet letting the community drive their balance to nerf what's not specifically op but rather annoying to the players in the game and decrease the ever-decreasing build diversity even further all while dumbing down the game. This games gonna fail hard I'd be surprised if it's got any population in a yr even with pending expac. Now the burst classes don't have enough burst to deal with games sustain classes and on top, those classes have bursts that match the classes balanced as burst classes lmao the balance I these games a sad joke and community is pushing it further that way. As always people ruin what they live eventually lol. Pretty sad.Pvp in this game is such garbage it legitimately could be called condi spam wars2 or revive wars2, both names are fitting.

There were calls from a lot of people complaining about insta burst it was cheap. 1 shot from stealth and 1 shot from ranged attacks and 1 shot from cc spam and insta kills are really cheap and brainless.

granted necro sustain needs change, but its way better to have lower dmg pre pof than the ridiculous numbers.

Remember one-shot mes? 1 shot mirage?

1 shot warr? 1 shot rangers 1 shot rev bombs aoe bomb scourge?

Good riddance is what I have to say.

Everything needed reduction cc spam Invuln spam teleport spam, evade spam, condi 1 shot spam.

The thing about number tunings: those should be viable to fix.

If war is problematic, then what is to stop them from just going and checking out what warrior forum is saying and testing it out and buffing small amounts.

The big ones are overhauling entire areas such as chronophantasma and dealing with necromancer sustain issues which are big jobs will take a while to figure out, and once some of these do, people will need to get used to chronophantasma being good in the right area, and necro using its sustain to be a attrition class and no longer a punching bag that needs to be babysat 24/7.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Honestly whether was needed or not this current version of pvp is absolute garbage. Uve got burn guards/fb literally standing there spamming their burns and defensive skills and profiting without even moving lmao, necro's can just continually use shroud to carry being outplayed to sustain long enough to kill a lot of opponents they shouldn't be able to, condi revs no point everyone knows, thief tickle dps is now so low, so good having a burst class do so little burst dps that tanks laugh in ur face and return same amount if not more damage back at you etc etc, until they fix what they broke pvp is a absolute trash bag, everyone I know left the game 2 weeks after patch and some said they MAY come back come expac but by then who knows. Good luck lol

In what rating is burn guard an issue? Rofl

Also, two thieves in eu finals. But I guess they just didn't feel like winning and just played it for fun /s

Burns themselves are way overperforming,if u can't see that then u really shouldn't be discussing balance, sry.

Way to dodge the question. If you dodged like that in game, burn guard wouldn't have been an issue.

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I think it comes down to the decision to nerf everything in the game.

Nerfs are bad for build diversity because a nerf is a reduction, a takeaway, removal.Buffs on the other hand are great for build diversity because they're additions, reworks, actual new content.

If the patch were in reverse; with an emphasis on buffing what is weak, and introducing nerfs that aren't just straight damage/heal reductions and CD increase, but stealth nerfs that change the way skills function in a more creative, exciting, and expressive way, then I feel like it would feel great.To just nerf without keeping these facets in mind is just removing options, and that typically doesn't feel very good.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:I think it comes down to the decision to nerf everything in the game.

Nerfs are bad for build diversity because a nerf is a reduction, a takeaway, removal.Buffs, on the other hand, are great for build diversity because they're additions, reworks actual new content.

If the patch were in reverse; with an emphasis on buffing what is weak, and introducing nerfs that aren't just straight damage/heal reductions and CD increase, but stealth nerfs that change the way skills function in a more creative, exciting, and expressive way, then I feel like it would feel great.To just nerf without keeping these facets in mind is just removing options, and that typically doesn't feel very good.

It depends but a lot of times nerfs do hurt builds, which is why anet needs to be careful when nerfing ranger GS and ranger axe and pets. If they aren't careful, they will be too weak to kill.

Now I heard it's viable and I'm just bad, so that's what il leave it at.

Having too many buffs could also technically kill build variety if said builds all play the same by having too much of everything.

Take rangers which had a bit of everything and people were complaining, well now it's not that way anymore.

Also, I get it some are upset their favorite class/Elite spec got nerfed hard(I'm looking at you warrior and mesmer specifically) but when you have such toxic mechanics that are unhealthy for the game and spammy, good riddance.

The overall spamminess of this game left it in a worse state than wow, and wow is horrible, now its actually better because there is more thought into using cc than just spamming all your ccs with dmg and blow people up and GG, which was the thing before. Whoever can use their CC bombs and dmg first wins.

Also, you can still keep the vision for classes so long as you overhaul problematic ones like necro and mesmer because if you buff them, they will go back to being an issue.

In fact: I bet there are more than1 class overlooked being problematic, and we simply don't know.

So, in my opinion, this is just so wrong saying vision is gone now because now we can have clear set lines that define a class such as weaknesses and strengths.

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@"Vancho.8750" said:Can we move to more single purpose builds like you make a teamfighter and you are good in teamfights since you scale more with more enemies around you but the moment you are sat in a duel you get beat up or you make a roamer that runs around really fast but can't really win a fight alone or you make someone ranged damage dealer but has the weakness of being terrible in melee.

Does that honestly sound better to you?

Regardless of how well you play, it is 100% guaranteed that "duelist build #3" will always beat "teamfight build #2", such that you already know beforehand how it will go, even if it's a silver vs platinum?

Sounds kinda stupid to me. Could replace that with a game of rock-paper-scissors.

I like the fact that a TF build played well can still win duels, and a duelist build can still have impact in a TF.

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I don't really care enough to talk about any specific classes so if it looks like I cherry picked what I wanted to reply to, that's because I did.

@"Axl.8924" said:Having too many buffs could also technically kill build variety if said builds all play the same by having too much of everything.

Powercreep exists either way; whether it's a result of something being buffed above the power curve, or the power curve shifting down and leaving outliers untouched back at where they used to be before the shift.

The real cure to powercreep is commitment to balance over time, and whether that's through buffs, nerfs, whathaveyou is entirely up to the balance peoples. Again, nerfs are takeaways, reductions, removals. That's why they're bad for build diversity.

If everything was buffed to the extreme you could argue the game is broken, but a direct symptom would be having more broken options to play since buffs are almost always additive.Whereas with everything nerfed to the extreme; the result is everything feeling samey overall, and the actual options when it comes to being effective for each class have shrunk.

If you trust Metabattle, every class had at least 1 "meta" build before the patch. Now 5/9 professions have some sort of "meta" build they can play.

Also, you can still keep the vision for classes so long as you overhaul problematic ones because if you buff them, they will go back to being an issue.

That's what I meant by creative, exciting, and expressive nerfs. Reworks usually aren't just straight takeaways so I agree, they almost always work better when something is broken to the extreme. (ALMOST)

The main point of a buff philosophy though is not to touch what is already strong, but to work on buffing everything else to be at that same level. It's more hands-off; which, I honestly prefer. You mentioned WoW so you should know from experience that an over-commitment to making everything perfectly balanced can be detrimental to a game and actually having fun.

So, in my opinion, this is just so wrong saying vision is gone now because now we can have clear set lines that define a class such as weaknesses and strengths.

I don't think any vision is gone or wrong or anything. Idk where you're getting that from.

All I can really say there is classes had weaknesses and strengths before too, that were pretty clear. Like any competitive game, certain builds and certain professions present viable counterplay and unfavorable matchups to others. That's how it's always been really and GW2 didn't just start with this patch.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@"Vancho.8750" said:Can we move to more single purpose builds like you make a teamfighter and you are good in teamfights since you scale more with more enemies around you but the moment you are sat in a duel you get beat up or you make a roamer that runs around really fast but can't really win a fight alone or you make someone ranged damage dealer but has the weakness of being terrible in melee.

Does that honestly sound better to you?

Regardless of how well you play, it is 100% guaranteed that "duelist build #3" will always beat "teamfight build #2", such that you already know beforehand how it will go, even if it's a silver vs platinum?

Sounds kinda stupid to me. Could replace that with a game of rock-paper-scissors.

I like the fact that a TF build played well can still win duels, and a duelist build can still have impact in a TF.Well it shouldn't be a 100% but the duelist class should have large enough advantage vs teamfight spec and vice verse in their design area.We had something like that before, for example Reaper and SB Warrior, Reaper could destroy everyone in teamfight, SB Warrior couldn't since it had trouble with multiple sources of AOE damage,conditions and cc, but it could kill 1 one person, Reaper could go to the side node and win vs a warrior if it had full shroud but the match up on the side is always in favor of the SB warrior since it is build to hold 1v1 and 1v2 for long time by rotating abilities and the Reaper would not generate enough Life force to out sustain to beat the match up.Then we had Holosmith that could do duels no problem and at the same time it had large AOE damage and large AOE cc for teamfights, which made Reaper and Warrior pointless if they weren't overtuned.Some professions are already pigeonholed into being good at one thing while others could do multiple positions and be better at them then the pigeonholed one.

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 said:I don't really care enough to talk about any specific classes so if it looks like I cherry picked what I wanted to reply to, that's because I did.

@"Axl.8924" said:Having too many buffs could also technically kill build variety if said builds all play the same by having too much of everything.

Powercreep exists either way; whether it's a result of something being buffed above the power curve, or the power curve shifting down and leaving outliers untouched back at where they used to be before the shift.

The real cure to powercreep is commitment to balance over time, and whether that's through buffs, nerfs, whathaveyou is entirely up to the balance peoples. Again, nerfs are takeaways, reductions, removals. That's why they're bad for build diversity.

While its true that over nerfing can lead to stagnation of builds and lack of diversity, the goal here was to reduce the bad stuff that was killing the game: Toxic unhealthy mechanics like 1 shot condi spam AOE bombs CC death etc which was basically a gank fest of whoever can cc and bomb first won. Maybe it went too far maybe not, we might need to buff some classes, but at least now its not as bad as it was, because the pof power creep was killing the game, along with some of the stuff hot brought. People got used to way faster pace game, but this isn't call of duty.

If everything was buffed to the extreme you could argue the game is broken, but a direct symptom would be having more broken options to play since buffs are almost always additive.Whereas with everything nerfed to the extreme; the result is everything feeling samey overall, and the actual options when it comes to being effective for each class have shrunk.

I got one answer: Remember chronophantasma and scourge aoe bombs that were meta in multiple mode and making people complain and want to quit? yeah.

If you trust Metabattle, every class had at least 1 "meta" build before the patch. Now 5/9 professions have some sort of "meta" build they can play.

Also, you can still keep the vision for classes so long as you overhaul problematic ones because if you buff them, they will go back to being an issue.

That's what I meant by creative, exciting, and expressive nerfs. Reworks usually aren't just straight takeaways so I agree, they almost always work better when something is broken to the extreme. (ALMOST)

The main point of a buff philosophy though is not to touch what is already strong but to work on buffing everything else to be at that same level. It's more hands-off; which, I honestly prefer. You mentioned WoW so you should know from experience that an over-commitment to making everything perfectly balanced can be detrimental to a game and actually having fun.

Unfortunately, the really strong classes need to be looked at to ensure the strong ones aren't just played because they are the ultimate meta build and its strangling diversity out. Having one build like ranger was before thief before mesmer before warr also strangle diversity by making other builds unviable options due to being so hard countered due to how strong they are. This was the case with necromancers before the nerf due to having no mobility and before the nerfs they could not tank damage of hits from 15 20 30k hits from rangers 20 30 k from mesmers 20-30k from warriors etc, and because mobility was so commonplace and spammable with invulns, it left a huge skill gap. Right now necro rev and guardian still need nerfs due to performances, and guardian(Specifically firebrand) strangles out the competition in many areas. There is also the issue of specs like (Druid) and (Chronomancer) competitiveness as support unless ANET plans to keep them unviable for SPVP(I really hope not, because I enjoy this game the most when I have diverse specs to mess around with and tinker with)

The problem is fixing the skill ceiling and floor and try to even them out with other classes, like trying to do that for necro so there is more stuff to learn, but at the same time keep going to plat or legends obtainable if you get skilled enough, but for that they would need to overhaul necromancers and get rid of stubborness and separate defense lines and offense lines, because having them together creates a huge mess.

So, in my opinion, this is just so wrong saying vision is gone now because now we can have clear set lines that define a class such as weaknesses and strengths.

I don't think any vision is gone or wrong or anything. Idk where you're getting that from.

All I can really say there is classes had weaknesses and strengths before too, that were pretty clear. Like any competitive game, certain builds and certain professions present viable counterplay and unfavorable matchups to others. That's how it's always been really and GW2 didn't just start with this patch.

Perhaps in some ways, but in others, there were classes who had very faint lines of weaknesses due to how power creeped they were. Because of elites and because of excess, having an elite meant better and more power creep.

Why not make the choice between core ranger and druid and soulbeast more interesting proposition than just soulbeast is automatically better? What if i like druid better?

I think what others said is true. I think in the past, at times elites were directly replacing the old spec with a brand new one with more overpowered and power creeped, like weaver automatically repping tempest, and this is what i'd like them to focus on next: Make sure the choices between elites and other specs doesn't mean automatically superior.

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As long as we continue to move towards “pick your advantage” I think we will be fine.

  1. You can build for sustain.
  2. You can build for damage.
  3. You can build for crowd control effects.

If you try to build for all three then you shouldn’t be as noticeably effective in any category. Basically, pick your minor, major and master. Or get average everything.

The recent rebalancing patch did a lot for bringing damage down. You really need to build for it more and not just dish it out regardless of how much sustain you have.

Still a ways to go. I agree with Sind that a couple of tanks should be toned down and once that happens other underperforming professions will be right where they should be.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Honestly whether was needed or not this current version of pvp is absolute garbage. Uve got burn guards/fb literally standing there spamming their burns and defensive skills and profiting without even moving lmao, necro's can just continually use shroud to carry being outplayed to sustain long enough to kill a lot of opponents they shouldn't be able to, condi revs no point everyone knows, thief tickle dps is now so low, so good having a burst class do so little burst dps that tanks laugh in ur face and return same amount if not more damage back at you etc etc, until they fix what they broke pvp is a absolute trash bag, everyone I know left the game 2 weeks after patch and some said they MAY come back come expac but by then who knows. Good luck lol

In what rating is burn guard an issue? Rofl

Also, two thieves in eu finals. But I guess they just didn't feel like winning and just played it for fun /s

Burns themselves are way overperforming,if u can't see that then u really shouldn't be discussing balance, sry.

Really? Where? Aren't fire weaver and burn guard the only two builds that stack a ton of burning? They aren't burning up the meta right now. I mean, if you want to give sword weaver cover condi and mobility in exchange for turning burning into another bleeding, then we can talk about that. But somehow I doubt you'd like the results any better!

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