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Thoughts on the CoR change?


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  • Cast range indicator doesn't match the actual range
  • Cast range indicator is only segmented into 2 parts


  • skill itself does sometimes not hit on the edges, even though indicator is on the monster
  • skill doesn't hit in melee anymore, has a ranger higher than 1200 instead
  • skill auto cancels if you turn your character (like sb4)
  • skill direction can't be readjusted by facing another way anymore
  • wonky when fired on uneven ground/small cliffs, even sometimes completely changes direction(Example: https://streamable.com/uiy55, RandommUser, Link to reddit comment

I think they made it worse and clunkier.

(Bonus: Mace 2 still has the CoR effect in the animation, the working one with sound)Edit: Added videolink

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It's honestly trash. I'm so tired after almost 8 years of this, the companies inability to not ruin/break things that are fun/working. If you cant figure out a rev with a hammer is going to press 2 why are you even attempting any pvping in the game Lol. If this is what I have to look forward to for "expansion 3's potential e-specs" count me out i'll take my time/money else where to a business that isn't pepega.

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My first impression is that I can guide it a little better now since it was "altered" many months ago now. But it still misses often with any kind of terrain change. :disappointed: And like Raknar said, it doesn't hit in melee range. :-1:

IDK... Anet, we might be better served with CoR being retired. Perhaps you can engineer a new skill for Rev Hammer 2? CoR has definitely seen better days. (It has so much duct tape on it now, I barely want to use it.)

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@Elric.4713 said:Stop kitten with hammer, revert the skill to what it was before the October 2019 patch.

Yes, they seriously need to revert the functionality of this skill to how it used to be. It was crisp and satisfying then. Nerf the damage if they must, nerf the cooldown if they must. It's a pretty telegraphed skill and it isn't even that fast. People can deal with there not being a red AoE. Hell, people had been dealing with it for years already. Very easy to just side step or kite away from. Instead they keep making it worse and worse making hammer rev feel more luck-based than skill-based.

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Very unlikely they'll revert it back to how it was before since the reason they changed it in the first place was to add indicators and make it slower/easier to dodge and it seems like they couldn't do that without changing the way it worked originally.

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@"Krypto.2069" said:My first impression is that I can guide it a little better now since it was "altered" many months ago now. But it still misses often with any kind of terrain change. :disappointed: And like Raknar said, it doesn't hit in melee range. :-1:

IDK... Anet, we might be better served with CoR being retired. Perhaps you can engineer a new skill for Rev Hammer 2? CoR has definitely seen better days. (It has so much duct tape on it now, I barely want to use it.)

Based on what I read in the patchnotes, I thought it was going to work similar to how you target Inspiring Reinforcement, but what you describe sounds way way worse. And a melee deadzone now? LOL. Keep being classy there ANET.

It's nice to walk into T4s as an Alacrigade and be not only requested but high performing, but this is a tragedy. I had hoped that they would one day revert the CoR cooldown back to 4 secs or something, and I could go back to WvW as a Hammer Rev, but now it seems like they are just making the weapon worse and worse, and now this impacts PvE use as well, same as how they mangled Staff 5.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@"Krypto.2069" said:My first impression is that I can guide it a little better now since it was "altered" many months ago now. But it still misses often with any kind of terrain change. :disappointed: And like Raknar said, it doesn't hit in melee range. :-1:

IDK... Anet, we might be better served with CoR being retired. Perhaps you can engineer a new skill for Rev Hammer 2? CoR has definitely seen better days. (It has so much duct tape on it now, I barely want to use it.)

Based on what I read in the patchnotes, I thought it was going to work similar to how you target Inspiring Reinforcement, but what you describe sounds way way worse. And a melee deadzone now? LOL. Keep being classy there ANET.

It's nice to walk into T4s as an Alacrigade and be not only requested but high performing, but this is a tragedy. I had hoped that they would one day revert the CoR cooldown back to 4 secs or something, and I could go back to WvW as a Hammer Rev, but now it seems like they are just making the weapon worse and worse, and now this impacts PvE use as well, same as how they mangled Staff 5.

CoR now has this big light green rectangle with an arrow in it showing you where it's going to cast (like the light green circle for Phase Smash), which does help direct it imho. And it looks like CoR starts/hits right at your feet (130 range, you know?) based on the rectangle. But it doesn't. It's actually going to start just beyond that 130 range (give or take). And it goes further than the rectangle shows too. I'd imagine I'll get used to it, but, this is not ideal. Since the Oct '19 changes, CoR is just a hideous shadow of its former self. :anguished:

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@"Fueki.4753" said:At the very least, the ground-targetting is in dire need to be reverted.The game needs less manual/ground targetting, not more.

Absolutely the wanna-be moba shoe-horning into skills and making them feel awful to use has no place in an action game. This is especially the case in gw2 a game with no way to customize each skill to fast casts/smart casts ect. Blanket setting options for skill behaviors are so terrible in games if anything we should be getting more "overwatch styled" class/character specific skill behavior options over these years to compensate for skill directions they seem to want to have. They seem to think its acceptable to keep putting them in the game even if they're clunky, mediocre, not fun to use, and spam NO LINE OF SIGHT you know the stuff no one wants to deal with ever, period. You cannot have a pvp setting in a game where you cant even count on your abilities to do what they claim to no "pro player" is going to give your game 2 seconds of their time with such amateur level functions and no prize pool to suffer through them for.

I honestly cant figure out how its so hard to make a skill that plays an initial animation instantly cracking the entire ground of the length of the skill range on cast, it then proceeds to have big red flashes burst from the cracks on a delayed pulses the damage at a staggered sequence to "cascade". Which let us be honest, is the gimmick form of linear attacks/nukes and prolly just recycled from the claw of Jormag world boss fight where the ice pushes you back in sequence. It shouldn't be so hard to achieve the conveyance of the damage/threat from this skill with any bit of common sense. There's a reason Roy originally had the ability do tiers of damage maybe they should have considered reversing it so it did less damage further if players refuse to get good.

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so there is some missinformation in this thread.

I actually went out and played with it for more than 2 minutes and what I have seen is,

  • Cascade is changed, possibly reverted to previous function. Not thee best but way better than what it was.
  • It will track up and down hills if you are reasonably on the same plane as target.
  • Going over bumps and stuff, even with ground targeting it will still veer but with compensation in targeting it can still hit.
  • If you strafe while using it, the cascade will not follow the targeting reticle's pathing.
  • Skill has los still but no longer animates the full cascade through objects.
  • I don't think they slowed down the cascade more. I think the patch note saying slower is more a "late" patch note.
  • The cascade does start out beyond melee range. I am pretty sure it doesn't have more than 1200 range though. The ground targeting reticle is mismatched. It does have slightly extended range. Its less than the full distance of phase smash or drop the hammer though but close.

I think the skill has been improved but yeah its still trash.Reverting CoR to last year wont fix hammer rev when 4 of its other skills have had their damage removed.

edit,tested its range more thoroughly and its extended but not farther than the max distance of phase smash or drop the hammer which edge out slightly more.

edit 2,cascade doesn't follow the targeting reticle if you strafe while casting cor.

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