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Thoughts on the CoR change?


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@Mini Crinny.6190 said:Hasn't it been bugged since 1st october 2019?

Yes, then even though it was bugged, they nerfed it anyhow, and now nerfed it some more...

And now everyone is scratching their heads, complaining about, and trying to figure out why meta has shifted to condi.

The problem is, given anet’s recent poor decisions, Im really afraid of their attempts to “fix” the meta further at this point. We will probably wind up with some tankfest like ESO!

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I've been playing with the new ground-targeted CoR trying to get used to it but it's just overall painful to play. We really need to get rid of the ground-targeting on this skill and fix the bugs. Anet please, revert the mechanics of this skill to how it worked prior to October 2019. If you thought it was overpowered, just tweak down the numbers a bit but put the mechanics of the skill back how it was. (Please!)

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This is the worst change to the revenant. Please revert to no ground targeting. The targeting is so glitchy as well as the skill not actually going off most of the time. I can't simply press the button and choose the direction and let it go. The change is real bad. There was no need for this change, ANET. You've nearly nerfed the usefulness out of the hammer. What's next, 100 range on skill one? I mean that's what all this is leading to at the moment.

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@Heibi.4251 said:This is the worst change to the revenant. Please revert to no ground targeting. The targeting is so glitchy as well as the skill not actually going off most of the time. I can't simply press the button and choose the direction and let it go. The change is real bad. There was no need for this change, ANET. You've nearly nerfed the usefulness out of the hammer. What's next, 100 range on skill one? I mean that's what all this is leading to at the moment.

Nah they would probably fix the bug that gives it a 100% projectile finisher rofl.

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I dunno why the most gimmicky shit always goes to rev. First it was sword 2 attacking random stuff. Then SB reverse shot gun that does not hit jack. And now this.

Anet, please, try to not be fucking creative, okay? It is not working for you.

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@"Outstanding Quality.4215" said:I think rev hammer and staff are the most overnerfed weapons in this game’s history

Overnerfed would imply they were made weaker. The issue I have isn't that the coefficients were changed, but how the actual mechanics of the skill have been altered in a negative fashion.

Sword 4Hammer 2Staff 5

All were changed to placate the competitive scene, and in so doing, made them less fun to use even in PvE. Had they just nerfed the damage range by 50% or whatever in competitive modes, the weapons would have remained fun to use in PvE and wouldn't insta-delete folks in PvP or WvW...but someone on the competitive balance team has a thing for the word "counterplay", and is trying to shoe horn it in where ever they can, no matter what damage they cause in the process.

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"competitive scene"This game's "scene" is long since dead and wont be coming back to anything near what it was at its peak, which was still nothing compared to countless other games. Competitive players are all eyeballing Valorant and ow2. There is no money to be won in gw2 and anyone whose serious about competition knows it.

Everything they've done is either to sell the next set of elite specs or make mediocre bad players live longer to placate their crying. Also they were over-nerfed many of these abilities actually did damage at one point. If one can't or wont dodge roll or use a defensive ability when one sees big moves coming their way, they deserve to die for it, end of story.

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@"Stinja.9612" said:"competitive scene"Competitive players are all eyeballing Valorant and ow2.Not all of the competitive players are into shooters, you know.Shooters and MMORPGs have different target audiences, which have their distinct competitive scenes.

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@"Fueki.4753" said:

Shooters and MMORPGs have different target audiences, which have their distinct competitive scenes.

I guess that He means games in which the player vs player component has a valuable weigth in terms of following (e-sports, streaming in twitch, etc.). Sadly GW2 is a game in which most of the population is centered in PvE (despite having excellent combat mechanics for player vs player) and EVEN being centered in PvE the following of the game in platforms as Twich is dismal, so there's no room for make a living about playing it as happens in other games.

And that has nothing to do with not being a shooter; there's a lot of non shooter games which have massive audiences (LoL, DOTA 2, Hearthsotone, Minecraft, Path of Exile... ). ANet could have made a PvP game mode using the core mechanics of GW2 combat into a MOBA style game and have great success, but instead they gave us the mediocre Stroghold game mode which no one uses. And is sad due this game feels mostly as a huge waste potential: taking in consideration how weak is the combat system in games as WoW or EsO or how barebone is the PvP system in BDO (and how much grinding requires to achieve "fairness" between players) GW2 has a huge potential which clearly failed to exploit.

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@"Stinja.9612" said:"competitive scene"This game's "scene" is long since dead and wont be coming back to anything near what it was at its peak, which was still nothing compared to countless other games. Competitive players are all eyeballing Valorant and ow2. There is no money to be won in gw2 and anyone whose serious about competition knows it.

Everything they've done is either to sell the next set of elite specs or make mediocre bad players live longer to placate their crying. Also they were over-nerfed many of these abilities actually did damage at one point. If one can't or wont dodge roll or use a defensive ability when one sees big moves coming their way, they deserve to die for it, end of story.

You can quibble over semantics all you want: WvW and PvP are referred to as "competitive" game modes by ANET, and that is the spirit in which I am using that term. Your disagreement with the characterization of WvW/PvP has no relevance to the discussion.

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Wow all revs unanimously stated negative thoughts about cor, not cuz its weak but because of the skills poor function. Anet don't u think if all ur paying customers on a class are telling u every patch that a skill on a commonly used weapon is performing poorly an a mechanical level basically every patch that maybe it's time to actually fix it or change it so it functions properly?I mean uve got the feedback.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Wow all revs unanimously stated negative thoughts about cor, not cuz its weak but because of the skills poor function. Anet don't u think if all ur paying customers on a class are telling u every patch that a skill on a commonly used weapon is performing poorly an a mechanical level basically every patch that maybe it's time to actually fix it or change it so it functions properly?I mean uve got the feedback.

Based on how shortbow #2 and #3 have been for years I don't think they care about feedback on skill functionality.

Edit: Also shortbow #4 since it can't shoot behind your character for some unknown reason.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Wow all revs unanimously stated negative thoughts about cor, not cuz its weak but because of the skills poor function. Anet don't u think if all ur paying customers on a class are telling u every patch that a skill on a commonly used weapon is performing poorly an a mechanical level basically every patch that maybe it's time to actually fix it or change it so it functions properly?I mean uve got the feedback.

I politely asked at the beginning of 2018 why they don't minimize the size of the PvP logging screen when we are on queue so doesn't interfere with fights when we are on WvW, Ben answered that they were valoring it, 25 months passed and the still did nothing (I keep refloating the topic once a year).

I also asked for a fix in the template system for the Revenant class, because doesn't keep the order of the utilities and randomly reorders them while entering/exiting gameplay modes, mounts, after being caught in a crystal shard, etc. ...Or a refund of the money for those of us who payed for a feature (extra template slots) which doesn't work as intended. Still not a fix neither a single answer apologizing for.

The PR politics of ANet is in the mud in which is due their own merits; I can't feel sympathy towards them when their anouncements get a cold shoulder because is what they have earned.

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@Buran.3796 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Wow all revs unanimously stated negative thoughts about cor, not cuz its weak but because of the skills poor function. Anet don't u think if all ur paying customers on a class are telling u every patch that a skill on a commonly used weapon is performing poorly an a mechanical level basically every patch that maybe it's time to actually fix it or change it so it functions properly?I mean uve got the feedback.

I politely asked at the beginning of 2018 why they don't minimize the size of the PvP logging screen when we are on queue so doesn't interfere with fights when we are on WvW, Ben answered that they were valoring it, 25 months passed and the still did nothing (I keep refloating the topic once a year).

I also asked for a fix in the template system for the Revenant class, because doesn't keep the order of the utilities and randomly reorders them while entering/exiting gameplay modes, mounts, after being caught in a crystal shard, etc. ...Or a refund of the money for those of us who payed for a feature (extra template slots) which doesn't work as intended. Still not a fix neither a single answer apologizing for.

The PR politics of ANet is in the mud in which is due their own merits; I can't feel sympathy towards them when their anouncements get a cold shoulder because is what they have earned.

I agree. The match queue screen is far to intrusive. The moment they decided to add in things like arena, ai classes to practice on while waiting the first thing to come to mind or one of them shoulda been making the queue box small, off to the side and interactive while not locking the player out of play.

With rev I just left utilities as is and made a comfortable keybined for them as them switching was annoying especially if not noticed till after match start lol.Staff 5 was already clunky and prone to miss and in the design teams infinite wisdom they thought hmmm let's take the issues the skill already has and compound them further by adding a delay, seems like a smart way to make a skill useless. Did they even try the skill before making the change. All thses complaints about rev skills not even functioning properly are constantly being shoved in the teams faces yet fixes either never come, take forever or the fix comes but doesnt even fix the issue as if the fix wasn't even tested before release. Its unreal, not surprising their games population is tanking.

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Im sorry for what im about to say but id prefer if anet just erased the hole revenant class from the game and introduced a new class in the next expansion with good elites , i know condivrev works fine , heal is also not bad , and alacrigade , sry to say but having to press one button to get 10 people alac permanent is broken and boring( at least it should need a bit more efford so its not boring) , the problem i see is , we keep asking them for a decent power build for raid , we got something acceptable but still too far from the metas ( and it happens with other classes too , i mean you shouldnt have a difference in almost 10k dmg between dps classes unless you create a niche for them , like nigro epi wich is very usefull in some bosses) also i understand not every class can be meta in everything (wait dragonhunter is meta power, condi, and quickness , good healing and good tank...)So the thing i dont understand is why Anet keeps nerfing things from rev when we ask for buffs and if you look at it youll see even buffing it rev would only get in the middle tables , now we got cor , dmg reduced ,understandable as it hit hard but as it was our only dmg reliable skill at least mahe hammer 3,5 AA faster to compensate, it bugged and didnt hit , well as far as i have played now it hits but seems it still has bugs so fix it as fast as possible , range , how did someone thought that making it not hit melee targets was fine ? I mean youre literaly hitting the floor with a hammer if you have someone at melee range he would be hit by the hammer at least so please stop that nonsense (it also looks awfull).And that is only the most recent "stop playing rev already " nerf we got so far , if they hate the class , that got introduced with an expansion and WE PAID FOR at least tell us so we stop using it and erase it from the game .

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Anet, could you please consider reverting the mechanics of CoR back to how it was before the change in late 2019? If you thought it was overpowered in WvW or PvP, maybe reduce power coefficients or damage numbers in a WvW and PvP version of the skill. The current ground-targeting play of CoR is simply painful to use and not fun.

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@"Orion Templar.4589" said:Anet, could you please consider reverting the mechanics of CoR back to how it was before the change in late 2019? If you thought it was overpowered in WvW or PvP, maybe reduce power coefficients or damage numbers in a WvW and PvP version of the skill. The current ground-targeting play of CoR is simply painful to use and not fun.

They would have to nerf the damage so hard you wouldn't want to use it anyhow. People are traumatized by this skill so much that if they take more than a 5k crit by it "too powerful need nerf! ". Hammer rev is gone and isn't coming back.

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