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Suggestion: Weapon and costume skins in honor of completion of the star wars skywalker saga

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Hey everyone,While watching star wars today, an idea popped into my mind.How about new special skins (short time) in honor of the star wars saga, after 40 years it came to an end. And what better time to bring them out then May the 4th or during the star wars celebration in august (probably better cause more time to prepare).So what I actually thought of:The costume skins could be the Jedi Outfit, while in non combat mode, you walk around in the full outfit and when switching to battle mode the robe disappears. there could be different kind of outfits e.g. Anakin, Obi Wan, Mace Windu..Same goes for the Sith with e.g. Dart Vader, Darth Sidius, Darth Maul and "Darth Rey" in regards of outfits.

My next thought were weapon skins. Although exclusive for Dagger, Sword and Greatsword. The dagger would be a small lightsaber as the one Yoda has. Sword would be like a regular lightsaber and the greatsword could be a double bladed lightsaber like the one Darth Maul has. Those skins could also be offered in all the lightsaber colors blue, red, green, violet and yellow.

I´m hoping for some feedback, I know this isnt the most guild wars fitting idea but in my opinion those robes and lightsabers are not that different from what we have so far, so they kinda would fit in even though theyre from a whole different universe.

Stay safe and healthy :)

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I'm not sure Disney/LucaArts would approve and it would be fairly hypocritical of Anet to do this having chased down other companies for appropriation in the past

I'd rather ANet stick to its own style and not shoehorn more things that don't fit. I like Star Wars (the originals anyway), but if I want to experience Star Wars online, the options already exist. It after all, not any of Guild Wars' business to celebrate a 40 year Anniversary of Star Wars

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As other people have said they wouldn't be allowed to do anything openly related to Star Wars because the copyright to that belongs to Disney and Anet would have to a) ask them for permission and b) pay them, if Disney allow it at all. Considering one of the things they got as part of that franchise is another MMO (Star Wars: The Old Republic) I doubt they'd be willing to licence even small tie-ins to a company who are effectively their competition.

On the other hand there's only so far even Disney can push copyright, so there's no reason Anet couldn't release some sort of brown/black robe outfit which happens to look like something the Jedi wear, even with a name like 'Celestial knight outfit'. We've already got swords which are basically lightsabers, like the Holosmith Sword. But since they couldn't openly announce the tie-in (and can't imply it too obviously, otherwise they're back to copyright infringement) I'm not sure how effective that would be.

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Anet could make a knife called "McGuffin" that does no damage and serve no real purpose.

Or an outfit called "The Mary Sue" that automatically give you all skills in the entire game, plus an additional skill that just makes your character look shocked while all nearby NPCs shout "REEEEY!!!" for some reason. 5s cd.

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@"Syntac.9023" said:Weapon and costume skins in honor of completion of the star wars skywalker saga

"In honor"? :s They ruined the original saga with their bad prequels and even worse sequels (combining an uninspired copy of the original saga's theme with bad writing, bad acting and a childish humor that, in comparison, makes Jar Jar Binks look like the greatest comic relief of all time). Nothing honorable about that.

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@Syntac.9023 said:Hey everyone,While watching star wars today, an idea popped into my mind.How about new special skins (short time) in honor of the star wars saga, after 40 years it came to an end. And what better time to bring them out then May the 4th or during the star wars celebration in august (probably better cause more time to prepare).

Suggestion: Not every game sells it's soul like Fortnite,

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Syntac.9023" said:Weapon and costume skins in honor of completion of the star wars skywalker saga

"In honor"? :s They ruined the original saga with their bad prequels and even worse sequels (combining an uninspired copy of the original saga's theme with bad writing, bad acting and a childish humor that, in comparison, makes Jar Jar Binks look like the greatest comic relief of all time). Nothing honorable about that.

If you haven't seen this vid, you'll love what these guys did to Jar Jar. [spoiler ALERT: THERE IS BLOOD AND GORE]

These guys take various movies and ramp them up to Rated-R. They are good.

While there may be a sizable number of Star Wars fans, it's a slippery slope to start allowing one set of skins. What's next "Twilight," "GoT," "Breaking Bad," or "Dexter"?

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Thank you guys for all that feedback.Yes you probably are right, those two worlds should stay seperated and thank you for pointing out that it is possible to get somewhat close to star wars outifts, I will definetly have a look at this.

And I agree with the fact that the prequell as well as the sequel were very nothing but disappointing (although it had some moments, e.g. I liked the idea of another female hero that is the main character and a Jedi) but still it came to an end, not the one that we hoped or wished for but it ended.

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