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There's this one guy who is constantly AFK farming.

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He/she is never there. Never. Now here I thought total AFK farming was not allowed? Here's me, MUG, running around farming in the same vicinity, legitimately, and this one clown can just leave his ranger there with a jacaranda, spewing lightning bolts 24 hours a day. It doesn't matter if it's an inefficient method of farming but it's AFK farming nonetheless.

I'm getting the impression that my reporting is going to be considered hassle and be dubbed abuse of the report system, even though I am using it for genuine purposes and with the best intentions.

There needs to be a blanket statement that addresses farming in general, all types of it. If AFK farming (I've looked at previous posts and apparently it is) is against the rules, then enforce it. As I said, this one chump has been in the same place for DAYS. I got to this place with my Necro (yes I'm a mug, I run around with minions not AFK farming) and I was like "how is this guy STILL HERE!?".

This reminded me of my earlier complaints regarding other idle farmers, some probably botting and multi-boxers, some of which are fine some that are not. Now multi-boxing doesn't appear to be against the rules, but isn't that an abuse of the system? It takes up server space, people use free accounts to abuse the system and because they're half paying attention to a single account, the remaining 4-5-6-7 accounts they have running farming are, technically idle, but that's not against the rules because it's considered multi-boxing? That doesn't make sense to me. The rules are skewed. That brings me to the genuine AFK farmers (and potential botters) who sit on the exact same spot among a sea of other players, minions, turrets, pickup items, in tight formation, who are so blended in it's nigh impossible to see their names or report them.

Am I, in doing what I think is right, going to put my account at risk flagging people who are either bending the rules or outright breaking them? My intentions are only ever honest. I know some farming methods are fine, assuming someone is still at their computer, but sooo many people clearly are NOT at their systems, or sit among a sea of multi-boxers so you can't tell who is who and what account belongs to which (hence mass reporting - which isn't intended to abuse the report feature).

There needs to be more clarity. Why am I following rules if those who frequently bend/break them can go unchecked?

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How do you know that person is NEVER there, just because you don't see them move or interact with anyone when you're there...unless you're also there 24/7 to observe them? Do what Inculpatus said, report and move on, you'll never know if the person responds to the methods ArenaNet uses to check for violations of ToS because they don't inform the reporter of what actions have been taken.

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1) It doesn't matter2) report, move on and stop worrying about it3) Anet does bans periodically and in waves. So they'll prob be farming for a while if they are breaking rules - and they may not be

Really the important thing is to report them and move along and never think about them again. They are only Anets problem after all.

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Why are you worried about what others are doing and not doing? For all you know that person is eating while farming or something. You should t be assuming stuff when you have no concrete facts. I say just enjoy the game & move on. If you want to report that’s your right but at the same time you could be reporting someone who isn’t afk & it wouldn’t be fair if that person gets in trouble for nothing .

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Yeah, there are AFKers all over all of the maps and no one is playing the game.....

Seriously, though. These farmers in no way impact your ability to play the game. As has been stated numerous times, report and move on. Anet will deal with them if they are truly AFK farming.

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@"Hashberry.4510" said:We have a pro AFK community here, it is what it is. :o

This is blatantly obvious by the dismissive tone of the community here. Rules are there to be followed and the fact that everyone's attitude is "ignore it" is why everybody breaks rules in games and in the real world.

Just to note, I am running around in the vicinity farming myself so it's not like I walked passed and saw this guy once or twice. I was there for a good hour the other day and a couple of times in between for a brief spell and 30 minutes earlier and he sat under the same tent, not moving. I even sent a mail saying dude, don't AFK farm it's not allowed; no acknowledgement.

Heed your own advice and move on if you don't like my thread or disagree with it. This guy is very likely breaking the rules, much like the sea of Iron Marches Ascalonian Wall and Modri Carvern AFK farmers. I won't ignore flagrant rule breakers.

I'll just continue my reporting and hope that Anet doesn't punish those trying to do the right thing and as you say, move on. Though I am disappointed the community express a tinge of dislike for those reporting such things and I can only assume its because some practice this themselves.

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@Holgarf.6581 said:

@"Hashberry.4510" said:We have a pro AFK community here, it is what it is. :o

This is blatantly obvious by the dismissive tone of the community here. Rules are there to be followed and the fact that everyone's attitude is "ignore it" is why everybody breaks rules in games and in the real world.

Just to note, I am running around in the vicinity farming myself so it's not like I walked passed and saw this guy once or twice. I was there for a good hour the other day and a couple of times in between for a brief spell and 30 minutes earlier and he sat under the same tent, not moving. I even sent a mail saying dude, don't AFK farm it's not allowed; no acknowledgement.

Heed your own advice and move on if you don't like my thread or disagree with it. This guy is very likely breaking the rules, much like the sea of Iron Marches Ascalonian Wall and Modri Carvern AFK farmers. I won't ignore flagrant rule breakers.

I'll just continue my reporting and hope that Anet doesn't punish those trying to do the right thing and as you say, move on. Though I am disappointed the community express a tinge of dislike for those reporting such things and I can only assume its because some practice this themselves.

You have completely and utterly misunderstood most of the replies and the tone of those replies in this thread.

This is a situation that has gone for many years and has gained some level of approval by Anet. They also do not ban on report - they ban in waves. They also investigate to make sure what appears to be the problem is actually the problem. There are grey areas where this is allowed and this has been discussed to a large degree with the devs themselves.

At the end of the day obsessing over it is unhealthy (I'm not saying you are, but there are a few who really obsess over this). Report them and just move on. Whether they are crossing some line or rule is simply irrelevant since the control of the situation does not belong in your hands - it belongs in Anets. If they deem the situation unimportant or they decide to action it at a later date, that is their business.

If they are flagrant rule breaker, Anet will deal with them in due course even if not immediately. If they aren't deemed rule breakers, they will simply carry on. And we will not be kept advised of any action taken so we will never know if those people broke any rules or not.

So yes - report and move on is absolutely the best and only solution/advice/outcome for passerby players here.

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You can never know what the person"AFKing" is doing. For example I just tend to find some nice spot in open world with cool ambience and hang out there on one of my alts (which happens to be a ranger) while looking through dyes. Sometimes this can take hours, but I am certainly not AFK even if my pet happens to attack something in close vicinity.

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@Holgarf.6581 said:

This reminded me of my earlier complaints regarding other idle farmers, some probably botting and multi-boxers, some of which are fine some that are not. Now multi-boxing doesn't appear to be against the rules, but isn't that an abuse of the system? It takes up server space, people use free accounts to abuse the system and because they're half paying attention to a single account, the remaining 4-5-6-7 accounts they have running farming are, technically idle, but that's not against the rules because it's considered multi-boxing?

I don't think you can transfer gold or other stuff from a free account in any way and you can't really use TP also so I don't think this is a thing. Maybe I'm missing something here.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:For those of you who say it has no impact on the players, that's totally false, and you should know it. AFK farming adds wealth to the game, reducing the value of all rules-abiding players' wealth.

And that amount of wealth is insignificant compared to the amount that legit players bring into the game. SO yup, it's got an impact ... that's not even worth talking about.

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