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what do you miss most about the core days?

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yep, its nostalgia time.for me oddly enough its teef even tho I mostly played necro back then. whenever I saw one it was "ok i'm probably going to lose cuz this player is better then me" vs now which is "ok i'm probably going to lose cuz this player is build carried". ofc nowadays people being carried by builds applies to all classes, but imo its most evident in teef since if we're honest they require the most skill to play at a top level, and the teef builds now are either offensive and defensive at the same time or have op disengage. there were noob teefs back then, but they were more easily dealt with since spam was much more manageable. most of the time it seemed newer players to teef didn't stick around since the skill required was high. the same sorta applies to mesmer but there was crap like condi PU which was popular. also engi a little since they were that outlier class that no one really played so the only ones you saw were good.

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I miss corrupt boon converting all boons into conditions, it allowed for coordinated team spikes on targets reminiscent of GW1 PvP play. Now it's just another brainless spam skill which isn't even good since 2 boons is essentially nothing when every class is pooping out boons left and right.

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I miss the clear combat back then. I can’t explain it precisely with my words but before HoT the timing in wich moment you used your skills felt more important, sometimes you had to wait 5, 10 or 20 seconds to find the right moment to use something, now it feels more spammy, pressing one skill after the other. Attack chains are sometimes so fast and so long that I can’t see where the one burst ends and the next burst begins. Also the defensive and offensive Part was more separated. I can remember situations where I waited for the enemy to attack because I wanted to bait something, dodge was sometimes all you had and was enough because you had 1 stun break as utility skill.

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Less visual clutter. No BS skills. No CC spam, damage spam, boon spam. Roles were well-defined (except DD ele, which was good at everything)

Imagine playing core DD ele right now. It doesn't really work. But it DID extremely well before. That alone should give you insight into how much power creep we have. Probably like 2 times more across the board than the core days.

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