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Pistol thief

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@"Pati.2438" said:Well just play this exactly Build and you will actually dont loose most 1v1s while only running arount and spaming the shadow 1 skill.The Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PawAoiVlFw2YHsQ2JO2OrrbA-zZoOlUUAZKC6VIEvEwxDA

PS. For real this thief build need a realy hard nerf .... and all the ones that said "just l2p" have no idea how fcking strong this build is .... i mean you could perma load spam and oneshot enemys while porting and stealth around.

I’d be shocked to see this one shot anything.

Edit: what is “shadow 1 skill”?

Edit 2: oh you mean Sneak Attack? How do you spam it? You need stealth and you need to renter stealth frequently in order to “spam” it. And by that point you need to weave in other skills...which have limited ability to grant stealth exactly every 4 seconds to let you keep Sneak Attack at maximum uptime. If using a stealth attack on a stealth based class is spamming...I think we’ve lost the meaning of the word.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Hopefully they don't, it's annoying but not anywhere near op. Imagine we nerfed builds cuz their annoying lmao oh that's right that's what 90% of this games pvp community does instead of trying to get gud lol.Man I really hope this team starts ignoring these forums or pvp just gonna keep bleeding players and be totally dead by 2021.

Cries in Mesmer: Hold my beer.

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Hopefully they don't, it's annoying but not anywhere near op. Imagine we nerfed builds cuz their annoying lmao oh that's right that's what 90% of this games pvp community does instead of trying to get gud lol.Man I really hope this team starts ignoring these forums or pvp just gonna keep bleeding players and be totally dead by 2021.

Cries in Mesmer:
Hold my beer.

Yeah another good example is mesmer, look at it now lol how long has chrono been underperforming now?

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Hopefully they don't, it's annoying but not anywhere near op. Imagine we nerfed builds cuz their annoying lmao oh that's right that's what 90% of this games pvp community does instead of trying to get gud lol.Man I really hope this team starts ignoring these forums or pvp just gonna keep bleeding players and be totally dead by 2021.

Cries in Mesmer:
Hold my beer.

Yeah another good example is mesmer, look at it now lol how long has chrono been underperforming now?

We dodged a whole Balance Patch, that's a buff in our eyes.

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@saerni.2584Well do you remember that this builds stealth attack could doing the exact power damage of most power builds full burst skills while using a Condition amulet? While coming out of nothing (from stealth) while being on range, while having some ports, while doing 11 stacks bleeding and Poisen? And all those for only using a 3 skill comb witch is no risk shit cause of ranged and in stealth. Plus if your our of stealth? just Simply port to enemy got your 3ird skill on him and complete spam 3 skill on range. That build have so many shit for needed so low skill. Shouldn't exist in PvP.

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@fumcheg.1936 said:They just need to make every thief skill cost 7 ini like Chocking Gas. Then thief will be perfectly balanced.

Nah 2 much....

Imo, a light modification can handle all the OP thief's builds :

You use a weapon's skill for the first time, it will cost the usual initiatives, if you reuse it instantly (or in the next two seconds for example) it will cost the iniatives +1, next time +2 until there are no more initiatives left or almost and there, we reset and that's it.

It will push a good part of thieves to make their brains works, to watch their placements and know when to attack or not instead of squeezing the same button forever (like the skillful SD thief 2 2 2, pistol whip 3 3 3, old and new condi 3 3 3 condi)

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@Pati.2438 said:@saerni.2584Well do you remember that this builds stealth attack could doing the exact power damage of most power builds full burst skills while using a Condition amulet? While coming out of nothing (from stealth) while being on range, while having some ports, while doing 11 stacks bleeding and Poisen? And all those for only using a 3 skill comb witch is no risk kitten cause of ranged and in stealth. Plus if your our of stealth? just Simply port to enemy got your 3ird skill on him and complete spam 3 skill on range. That build have so many kitten for needed so low skill. Shouldn't exist in PvP.

Uh, power attacks do more damage front loaded. Also Sneak Attack you would be running hybrid and not a condi amulet for actually significant power damage (but lacking some of the crit damage increases via ferocity).

For Sneak Attack running a hybrid amulet you can hit for maybe 3-4k power if all hits strike, plus 2k ish in bleed (I’d need to login to get exact numbers). So you can get upwards of 6k damage out of the attack over time.

Backstab can hit around 5k or more instantly without using signet. It doesn’t have issues with projectiles not hitting. I also think Backstab doesn’t do enough damage as currently implemented (should be 2.0 and not 1.8).

As to the rest of your post:

What you described is not a three skill combo. Sneak Attack, Steal, Shadowstrike, Repeater, XYZ (whatever skill to restealth because you are a sitting duck to counter ranged pressure and are locked out of Shadowstrike’s teleport for 4 seconds). You are easily looking at 6 or 8 skills to actually be effective. But sure, using that many skills in succession shouldn’t do damage or be effective because it’s a thief using them...

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@Don Vega Van Kain.9842 said:

@"fumcheg.1936" said:They just need to make every thief skill cost 7 ini like Chocking Gas. Then thief will be perfectly balanced.

Nah 2 much....

Imo, a light modification can handle all the OP thief's builds :

You use a weapon's skill for the first time, it will cost the usual initiatives, if you reuse it instantly (or in the next two seconds for example) it will cost the iniatives +1, next time +2 until there are no more initiatives left or almost and there, we reset and that's it.

It will push a good part of thieves to make their brains works, to watch their placements and know when to attack or not instead of squeezing the same button forever (like the skillful SD thief 2 2 2, pistol whip 3 3 3, old and new condi 3 3 3 condi)

It was a bad idea before, its a bad idea still. Being able to reuse the same ability is the point of initiative. If you take it away thief just has "cooldowns, except worse in every way".

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I guess I have to make it clear that dat was a sarcasm.> @Don Vega Van Kain.9842 said:

@fumcheg.1936 said:They just need to make every thief skill cost 7 ini like Chocking Gas. Then thief will be perfectly balanced.

Nah 2 much....

Imo, a light modification can handle all the OP thief's builds :

You use a weapon's skill for the first time, it will cost the usual initiatives, if you reuse it instantly (or in the next two seconds for example) it will cost the iniatives +1, next time +2 until there are no more initiatives left or almost and there, we reset and that's it.

It will push a good part of thieves to make their brains works, to watch their placements and know when to attack or not instead of squeezing the same button forever (like the skillful SD thief 2 2 2, pistol whip 3 3 3, old and new condi 3 3 3 condi)

I guess I have to make it clear that my suggestion was a form of sarcasm. The idea of any skill cost of 7 ini with the base pool of 12 ini is ridiculous at its bottom. Guess it was not obvious enough.

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If anything needs to be changed about condition thief ASAP it's their capacity to apply conditions like Bewildering Ambush, Deadly Ambition, and Spider Venom that don't reveal them from stealth. Slap like 1 bit of power damage so that when they engage you it reveals them, like every other condition skill in the game but that is clearly an oversight on these skills and traits snd straight up toxic nonsense.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:If anything needs to be changed about condition thief ASAP it's their capacity to apply conditions like Bewildering Ambush, Deadly Ambition, and Spider Venom that don't reveal them from stealth. Slap like 1 bit of power damage so that when they engage you it reveals them, like every other condition skill in the game but that is clearly an oversight on these skills and traits snd straight up toxic nonsense.

spider venom CAN NOT be applied from stealth

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If anything needs to be changed about condition thief ASAP it's their capacity to apply conditions like Bewildering Ambush, Deadly Ambition, and Spider Venom that don't reveal them from stealth. Slap like 1 bit of power damage so that when they engage you it reveals them, like every other condition skill in the game but that is clearly an oversight on these skills and traits snd straight up toxic nonsense.

spider venom CAN NOT be applied from stealth

Pretty sure you can apply it, steal, and steal will proc spider venom without breaking stealth.

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If anything needs to be changed about condition thief ASAP it's their capacity to apply conditions like Bewildering Ambush, Deadly Ambition, and Spider Venom that don't reveal them from stealth. Slap like 1 bit of power damage so that when they engage you it reveals them, like every other condition skill in the game but that is clearly an oversight on these skills and traits snd straight up toxic nonsense.

spider venom CAN NOT be applied from stealth

Pretty sure you can apply it, steal, and steal will proc spider venom without breaking stealth.

it wont.

the first given is 1s in stealth.

an attack of power must be made to apply any spider venom, a revealing attack

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If anything needs to be changed about condition thief ASAP it's their capacity to apply conditions like Bewildering Ambush, Deadly Ambition, and Spider Venom that don't reveal them from stealth. Slap like 1 bit of power damage so that when they engage you it reveals them, like every other condition skill in the game but that is clearly an oversight on these skills and traits snd straight up toxic nonsense.

spider venom CAN NOT be applied from stealth

Pretty sure you can apply it, steal, and steal will proc spider venom without breaking stealth.

it wont.

the first given is 1s in stealth.

an attack of power must be made to apply any spider venom, a revealing attack

Steal counts as an attack. I'm almost certain it can apply venoms. Test it. I'm at work.

Why are you bringing up the automatic stealth stacks? That has no impact on what I'm talking about here.

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@saerni.2584 ....... the exact comb is stealth (Blinding Powder or Hide in Shadows in comb with Basiklisk Venom if you have it) , Spider Venom, Sneak attack. All you doing then is porting to foe and spaming 3 like a monkey and running away. Enemy has like near no chance to get ya and will be instantly death after 3 seconds if he dont kite or condi cleanse. If he cleanse or Kite .... ezy you have enough stealth so ...... stealth and spam stealth attack port on him and spam 3 ..... well rly skill needed shit right? xD

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If anything needs to be changed about condition thief ASAP it's their capacity to apply conditions like Bewildering Ambush, Deadly Ambition, and Spider Venom that don't reveal them from stealth. Slap like 1 bit of power damage so that when they engage you it reveals them, like every other condition skill in the game but that is clearly an oversight on these skills and traits snd straight up toxic nonsense.

spider venom CAN NOT be applied from stealth

Pretty sure you can apply it, steal, and steal will proc spider venom without breaking stealth.

it wont.

the first given is 1s in stealth.

an attack of power must be made to apply any spider venom, a revealing attack

Steal counts as an attack. I'm almost certain it can apply venoms. Test it. I'm at work.

Why are you bringing up the automatic stealth stacks? That has no impact on what I'm talking about here.

here is one steal from seen, and one from stealth.

both have venom applied.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@mortrialus.3062 said:If anything needs to be changed about condition thief ASAP it's their capacity to apply conditions like Bewildering Ambush, Deadly Ambition, and Spider Venom that don't reveal them from stealth. Slap like 1 bit of power damage so that when they engage you it reveals them, like every other condition skill in the game but that is clearly an oversight on these skills and traits snd straight up toxic nonsense.

spider venom CAN NOT be applied from stealth

Pretty sure you can apply it, steal, and steal will proc spider venom without breaking stealth.

it wont.

the first given is 1s in stealth.

an attack of power must be made to apply any spider venom, a revealing attack

Steal counts as an attack. I'm almost certain it can apply venoms. Test it. I'm at work.

Why are you bringing up the automatic stealth stacks? That has no impact on what I'm talking about here.

here is one steal from seen, and one from stealth.

both have venom applied.

I see. It's Deadly Ambition that applies poison from stealth on steal without causing reveal.

Put 1 flat damage on that too.

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@Pati.2438 said:@saerni.2584 ....... the exact comb is stealth (Blinding Powder or Hide in Shadows in comb with Basiklisk Venom if you have it) , Spider Venom, Sneak attack. All you doing then is porting to foe and spaming 3 like a monkey and running away. Enemy has like near no chance to get ya and will be instantly death after 3 seconds if he dont kite or condi cleanse. If he cleanse or Kite .... ezy you have enough stealth so ...... stealth and spam stealth attack port on him and spam 3 ..... well rly skill needed kitten right? xD

So what you are saying is that you allow thieves to spam 3 and kill you? You don't dodge? You don't close the 600 distance on the tele? You dont counter pressure with any damage? You don't LOS? You literally sit there and watch them kill you? Yea sounds like a learn to play issue there buddy.

EDIT: I guess I can assume you close the distance since they would have to hit you repeatedly with P/D 3 to spam tele.

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@omgdracula.6345 said:So what you are saying is that you allow thieves to spam 3 and kill you? You don't dodge? You don't close the 600 distance on the tele? You dont counter pressure with any damage? You don't LOS? You literally sit there and watch them kill you? Yea sounds like a learn to play issue there buddy.

EDIT: I guess I can assume you close the distance since they would have to hit you repeatedly with P/D 3 to spam tele.

Just dodge/LOS the nerfs bud, you'll be fine.

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