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Cast time for Waypointing after leaving spawn in WvW


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@LetoII.3782 said:Making me fight when I only want to get nestled into the safety of my omniblob is griefing. This game is about me and my 79 servermates chasing you solo not me fighting you where you have a chance of not losing.

No, you are supposed to fight me on my roaming build when I have no chance of losing against your blob build. That is skilled, competitive PvP, packed with fun engaging gameplay.

It is even more skilled and competitive if I have played PvP/WvW for years and you haven't.

And we can further up just how skilled I am in our 1v1, if I spend most of my time doing 1v1/smallscale and you spend most of yours doing large scale.

Oh and ideally if you are over 70 years old, then that really helps me to feel extra skilled in this highly skilled, top quality PvP that is WvW.

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@zinkz.7045 said:

@LetoII.3782 said:Making me fight when I only want to get nestled into the safety of my omniblob is griefing. This game is about me and my 79 servermates chasing you solo not me fighting you where you have a chance of not losing.

No, you are supposed to fight me on my roaming build when I have no chance of losing against your blob build. That is skilled, competitive PvP, packed with fun engaging gameplay.

Build templates exist for a reason. Sounds like blobbers should learn to swap to a roaming build when catching up to the tag.

It is even more skilled and competitive if I have played PvP/WvW for years and you haven't.

Irrelevant, a zerg will never care about how long you've been playing WvW before they run over you.

And we can further up just how skilled I am in our 1v1, if I spend most of my time doing 1v1/smallscale and you spend most of yours doing large scale.

Irrelevant, a zerg will never care about how long you've been playing WvW before they run over you.

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@BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:Cast time for waypointing after leaving spawn?

Do you mean for the first 3-5 seconds? Or that it takes 3-5 seconds to trigger the actual trip to the waypoint?

Because that could be a huge issue with EWP’s that are pulled,

Someone got away I take it? ?

They could just add the seconds in cast time to the EWP duration

More like everyone gets away because it's not that hard to dodge lance.

Server lag, on average, adds 3-5 seconds delay in EWP porting. Longer EWP duration is really much needed.

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@Kovu.7560 said:The only time I'm hit with the lance dismount is if I'm being chased by multiple people and they're lobbed at different times. That thing is so sluggish and easy to dodge its silly. Unfortunately, being chased by multiple people is when I actually want to run away.That said, the last thing we need is another barrier to successfully getting through an ewp. A delay on waypointing is not the solution we're looking for. If the goal is to put more people in combat then perhaps decreasing the predictability of the mount's lance ability would be the way to go about it? I'm not entirely sure its required though, the higher mobility professions are already shoving themselves down the throats of everyone else.

~ Kovu

I use the Lance while I'm dodging and I'd honestly wager it works 90% of the time when I do it this way. I feel like people don't expect the Lance to come at them while I'm in the middle of a dodge, but it seems to work less if I do it just while running at them.

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people being able to mount up instantly and just waypoint in an instant.This is actually one of those issues that occur when players lack creativity. And anet listens too much to those people.

The first thing I do when I engage a player is to tickle him with the lance to force him into combat. Problem solved.

You have all the tools you need for a better experience...

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I fully agree with you OP, this video is a great example , as you can see in the 2nd half of the video the group just run away even if they are more and at the end a warrior mount up and wp while his group run away again. can't wait for a fix.
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@"JoTur.7256" said:

I fully agree with you OP, this video is a great example , as you can see in the 2nd half of the video the group just run away even if they are more and at the end a warrior mount up and wp while his group run away again. can't wait for a fix.

unfortunately Gw2 only appeals to PvE and Zergers so roamers won't get any recognition. My only suggestion was to make it more balanced for everyone. Every MMORPG i've played has a timed Waypoint mechanic. You can't Waypoint in PvP so why not restrict people from instant waypointing in WvW. It's also a pvp area. All they have to do is inform players that there has been a cast time added to Waypointing before they leave spawn. It's that simple.

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@"Doug.4930" said:I mean, Im all for mechanics that force pvp in a pvp game mode. If you don't want to pvp then why are you in WvW? Sure sometimes a roamer is going to run into you when you're trying to get back to pin and you will die. Thats the game. Likewise when you're roaming a zerg is going to come around the corner and you will die. Thats the game too.

But with all that being said, I don't really care all that much. I mean someone thats going to waypoint away from a fight isn't exactly going to be any fun to fight anyway. They'll just take forever to kill because sustain zerg builds are tanks, or they're just going to run away. Besides waypointing is pretty much just like dying anyway right? Double downing someone is just forcing them to wp. So when someone wp's to avoid fighting, they're basically just saving you time right?

They don't want to fight you in the circumstances you're trying to force them to fight.That's why most people flee / wp. It has nothing to do with not wanting to PvP.

"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him." ~ The Art of War

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@Kulvar.1239 said:

@"Doug.4930" said:I mean, Im all for mechanics that force pvp in a pvp game mode. If you don't want to pvp then why are you in WvW? Sure sometimes a roamer is going to run into you when you're trying to get back to pin and you will die. Thats the game. Likewise when you're roaming a zerg is going to come around the corner and you will die. Thats the game too.

But with all that being said, I don't really care all that much. I mean someone thats going to waypoint away from a fight isn't exactly going to be any fun to fight anyway. They'll just take forever to kill because sustain zerg builds are tanks, or they're just going to run away. Besides waypointing is pretty much just like dying anyway right? Double downing someone is just forcing them to wp. So when someone wp's to avoid fighting, they're basically just saving you time right?

They don't want to fight you in the circumstances you're trying to force them to fight.That's why most people flee / wp. It has nothing to do with not wanting to PvP.

"The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him." ~ The Art of War

Nobody's saying players should be forced to fight, the discussion instead is asking the question should waypointing continue to be a one of the methods players have at their disposal to avoid fights. Players can already run/teleport/stealth/block with terrain/run into doors/leap etc to aid them in escaping fights. But really like i said I don't really care. Waypointing is basically the only punishment for death anyway. Not like there's a respawn timer or something. So people who use waypointing to avoid the circumstances in which I'm trying to fight are essentially killing themselves to escape.

Would be like if Sun Tzu ordered his army to fall on their swords because he didn't like the circumstances of the upcoming battle.

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If players are too jaded, or bored, or afraid, or any reason that make them not want to fight you, then the only thing you'll gain by coercing them to fights is they'll leave for good.

Players may come in GW2 for many reasons. Having their arms twisted surely isn't one of them.

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Well this doesn't matter to me that much. I mean it's not like I lose much from the few pesky players who manage to get away or avoid the fight altogether, cause it's usually boring to fight someone who doesn't and the heavy bags aren't much a reward either.

On the other hand, just adding a wait timer on the travel would probably bug me more in the long run since the number 9f ocasions i need to switch places around is way higher than the number of people who just manage to get away.

That being said I feel like this thing would be especially not fun for the queue pop up port which can happen very randomly and it might catch you in an unfortunate situation.

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Not everyone wants to roam. I avoid fights because my support FB will be locked into an annoying fight with a thief, mesmer or SB/druid that can't kill me but will slow me down. Quicker to WP and take another route. Hell even on one of my ready to roam builds I would avoid a thief or mesmer or druid because their escapes are obnoxious and not fun to fight against, when you are close to downing them and they warp across the map. Why would I do something not fun?

Ganking people heading to the zerg or to a daily is not roaming or PvP, it's just stroking ego/trolling. It's not strategic, the one maybe two people slowed down makes very little difference, and most of the time the said roamer runs when more than one person is around anwyay. I get small groups distruping spawn, but this rarely happens as there are so little roamers. So I am dead against major game changes in favour of a very small percentage of the player base and honestly think mount speed should revert and lance range be reduced to within a mounts length and be melee based.

Lance is broke, it will hit way out of range as do a lot of player pulls. Another reason to WP if you see irritating gank boys, you can't trust dodge to actually work on lance.

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