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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020) - ANet Response

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Huh! I've never seen that category in the Knowledge Base before.
Looks like they recently decided to add some posts from 'News and Announcements' on the forum to the KB.
And like 'Patch Notes', etc., it looks like sometimes information gets posted one place before the other.

Also, I just logged on and I don't see any difference in my account. Dailies still finished, same Achievement Points, same rewards I just got, etc.Did they fix it already? I haven't read the big threads on the issue; just got here.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Huh! I've never seen that category in the Knowledge Base before.

Looks like they recently decided to add some posts from 'News and Announcements' on the forum to the KB.

And like 'Patch Notes', etc., it looks like sometimes information gets posted one place before the other.

Also, I just logged on and I don't see any difference in my account. Dailies still finished, same Achievement Points, same rewards I just got, etc.Did they fix it already? I haven't read the big threads on the issue; just got here.

It was just the EU server affected by the rollback, followed by some TP issues.

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@Floppy.4936 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:but bear in mind Anet are not on our time zone. Their communication team prob aren’t even awake.

I should also point out that Anet are a global company and do have en EU branch. As someone who works in software, an issue of this magnitude is something people will get woken up for. There is no real reason that they have not even responded to say they are aware of the issue.

Do they still have that EU branch? Haven't seen anything about it in years.

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That's my take on it but :The rollback affects 3 days (back to Friday state), it seems a partial rollback (Guild treasury and upgrades appear to have been preserved), it was an unintentional rollback (judging by the wording on the support website), it may have been automated (considering the quarantine is still in effect, Something may have happened to the server).

It's only guesswork, but I'm assuming there was a server malfunction that caused it to induce an automatic rollback to a fixed safe point. 3 days might be sufficient for them to work out the issue before it happens again.There is little use in extrapolating anyhow, from the wording on the messages, it isn't a minor issue, and it may take several days to fix, in the best of circumstances, which the quarantine is not.

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Imagine... if this is data corruption thats been going on invisible in the background since last year and now when they are trying to restore the database they realize that there is no "good" database state because that was too long ago, all the backups are deleted. So they cannot restore the servers without also resetting all EU accounts to 0.


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@"Naxos.2503" said:That's my take on it but :The rollback affects 3 days (back to Friday state), it seems a partial rollback (Guild treasury and upgrades appear to have been preserved), it was an unintentional rollback (judging by the wording on the support website), it may have been automated (considering the quarantine is still in effect, Something may have happened to the server).

It's only guesswork, but I'm assuming there was a server malfunction that caused it to induce an automatic rollback to a fixed safe point. 3 days might be sufficient for them to work out the issue before it happens again.There is little use in extrapolating anyhow, from the wording on the messages, it isn't a minor issue, and it may take several days to fix, in the best of circumstances, which the quarantine is not.

Guild stuff is probably unaffected because they are stored differently. In particular they are stored in a way that the data is accessible from both EU and NA while character/account data only needs to be accessible from the "local" data center.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:Imagine... if this is data corruption thats been going on invisible in the background since last year and now when they are trying to restore the database they realize that there is no "good" database state because that was too long ago, all the backups are deleted. So they cannot restore the servers without also resetting all EU accounts to 0.


if that is so, probably that involves fonts/character encoding systems. and the "monitors" or "tracers" decided to rollback coz something was not right according to what they saw when observing the "subjects".

you can input extended Latin/Chinese/Korean characters to the game.

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ANet doesn't seem to have noticed (or not taken serious) so far: But between problem occurance today 12:00 CEST and EU-Server shutdown at 18:00 CESTthere are 6h where inconsistencies where spreaden to NA as well, as

  • Trade-Post
  • Guild-Bank
  • Messages with attachments were exchanges between NA and EU.

An EU player put 1000 gold into the bank on sunday, Monday 12:00 this is still in the guild-bank and reappeared in his pocket due to rollback.He put it again into the guild bank. An NA guild-member took these 2000gold out and started to buy stuff EU-Accounts have placed into the TP, but their state is questionable they lost their Item as it is sold, any money they receive is rollbacked. ...

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@Fir.7932 said:

1: Few hours

2: Few days

3: Few infinities

Option 3:The new mission is to find the infinity stones:Power Stone,Space Stone,Soul Gem,Reality Stone,Time Stone and theMind Stone.

Only once these are all found will one be powerful enough to restore the universe.

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@Eziair.2509 said:

@Eziair.2509 said:It's the one thing I really hate about GW2 - were the hell are the Devs?

Payed by the monthly subscription, oh wait GW2 has none ...

How hard it is just to have 2 members of staff to work on the forums to keep us upto date when things go wrong?Considering Anet's not so stellar past with the community relations and communication? Very. If they haven't managed to get this up on par in 7 years, don't expect them to do it now.
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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Randulf.7614" said:but bear in mind Anet are not on our time zone. Their communication team prob aren’t even awake.

I should also point out that Anet are a global company and do have en EU branch. As someone who works in software, an issue of this magnitude is something people will get woken up for. There is no real reason that they have not even responded to say they are aware of the issue.

Do they still have that EU branch? Haven't seen anything about it in years.

They may have an "EU branch", but i'm not so sure those people are actually in EU, instead of being in the US, alongside the rest of the staff.
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