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How to fix Guild Wars 2

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@"Speedylord.2798" said:PvP duels in open world - Could be a nice addition but only if both players need to accept the duel, not like some other games where you can just fight players without them wanting to. I'm not sure if this addition would really be something players want.Previous threads on the topic heavily lean toward "no". Besides, GW2 already has a mode for PvP. It is not necessary in open world.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@White Kitsunee.4620 said:Gw2's biggest problem is that its extremely hard for new players to get into the game considering the story is very hard to catch up to.Is it? I'm asking honestly. New players can run through the story at whatever pace they like. The content will always be there for them. Now, if they're rushing to get to end game content, then that's a different point.

yea, if a new player plays the game and,(understandably) wants to get into the story since that's one of the biggest focus' of the game, they have to:1.Play through the Slog that is Core.1.Understand what the heck is going on with Core, since multiple playthroughs is almost required to fully understand.2.Get confused by the lack of season 1, read up on outside sources3.Buy the underwhelming season 2.4.Buy the expacs and play HoT,5.Buy Season 3, this is where things finally gets good for a player and they can start to enjoying the story.

Guild wars 2's problem is that it puts it's worst foot forward. Gw2 has some great story patches, but all of the are really far down the line for a new player.

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@White Kitsunee.4620 said:the Slog that is CoreThis is very much subjective. I still enjoy Core content a lot more than AoE spam bosses like Scruffy 2.0 or Balthazar.

Get confused by the lack of season 1, read up on outside sourcesI agree with just this one of your opinions.

the underwhelming season 2This is another subjective one.To me, this one is not as underwhelming as Seasons 3 and 4.I enjoyed Season 2 a lot, when it was new.

Season 3, this is where things finally gets good for a player and they can start to enjoying the story.Once more, this is heavily subjective.I extremely dislike how it's all over the place, hopping from one enemy to the next.

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They could do world PVP like they have it in WoW. Players that want to do pvp can turn wPVP on , and palyers that dont, turn it off. Yeah the game has PVP mode with maps that havent changed since release + abilities that you ened to re-learn to know what they do. I would say gw2 has quality content but lacks the quantity.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:It is an exclusive WvW reward, but
it CAN be gotten without ever entering WvW.
And how would you do that?

Big spender daily. Planning. All that needs to be done is purchase siege. For badges of course.

Outside of the big achievement boxes, Badges of Honour are only available by participating in WvW.I doubt those chests award enough badges to fill up that Reward track.I don't remember ever seeing a vendor that takes badges of Honour outside of WvW. Where is it?

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:It is an exclusive WvW reward, but
it CAN be gotten without ever entering WvW.
And how would you do that?

Big spender daily. Planning. All that needs to be done is purchase siege. For badges of course.

Outside of the big achievement boxes, Badges of Honour are only available by participating in WvW.I doubt those chests award enough badges to fill up that Reward track.I don't remember ever seeing a vendor that takes badges of Honour outside of WvW. Where is it?

In your local Guild Hall. (Providing it has the necessary upgrade.)2400 Badges needed for 1 Reward Track utilizing Badges of Tribute (30 Badges of Honor each). 6500 AP to acquire the 2400 Badges.It takes awhile, but the Legendary Journeys are supposed to take time.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:It is an exclusive WvW reward, but
it CAN be gotten without ever entering WvW.
And how would you do that?

Big spender daily. Planning. All that needs to be done is purchase siege. For badges of course.

Outside of the big achievement boxes, Badges of Honour are only available by participating in WvW.I doubt those chests award enough badges to fill up that Reward track.I don't remember ever seeing a vendor that takes badges of Honour outside of WvW. Where is it?

In your local Guild Hall. (Providing it has the necessary upgrade.)2400 Badges needed for 1 Reward Track utilizing Badges of Tribute (30 Badges of Honor each). 6500 AP to acquire the 2400 Badges.It takes awhile, but the Legendary Journeys are supposed to take time.

Thank you.

Of course, I wouldn’t recommend this path but it DOES exist. Unfortunately for this players that don’t like PvE, short of purchasing a Gen 1 legendary from the TP, they have to complete map completion somewhere.

Again, that’s still a choice, and if someone wants a legendary, they can achieve it.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:It is an exclusive WvW reward, but
it CAN be gotten without ever entering WvW.
And how would you do that?

Big spender daily. Planning. All that needs to be done is purchase siege. For badges of course.

Outside of the big achievement boxes, Badges of Honour are only available by participating in WvW.I doubt those chests award enough badges to fill up that Reward track.I don't remember ever seeing a vendor that takes badges of Honour outside of WvW. Where is it?

In your local Guild Hall. (Providing it has the necessary upgrade.)2400 Badges needed for 1 Reward Track utilizing Badges of Tribute (30 Badges of Honor each). 6500 AP to acquire the 2400 Badges.It takes awhile, but the Legendary Journeys are supposed to take time.

1600 not 2400. You need to spend 25(30) but the daily gives back 10.

You could also just go into wvw and buy the skins and spend only 25 instead of 30 which reduces it to 1200 but you can't sell the skins unlike the badge of tribute.

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@Deeyra.1476 said:They could do world PVP like they have it in WoW. Players that want to do pvp can turn wPVP on , and palyers that dont, turn it off. Yeah the game has PVP mode with maps that havent changed since release + abilities that you ened to re-learn to know what they do. I would say gw2 has quality content but lacks the quantity.

Maybe the PvP community in GW2 isn't large enough to support changes to that mode. Moving it to open world would not be the answer.

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Oh boy a thread that'll talk about the necessary optimization updates, new engine, better servers so Path of Lag maps are playable...


Oh no...

@Mortifera.6138 said:-WvW not required for legendaries

Just do the necessary WvW... It's not that hard. It's not like WvW is super ultra competitive and you need to grind to the top 0.01% of players. Heck, you don't even have to engage in PvP in order to get the GoB.

@Mortifera.6138 said:-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvP

This would only break the game more. It'd be stupid for sPvP balance and will likely cause people to get into unintended locations during dungeons or outright skipping (Even more) of the content altogether.

@Mortifera.6138 said:-PvP duels in open world

I'm not sure what this is supposed to "Fix". Also, Guild Hall can provide dueling.

@Mortifera.6138 said:-Account-wide waypoints

For a mere 2000 gems, you can get this for a character already.

@Mortifera.6138 said:-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World content

You can already do this. Set aside $10 a month and buy gems with it. Use gems to purchse bag space, bank space, character slots, Living World content or whatever else you want.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:WvW already ISNT required for any legendary minus the WvW accessory and the back pack.Gift of Battle is exclusive to a WvW Reward and required for every Legendary Weapon.So WvW
required for every Legendary Weapon.

I certainly hope it stays that way.

I think the biggest misconception people have, that kept on coming up over and over again, as a reason to justify their statement, is that they see legendary weapons as a PvE content.

legendary weapons are Core, that itself is not bound to any game mode, the precursor can drop from any game mode, in terms of Gen 1it's natural that Gen 2 would inherit the design of the Gen 1 receipt

When Anet changed GoB to be from reward track, I was not pleased, but then thinking about it, it is a good thing, because you may be spending more time getting BoH if you are on the side that's getting spanked

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@"Mortifera.6138" said:-WvW not required for legendariesJust because you don't like it doesn't mean "fixing it" would help the game. Also, this point has been adressed in many threads where the tenor was 1/4 of the people are really frustrated with it, 1/2 might not like it but either put up with it, accept it or find a way to get the GoB in a way they want to get it and the last 1/4 is aye ok with it.

-Gliding and mounts accessible in dungeons and sPvPNo. Gliding and mounts in Dungeons would break so many things and it's generally not necessary for content not designed with gliding or mounts in mind. Gliding and mounts in sPvP would in no way help the game mode.

-PvP duels in open worldHas been adressed in many threads and almost no one supports the idea whenever it comes up. Don't see how something so unpopular would "fix the game".

-Account-wide waypointsProbably the least bad idea here, still takes away the exploration which this game is built upon on large parts. Also, there's an item the gemstore that gives you WP unlocks, will be continued in the next point...

-Optional sub fee for bag space and access to all Living World contentHas been adressed in many threads, one of them to you "in person" as you have started a thread with exactly this request. This point is on this list not because you have an idea how this would help the game, just because you want it. Want is not need and, as has been stated numerous times in almost any subscription-thread, however thinly veiled it is, YOU CAN ALREADY PAY A SET AMOUNT OF GEMS EACH MONTH TO SIMULATE A SUB FEE AND GET FROM THE STORE WHATEVER YOU WANT, like for example account-wide waypoints, bag and inventory slots or acces to living world episodes.

This might be the most meta thread in a while. It manages to fill the "gAeM dEd"- and the "SuB fEe NaO"-thread requirement for the week in one simple and, imho, not very elaborate attempt. 3/10, have a (you) my friend.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:It is an exclusive WvW reward, but
it CAN be gotten without ever entering WvW.
And how would you do that?

Big spender daily. Planning. All that needs to be done is purchase siege. For badges of course.

Outside of the big achievement boxes, Badges of Honour are only available by participating in WvW.I doubt those chests award enough badges to fill up that Reward track.I don't remember ever seeing a vendor that takes badges of Honour outside of WvW. Where is it?

In your local Guild Hall. (Providing it has the necessary upgrade.)2400 Badges needed for 1 Reward Track utilizing Badges of Tribute (30 Badges of Honor each). 6500 AP to acquire the 2400 Badges.It takes awhile, but the Legendary Journeys are supposed to take time.

1600 not 2400. You need to spend 25(30) but the daily gives back 10.

You could also just go into wvw and buy the skins and spend only 25 instead of 30 which reduces it to 1200 but you can't sell the skins unlike the badge of tribute.

The question was where one could spend Badges of Honor without setting foot in WvW.Also, one must spend 30 Badges of Honor (instead of 25) outside WvW on the Badge of Tribute for one of the 80 Potion of WvW Rewards needed.

I did forget about the 10 Badges of Honor one receives from each Daily, so only 5000 AP required?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Strider Pj.2193 said:It is an exclusive WvW reward, but
it CAN be gotten without ever entering WvW.
And how would you do that?

Big spender daily. Planning. All that needs to be done is purchase siege. For badges of course.

Outside of the big achievement boxes, Badges of Honour are only available by participating in WvW.I doubt those chests award enough badges to fill up that Reward track.I don't remember ever seeing a vendor that takes badges of Honour outside of WvW. Where is it?

In your local Guild Hall. (Providing it has the necessary upgrade.)2400 Badges needed for 1 Reward Track utilizing Badges of Tribute (30 Badges of Honor each). 6500 AP to acquire the 2400 Badges.It takes awhile, but the Legendary Journeys are supposed to take time.

1600 not 2400. You need to spend 25(30) but the daily gives back 10.

You could also just go into wvw and buy the skins and spend only 25 instead of 30 which reduces it to 1200 but you can't sell the skins unlike the badge of tribute.

The question was where one could spend Badges of Honor without setting foot in WvW.Also, one must spend 30 Badges of Honor (instead of 25) outside WvW on the Badge of Tribute for one of the 80 Potion of WvW Rewards needed.

I did forget about the 10 Badges of Honor one receives from each Daily, so only 5000 AP required?

Another thing is you can get Boxes of WvW Supplies from both the Karmic and Ley-Energy converters. They're random but when you get one, it gives you a small-to-massive amount of WXP. When you rank up, you get badges of honour (10? Not sure if they're set or random but that's what I got when I tested it just now) so while it's not reliable due to the RNG in both the converters and WXP you get, that's another (small) source of badges of honour that don't require stepping foot in WvW.

Depending on your definition of WvW, the daily jumping puzzle in Obsidian Sanctum also gives upwards of 20 badges. OS is also usually dead and practically everyone doesn't bother with attacking others even though it's a PvP area. You could also ask a guild that's on your server/paired with your server if you can tag along if they have the OS JP as a weekly mission. Then you just wait around and take a mesmer portal to the chest.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:The question was where one could spend Badges of Honor without setting foot in WvW.Also, one must spend 30 Badges of Honor (instead of 25) outside WvW on the Badge of Tribute for one of the 80 Potion of WvW Rewards needed.

I did forget about the 10 Badges of Honor one receives from each Daily, so only 5000 AP required?

While that would be sticking to the letter of the question ... counting loading into a map and talking to an NPC as WvW is a bit ridiculous. Especially while you are invulnerable the whole time.

@Zephire.8049 said:Another thing is you can get Boxes of WvW Supplies from both the Karmic and Ley-Energy converters. They're random but when you get one, it gives you a small-to-massive amount of WXP. When you rank up, you get badges of honour (10? Not sure if they're set or random but that's what I got when I tested it just now) so while it's not reliable due to the RNG in both the converters and WXP you get, that's another (small) source of badges of honour that don't require stepping foot in WvW.

Those boxes are also available from the guild vendor if you are in a guild with it unlocked. Pretty much where all of my guild commendations go. They are more for doing the daily rankers than for badges though. Need to keep a buffer of around mid-teens to low 20 boxes to ensure you'll get enough rank point potions(these are also RNG dependant) for two ranks.

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@White Kitsunee.4620 said:Gw2's problems are a lot more deep seated then that.

Gw2's biggest problem is that its extremely hard for new players to get into the game considering the story is very hard to catch up to.

@White Kitsunee.4620 said:Gw2's problems are a lot more deep seated then that.

Gw2's biggest problem is that its extremely hard for new players to get into the game considering the story is very hard to catch up to.

How is the story a problem? It is totally optional. There is nothing really needed, that is in the story. And, in the rare occasion you need it, the story is always right there waiting - one chapter at a time.

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