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Explosive entrance needs a nerf

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@Kuma.1503 said:Is explosive holo that good? I fought a few and it didn't feel all that oppressive.

Grenade kit does a ton of damage, and explosive entrance is a constant source of passive damage and blind/daze. Its not uncommon to see grenade barrage hit for over 8k, regular nades for 4k, and explosive entrance for 2k-3k. Additionally holo has very high mobility and good defense/utility.

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Naaaah. When will you guys learn that tying additional offense/defense to dodge is intuitive and good design?

You hated it on condi daredevil, you disliked it on mirage, we even reworked deadeye to rely on dodge for stealthing instead of kneel and you're still having doubts? You think it's unfun, lazy design that after 8 years is still either busted or entirely useless with virtually no in-between? YoU gUys ArE sO sILLy, it WiLl dEfInITeLy WoRk oN eNgInEer tHiS TiMe!

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@"DragonFury.6243" said:I don't know why Anet want to give dodge more mechanics !Do they know that you can spam dodge?I think the original idea behind this was something like: "should I dodge to actually dodge or should I dodge to proc the trait?"...a kind of trade-off defense vs offense. Instead of actually implement that trade off, they staked it. Now it s something like: "Should I dodge? Well I don t give a shit It will proc the trait anyway".To each mechanic tied to dodge, they should add exhaustion on top of it to balance it. Just like Elusive mind or that Daredevil GM trait.

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To the people wondering if explosive entrance need a nerf, wonder this, any casual attack after dodge will hit harder then zerk backstab for thief. And you can spam it twice because who care double dodge if your opponents is dead after right ^^ dont nerf holo its explosive entrance that does too much. If you nerf holo next meta will be scrapper grenade explosive..

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@youle.5824 said:To the people wondering if explosive entrance need a nerf, wonder this, any casual attack after dodge will hit harder then zerk backstab for thief. And you can spam it twice because who care double dodge if your opponents is dead after right ^^ dont nerf holo its explosive entrance that does too much. If you nerf holo next meta will be scrapper grenade explosive..

I think scrapper grenade explosive is meta

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:It has double base damage of bound and reckless dodge.

Also it has 1.25 coeffient versus the others 0.5.

it also doesnt give 10% damage bonus

It doesn't even out even closely.

Minor versus a GM.

Also, what is your clap for reckless?

Just curious.

might, unblockable

Blockable would be a buff. It's already a blind remover tool. If i could pop aegis too that would be fantastic.

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@"Dadnir.5038" said:My question would be: "Why does this trait crit?"I mean, ANet nerfed traits that were proc'ing power damage by preventing them from doing critical hit maybe a year ago. So why introducing a new trait that can crit?

The big majority of traits they made unable to crit were instant.

Damage on entering death shroud, damage on swapping attunements, damage on dodge (Thermal Release Valve), damage on proccing aegis (which is a guardian trait and guardian can apply aegis instantly)....These effects are instant, you can't actually react to them, you can just predict them.

Explosive Entrance requires you to attack after dodging, meaning that it is telegraphed. You see the enemy dodge, you know he has the trait now and can perform counter measures.That would at least be my guess why EE can crit while other traits can't.

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@Skyronight.6370 said:It makes no sense for holo to do random 4-5k dmg spikes from autoattacks that also blind you without an ICD. Holo does too much dmg for how tanky it is, its like how core ranger was, core ranger side noder has been nerfed but holo is still the same. im hoping for some changes in the next patch

Yeah turn down Flashbang to three targets, nerf the direct damage that Grenade Barrage does, and nerf the direct damage that Lesser Grenade Barrage does, and give a slight direct dmg nerf to Grenade (the Grenade Kit Auto), while also slightly buffing the damage that Flash Grenade does because the blind is not a good trade off for dmg in any situation.

Although in the current meta, I should remind you that Big Boomer takes greater preference than Flashbang, so asking the devs to nerf Flashbang because of grenade kit seems like a misguided request. If you're referring to Elixir R builds, then there's a conversation to be had there.

In order for the Flashbang nerf to not nuke the Flash bang trait, it still needs to affect 3 targets (pets, minions, elementals, etc) so it can be useful in 1v1s. The daze could have a 2-Explosive Entrance build up, sort of like how Kinetic Battery requires 5 uses of toolbelt skills to activate. Just my two cents.

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  • 7 months later...

the problem isn't nerf this nerf that is call segregation of modes. Right now pve and pvp/wvw have some good separation but you can't compare small scale pvp to large scale wvw.

Nerfs from cry babies just break more things in game modes. Example boonshare chrono omg its so op it give full boon uptimeand its the only one that can do it, it needs to be destroyed. But look what classes are doing now. And with that introduce boon rips.

Boon rip warrior to powerful bring the nerf hammer. Ok well let's go boon corrupts introduce purity cleaning to be nerves. List continues any many other examples but you get the idea.

Every class has its pros, cons, and skill ceiling.If you take a low cleanse to a condition spam dont cry for condi nerf thats your fault. You bring melee to a range fight dont cry for pew pew nerf cause you can't close the gap or los the pews.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:Get rid of Flashbang, shave damage off EE and it's fine. If these don't happen then an ICD is absolutely necessary.

They already reduced it's damage to 0.9 coefficient in PvP.And the trait has no ICD because it requires a dodge. Your endurance is already limiting how often you can use the trait, so there is no need for an ICD.

If you want flashbang removed, what to replace it with?

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@Kodama.6453 said:And the trait has no ICD because it requires a dodge. Your endurance is already limiting how often you can use the trait, so there is no need for an ICD.What I understood from this is that trapper rune doesn t need an ICD because it requires the use of a trap. Trap's CD is already limiting how often you can abuse the shit out of the rune.Did I got it right?

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@Kodama.6453 said:And the trait has no ICD because it requires a dodge. Your endurance is already limiting how often you can use the trait, so there is no need for an ICD.What I understood from this is that trapper rune doesn t need an ICD because it requires the use of a trap. Trap's CD is already limiting how often you can abuse the kitten out of the rune.Did I got it right?

As far as I know, the trapper rune also doesn't have an ICD? So basically... yes.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@CutesySylveon.8290 said:Get rid of Flashbang, shave damage off EE and it's fine. If these don't happen then an ICD is absolutely necessary.

They already reduced it's damage to 0.9 coefficient in PvP.And the trait has no ICD because it requires a dodge. Your endurance is already limiting how often you can use the trait, so there is no need for an ICD.

If you want flashbang removed, what to replace it with?

Two dodges at any time and access to vigor make this a very weak argument for how powerful it is, especially compared to the other dodge attack traits.

Bound is base 155 with a .5 modifier, and Reckless Impact is base 133 with a .5 as well. EE is base 239 with a .9 modifier and it doesn't have to hit at the dodge location, it procs on the next hit and even has the largest AoE to top it off. It's by far the superior version and needs a nerf in some way, and if you don't want an ICD then its damage needs to go.

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