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I am flattered anet

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It would be good to get an explanation as to how matchmaking like this happens.

Here's the problem. They are more worried about que times, when it's actually a bigger waste of time to create a mismatch. Anet KNOWS with almost 100% statistical accuracy who is going to win a match like this, yet they allow it to be made anyway. It's just a waste of time on both sides and corrupts the leaderboard.

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This is one of the reasons I have stopped playing PvP in GW2. At this point I believe matches would be more balanced if they was completely random. Because the matchmaker is doing the opposite of it's function. And yes I do agree it's a bigger waste of time to be put into matches that have already been decided, rather than waiting 5 to 15 minutes for a balanced match while farming PvE or WvW.

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@SPESHAL.9106 said:It would be good to get an explanation as to how matchmaking like this happens.Unless they've changed this recently the matchmaker starts to expand the search parameters for you if you have been in queue for a set amount of time. Can't remember if it keeps expanding or if there's a cap on how much deviation it will allow itself to expand to.

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It is quite tricky situation for the matchmaker, because the higher people are ranked, the less they play. So if a high-ranked player queue off-time, matchmaker will ineluctably have to pair them with lower ranked players, unless accepting 2 hours queue time which is, from a player point of view, quite unacceptable.

If Anet wants to fix this problem it has to fix the root of it, which is not the matchmaker but a low "high-rating ranked pvp population". These players don't nolife in ranked because:

  • It is stressful, and sometimes farming noobs in unranked is more pleasant
  • Rating volatility is so high that you can lose 30 places in the leaderboard in just one game, even if you lost 499-500. This enforces the stress of the competition.
  • The number of matches you play has no influence on your rating, so why bother.
  • Rewards are better than unranked but it is still meme (if you win all your matches you would need 18 of them to get 20 golds ... which is 6 (!) hours of playtime. If you lose all of them, this can be as high as 20 hours of playtime =) )

And some might not even-care about ranked at all because:

  • The sole reward you get for being in the leaderboard is a title
  • The title you get has been the same since ... years so you probably already have it
  • You already have cooler titles, so why bother at all.
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Probably more than likely is due to being early in the season and placements TBH

Also Currently with the player Population we do not get the luxury of balanced matches and shorter Q times, too balance this we also need more players in pvp and people to teach these players, so if there is a lesson here it is to stop pushing new players who have a desire to learn and get better out of the pvp scene by being toxic.

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@Deus Fatorum.2473 said:Probably more than likely is due to being early in the season and placements TBH

Also Currently with the player Population we do not get the luxury of balanced matches and shorter Q times, too balance this we also need more players in pvp and people to teach these players, so if there is a lesson here it is to stop pushing new players who have a desire to learn and get better out of the pvp scene by being toxic.

I think the matchmaker is more toxic to newer players than the actual players. Just look at that match and on top of it the learderboard team had two duos while the other team had none. A few matches like that in a day is enough to make a new player never look back at PvP in GW2.

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You have two problems:

Competition is stale because people abuse the system in all the ways they possibly can with Peak hours, Dodge Queue, always Duo Queue and organized attempts at grouping up their efforts in one match.

The same people abuse the system even more by using alt accounts to set back other competitors that deserve better by ruining their ratings while keeping their own on their main, occasionally with the grouped effort to ditch the game if on alt to keep rating.

To fix this you:

Remove DuoQ at top 250/certain rating such as Platinum.

Block / Ban Alt Accounts as they are only a detriment and waste to ranked.

That way you have nobody manipulating the boards while being rewarded at the same time via:

Lack of possible organization within the circle jerk of tops. There's no reason that anyone should associate together when this is a competition, especially combined forces that can ruin ratings matching.

The obvious alt accounts that hold no value other than being risk free place holder than benefits the main one which also ruin ratings matching.

You have people streaming their act of unhealthy competition as well, which should be noted of as bad behavior. It's not until you set actual concrete rules that set healthy competition that match making will truly work right.

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@Shao.7236 said:You have two problems:

Competition is stale because people abuse the system in all the ways they possibly can with Peak hours, Dodge Queue, always Duo Queue and organized attempts at grouping up their efforts in one match.

The same people abuse the system even more by using alt accounts to set back other competitors that deserve better by ruining their ratings while keeping their own on their main, occasionally with the grouped effort to ditch the game if on alt to keep rating.

To fix this you:

Remove DuoQ at top 250/certain rating such as Platinum.

Block / Ban Alt Accounts as they are only a detriment and waste to ranked.

That way you have nobody manipulating the boards while being rewarded at the same time via:

Lack of possible organization within the circle jerk of tops. There's no reason that anyone should associate together when this is a competition, especially combined forces that can ruin ratings matching.

The obvious alt accounts that hold no value other than being risk free place holder than benefits the main one which also ruin ratings matching.

You have people streaming their act of unhealthy competition as well, which should be noted of as bad behavior. It's not until you set actual concrete rules that set healthy competition that match making will truly work right.

too much work, anet wont do it.

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@anjo.6143 said:

@anjo.6143 said:Why it is alowed to play duo queue on ranked ?

fun? some people have friends you know

So, the only way to have fun on this game with a friend is duo queueing on pvp ranked? You can play with them on unranked, wvw, pve, tournaments, did u know?Ranked shouldnt have duo, it crashs the, already bad, matchmaking big time.

then people with friends stop playing ranked, and you are stuck in 10min queues just to have a shit game anyways, seems like its even worse solution bruh

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People get so caught up in irrelevant shit that doesn't matter. Worrying about the rank or queueing of opponents at the end of the match will never make you a better player or help you win your next match. It's just emo fuel, but I guess that's what the PvP subforum runs on...

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@anjo.6143 said:Why it is alowed to play duo queue on ranked ?

fun? some people have friends you know

So, the only way to have fun on this game with a friend is duo queueing on pvp ranked? You can play with them on unranked, wvw, pve, tournaments, did u know?Ranked shouldnt have duo, it crashs the, already bad, matchmaking big time.

then people with friends stop playing ranked, and you are stuck in 10min queues just to have a kitten game anyways, seems like its even worse solution bruh

Like stop with the nonsense. Sure some duo's wouldn't solo que and the ques would increase slightly but better to start removing these advantages that duo's say aren't advantages but used as crutches by the top who solely duo que and now are just deciding who gets which title every season

why would I give rats ass about who has what title, I dont wanna spend 10min in queue just to play for 10min

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@anjo.6143 said:Why it is alowed to play duo queue on ranked ?

fun? some people have friends you know

So, the only way to have fun on this game with a friend is duo queueing on pvp ranked? You can play with them on unranked, wvw, pve, tournaments, did u know?Ranked shouldnt have duo, it crashs the, already bad, matchmaking big time.

then people with friends stop playing ranked, and you are stuck in 10min queues just to have a kitten game anyways, seems like its even worse solution bruh

Like stop with the nonsense. Sure some duo's wouldn't solo que and the ques would increase slightly but better to start removing these advantages that duo's say aren't advantages but used as crutches by the top who solely duo que and now are just deciding who gets which title every season

why would I give rats kitten about who has what title, I dont wanna spend 10min in queue just to play for 10min

Yeah I don't either but they do. Why would it go to 10m? It's like 3-4m now max. Even if solo and duo were 50/50 and every single duo just never played if they removed it it would only double. So most likely ques would go up to 5-6 minutes if a ton quit because of the change

its not how it works, and im going to leave it at that.

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@Jayden Reese.9542 said:

@anjo.6143 said:Why it is alowed to play duo queue on ranked ?

fun? some people have friends you know

So, the only way to have fun on this game with a friend is duo queueing on pvp ranked? You can play with them on unranked, wvw, pve, tournaments, did u know?Ranked shouldnt have duo, it crashs the, already bad, matchmaking big time.

then people with friends stop playing ranked, and you are stuck in 10min queues just to have a kitten game anyways, seems like its even worse solution bruh

Like stop with the nonsense. Sure some duo's wouldn't solo que and the ques would increase slightly but better to start removing these advantages that duo's say aren't advantages but used as crutches by the top who solely duo que and now are just deciding who gets which title every season

why would I give rats kitten about who has what title, I dont wanna spend 10min in queue just to play for 10min

Yeah I don't either but they do. Why would it go to 10m? It's like 3-4m now max. Even if solo and duo were 50/50 and every single duo just never played if they removed it it would only double. So most likely ques would go up to 5-6 minutes if a ton quit because of the change

its not how it works, and im going to leave it at that.

Ok bruh, you just know exactly how many would quit and how much the que would increase in this fictional scenario and use no at least sensible attempt to guess just It'll go up to 10 mins if we can't play with our friends. Even in my worst case scenario which I used for you wouldn't get to 10 min as 50 percent don't duo and every single duo wouldn't quit with a change when they can play with their "frands" all year in unranked

your "calculation" would be correct, IF matchmaking would throw in random people together, but its not.and to top it off, losing players spirals out of controll, the less players means games get LESS balanced anyways. And queues get longer.Initial drop of players will lead to longer queues and shittier matchmaking anyways, that will lead to more players quitting, and people that duoq for "top spots" will still find ways to exploit the system, its not hard to do

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@"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:Obviously the matchmaking is fine and this is a l2p issue. I see you had 0 kills that game, have you tried killing your opponents? /s

Too many people in the PvP community actually think like this. Lol.."You made one mistake, have you tried not being trash at the game? I have never made a single mistake ever in my life, which is why I am god"

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Part of the problem is duo Q has absolutely no downside. Matchmaking should assume that anyone duo queuing past 1500 rating is exploiting a duo build ( and apply a greater mmr rating for them on how the teams are divided up as a result ). There is a huge difference between two drunken silver buddies playing whatever and two top 250 players running busted combos.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@anjo.6143 said:Why it is alowed to play duo queue on ranked ?

fun? some people have friends you know

So, the only way to have fun on this game with a friend is duo queueing on pvp ranked? You can play with them on unranked, wvw, pve, tournaments, did u know?Ranked shouldnt have duo, it crashs the, already bad, matchmaking big time.

then people with friends stop playing ranked, and you are stuck in 10min queues just to have a kitten game anyways, seems like its even worse solution bruh

"Just to have a kitten game". lol?Also, if u and ur friend can queue together, u cant queue seperated? Why the queue will be longer? Cause u just play on a duo?

10 player on a queue, two duo and 6 solos → 10 solos. What is the number difference that would make the queue any longer?

Just queue on ranked as duo for fun is just stupid. Nobody does that. They queue on duo cause the advantages, I dont think people would stop queue cause they cant queue duo.

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