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Why does Anet do patches like this?

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For instance, today's patch was to fix a dye issue with the Dark Monarch skin. This required an immediate patch? It couldn't wait until Tuesday? Here we are, in WvW, and we get booted out in the middle of a battle because someone can't colour their skin the way they want?

This is no way to do releases - I design and develop ITSM systems for a living. Trust me, you never do a small release that requires essentially a system shutdown. You wait until you have a series of changes or if there's a critical patch to apply.

Seriously. Anet. Please stop with the incessant patching.

edit for grammar issue

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@"lokh.2695" said:Because people pay money for gems for skins whereas no one is paying cash for WvW.

Is the dark monarch skin available on the Gem Store? I thought it was something you can only get via Dragon Bash.

Edit: It is. So, no one has paid "cash" for it. It's an uncommon (apparently) drop from the chests.

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"lokh.2695" said:Because people pay money for gems for skins whereas no one is paying cash for WvW.

Is the dark monarch skin available on the Gem Store? I thought it was something you can only get via Dragon Bash.

Edit: It is. So, no one has paid "cash" for it. It's an uncommon (apparently) drop from the chests.

Chests for which people buy keys for cash.

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@misterman.1530 said:

@"lokh.2695" said:Because people pay money for gems for skins whereas no one is paying cash for WvW.

Is the dark monarch skin available on the Gem Store? I thought it was something you can only get via Dragon Bash.

Edit: It is. So, no one has paid "cash" for it. It's an uncommon (apparently) drop from the chests.

I know you’ve been here a while. Things that are ‘broken’ in PvE get fixed immediately. I mean, invisible walls were popping up on maps to prevent getting to edges.

However, when invisible walls would prevent people from gaining entrance into Keeps and towers in WvW.,., well then.. that just isn’t going to change.

But hey, we know that by now.

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Anet have previously said they do not like hot fixing without good reason, this suggests there was perhaps some other undocumented fix in the patch to fix a bug or crash.

Not that it matters to me personally since a lightning strike blew out my internet and pc so im out for a few days and cant reap the benefits of the new skin

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@Randulf.7614 said:Anet have previously said they do not like hot fixing without good reason, this suggests there was perhaps some other undocumented fix in the patch to fix a bug or crash.

Not that it matters to me personally since a lightning strike blew out my internet and pc so im out for a few days and cant reap the benefits of the new skin

Probably correct. Undocumented fix. That would make sense. I can't believe they would release a patch solely for a colour issue.

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When an item that people can buy for ~$25USD (honestly a bit more since you can't buy just 2k gems) is bugged, you fix it before people start demanding refunds since refunds cost you money on top of the money you're already refunding. Depending on the type of bug and frequency of bugs in cash shop items, not fixing what's broken ASAP can affect customer purchases in the future, too. Not to mention add more work to support who by all accounts have been running at max capacity since the pandemic hit.

GW2 is also a global game (minus China which has its own version) so it has to err on the side of caution because consumer laws vary so much around the globe. Would there be a lawsuit over one skin? Doubtful, but better to inconvenience some players than to risk it. That's partly why you see cash shop items be hotfixed quickly most of the time while in-game items languishing, if they're touched at all.

If it was a skin that was only available from an in-game source, the fix would probably have gone out on the next patch/larger hotfix, but because people could and did buy it directly, that changes things. It sucks that it affected WvW but it is what it is. Sometimes PvP/WvW-only hotfixes go out and inconvenience PvE players, other times PvE-only hotfixes go out and inconvenience PvP/WvW players. They can't just take down part of the game to hotfix something and reducing/preventing customer refunds takes priority over whatever is going on in WvW at the moment.

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@"Zephire.8049" said:

~snip~Sometimes PvP/WvW-only hotfixes go out and inconvenience PvE players,.

Ok.. I was with you until this part: hot fixes don‘t happen for WvW.


They reset a weeks matchup mid week, acknowledged it, and did nothing.

The only ‘fixes’ WvW gets is if it occurs during a normal Tuesday patch.


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@Zephire.8049 said:When an item that people can buy for ~$25USD (honestly a bit more since you can't buy just 2k gems) is bugged, you fix it before people start demanding refunds since refunds cost you money on top of the money you're already refunding. Depending on the type of bug and frequency of bugs in cash shop items, not fixing what's broken ASAP can affect customer purchases in the future, too. Not to mention add more work to support who by all accounts have been running at max capacity since the pandemic hit.

So people were going to demand refunds because the metallic colour wasn't correct? Seriously? Honestly, they could have announced that they were going to release the fix on Tuesday. No one is going to go ballistic waiting for 3-4 days.

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@misterman.1530 said:Trust me, you never do a small release that requires essentially a system shutdown. You wait until you have a series of changes or if there's a critical patch to apply.

Because it only requires a system shutdown for WvW

For anyone else, they have 3hrs within which to log out and update their client - plenty of time to finish T4 Fractals, Raids, or ( I assume) the PvP Match they are in. The only complication is they cannot group with players who have already updated their client.

So when you see comments in the WvW section of the forums, of players complaining that WvW doesn't matter to ANET, and that developers don't pay attention to them...well, that's partly where that comes from.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@misterman.1530 said:Trust me, you never do a small release that requires essentially a system shutdown. You wait until you have a series of changes or if there's a critical patch to apply.

Because it
requires a system shutdown for WvW

For anyone else, they have 3hrs within which to log out and update their client - plenty of time to finish T4 Fractals, Raids, or ( I assume) the PvP Match they are in. The only complication is they cannot group with players who have already updated their client.

So when you see comments in the WvW section of the forums, of players complaining that WvW doesn't matter to ANET, and that developers don't pay attention to them...well, that's partly where that comes from.

I guess most (nearly all) don’t even know that this pve-coexistence of old and new system doesn’t apply in all cases. :o

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@misterman.1530 said:Trust me, you never do a small release that requires essentially a system shutdown. You wait until you have a series of changes or if there's a critical patch to apply.

Because it
requires a system shutdown for WvW

For anyone else, they have 3hrs within which to log out and update their client - plenty of time to finish T4 Fractals, Raids, or ( I assume) the PvP Match they are in. The only complication is they cannot group with players who have already updated their client.

So when you see comments in the WvW section of the forums, of players complaining that WvW doesn't matter to ANET, and that developers don't pay attention to them...well, that's partly where that comes from.

I guess most (nearly all) don’t even know that this pve-coexistence of old and new system doesn’t apply in all cases. :o

Dunno what to tell ya. GW2 is a global game, so there is no 'safe' time period where if they launch an update, it won't inconvenience WvW players. But for that reason, they should be very efficient with releasing these updates, especially if it's not a game breaking bug. GW2 is the only MMO I've ever played where every time they release an update, even if it's just to activate a festival, and not some large content patch, it is always (ALWAYS) followed up with 2-4 more hotfix patches during the same week.

It's usually why I don't even bother with new LW updates until at least the weekend.

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@Turkeyspit.3965 said:

@misterman.1530 said:Trust me, you never do a small release that requires essentially a system shutdown. You wait until you have a series of changes or if there's a critical patch to apply.

Because it
requires a system shutdown for WvW

For anyone else, they have 3hrs within which to log out and update their client - plenty of time to finish T4 Fractals, Raids, or ( I assume) the PvP Match they are in. The only complication is they cannot group with players who have already updated their client.

So when you see comments in the WvW section of the forums, of players complaining that WvW doesn't matter to ANET, and that developers don't pay attention to them...well, that's partly where that comes from.

I guess most (nearly all) don’t even know that this pve-coexistence of old and new system doesn’t apply in all cases. :o

Dunno what to tell ya. GW2 is a global game, so there is no 'safe' time period where if they launch an update, it won't inconvenience WvW players. But for that reason, they should be very efficient with releasing these updates, especially if it's not a game breaking bug. GW2 is the only MMO I've ever played where every time they release an update, even if it's just to activate a festival, and not some large content patch, it is always (ALWAYS) followed up with 2-4 more hotfix patches during the same week.

It's usually why I don't even bother with new LW updates until at least the weekend.

I think you misunderstood me. I wanted to say (less exaggerated): (nearly) no one at ANet works on WvW, they may never heared about WvW, how could they know that they disturbe a game-mode who's existance is unknown to them.

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My guess is that you had to wait in que to get into WvW and then to get booted out so you can hop back in line again! I empathize with you. I once waited in a 50 man que just for the game to crash less than a minute after I got in. It makes your blood boil let me tell you.

It would be nice if patches that are not to fix a exploit for the game mode you are in could wait until you restarted your game next. But I'm pretty sure their answer would be "Its to hard".

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