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Upcoming Balance Patch July 7th, Mesmer section


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Well yes, it was unplayable for a whole year, thanks for noticing. You are not killing anyone "quickly" on Chrono unless they afk. 1.5 years ago there were some meme builds that could do that, after that no. Chrono just disappeared.

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@"Yoci.2481" said:Well yes, it was unplayable for a whole year, thanks for noticing. You are not killing anyone "quickly" on Chrono unless they afk. 1.5 years ago there were some meme builds that could do that, after that no. Chrono just disappeared.

I mean is that really a problem though? The afk kills just got better vs tankier targets, and if you want an actual dueling build you can go core or mirage.

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Well the reinstating of IP but removal of distortion from CS is exactly what I suggested in previous threads. I also insisted on A LOT of support buffs for Chrono to make it, well, a support option in ALL game modes - so this will be the next thing that happens. Won't it? Won't it Anet? Don't you dare let me think I'm not influencing your design/balance decisions!

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I like the changes cause we won't be anymore just an upgrade of core mesmer.The chrono shatters start to get their own flavor.I have one question. For the first shatter you do dmg also for mesmer? Because it count 3 clones, so yourself is not included? But it shatter in your place also, so the dmg is 3 clones but 4 aoe times each in the place of each clone and self?

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@Stavros.8249 said:I like the changes cause we won't be anymore just an upgrade of core mesmer.The chrono shatters start to get their own flavor.I have one question. For the first shatter you do dmg also for mesmer? Because it count 3 clones, so yourself is not included? But it shatter in your place also, so the dmg is 3 clones but 4 aoe times each in the place of each clone and self?

Just tested, if you do a no clone shatter, you shatter twice with F1.

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@Senqu.8054 said:It shatters on the SAME location twice xDDD no new clones, no pulmonary impact just 2 shatters on the same kitten location

so what it comes down to.If enemy cant get out of the way withing 1s he takes 2 hits from each aka 133% dmg, if not 66% dmgTLD if stunned shatter deals 133% dmg, if not shatter deals 66% dmg.chrono itself has shit ton of ways to CC people so its logical choice tbh, between grav, shield 5 and pistol 5 you can set up clones to make bid double shatters.I mean you COULD if clones didnt get wiped :D

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Nothing change for chrono, too few ways to survive.Mean it can on the paper do some damage but you have way too much counters.Plus the lack of distortion make you free food combined with CS that don't refresh the condi you take during this time and shield phatasms who fail to pop like usual.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Senqu.8054 said:It shatters on the SAME location twice xDDD no new clones, no pulmonary impact just 2 shatters on the same kitten location

so what it comes down to.If enemy cant get out of the way withing 1s he takes 2 hits from each aka 133% dmg, if not 66% dmgTLD if stunned shatter deals 133% dmg, if not shatter deals 66% dmg.

If stunned and no cc ready or port or anything like that. Just taking staff as Mesmer counters chrono now.

chrono itself has kitten ton of ways to CC people so its logical choice tbh, between grav, shield 5 and pistol 5 you can set up clones to make bid double shatters.I mean you COULD if clones didnt get wiped :D

It will not deal 133% damage of the normal shatter this is just on paper and a Dream. Not only has he now no defense, he gets even more countered by thief and power rev. How many ccs should we have as chrono to pin them down? You must be really bad to get hit up to 8 times in 1 second, not to think of that all 8 hits have to crit Oo I only see potential in the synergy with shattered concentration and that the second delayed hit can do damage without protection. But even then the enemy can also use any kind of skill to gain protection in this one second and nerfs the incoming damage even more. He has a one second reaction time...

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@Senqu.8054 said:

@Senqu.8054 said:It shatters on the SAME location twice xDDD no new clones, no pulmonary impact just 2 shatters on the same kitten location

so what it comes down to.If enemy cant get out of the way withing 1s he takes 2 hits from each aka 133% dmg, if not 66% dmgTLD if stunned shatter deals 133% dmg, if not shatter deals 66% dmg.

If stunned and no cc ready or port or anything like that. Just taking staff as Mesmer counters chrono now.

chrono itself has kitten ton of ways to CC people so its logical choice tbh, between grav, shield 5 and pistol 5 you can set up clones to make bid double shatters.I mean you COULD if clones didnt get wiped :D

It will not deal 133% damage of the normal shatter this is just on paper and a Dream. Not only has he now no defense, he gets even more countered by thief and power rev. How many ccs should we have as chrono to pin them down? You must be really bad to get hit up to 8 times in 1 second, not to think of that all 8 hits have to crit Oo I only see potential in the synergy with shattered concentration and that the second delayed hit can do damage without protection. But even then the enemy can also use any kind of skill to gain protection in this one second and nerfs the incoming damage even more. He has a one second reaction time...

chrono can get plenty of ways to survive.from shield 4 used twice, reset by signet along with scepter 2, blurred and sword 4.chrono unlike all other mesmer builds has enough CC to get through peoples stunbreakes.If you run pistol, you can legit P5 for stun, shield 5 for 2x stun, and cs grav for 2x grav.as for the stun you dont have to stun lol. obv its not going to be meta but its no longer uber troll pick that should be reported for throwing hard.now its going to be like deadeye last patch, while if you tried hard enough you could make it work

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Senqu.8054 said:It shatters on the SAME location twice xDDD no new clones, no pulmonary impact just 2 shatters on the same kitten location

so what it comes down to.If enemy cant get out of the way withing 1s he takes 2 hits from each aka 133% dmg, if not 66% dmgTLD if stunned shatter deals 133% dmg, if not shatter deals 66% dmg.

If stunned and no cc ready or port or anything like that. Just taking staff as Mesmer counters chrono now.

chrono itself has kitten ton of ways to CC people so its logical choice tbh, between grav, shield 5 and pistol 5 you can set up clones to make bid double shatters.I mean you COULD if clones didnt get wiped :D

It will not deal 133% damage of the normal shatter this is just on paper and a Dream. Not only has he now no defense, he gets even more countered by thief and power rev. How many ccs should we have as chrono to pin them down? You must be really bad to get hit up to 8 times in 1 second, not to think of that all 8 hits have to crit Oo I only see potential in the synergy with shattered concentration and that the second delayed hit can do damage without protection. But even then the enemy can also use any kind of skill to gain protection in this one second and nerfs the incoming damage even more. He has a one second reaction time...

chrono can get plenty of ways to survive.from shield 4 used twice, reset by signet along with scepter 2, blurred and sword 4.chrono unlike all other mesmer builds has enough CC to get through peoples stunbreakes.If you run pistol, you can legit P5 for stun, shield 5 for 2x stun, and cs grav for 2x grav.as for the stun you dont have to stun lol. obv its not going to be meta but its no longer uber troll pick that should be reported for throwing hard.now its going to be like deadeye last patch, while if you tried hard enough you could make it work

This change made it to an uber troll pick xD

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Senqu.8054 said:It shatters on the SAME location twice xDDD no new clones, no pulmonary impact just 2 shatters on the same kitten location

so what it comes down to.If enemy cant get out of the way withing 1s he takes 2 hits from each aka 133% dmg, if not 66% dmgTLD if stunned shatter deals 133% dmg, if not shatter deals 66% dmg.

If stunned and no cc ready or port or anything like that. Just taking staff as Mesmer counters chrono now.

chrono itself has kitten ton of ways to CC people so its logical choice tbh, between grav, shield 5 and pistol 5 you can set up clones to make bid double shatters.I mean you COULD if clones didnt get wiped :D

It will not deal 133% damage of the normal shatter this is just on paper and a Dream. Not only has he now no defense, he gets even more countered by thief and power rev. How many ccs should we have as chrono to pin them down? You must be really bad to get hit up to 8 times in 1 second, not to think of that all 8 hits have to crit Oo I only see potential in the synergy with shattered concentration and that the second delayed hit can do damage without protection. But even then the enemy can also use any kind of skill to gain protection in this one second and nerfs the incoming damage even more. He has a one second reaction time...

chrono can get plenty of ways to survive.from shield 4 used twice, reset by signet along with scepter 2, blurred and sword 4.chrono unlike all other mesmer builds has enough CC to get through peoples stunbreakes.If you run pistol, you can legit P5 for stun, shield 5 for 2x stun, and cs grav for 2x grav.as for the stun you dont have to stun lol. obv its not going to be meta but its no longer uber troll pick that should be reported for throwing hard.now its going to be like deadeye last patch, while if you tried hard enough you could make it work

Actually it is.Shield block mean either free imblocable from one of 3~4 current class who put it or versus high level melee class being halved by stow(putting appart the phantasm proc who can be evade in top of being counter by usual way (LoS, blind, ...).Stunbreak are for most meta class mobility skills which mean you are more than unlikely to chain CC.And the highest issue is that you haven't condiclear : if you go for inspiration you are just a punching ball with no output. if you go for a condiclear utility, you lose another sustain option. Mean that you get one cripple/chill you will barely do something.Basically you will get eaten alive by condi ranger, condi rev, condi thieves, condi mesmers/mirages, any sort of necro, Holo will kite troll you to hell, any thief will blind&kite you to hell, power herald will 60%/40% you, aura ele will go through your blocs, you will not have enough pressure to tickle FB.As long as 75% of meta builds can no match you, it is still uber troll build.And CS damage given by doubling is far to compensate distortion sustain/output.Mean for burst core PU is better, for pressure power mirage is better (or condi.), for sustain/utility core signet is better.

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@viquing.8254 said:

@Senqu.8054 said:It shatters on the SAME location twice xDDD no new clones, no pulmonary impact just 2 shatters on the same kitten location

so what it comes down to.If enemy cant get out of the way withing 1s he takes 2 hits from each aka 133% dmg, if not 66% dmgTLD if stunned shatter deals 133% dmg, if not shatter deals 66% dmg.

If stunned and no cc ready or port or anything like that. Just taking staff as Mesmer counters chrono now.

chrono itself has kitten ton of ways to CC people so its logical choice tbh, between grav, shield 5 and pistol 5 you can set up clones to make bid double shatters.I mean you COULD if clones didnt get wiped :D

It will not deal 133% damage of the normal shatter this is just on paper and a Dream. Not only has he now no defense, he gets even more countered by thief and power rev. How many ccs should we have as chrono to pin them down? You must be really bad to get hit up to 8 times in 1 second, not to think of that all 8 hits have to crit Oo I only see potential in the synergy with shattered concentration and that the second delayed hit can do damage without protection. But even then the enemy can also use any kind of skill to gain protection in this one second and nerfs the incoming damage even more. He has a one second reaction time...

chrono can get plenty of ways to survive.from shield 4 used twice, reset by signet along with scepter 2, blurred and sword 4.chrono unlike all other mesmer builds has enough CC to get through peoples stunbreakes.If you run pistol, you can legit P5 for stun, shield 5 for 2x stun, and cs grav for 2x grav.as for the stun you dont have to stun lol. obv its not going to be meta but its no longer uber troll pick that should be reported for throwing hard.now its going to be like deadeye last patch, while if you tried hard enough you could make it work

Actually it is.Shield block mean either free imblocable from one of 3~4 current class who put it or versus high level melee class being (putting appart the phantasm proc who can be evade in top of being counter by usual way (LoS, blind, ...).Stunbreak are for most meta class mobility skills which mean you are more than unlikely to chain CC.And the highest issue is that you haven't condiclear : if you go for inspiration you are just a punching ball with no output. if you go for a condiclear utility, you lose another sustain option. Mean that you get one cripple/chill you will barely do something.Basically you will get eaten alive by condi ranger, condi rev, condi thieves, condi mesmers/mirages, any sort of necro, Holo will kite troll you to hell, any thief will blind&kite you to hell, power herald will 60%/40% you, aura ele will go through your blocs, you will not have enough pressure to tickle FB.As long as 75% of meta builds can no match you, it is still uber troll build.And CS damage given by doubling is far to compensate distortion sustain/output.Mean for burst core PU is better, for pressure power mirage is better (or condi.), for sustain/utility core signet is better.

try dueling/inspiration/chrono.Its legit OK, its almost there, scratching at being viable but not quite there yet.The only actual problem is that you cant rely on clones/phantasms to survive to get their job done, chrono fights at amuch slower pace then mirage/core, it needs to keep the phantasms/illusions alive much longer to produce any value from them.Dueled several power revs on close ranking to mine, every time I lost was huge mistake on my part, I always had an option of playing differently to counter what they do, potential is there chrono is almost there man. the fact that spec itself is propably the hardest to play in the game doesnt help.If we could get some "chrono only" bonus to phantasm and clones surv they could be viable.

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@Kylden Ar.3724 said:

@Taril.8619 said:Hey guys.

Did you know that each individual shatter from Chrono procs Confusion?

I didn't until I kept getting one-shot by random Basalisk mobs in Ember Bay.

So... Yeah... Have fun taking 8 Confusion procs if you shatter!

Wait, it procs on YOURSELF? Who releases with a bug like that?

I think, although I might be wrong, that what @Taril.8619 was referring to is that if you have Confusion on you, each shatter counts as a different skill activation for the purpose of taking damage from that Confusion. So instead of taking a single proc of Confusion on pressing F1, it does 2-8 depending on how many clones you have up.

Adult reef drakes (not so much juveniles, unfortunately for PC rangers) can dish out a lot of Confusion, so unknowingly having something proc the Confusion eight times when you'd expect it to only proc once would be nasty.

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

@Taril.8619 said:Hey guys.

Did you know that each individual shatter from Chrono procs Confusion?

I didn't until I kept getting one-shot by random Basalisk mobs in Ember Bay.

So... Yeah... Have fun taking 8 Confusion procs if you shatter!

Wait, it procs on YOURSELF? Who releases with a bug like that?

I think, although I might be wrong, that what @Taril.8619 was referring to is that if you have Confusion on you, each shatter counts as a different skill activation for the purpose of taking damage from that Confusion. So instead of taking a single proc of Confusion on pressing F1, it does 2-8 depending on how many clones you have up.

Adult reef drakes (not so much juveniles, unfortunately for PC rangers) can dish out a lot of Confusion, so unknowingly having something proc the Confusion eight times when you'd expect it to only proc once would be

Ah, that is better, but still terrifying.

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I like most of the mesmer changes, but the rewinder nerf pretty much breaks condi chrono. It pretty much makes it impossible to reduce cd on cs aswell. doubt the distortion on f4 will change anything. distortion doesn't really make sense I mean you get back to your previous hp before activation anyways. sword change seems nice.

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These so-called mesmer balance patches act most often as minor buffs which eventually become major nerfs (or useless updates)...what is the point of the phantasmal swordsman to spawn the illusion at the target's location if the Might buff still kicks in only in the melee? :D Jeeez, I mean...8 Might wont make me sue the company, but why so poorly thought balancing when it comes to mesmer? The same goes for F4 Chrono...the devs must have been like "Oh hey!! How about erasing the profession specific buff (distortion) and replacing it with a bland Aegis for 2s?!" ............... sad

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@"Azazel.7536" said:These so-called mesmer balance patches act most often as minor buffs which eventually become major nerfs (or useless updates)...what is the point of the phantasmal swordsman to spawn the illusion at the target's location if the Might buff still kicks in only in the melee? :D Jeeez, I mean...8 Might wont make me sue the company, but why so poorly thought balancing when it comes to mesmer? The same goes for F4 Chrono...the devs must have been like "Oh hey!! How about erasing the profession specific buff (distortion) and replacing it with a bland Aegis for 2s?!" ............... sad

Don't you think that chrono's F4 is still pretty strong as a defensive mechanic?It resets your health to the point you activated the skill, which means that skill has the potential to act as a second healing skill that is healing your entire health bar.

Not to mention the benefits you can get from the reset cooldowns as well.Like.... trading the unique buff distortion for this also unique and very powerful mechanic seems fine for me.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@"Azazel.7536" said:These so-called mesmer balance patches act most often as minor buffs which eventually become major nerfs (or useless updates)...what is the point of the phantasmal swordsman to spawn the illusion at the target's location if the Might buff still kicks in only in the melee? :D Jeeez, I mean...8 Might wont make me sue the company, but why so poorly thought balancing when it comes to mesmer? The same goes for F4 Chrono...the devs must have been like "Oh hey!! How about erasing the profession specific buff (distortion) and replacing it with a bland Aegis for 2s?!" ............... sad

Don't you think that chrono's F4 is still pretty strong as a defensive mechanic?

It is. Until you use it in PvP/WvW and someone just auto attacks the Rift and kills your big 105 second cooldown defensive skill.

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