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Terrible experience for new pvp'er

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So, i came back to the game after a 3 and a bit year break where i previously was a hardcore raider and didn't really touch pvp/wvw at all. I returned about a month ago and have tried my best to learn pvp and understand what's going on. But honestly trying to learn in unranked is a joke.I've been matched with plats as a new unranked player. I've seen guardians with so much aegis 3 people can't kill them while their team leave, get the bonus objective and come back go wipe my team.As a thief I've been hit by ranger longbow 2 and get 100-0 on a hit-tracking skill even after i stealth and run, an uncountable number of times. I've had my shortbow blink get cucked by stupid interactions on FLAT terrain.Condi thief kills people by mashing skill 3 and it's not even adjusted to take more than 1 finger.

How have you guys let this go on for so long?The posts of complaints are met with essentially 'get out of gold' mindsets and 'its just how it is around here' attitudes..Note that my perspective on balance is indeed limited and I'm more than aware, however ranked is not something i feel safe to do given low rank, placements included, the win or loss is simply who is abusing the overtuned kits the most.I don't get how you stay silent when the game seems to be in such a toxic state balance-wise.Would love to get some dialogue with people, especially the people that reached legend without win-trading to find out their thoughts on the direction the game is going with changes.

ThanksNew player 'A'

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So, i came back to the game after a 3 and a bit year break where i previously was a hardcore raider and didn't really touch pvp/wvw at all. I returned about a month ago and have tried my best to learn pvp and understand what's going on. But honestly trying to learn in unranked is a joke.I've been matched with plats as a new unranked player. I've seen guardians with so much aegis 3 people can't kill them while their team leave, get the bonus objective and come back go wipe my team.As a thief I've been hit by ranger longbow 2 and get 100-0 on a hit-tracking skill even after i stealth and run, an uncountable number of times. I've had my shortbow blink get cucked by stupid interactions on FLAT terrain.Condi thief kills people by mashing skill 3 and it's not even adjusted to take more than 1 finger.

How have you guys let this go on for so long?The posts of complaints are met with essentially 'get out of gold' mindsets and 'its just how it is around here' attitudes..Note that my perspective on balance is indeed limited and I'm more than aware, however ranked is not something i feel safe to do given low rank, placements included, the win or loss is simply who is abusing the overtuned kits the most.I don't get how you stay silent when the game seems to be in such a toxic state balance-wise.Would love to get some dialogue with people, especially the people that reached legend without win-trading to find out their thoughts on the direction the game is going with changes.

ThanksNew player 'A'

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@Rainbowdash.5314 said:The posts of complaints are met with essentially 'get out of gold' mindsets and 'its just how it is around here' attitudes..

Keep in mind, most people who have played pvp have since quit the game. The only people left are those who can tolerate the terrible balance and problems that come from neglect and low population. We know the game is a mess, but pvp isnt being developed anymore.

In order to improve, you need to learn your class, the other builds you are fighting, proper rotations, map awareness, team comps/roles, and general conquest strategies.

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@Rainbowdash.5314 said:So, i came back to the game after a 3 and a bit year break where i previously was a hardcore raider and didn't really touch pvp/wvw at all. I returned about a month ago and have tried my best to learn pvp and understand what's going on. But honestly trying to learn in unranked is a joke.I've been matched with plats as a new unranked player. I've seen guardians with so much aegis 3 people can't kill them while their team leave, get the bonus objective and come back go wipe my team.As a thief I've been hit by ranger longbow 2 and get 100-0 on a hit-tracking skill even after i stealth and run, an uncountable number of times. I've had my shortbow blink get cucked by stupid interactions on FLAT terrain.Condi thief kills people by mashing skill 3 and it's not even adjusted to take more than 1 finger.

How have you guys let this go on for so long?The posts of complaints are met with essentially 'get out of gold' mindsets and 'its just how it is around here' attitudes..Note that my perspective on balance is indeed limited and I'm more than aware, however ranked is not something i feel safe to do given low rank, placements included, the win or loss is simply who is abusing the overtuned kits the most.I don't get how you stay silent when the game seems to be in such a toxic state balance-wise.Would love to get some dialogue with people, especially the people that reached legend without win-trading to find out their thoughts on the direction the game is going with changes.

ThanksNew player 'A'

Honestly man this games pvp population is dying so fast and its reputation as being meme worthy is spreading just as fast, I wouldn't let it frustrate u, just move on to a better game that gives u a better experience, with these devs u won't be enjoying it anytime soon as this games been stripped of any skillfull play so if u wanna be effective look on forums and learn the Carry builds that everyone has bandwagoned to and join them, all u can do at this point.

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Even if you come up with a fair, competitive build that doesn't rely on complete cheese, it's only a matter of time before anet destroys it, in all their wisdom, changing things just for the sake of changing things. :(Stay away from this game mode...

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@Xca.9721 said:Match compositions in unranked are random, just like in any game. As a new player you can meet the number 1 ranked player that just tries a new build.

Not really, i played dota for years, unless someone was smurfing you could tell everybody was roughly at the same mmr maybe 300 mmr from the lower to higher player in the match, but game has almost 10k mmr spam so, like I said, not really that much difference

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@Khalisto.5780 said:

@Xca.9721 said:Match compositions in unranked are random, just like in any game. As a new player you can meet the number 1 ranked player that just tries a new build.

Not really, i played dota for years, unless someone was smurfing you could tell everybody was roughly at the same mmr maybe 300 mmr from the lower to higher player in the match, but game has almost 10k mmr spam so, like I said, not really that much difference

Well maybe not every game, but at least the games i played. Met an rlcs world champion in unranked rocket league once

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@Xca.9721 said:

@Xca.9721 said:Match compositions in unranked are random, just like in any game. As a new player you can meet the number 1 ranked player that just tries a new build.

Not really, i played dota for years, unless someone was smurfing you could tell everybody was roughly at the same mmr maybe 300 mmr from the lower to higher player in the match, but game has almost 10k mmr spam so, like I said, not really that much difference

Well maybe not every game, but at least the games i played. Met an rlcs world champion in unranked rocket league once

most games have mmr system in unranked, its simply separate from ranked.you met him in unranked because he never played it and has new player mmr.im dia+ player in league and I havent played normal game in about 6years, if I queue normal I will play a game with new players on bronze level and go 50/0

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@Rainbowdash.5314 putting the balance issues aside, don't expect to get a lot better through unranked games - the difference in team quality a lot of times can be very frustrating (happens often in ranked too). Keep in mind you have to invest a lot of time and effort (maybe some thousands of games) to start getting a good grasp of the mode. Also the clash you chose is one of the hardest to master as it's very squishy and needs to be played very intelligently in order to produce results - basically with thief is use your mobility to claim nodes, look for opportunities to spike enemies (+1) and don't die.

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@Rainbowdash.5314 said:So, i came back to the game after a 3 and a bit year break where i previously was a hardcore raider and didn't really touch pvp/wvw at all. I returned about a month ago and have tried my best to learn pvp and understand what's going on. But honestly trying to learn in unranked is a joke.I've been matched with plats as a new unranked player. I've seen guardians with so much aegis 3 people can't kill them while their team leave, get the bonus objective and come back go wipe my team.As a thief I've been hit by ranger longbow 2 and get 100-0 on a hit-tracking skill even after i stealth and run, an uncountable number of times. I've had my shortbow blink get cucked by stupid interactions on FLAT terrain.Condi thief kills people by mashing skill 3 and it's not even adjusted to take more than 1 finger.

How have you guys let this go on for so long?The posts of complaints are met with essentially 'get out of gold' mindsets and 'its just how it is around here' attitudes..Note that my perspective on balance is indeed limited and I'm more than aware, however ranked is not something i feel safe to do given low rank, placements included, the win or loss is simply who is abusing the overtuned kits the most.I don't get how you stay silent when the game seems to be in such a toxic state balance-wise.Would love to get some dialogue with people, especially the people that reached legend without win-trading to find out their thoughts on the direction the game is going with changes.

ThanksNew player 'A'

No offense, but this is just what happens in any game when you show up to a pvp scene 9 years late.

Here is what you must do if you want to keep up:

  1. Understand the 4 job roles. Team Fighter - Support - +1 Roamer - Side Node Duelist
  2. Use a proper build for the job role that your class should be playing.
  3. Find a person with a plat badge above their head who is playing the same class as you are. Ask them for advice & tips.

If you're not willing to do at least that much, you're going to have a really rough ride.

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

@Rainbowdash.5314 said:The posts of complaints are met with essentially 'get out of gold' mindsets and 'its just how it is around here' attitudes..

Keep in mind, most people who have played pvp have since quit the game. The only people left are those who can tolerate the terrible balance and problems that come from neglect and low population.

I can sign this. Quit PvP a long time ago because of the imbalance and the horrible matchup constellations. It is zero fun on all fronts.

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So essentially the devs have abandoned pvp?If so why're they releasing balance patches for it.. if no work is being done..Thats just a big '?' on its own

Thanks for the points all.Hopefully one day something positive appears!Until then I'll play afk on the point then run about, while talking a lot about the need for change!

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@Rainbowdash.5314 said:How have you guys let this go on for so long?

You act like we had much choice in the matter. Many have raised very well-spoken and rational criticism and suggestion - pretty much completely ignored. Many have just unhelpfully complained about matchmaking/broken balance/dwindling population - also ignored, if rightly so. Many have just left - and sadly this also seems to be ignored. The rest of us have stayed - we still feel like we're being ignored.

Nothing we do seems to make a positive impact. What do you suggest we could have done, that we haven't tried already? Yet you, you come back after 3 years, hop into a mode you didn't even play before, then blame us for 'letting' this happen? Gimme a break.

As with anything else, if you like it enough and stick with it, you'll find a way to manage in spvp. Different builds, classes, strategies, etc - there's a lot to work with, and you need to give yourself the chance to figure out something viable if you don't feel like quitting.

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@voltaicbore.8012 said:

@Rainbowdash.5314 said:How have you guys let this go on for so long?

You act like we had much choice in the matter. Many have raised very well-spoken and rational criticism and suggestion - pretty much completely ignored. Many have just unhelpfully complained about matchmaking/broken balance/dwindling population - also ignored, if rightly so. Many have just left - and sadly this also seems to be ignored. The rest of us have stayed - we still feel like we're being ignored.

Nothing we do seems to make a positive impact. What do you suggest we could have done, that we haven't tried already? Yet you, you come back after 3 years, hop into a mode you didn't even play before, then blame us for 'letting' this happen? Gimme a break.

As with anything else, if you like it enough and stick with it, you'll find a way to manage in spvp. Different builds, classes, strategies, etc - there's a lot to work with, and you need to give yourself the chance to figure out something viable if you don't feel like quitting.

very fair point. thank you.anything else regarding the rest of the post though?

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@Rainbowdash.5314 said:

anything else regarding the rest of the post though?

I think others (including yourself), have addressed it well enough already. @Trevor Boyer.6524 posted what is probably the fastest way to learn the most efficient strategies for your class. But you actually hit it on the head - the people best able to exploit the most overtuned builds tend to climb the ranks, to a point. Learning a proper meta build (on classes other than thief) can allow you to hard carry a good number of matches in the silver and low- /mid-gold range. Once you cross into plat 1, it'll become necessary to develop a keen judgment for where to go, when to go, and what to do when you get there.

If you want to stick with thief, I think you'll have a pretty bad time when it comes to the initial learning/rank-climbing process. Good thieves can be extremely helpful to have around, but as a thief you'll generally lack the capacity to single-handedly carry awful teams to victory. Your biggest impacts actually tend to rely on your team's ability to make use of the opportunities you open for them. You can decap mid and far all day but still lose if your 4 teammates are feeding 2 opponents at home all match.

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