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Please make Legendary Equipment not „Account Bound“/ add them to the Gem Store

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I understand, that we want to promote to play each aspect of the game and that it is meant as endgame content, but it should be possible to sell the legendary armor pieces, runes, sigils & trinkets on the Trading Post for gold or ArenaNet could decide to offer, new, less visual pleasing legendary gear straight at the Gem Store for around 2000 gems per piece.The majority of people wouldn’t ever be able to buy them in masses, people would still be able to craft the rest if they feel like doing so, it would make legendary gear more accessable for more people and it would generate alot of profit for ArenaNet since alot of people would buy gems with real world money and convert them to gold in order to get them.I feel like no one should be forced to play game modes they don‘t like just to get access to the gear they dream of. Have a great day guys :-)

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Well that's an interesting thing to say; Legendary weapons were sellable, and groups currently do sell raid runs for players without the ability/time/whatever to do it themselves. I don't think it would be a detriment to the game to allow all items to be sold and bought by players. Perhaps though, for such rare items, there should be some slight cosmetic difference between an item worn by its original crafter, and one that is sold. The only argument I can think of really against sellable legendaries is economic - who knows what will happen to the worth of those items when they flood the market? End game content would be trivialised in its reward and while it could still be completed for enjoyment's sake, it would not have the same psychological value.

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@Xervite.5493 said:As previously said before by a lot of players, nobody is forcing you to play any game mode. Legendary equipment is optional and are merely a cosmetic upgrade. Also gen one can already be purchased, players can buy it if they really want a lege.

The OP specificly talks about armor, trinkets and runes tho.

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Umm no. Gen 1 weapon being sellable was a mistake. Legendary equipment is 100% optional, and you will never make your money back from them. But a full set of legendary should be tied to playing all parts of the game. 95% of the shiniest skins have no prestige, they are sold in the gemstore, legendaries should remain locked behind actually doing the content so there is just alittle prestige items left in the game.

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No. games need at least one piece of content that you have to put in effort for to keep players engaged. We have enough skins and gear that can be bought with RL money. Armor is available in all 3 modes and you can get some trinkets from open world. Only if you want a full set, will you have to enter modes you hate and thats up to the player to decide if its worth it.

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We got some interesting views and I understand most of them. I should add, that I am not really after the looks legendary equipment offers, but the ability to work on your build and change stats. I would be also more than happy if ArenaNet started to offer less „visually pleasing“ legendary equipment in the Gem Store, which would offer the possibility to change stats. It could look something like this:

Legendary Armor: 2400 gems/pieceLegendary Trinkets: 2000 gems/pieceLegendary Runes/Sigils: 1600 gems/piece

The high price would probably make people go the 50/50 route, where they get half of their gear through natural means and the other half by buying gems. I think that would be a nice compromise, would satisfy alot of players and would enable alot of people to work on other characters

We shouldn‘t forget that the game has not three player bases based on the game modes PvE, PvP and WvW, but actually four if we would count the „Real World Money Players“, who are a little bit lazy and they themselves admit it, but who‘s transactions can bring alot of cash in the pockets of ArenaNet, which they then could use to create new content and for marketing purposes.

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@snoow.1694 said:I would be also more than happy if ArenaNet started to offer less „visually pleasing“ legendary equipment in the Gem Store, which would offer the possibility to change stats. It could look something like this:

Legendary Armor: 2000 gems/pieceLegendary Trinkets: 2000 gems/pieceLegendary Runes/Sigils: 1600 gems/piece

while i will be neutral to suggestions like this. if Anet does do this, it will make some or a lot of the GW2 haters (in reddit, for example) paint the game as Pay-to-Win just because of how you can buy the highest (tier) gear for real cash directly from the gemstore...

[i mean you already can right now but you have to go through a lot of hops and steps (like buy gems with $$$, convert gems to gold, buy gen1 legendaries -or- buy ascended materials for crafting) ..... you'll really end up losing more as a credit card player with how things are currently though]

sooo.... maybe no?

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@kharmin.7683 said:Doesn't this go against the entire concept of what a legendary item is?

Depends on what you view as legendary. First gen legendary weapons are able to be sold and I think there are still only a few bunch who can say they own like 10 indicidual pieces. It would be a way to get legendary equipment while staying & practicing in your favorite game mode. I feel like alot of people will never even go the route of making legendary armor, just because they would have to participate in events they don‘t enjoy. The true issue is, ArenaNet created great content in legendary equipment, but only a small player base is motivated to get them.

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I personally think it was one of the bigest mistakes in the early game to make it possible to sell/buy legendaries. Nothing legendary about it now, just swipe your credit card and off you go, next stop: complaining on the forum that there's nothing to do. I know OP is talking about armors/runes/sigils/trinkets but there's no difference really. Also, OP seems to underestimate the gold some players have laying around.

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@Astyrah.4015 said:

@snoow.1694 said:I would be also more than happy if ArenaNet started to
offer less „visually pleasing“ legendary equipment in the Gem Store
, which would offer the possibility to change stats. It could look something like this:

Legendary Armor
: 2000 gems/piece
Legendary Trinkets
: 2000 gems/piece
Legendary Runes/Sigils
: 1600 gems/piece

while i will be neutral to suggestions like this. if Anet does do this, it will make some or a lot of the GW2 haters (in reddit, for example) paint the game as Pay-to-Win just because of how you can buy the highest (tier) gear for real cash directly from the gemstore...

[i mean you already can right now but you have to go through a lot of hops and steps (like buy gems with $$$, convert gems to gold, buy gen1 legendaries -or- buy ascended materials for crafting) ..... you'll really end up losing more as a credit card player with how things are currently though]

sooo.... maybe no?

That is exactly what players said when ArenaNet implemented expensive mount skins in the Gem Store and today they are extremely appreciated by most of them. I stay by my point - we shouldn‘t forget ArenaNet is first a company, which has to maximize it‘s earnings not only for the future of their employees, but to further develop advertise a game with enormous potential like Guild Wars 2. If we take my calculations ArenaNet would make up to 300-500 € per player who decides to buy a full collection. That would be on the same level selling a new flagship smartphone to a customer and it would enable them to do many great developments with the game.

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@lokh.2695 said:I personally think it was one of the bigest mistakes in the early game to make it possible to sell/buy legendaries. Nothing legendary about it now, just swipe your credit card and off you go, next stop: complaining on the forum that there's nothing to do. I know OP is talking about armors/runes/sigils/trinkets but there's no difference really. Also, OP seems to underestimate the gold some players have laying around.

I feel like paying 500€ in gems to buy yourself legendary equipment isn‘t something alot of players could pull of. In that sense the definition of „legendary“ would be safe

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@snoow.1694 said:

@snoow.1694 said:I would be also more than happy if ArenaNet started to
offer less „visually pleasing“ legendary equipment in the Gem Store
, which would offer the possibility to change stats. It could look something like this:

Legendary Armor
: 2000 gems/piece
Legendary Trinkets
: 2000 gems/piece
Legendary Runes/Sigils
: 1600 gems/piece

while i will be neutral to suggestions like this. if Anet does do this, it will make some or a lot of the GW2 haters (in reddit, for example) paint the game as Pay-to-Win just because of how you can buy the highest (tier) gear for real cash directly from the gemstore...

[i mean you already can right now but you have to go through a lot of hops and steps (like buy gems with $$$, convert gems to gold, buy gen1 legendaries -or- buy ascended materials for crafting) ..... you'll really end up losing more as a credit card player with how things are currently though]

sooo.... maybe no?

If we take my calculations ArenaNet would make up to 300-500 € per player who decides to buy a full collection. That would be on the same level selling a new flagship smartphone to a customer and it would enable them to do many great developments with the game.

By that logic all Anet needs to do to save the far...eh game is to put something in the gemstore that sells for 5 million dollars. If someone buys it, it basically pais for the next expansion and maybe even the one after that should two player buy it.

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@snoow.1694 said:

@snoow.1694 said:I would be also more than happy if ArenaNet started to
offer less „visually pleasing“ legendary equipment in the Gem Store
, which would offer the possibility to change stats. It could look something like this:

Legendary Armor
: 2000 gems/piece
Legendary Trinkets
: 2000 gems/piece
Legendary Runes/Sigils
: 1600 gems/piece

while i will be neutral to suggestions like this. if Anet does do this, it will make some or a lot of the GW2 haters (in reddit, for example) paint the game as Pay-to-Win just because of how you can buy the highest (tier) gear for real cash directly from the gemstore...

[i mean you already can right now but you have to go through a lot of hops and steps (like buy gems with $$$, convert gems to gold, buy gen1 legendaries -or- buy ascended materials for crafting) ..... you'll really end up losing more as a credit card player with how things are currently though]

sooo.... maybe no?

That is exactly what players said when ArenaNet implemented expensive mount skins in the Gem Store and today they are extremely appreciated by most of them. I stay by my point - we shouldn‘t forget ArenaNet is first a company, which has to maximize it‘s earnings not only for the future of their employees, but to further develop advertise a game with enormous potential like Guild Wars 2. If we take my calculations ArenaNet would make up to 300-500 € per player who decides to buy a full collection. That would be on the same level selling a new flagship smartphone to a customer and would enable them to do many great developments with the game.

i get your point, but the difference between buying mount skins (esp the expensive ones) and legendaries directly from the gemstore is that: you can't use those mount skins until you've unlocked them and mounts offer nothing but mobility and convenience (you'll also need PoF expansion -and- you had to work to unlock your mounts...grind even).... while the theoretical gemstore legendary will be available for purchase anytime, equippable as soon as you max level and have the highest stats on par with ascended gear for zero effort.

i want ArenaNet to earn more money too so they can release more quality content that would please players of all gamemodes but i don't think this is the right way they should go for.... (also not to mention the amount of hate they would get if they started selling gear with stats (selectable) that you can use on the gemstore/cashshop)

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@snoow.1694 said:

@lokh.2695 said:I personally think it was one of the bigest mistakes in the early game to make it possible to sell/buy legendaries. Nothing legendary about it now, just swipe your credit card and off you go, next stop: complaining on the forum that there's nothing to do. I know OP is talking about armors/runes/sigils/trinkets but there's no difference really. Also, OP seems to underestimate the gold some players have laying around.

I feel like paying 500€ in gems to buy yourself legendary equipment isn‘t something alot of players could pull of. In that sense the definition of „legendary“ would be safeIn a game that lets you swap gold for gems and vica versa, these numbers are highly flexible. I know people who have thousands of gold on their account. Never underestimate the tp flippers ;)

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@snoow.1694 said:I understand, that we want to promote to play each aspect of the game and that it is meant as endgame content, but it should be possible to sell the legendary armor pieces, runes, sigils & trinkets on the Trading Post for gold.The majority of people wouldn’t ever be able to buy them in masses, people would still be able to craft the rest if they feel like doing so, it would make legendary gear more accessable for more people and it would generate alot of profit for ArenaNet since alot of people would buy gems with real world money and convert them to gold in order to get them.I feel like no one should be forced to play game modes they don‘t like just to get access to the gear they dream of. Have a great day guys :-)

Yes make legendaries also be able to make htme by playing WvW or spvp only cause i hate gw2 pve... due how dumb it is.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:How can the more exclusive mount skins be considered "pay to win"? They do nothing to enhance the mounts' abilities. I don't believe that it is fair to compare these skins with legendary items.

It isn't. The "B..but they said the same thing about mounts! Check Mate!" argument is just what gets thrown around whenever something goes against what has been stated by ANet.

Just because a company change its policy/point on one thing doesn't mean that anything they say is invalid or will change eventually. It's a weak argument and usually a last straw that people grasp on when their oh so well thought out suggestions don't get greeted with applause by the community.

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This is an interesting proposal because it would actually be a great thing for ArenaNet to monetize. As posters above have said, legendary armor is entirely optional when playing, and can objectively be viewed as a convenience item. It's basically ascended armor with stats you can easily switch. Optional items whose benefits are convenience seem to be the very definition of gem store wares.

Not without its drawbacks, of course.


  • Revenue for ArenaNet: Could fund future content or, alternatively, allow them to make some other feature free as a result of the shift in monetization, could make armor sets worth making again - if the upcoming legendary armory allows legendary access accountwide, then a high price tag for legendary gear becomes even more justified
  • More availability of legendary armor for those who want it: Any prestige associated with rare items should be personal; in a game where you can buy a legendary weapon or work for it in-game, it's none of my business how someone else obtained their shinies
  • Skill increase: Some players may be more willing to play around with different stats and builds if legendary items make it easier to do; this could result in more capable players than you'd otherwise have with the tedious systems currently in place


  • More availability of legendary armor for those who want it: To avoid pay-to-win scenarios, you'd want to implement the purchase of legendary items in such a way that a brand new account couldn't gear up with legendary gear and exploit in some fashion; perhaps an account age or achievement point threshold should have to be met first before such a purchase could be made
  • The legendary experience: Legendaries are a big part of the game in that they encourage you to play through content and populate areas of the game that you otherwise wouldn't; in this way, they ensure that people are always around which extends the lifespan of old content and gives new players natural mentors to help them - We'd have to see if implementing something like this would affect those population numbers in a way that matters
  • People who did it the hard way: Obviously, the current systems are the only way to get legendary gear right now, meaning any system perceived as 'easier' will draw backlash from people who feel 'cheated' in some fashion; players would have to make peace with the idea that sometimes things get easier over time (if you consider a high-priced gem purchase easy)
  • The Economy: Gold-to-gem purchases, the TP, and other financial systems would inevitably be affected by a change such as OP suggests; we'd need to study in what ways they would be and if it would hurt the game

At a glance I'd say: Interesting idea, proceed with caution.

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I've never looked at a character with a Gen1 Legendary and wondered if they bought it or crafted it themselves.

There would be many unintended consequences if they would all be up for sale: change in material prices on TP, fewer people in WvW to get Gift of Battle, fewer people joining in specific Meta events for collections, trains in HoT/PoF for map completion would lessen, the "Twice Told Legend" title and 25 AP would be easily gained, and more.

I don't have a problem with what people want to do with their own real money. I'm sure many people buy mats to get Ascended gear and temporary stat boosters both of which help them in the game with higher stats.

If people didn't want to buy Legendaries, people wouldn't craft Legendaries and put them up for sale. It's a matter of supply and demand and whether both people can come to a price agreement in the TP.

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Everybody come see my legendary credit card!

I think we are missing the boat on what legendary items that are not gen 1 weapons show. Commitment, effort, and resilience. Why do you think that only gen 1 weapons were ever sold on the TP? Because anet realized their mistake and corrected the ship when they were able. I believe if they could go back in time they would lock the gen 1's down as well. But that cats already out of the bag. This is not a pay to win game and having these type of items for sell would be contrary to that.

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@Excursion.9752 said:Everybody come see my legendary credit card!

I think we are missing the boat on what legendary items that are not gen 1 weapons show. Commitment, effort, and resilience. Why do you think that only gen 1 weapons were ever sold on the TP? Because anet realized their mistake and corrected the ship when they were able. I believe if they could go back in time they would lock the gen 1's down as well. But that cats already out of the bag. This is not a pay to win game and having these type of items for sell would be contrary to that.

It‘s not like these attributes aren‘t rewarded, people would still be able to get legendary equipment the usual way, but fact is there is a big chunk of people, who aren‘t able to play 3 hours a day and farm, some can even only play at weekends because they are busy throughout the week. Offering those people a possibility to access legendary armor would be an inclusive act. Plus it is not like every player can afford to pay 300-500€ for a game. Only hardcore fans who simply don‘t have the time in a busy life would invest that much. Putting this much money into a game to further help development is quite „legendary“ and should be rewarded.

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:I've never looked at a character with a Gen1 Legendary and wondered if they bought it or crafted it themselves.

There would be many unintended consequences if they would all be up for sale: change in material prices on TP, fewer people in WvW to get Gift of Battle, fewer people joining in specific Meta events for collections, trains in HoT/PoF for map completion would lessen, the "Twice Told Legend" title and 25 AP would be easily gained, and more.

I don't have a problem with what people want to do with their own real money. I'm sure many people buy mats to get Ascended gear and temporary stat boosters both of which help them in the game with higher stats.

If people didn't want to buy Legendaries, people wouldn't craft Legendaries and put them up for sale. It's a matter of supply and demand and whether both people can come to a price agreement in the TP.

You are going with the premise, that everyone would buy themselves legendary equipment, but I believe not many people (maybe 10% at most) would invest up to 500€ for legendary gear, so it wouldn‘t effect the material market as much as you rightfully say. Only hardcore fans, who simply don‘t have the time, be it through work or uni/school, would invest as much money and in the end all players would profit from new content like expansions, future legendary equipment and maybe the return of Guild Wars 2 into esports.

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