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Please let us autoloot essence orbs


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Request for ls episode 5:T5 raven mastery, Essences Magnet: essence automatically get absorbed.This will work like the master treasure magnet ability in the kingdom heart series.I would rather it be an ability to earn than it be automatically given to you.Currently there are an extra 9 mastery points, so this costing 5 or 6 points seems fair.

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let's face it, the entire essences manipulation is mastery is still very clunky even after 11 months!

just gathering 30 essences is quite a pain

but the bigger the problem is the way the availability of the action key is triggered, the action key only comes up if a breakbar come up, but it goes away as soon as a vet dies, how many times have we pressed the fire key only not to fire because a vet died and reset the special action key :\

the availability of the special action key(s) should have been available as soon as you have collection 1 essence and build up to a maximum power capped at 30 stacks, each essence have their own individual key, you can fire them at any time as long as it had been powered up by 1 essence; kinda like street fighters where you save up your super bars spend it whenever you can or save up for a special super

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@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:Request for ls episode 5:T5 raven mastery, Essences Magnet: essence automatically get absorbed.This will work like the master treasure magnet ability in the kingdom heart series.I would rather it be an ability to earn than it be automatically given to you.Currently there are an extra 9 mastery points, so this costing 5 or 6 points seems fair.

Such a naive idea to think that they'll do this right. By how they handled targeting annoyances, they're going to make another tier for each essence type that will cost 4 mastery points each in order to add "content" to the next episode.

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@DaFishBob.6518 said:

@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:Request for ls episode 5:T5 raven mastery, Essences Magnet: essence automatically get absorbed.This will work like the master treasure magnet ability in the kingdom heart series.I would rather it be an ability to earn than it be automatically given to you.Currently there are an extra 9 mastery points, so this costing 5 or 6 points seems fair.

Such a naive idea to think that they'll do this right. By how they handled targeting annoyances, they're going to make another tier for each essence type that will cost 4 mastery points each in order to add "content" to the next episode.

I’d rather they have just made them nun clunky special action collection abilities and just made them a permanent augment to our abilities in open world. I’m sure the latter would be significantly harder to implement but would have been more beneficial in the open world. Maybe as a final tier we could get this.

But you’re right. They’ll probably separate them and make them cost 4 masteries if they do.

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Collecting essence disrupts the flow of combat, especially for ranged builds. The impact on action combat and combat choices is more pronounced when using siege weapons in Drizzlewood. I can't think of any reason why auto looting essences would be a bad idea, but I also might not be smart enough.

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@crepuscular.9047 said:but the bigger the problem is the way the availability of the action key is triggered, the action key only comes up if a breakbar come up, but it goes away as soon as a vet dies, how many times have we pressed the fire key only not to fire because a vet died and reset the special action key :\

Yes, agreed.And also when the vet died that activated the special action key and the targeting selects another vet/mob and the message appears, that its the wrong type of mob and we can not fire. With all the visual clutter during the fights its often hard to see which mob/vet is actually targeted. It is totally annoying.

the availability of the special action key(s) should have been available as soon as you have collection 1 essence and build up to a maximum power capped at 30 stacks, each essence have their own individual key, you can fire them at any time as long as it had been powered up by 1 essence; kinda like street fighters where you save up your super bars spend it whenever you can or save up for a special super

So we would get more than 1 special action key? I do not think that would be a good idea. The special action key is already over-used (for too much different things) and Anet should rethink how the the UI works for this.

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I've been wishing for autoloot ever since the start of this essences system, and I thought they'd bring it to the table when they released the 2nd half of bjora but not. It's been bothersome for executing with the combat system. It's like you want to do fight proprely, but the best way to loot those is to do minimal (like auto-attack) then run around to pick up essences as much as you can, because they do disappear rather quickly.

I really hope if they do consider to implement autoloot for essences, that you don't require too many mastery points for them. I hope they don't do something like 3 points autoloot for red, repeat 2 more times for blue and green, may be like 1 point for each essence for autoloot would be more reasonable in order to fix the old issue that they should have considered since Bjora. (Edit: realised my description wasn't complete)

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I consider this essence mastery system to be a failure. It is a feature that is just annoying and not adding anything interesting to the game. Autoloot for these orbs would make it less annoying but this should be a standard update and not require the use of additional mastery points (at least if you have the already existing auto loot mastery acquired).

And most important: I seriously hope that this essence system is limited to the Icebrood Saga. I do not want to see this artificial nonsense in future maps.

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@Solene.3067 said:I consider this essence mastery system to be a failure. It is a feature that is just annoying and not adding anything interesting to the game. Autoloot for these orbs would make it less annoying but this should be a standard update and not require the use of additional mastery points (at least if you have the already existing auto loot mastery acquired).

And most important: I seriously hope that this essence system is limited to the Icebrood Saga. I do not want to see this artificial nonsense in future maps.

This sums up my feelings as well. It is a horrible game design and it feels like a really bad step backward.

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@dodgerrule.8739 said:If you get the third tiered for each one you can use them on any foe not just the colored ones.

That still requires the target to have one of the essences so still colored. It just doesn't care about the color anymore.

Edit: Oh and speaking of stupid essence mastery things ... strikes & pylons =_=Why was this ever thought of as a good idea?

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  • 3 months later...

@Teratus.2859 said:I am 100% in agreement with this.

Collecting essence orbs mid combat is extremely annoying and tedious, most of the time I don't even bother with them anymore.The reward is not worth the inconvenience.

I still want to promote this subject to Anet. constantly running around during meta events is no fun .. please let us autoloot the essence ? ?

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@gert.7698 said:

@Teratus.2859 said:I am 100% in agreement with this.

Collecting essence orbs mid combat is extremely annoying and tedious, most of the time I don't even bother with them anymore.The reward is not worth the inconvenience.

I still want to promote this subject to Anet. constantly running around during meta events is no fun .. please let us autoloot the essence ? ?

Considering they done the same run around after combat with the dragon response mission balls we can assume its not going to change.

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