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A fix for the AFK farmers for good.


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@Healix.5819 said:

@Kichwas.7152 said:Just log out anyone AFK more than X mins.

That's already a thing you know.

They just need to add a movement requirement (~500 range) and reduce it to something more reasonable (~10 minutes).

Sure, if Anet decided to do more to make it harder for AFK farming, that would do it. The question isn't really how to do it though ... there are lots of ways. The question is if more is necessary.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Kichwas.7152 said:Just log out anyone AFK more than X mins.How do you prove this? How would Anet know if someone is truly AFK?

That would actually be trivially easy. Time between last inputs sent through the server. Almost every online thing you do knows this and most of them will time you out after a while.

If GW2 already has this configured, as another reply claimed; then the AFK bots discussed in this thread do not exist and you're all just miscasting blame to an imaginary target rather that whatever is really going on.

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@Kurrilino.2706 said:Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMOand not a Stock Market Simulator.

Bot away guys............. flood the market

But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Kurrilino.2706 said:Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMOand not a Stock Market Simulator.

Bot away guys............. flood the market

But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't?

and even if it did ... no one would know it because the market is transparent to AFK farmers and real player activities.

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Things is why does anyone care really?

I recently returned just to play through the LS I missed from PoF onwards and saw loads of AFK farmers but frankly who gives a toss? doesn't affect me or my game, doesn't affect the majority but like RL at present most people seem to want to find offense or fault or basically snowflake about anything and everything regardless whether it affects them or not

Exploits that directly affect gameplay in PvE or PvP deserve ban-hammer but those are exploits, actual gamebreaking stuff like no cooldown etc...,

however ppl standing in 1 spot with a weight on how ever many keys (probably using a macro but unless you can confirm then you cannot assume) affect nothing other than (gasp sock) driving down TP prices on general crap, let's be frank even if they were being awarded 50 legendaries a day for standing there AFk who cares? it is their choice to "play" the game that way, just like ppl that train meta events. boss's, run fractals or raids, wvw or pvp for hours on end, basically it is the way THEY want to play regardless whether you like it or not

Just earn to enjoy your game the way you want to play it and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing imo

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@"OnyX.9027" said:Things is why does anyone care really?

I recently returned just to play through the LS I missed from PoF onwards and saw loads of AFK farmers but frankly who gives a toss? doesn't affect me or my game, doesn't affect the majority but like RL at present most people seem to want to find offense or fault or basically snowflake about anything and everything regardless whether it affects them or not

Exploits that directly affect gameplay in PvE or PvP deserve ban-hammer but those are exploits, actual gamebreaking stuff like no cooldown etc...,

however ppl standing in 1 spot with a weight on how ever many keys (probably using a macro but unless you can confirm then you cannot assume) affect nothing other than (gasp sock) driving down TP prices on general kitten, let's be frank even if they were being awarded 50 legendaries a day for standing there AFk who cares? it is their choice to "play" the game that way, just like ppl that train meta events. boss's, run fractals or raids, wvw or pvp for hours on end, basically it is the way THEY want to play regardless whether you like it or not

Just earn to enjoy your game the way you want to play it and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing imo

I like your last sentence. Just learn to read the forums and not worry about what everyone else is posting and lecturing them about it imo

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Kurrilino.2706 said:Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMOand not a Stock Market Simulator.

Bot away guys............. flood the market

But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't?

You are preaching to the choire here.I am simply annoyed by those daily Standing Farmer posts and really wish it would be like they say it is.We need the economy removed or totally destroyed so people can go back and actually play the game.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Gibson.4036 said:Did a difluorite run tonight around Sandswept Isles. I couldn't believe the number of AFK minion necros standing around in the Asura areas.

Is it considered bad form to train mobs into them until their minions are overwhelmed? Asking for a friend.

You can try ... but it won't work like it does in other games.

I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful.

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No one here should be defending AFK farming, and whether you think you are or not you are if you say AFK farmers are not impacting the game, you are defending AFK farming. So just say that. Its not up to the players to fix, its up to the players to say its an issue. If you are here to counter just by saying it can't be addressed, unless you are an employee of ANet let them come forward and say it can't be fixed.

As far as impacting anyone else's game play it impacts all of ours. Now it might be helping some and hurting others. So stop and look at it from both sides.

For someone trying to buy materials from the market the AFK farmer is a boon since it lowers the price of materials they are trying to buy since there are more and that will mean the price is lower. On the surface that looks good until there is a material or item the buyer might be looking for that requires them to have gold then they become the seller.

To those looking to sell they are a bane because it reduces the value of the items they are trying to sell. That translates to having to farm more items to retain the same value for that time, it means adjusting their gameplay for the sake of another. So the AFK farmer directly impacts their gameplay by AFKing thru portions of the game that the non-AFKer has to do to get income for whatever they need it for.

So take from another thread, a poll is asked to give people in a group the abilities that come from a comm tag. On the surface would agree to that if we had that from day one. But its just a matter of gold which can be farmed. But in this cause though not linked the people not having the gold to buy their comm tag might now be getting less gold because the materials they collect from active play are degraded in value due to the afk farmer impacting the market price. So that AFK farmer not only impacted one player but an entire group from accessing tools that come along with the tag. People seem to not understand impacts so that's a current example even if the poll creator did not intend it to be the issue, it is related to this.

Now, ANet gives people an answer to that. Spend money, buy gems and convert. So when you say you are ok with AFK farming, to me, that leads me to say that is your accepted answer to AFK farming. You are right, everyone has an easy answer to get around gold issues in game.

So if you don't think that AFK farmers aren't impacting you, you are good, move along, but don't try and tell others that's its not impacting them. Because if they posted here its proof it is, else why would they post. Their post is the proof of it. All threads like this do is encourage people that are spending real money to support the game to questions those purchases, especially if is done to just convert gems to gold. And every time a thread like this causes a loss of sales, we all lose out on development funds that are provided to the developer for content, so we all lose. There is your additional impact.

2 cents.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Gibson.4036 said:Did a difluorite run tonight around Sandswept Isles. I couldn't believe the number of AFK minion necros standing around in the Asura areas.

Is it considered bad form to train mobs into them until their minions are overwhelmed? Asking for a friend.

You can try ... but it won't work like it does in other games.

I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful.

You see, here is another impact. It encourages griefing, which isn't a true issue that it's griefing. The AFKer farmer shouldn't have been afk and they would have moved out of the way of the player with the mobs agro. They choose not to move, that's on the AFKer.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Kurrilino.2706 said:Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMOand not a Stock Market Simulator.

Bot away guys............. flood the market

But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't?

And your proof that its hasn't impacted the market is?

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@Sinful Mustache.3589 said:

@"knite.1542" said:What is the negative impact of AFK farming?

Botting itself?Creating a not healthy image for the game?Dropping mats prices on TP?RMT?Encouraging others to afk instead of actively playing the game which is "designed to be played actively" ©?

This as well. Again, player's posted they see the issue. Let ANet determine the how. I fear its not in their interest to address since they have given players ways around it. Lowering prices is good for ANet. But it also drives supporters away as well.

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Kurrilino.2706 said:Man i wish there would be more Standing Farmers.We need the TP goods at copper rates so you guys can finally go back and play a RPG MMOand not a Stock Market Simulator.

Bot away guys............. flood the market

But that's kinda the point some of us are making. With all of the apparent, rampant AFK farming going on, why hasn't it affected the market? Maybe because it doesn't?

And your proof that its hasn't impacted the market is?I never claimed that it did or did not impact the market. I'm sure that there are others more involved in the market than I who can swoop in and provide charts or links to material prices that might show whether or not there is a large fluctuation. Even so, how could anyone tell if AFK farming is the cause?
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@TheGrimm.5624 said:

@Gibson.4036 said:Did a difluorite run tonight around Sandswept Isles. I couldn't believe the number of AFK minion necros standing around in the Asura areas.

Is it considered bad form to train mobs into them until their minions are overwhelmed? Asking for a friend.

You can try ... but it won't work like it does in other games.

I would think that could be considered griefing and against the terms. Be careful.

You see, here is another impact. It encourages griefing, which isn't a true issue that it's griefing. The AFKer farmer shouldn't have been afk and they would have moved out of the way of the player with the mobs agro. They choose not to move, that's on the AFKer.

Which brings us back to the same, tired argument. No one but Anet knows with 100% certainty if these players are truly AFK. If they aren't, and someone piles a mob of enemies on them, then the player could report that action as griefing. I was just offering caution to anyone who might think to do this.

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