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Am I the only one who'd like a sequel where we can see and explore Orr before it sank into the sea?


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I don't know but to me Orr always looked quite interesting and I sometimes imagine how it must have been before it sank into the ocean.However as I've heard that there's an entirely huge and expanded lore that takes place even before gw1 it got me interested more and I had an idea.What if we've had a game where we get to experience events that were never ever seen before in any of the two games and that happened before?It would surely be interesting.How are your thought on this?

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@Cynder.2509 said:I don't know but to me Orr always looked quite interesting and I sometimes imagine how it must have been before it sank into the ocean.However as I've heard that there's an entirely huge and expanded lore that takes place even before gw1 it got me interested more and I had an idea.What if we've had a game where we get to experience events that were never ever seen before in any of the two games and that happened before?It would surely be interesting.How are your thought on this?

i'd love to see the original Orr too the one before the exodus of the gods. given how we have flash back stories (visions of the past) they can make it fit into the game somehow. as for when/where it can be inserted into the game and if it's worth it, that's up to the devs.

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I was always hoping for a fractal series spanning over pre-destroyed Orr and Arah.

Visions of the Past could be a great candidate for implementing this as well but they seem like they're meant to be directly tied to the story.

I'm guessing they've never done anything with it because the city itself pre-destruction, might be kind of hard to envision or they feel they can't do it justice. It's kind of one of those things where they're probably afraid to touch it because they feel that the player's imagination is going to be better than what they push out. Or not. It may just be the fact that they would likely have to create a ton of assets for it.

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Technically that's a prequel. I hadn't considered it before but I like the idea. It wouldn't necessarily have to be an MMO either, I think Tyria could easily be a setting for lots of different kinds of games. For example we could have a strategy game set during the Guild Wars where you start off running a small guild (of NPCs) and build up to being one of the major forces in your nation, even taking territory from other nations. (I'm imagining something a bit like Total War, but not quite as complicated, so you can form alliances as well as attack.)

But something where you actually get to see and explore Orr would be very cool too, maybe a conventional RPG set at some point in the past?

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@BlackBullWings.2734 said:welp it's not impossible, fractals can pretty much cover any historical point in the game :)

But not everyone, especially those who just want to see the lore, is able to play fractals as groups always demand certain things instead of just chilling and enjoying the game for once.

@Astyrah.4015 said:

i'd love to see the original Orr too the one before the exodus of the gods. given how we have flash back stories (visions of the past) they can make it fit into the game somehow. as for when/where it can be inserted into the game and if it's worth it, that's up to the devs.

For the visions of the past idea: Yes, it could fit but the freedom of fully exploring it and some other aspects are very limited due to it being an instance.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Technically that's a prequel. I hadn't considered it before but I like the idea. It wouldn't necessarily have to be an MMO either, I think Tyria could easily be a setting for lots of different kinds of games. For example we could have a strategy game set during the Guild Wars where you start off running a small guild (of NPCs) and build up to being one of the major forces in your nation, even taking territory from other nations. (I'm imagining something a bit like Total War, but not quite as complicated, so you can form alliances as well as attack.)

But something where you actually get to see and explore Orr would be very cool too, maybe a conventional RPG set at some point in the past?

Forgot the word was prequel, thanksYes, a different kind of game would also be cool but better not as a turn based strategy because (this is just my personal opinion) this type of game is kind of boring and hard to get into. I mostly prefer real time combat in RPGs where I can have actual control over my actions rather than waiting for my oponment's turn. I know RTS games like Starcraft exist too but I don't like the way the maps and model stuff is built.However if there was a game similar in that style I'd recommend it to be more like an ARPG like Path of Exile or Diablo as I found a liking to this genre lately. Yes, I know this might conflict heavily to what I've said previously but the aspect of having real time control over the combat makes up for the top down annoyance.

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Yeah I'm not necessarily saying the game which lets you see Orr as it was should be a strategy game, just using that as an example of how entirely different games could be set in Tyria. The main opposition to this idea I could see coming up is the assumption that another Guild Wars game has to be another MMO, which is expensive and time-consuming to make and requires on-going support and development, so it's a big commitment for a studio, even more so when it risks competing with their existing game.

But I think there's potential to use the setting to tell many different kinds of stories, which would work as different kinds of games, and a single-player game or even small scale multi-player wouldn't really compete with GW2.

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@Bast.7253 said:I was always hoping for a fractal series spanning over pre-destroyed Orr and Arah.

Visions of the Past could be a great candidate for implementing this as well but they seem like they're meant to be directly tied to the story.

I'm guessing they've never done anything with it because the city itself pre-destruction, might be kind of hard to envision or they feel they can't do it justice. It's kind of one of those things where they're probably afraid to touch it because they feel that the player's imagination is going to be better than what they push out. Or not. It may just be the fact that they would likely have to create a ton of assets for it.

They can do it and have it be tied to story. We've already been to the pre-sinking Orr once before as part of the story, in Jahai Bluffs with the temporal anomolies. It was even tied into Trahearne's backstory which was very nicely done.

I'd like to see a post-Zhaitan Ruined City of Arah meta event map or Guild Hall instead, though.

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@BlackBullWings.2734 said:welp it's not impossible, fractals can pretty much cover any historical point in the game :)

I was always hoping for a fractal series spanning over pre-destroyed Orr and Arah.

Visions of the Past could be a great candidate for implementing this as well but they seem like they're meant to be directly tied to the story.

I'm guessing they've never done anything with it because the city itself pre-destruction, might be kind of hard to envision or they feel they can't do it justice. It's kind of one of those things where they're probably afraid to touch it because they feel that the player's imagination is going to be better than what they push out. Or not. It may just be the fact that they would likely have to create a ton of assets for it.

I really think FotM has been misused in this way - I would rather see this as a full time travel expansion or LW series than as a series of fractals.

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I’d rather stick with GW2 forever but fractals would be the perfect opportunity to see a pristine Orr. I also want to see more current, recovering orr though I don’t expect to visit anywhere but the shiver peaks and cantha soon (which is fine I love both regions a great deal)

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@Cynder.2509 said:I don't know but to me Orr always looked quite interesting and I sometimes imagine how it must have been before it sank into the ocean.However as I've heard that there's an entirely huge and expanded lore that takes place even before gw1 it got me interested more and I had an idea.What if we've had a game where we get to experience events that were never ever seen before in any of the two games and that happened before?It would surely be interesting.How are your thought on this?

Perhaps a good setting for a single player game.

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@"sorudo.9054" said:maybe pull and "agents of shield" trick (if you're watching it or about to, sorry but spoilers), you go back in time in order to stop a cataclysmic event.you get to the past just 2 years before it sank and try to save orr (or let time go it's course), making sure your present time is save.

Going back in time is a lazy, cop-out way of storytelling IMO. I hated when Star Trek did it, and hated when Shield did it. Boo writers!

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@Trise.2865 said:Why not a Fractal?

@Fenom.9457 said:I’d rather stick with GW2 forever but fractals would be the perfect opportunity to see a pristine Orr. I also want to see more current, recovering orr though I don’t expect to visit anywhere but the shiver peaks and cantha soon (which is fine I love both regions a great deal) the op answered it ⇓ @Cynder.2509 said:

@BlackBullWings.2734 said:welp it's not impossible, fractals can pretty much cover any historical point in the game :)

But not everyone, especially those who just want to see the lore, is able to play fractals as groups always demand certain things instead of just chilling and enjoying the game for once.

i'd love to see the original Orr too the one before the exodus of the gods. given how we have flash back stories (visions of the past) they can make it fit into the game somehow. as for when/where it can be inserted into the game and if it's worth it, that's up to the devs.

For the visions of the past idea: Yes, it could fit but the freedom of fully exploring it and some other aspects are very limited due to it being an instance.

personally though i wouldn't mind if it became a fractal or something like visions of the past. but i guess there are people who want it like an explorable/town city without any mobs and that's fine too not everything has to be tied to combat

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Guild Wars 1 introduced a little instance pack that allowed you to play as an npc in the past to learn a piece of history. It wasn't necessary for anything, it was just a little extra content pack to play through. I think it would be great to add something like that to this game.(Because I also want to see Orr before it sank. Were those massive circular arcs gold? Bronze? How were they built? What was it like to be a human brought to this world for the first time? And how could Dwayna allow that to happen to Melchior - could she not heal him? I want to know more!)

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"sorudo.9054" said:maybe pull and "agents of shield" trick (if you're watching it or about to, sorry but spoilers), you go back in time in order to stop a cataclysmic event.you get to the past just 2 years before it sank and try to save orr (or let time go it's course), making sure your present time is save.

Going back in time is a lazy, cop-out way of storytelling IMO. I hated when Star Trek did it, and hated when Shield did it. Boo writers!

it isn't lasy, it is just as lasy as making achievements to replace quest but guess what Anet is doing for the past (almost) decade.

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