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The upcoming spec for ele shown in as the new fractal boss is amazing!


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@anduriell.6280 said:

@Infusion.7149 said:If it uses AI at all (minions/pets/legends/etc) expect it to be semi-useless in competitive modes.

Well you can see a lot of threads about people whining because ranger pets too strong, so i think you are mistaken!

Scrapper gyros, renegade spirits, necro minions, engi turrets, elementals are all worthless. Range's pet is it's main mechanic and is usually taken for CC or mobility, the majority of others are worthless in competitive modes. Gyros only became relevant after rework since they were unreliable.

I think that you are mistaken. AI skills are terrible.

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1) where did you see it?

2) if yes...Not impressed. They keep shoving us in melee range more and more with the lowest base armor and HP. I originally rolled an ele to play a ranged caster type. I was hoping for a decent ranged spec to compensate for how utterly garbage scepter and staff have become (compared to sword/x and dagger/x) and I honestly did not want a pet. I'd roll a ranger if I get the itch for it...

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:There is no way this is our next elite specialization, mainly because we have main-hand sword on weaver already

was just about to type it, i don't think we will be getting any form of dual-wield weapons for an elite spec on ele the boss shown in the new fractal trailer is just an NPC i think and we should not think that just because an NPC wields a weapon we are getting it because there are warrior NPCs with dual pistols and i for one would never want to see that as an elite spec on warrior( considering rifle already on it)but as @Zeesh.7286 already said a ranged weapon is more likely because we got and OH and then a MH (both melee) so next in line should be DH and considering we already have staff it could be any of the bows (just speculation but we will see)

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@skunkstank.6128 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:There is no way this is our next elite specialization, mainly because we have main-hand sword on weaver already

was just about to type it, i don't think we will be getting any form of dual-wield weapons for an elite spec on ele the boss shown in the new fractal trailer is just an NPC i think and we should not think that just because an NPC wields a weapon we are getting it because there are warrior NPCs with dual pistols and i for one would never want to see that as an elite spec on warrior( considering rifle already on it)but as @Zeesh.7286 already said a ranged weapon is more likely because we got and OH and then a MH (both melee) so next in line should be DH and considering we already have staff it could be any of the bows (just speculation but we will see)

Ranger got dagger main hand with soulbeast even though they already had it for offhand. There’s a possibility they may do that to ele. I wouldn’t mind that actually & thought weaver should of always been dual sword anyhow.

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So, weaver gives ele main-hand sword, and now people think the next elite spec is going to give the class main and off-hand sword. K.And no, this is not the same as ranger getting main-hand dagger because off-hand dagger was already a part of core whereas ele only gets access to main-hand sword through an elite spec.

I doubt the next spec will include any 1200+ range dps weapon because ele already has staff; I know it needs work, but that's the role staff used to have and it should probably fill it again in the future - if the balance team ever gets its act together. There's almost no way anet would add any weapons which are already present as conjures, and that just leaves pistols, maces, and torch. I hope it'll be pistols, maybe just a main-hand, but I'm thinking it'll be a torch because that's the kind of suffering that playing an ele has taught me to expect.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This guy literally said the same thing in the ranger sub-forum so I guess the new fractal showed off all elite specs

Well i like the design of the new boss and we can agree it clearly is a ranger or an ele new spec.

Or the third option: the boss is simply a cool npc and doesn't showcase any new elite spec whatsoever.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This guy literally said the same thing in the ranger sub-forum so I guess the new fractal showed off all elite specs

Well i like the design of the new boss and we can agree it clearly is a ranger or an ele new spec.

Or the third option: the boss is simply a cool npc and
doesn't showcase any new elite spec whatsoever

That would be such a waste of development time, isn't it? To pay for the design such cool animations and effects and not to take advantage to use them in an elite spec. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This guy literally said the same thing in the ranger sub-forum so I guess the new fractal showed off all elite specs

Well i like the design of the new boss and we can agree it clearly is a ranger or an ele new spec.

Or the third option: the boss is simply a cool npc and
doesn't showcase any new elite spec whatsoever

That would be such a waste of development time, isn't it? To pay for the design such cool animations and effects and not to take advantage to use them in an elite spec. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

Idk, lots of fractal bosses have some cool looking skills, take Twilight Oasis for example, the end boss when she goes to Balthazar, that massive meteor dropping from the sky is pretty cool, but you don't see any class having that or will have that and purely basing it on a 1 minute fractal teaser doesn't make sense, ontop of Ele already having a elite spec that utilizes Sword (Weaver) there is no sense to have the same class dual wield swords. Enemy bosses having cool looking skills makes the fractal interesting as much as player classes having cool skills too

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This guy literally said the same thing in the ranger sub-forum so I guess the new fractal showed off all elite specs

Well i like the design of the new boss and we can agree it clearly is a ranger or an ele new spec.

Or the third option: the boss is simply a cool npc and
doesn't showcase any new elite spec whatsoever

That would be such a waste of development time, isn't it? To pay for the design such cool animations and effects and not to take advantage to use them in an elite spec. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

I don't see engineer using huge sonic waves like the molten bosses in the fractals, even if it could make perfect sense to have a sound/sonic waves based elite spec for engineers.Captain Crowe has cool attacks like having sharks jump out of the players location to hit everyone standing in the AoE, which can be a fitting animation for rangers, but it still is no skill for them.

Bosses tend to have cool animations, since that makes the encounter more interesting. But I can't recall alot of boss skills in fractals which are really used by player classes, too.Oftenly these attacks make more sense for a boss in a fixed environment than for a player character. And I think these animations for the new fractal boss fall in that category. While it looks cool to dash forth and shoot fireballs left and right, I don't think this is a skill they will really put on player characters.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This guy literally said the same thing in the ranger sub-forum so I guess the new fractal showed off all elite specs

Well i like the design of the new boss and we can agree it clearly is a ranger or an ele new spec.

Or the third option: the boss is simply a cool npc and
doesn't showcase any new elite spec whatsoever

That would be such a waste of development time, isn't it? To pay for the design such cool animations and effects and not to take advantage to use them in an elite spec. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

A lot of djinns have skills and animations that ele has never seen. There's plenty of animations in game that aren't related to any of the playable classes, they just have the same theme.

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@anduriell.6280 said:That would be such a waste of development time, isn't it? To pay for the design such cool animations and effects and not to take advantage to use them in an elite spec. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

Imagine watching Avengers but everything exept main characters is low-quality garbage.There are many things in GW2 with unique animations, like... some charr in Drizzlewood Coast.What about ambient dialogues in Open World? Is it a waste of development time? Someone had to write these lines and then record them. All these small things makes the game look better — and more attractive for customers.

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Yea this is why I asked where OP saw the video. What I saw didn't show any ele spec but a boss. I thought maybe there was a leak on reddit on something idk lol. Maybe OP was confused. Anyway, cross your fingers and hope we avoid a nerf fellas. When I say nerf I mean every other class getting an OP off the charts spec which by default pushes everything ele even more into the gutter. Because honestly I don't expect anything worthwhile coming ourway..

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@Zeesh.7286 said:1) where did you see it?

2) if yes...Not impressed. They keep shoving us in melee range more and more with the lowest base armor and HP. I originally rolled an ele to play a ranged caster type. I was hoping for a decent ranged spec to compensate for how utterly garbage scepter and staff have become (compared to sword/x and dagger/x) and I honestly did not want a pet. I'd roll a ranger if I get the itch for it...

Concur on this one, nothing worse than having Staff/Scepter near useless and being given a 3rd melee spec while still being this squishy after 8+ years. If they want us to be a bruiser than surely they've had an idea of how to do that by now on the existing specs and can add a bit more ele/mage/wizard style on the new one.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This guy literally said the same thing in the ranger sub-forum so I guess the new fractal showed off all elite specs

Well i like the design of the new boss and we can agree it clearly is a ranger or an ele new spec.

Or the third option: the boss is simply a cool npc and
doesn't showcase any new elite spec whatsoever

That would be such a waste of development time, isn't it? To pay for the design such cool animations and effects and not to take advantage to use them in an elite spec. It doesn't make sense from a business perspective.

Before HoT, Rytlock was officicially considered a warrior class, however he used sword main hand and pistol off hand. Did warriors ever got pistol off hand? nope, and after he became revenant those animations were forgotten

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@Mini Crinny.6190 said:This guy literally said the same thing in the ranger sub-forum so I guess the new fractal showed off all elite specs

Well i like the design of the new boss and we can agree it clearly is a ranger or an ele new spec.

Or the third option: the boss is simply a cool npc and
doesn't showcase any new elite spec whatsoever

Most likely scenario.

As weaver already has mainhand sword I don't see them reworking not only 1 but 2 weapons for 4 attunements. Weaver was quite the undertaking as is, granted that's because of the way weaver works, but still.

Off-hand sword, MAYBE. But doubtful as we just had mainhand with weaver.

I COULD see Ele's getting a pet-based spec but I highly doubt any of this is eluding to any new elite spec. People were speculating that Almora's abilities were eluding to a new guardian spec and I see that just as unlikely.

Just look at how many npc's we had in Draconis Mons, like dual pistol mesmers as an example. People speculated that it was hinting at POF elite spec for mesmer, then we get mirage that uses axe.

As much as I'd welcome a power melee spec that isn't a condi bruiser like weaver, if we're going based off of this npc the high movement aspect looks pretty similar to what we already have with the dagger playstyle.

And Almora's abilities looked pretty pointless for open world or pvp. How useful would a random zig-zag dashing line of flame ability be? And the other was somekind of pulsing aoe that sent out beams of light or something wasn't it?

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