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Fractal Rush Community Goal Reward - RIPPED OFF

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So, I was living in fractals since Tuesday, doing every single CM, daily t4 and recommended, on top of that farming countless hours trying to save Trophies to buy the missing 3 Chest Novelties from that npc. Now it appears I didn't contribute anything to community goal as I never bought any of those crates 'Bonus Box of Goods' and thus didn't contribute to the whole event? What kind of crаp is that? How people were supposed to know that you had to buy useless Box of Goods in order to contribute, but buying Novelties at 100 each didn't give any credit? At this point I have 0 achievement from event with zero rewards, would never expect being screwed like this. Anyone else with such case?

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Yikes, good to know.

I've participated in all of these (so bonus boxes were all she offered me), but my friends who hadn't done previous rushes were telling me that previous rush rewards were on offer from the vendor with no indication that they wouldn't be getting credit if they bought them. As a precaution, I told those friends to buy at least one bonus box each day, but I didn't expect this would actually be a problem.

Anyone who spent any trophies with the NPC outside the fractal portal for anything she was offering should have gotten full credit for this rush.

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Well the good news is the event is still going on and you literally only have to buy 1 box to qualify for the community rewards, so you can still do it. (You also have to leave LA and come back before the unlocked rewards appear for you, not sure why.)

But yes, I agree that spending the trophies should count, regardless of what you buy with them.

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Alright, so I bought about 10 'Boxes of Goods' which did nothing at the time and logged off to make the post. Now logging back into game I suddenly got all the 5 achievements with full rewards, so issue is gone - but still I think it shouldn't be like this imo stressing people for no reason, heh.

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Neither the in-game mail or the news article mentions that you have to buy the bonus box of goods to qualify for the community rewards.

The mails says: "The Fractals of the Mists are fluctuating wildly! Stabalizing them before 10am Pacific Time on Tuesday October 6 will grant you Sense of Community Trophies. Turn them in to fractal researchers outside the Mistlock Observatory asura gates for rewards and community goal progress. Additionally, if the community turns in enough Sense of Community Trophies, all participants will be granted bonus rewards. See Bonus Events in the achievements tab of the Hero panel for more info."

And the news page says "From 29 September to 6 October completing Fractals of the Mists will award Sense of Community Trophies. Trade your trophies in to Fractal Researchers outside asura gates leading to the Mists to contribute to the community goal. Participants will receive more Bonus Boxes of Goods for progressing the goal to higher tiers."

Edit: The patch notes are the same: "Help stabilize the Fractals of the Mists to earn Sense of Community Trophies, which can be traded to fractal researchers just outside the Mistlock Observatory asura gates for rewards and community goal progress!"

Where is it specified that only the bonus box of goods qualifies and not the other items sold by the same merchant for the same currency?

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Theoretically turning in trophies for any reward whether it be boxes of goods or the tonics should contribute your trophies to progress, and give you titles. Seems like they didn’t allow this option and is misleading. Perhaps they figured everyone would buy at least one box of bonus goods and wouldn’t have to worry about it.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Neither the in-game mail or the news article mentions that you have to buy the bonus box of goods to qualify for the community rewards.

The mails says: Turn them in to fractal researchers outside the Mistlock Observatory asura gates for rewards and community goal progress.

And the news page says: Trade your trophies in to Fractal Researchers outside asura gates leading to the Mists to contribute to the community goal.

Turn them in...Trade your trophies in...

Reading comprehension FTW

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@Evil Seabass.5214 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:Neither the in-game mail or the news article mentions that you have to buy the bonus box of goods to qualify for the community rewards.

The mails says: Turn them in to fractal researchers outside the Mistlock Observatory asura gates for rewards and community goal progress.

And the news page says: Trade your trophies in to Fractal Researchers outside asura gates leading to the Mists to contribute to the community goal.

Turn them in...Trade your trophies in...

Reading comprehension FTW

The issue is there are 3 rewards offered but only 1 of them counts and there's nothing really that indicates that.

That's the problem the OP is mentioning.

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@Mantulis.4153 said:So, I was living in fractals since Tuesday, doing every single CM, daily t4 and recommended, on top of that farming countless hours trying to save Trophies to buy the missing 3 Chest Novelties from that npc. Now it appears I didn't contribute anything to community goal as I never bought any of those crates 'Bonus Box of Goods' and thus didn't contribute to the whole event? What kind of crаp is that? How people were supposed to know that you had to buy useless Box of Goods in order to contribute, but buying Novelties at 100 each didn't give any credit? At this point I have 0 achievement from event with zero rewards, would never expect being screwed like this. Anyone else with such case?

I had a funny feeling this would be the case, so I made sure to buy some boxes, I think playing the fractal should have been enough, but you just cant trust Anet to get it right.

Just a thought, you have been back to LA right?

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How many boxes of the basic one do you need to buy to 'complete' things?

I had no idea there even were achievements or rewards for this.

EDIT: Bought one, quit the game and then logged back in and got 5 tiers of achievements / rewards. I've earned just over 150 tokens so far though.

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Yeah you only need to buy 1 box to qualify for the rewards. But it's still not made clear anywhere that buying the novelties from the merchant doesn't count, so people who focused on farming and saving up trophies for those could easily be left out, especially since I don't think anything else in the game works this way.

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Here is a quote from the release notes:"FractalsFractal Rush begins today, September 29, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7), and runs until October 6 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7). Help stabilize the Fractals of the Mists to earn Sense of Community Trophies, which can be traded to fractal researchers just outside the Mistlock Observatory asura gates for rewards and community goal progress. "


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@"Feridh.7609" said:Here is a quote from the release notes:"FractalsFractal Rush begins today, September 29, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7), and runs until October 6 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7). Help stabilize the Fractals of the Mists to earn Sense of Community Trophies, which can be traded to fractal researchers just outside the Mistlock Observatory asura gates for rewards and community goal progress. "


Yes but as ppl have said it dont say you have to buy the 1 token box to get community goal progress.So people who only went for the 100 token tonics dident get anything even if they traded for rewards.

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