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Balance Patch


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"Moving forward with competitive balance, we want to make smaller adjustments more often. The specific cadence for balance will always depend on our overall release schedule, but ideally it will be closer to every 4-6 weeks, while still having the opportunity to make minor tweaks outside of the regular balance update. The goal here is to have better flexibility to fix problems in a timely manner." - CMC 01/31/2020


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Because PvE is more important and they are probably working on EoD.

That or they are planning one massive balance patch (again) which will rock the meta and then leave it unbalanced for another 6 months.I mean this has happened for the past 4 years, and people STILL play the game.Don't change what's not broke amiright guys?

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@"Tycura.1982" said:"Moving forward with competitive balance, we want to make smaller adjustments more often. The specific cadence for balance will always depend on our overall release schedule, but ideally it will be closer to every 4-6 weeks, while still having the opportunity to make minor tweaks outside of the regular balance update. The goal here is to have better flexibility to fix problems in a timely manner." - CMC 01/31/2020


It has been only 3 month and 2 days since last patch. Why are you so mean to the poor devs? They are working really hard to...?! If you know to do what let me know.

@Tayga.3192 said:They actually did hotfix patches very frequently right after february patch, believe me or not.

For some reason this slowly died out.

Surprised? I am not.

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I am not surprised at all. They have said multiple times in the past that they will increase the pace of balance updates, and each time it comes out slower than the last patches.

Whenever you see communication from ANET, just assume they are actually telling you the opposite, and you will not be disappointed.

I am not purchasing the next expansion, because why would I? PvP and WvW is in such a sorry state for the past few years. The only thing they care about is making faceroll PvE maps and consider that as "content".

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@"Caine.8204" said:I am not surprised at all. They have said multiple times in the past that they will increase the pace of balance updates, and each time it comes out slower than the last patches.

Whenever you see communication from ANET, just assume they are actually telling you the opposite, and you will not be disappointed.

I am not purchasing the next expansion, because why would I? PvP and WvW is in such a sorry state for the past few years. The only thing they care about is making faceroll PvE maps and consider that as "content".

I thought you said there was no expansion?...

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@Kuma.1503 said:

@"Tayga.3192" said:They actually did hotfix patches very frequently right after february patch, believe me or not.

For some reason this slowly died out.

Skills team got mad at CmC and don't let him do anything on his own anymore. Very biased bad management.

Tbh im not surprised, I wouldnt let him do anything on his own too. Poor cmc boi, aka 'rev is a class that's favored more by the best players, and the best players tend to win the monthly'

Considering CmC is the same guy who:

Added 300 CD traits and never reworked themRemoved runes and amulets (Why remove expertise when you want condi to be attrition based?)Made Rev's staff unecessarily clunkyOvernerfed WeaverOvernerfed WarriorOvernerfed MesmerOvernerfed Stability (hello chain CC)

I'm glad for the slower balance cadence. Just means we have more time before every class ends up in the gutter.

The same guy who said that : "Lich form is fine" - "Rev is a class favored by the best players and best players tend to win" - "I see nothing wrong with grenades"....yeah I wouldn't expect much at this point.

Oh also the same guy who increased the CD of Mist form to 75s.....while ....https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_S

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That's advocating the devil but sometime a bit of context is needed:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Added 300 CD traits and never reworked themsPvP players were hating on passive defensive procs pretty loudly prior to this change.

Removed runes and amulets (Why remove expertise when you want condi to be attrition based?)sPvP and WvW players are in an everlasting crusade against conditions which somehow justify this.

Made Rev's staff unecessarily clunkyThe sPvP community complained that Rev had this boring bunker build that sorely needed nerfs.

Overnerfed WeaverSomeone in the sPvP subforum claimed that it was hard to catch the slippery weaver.

Overnerfed WarriorThe sPvP subforum was all about how OP warrior was with rampage.

Overnerfed MesmerHundreds of sPvP threads asked for it.

Overnerfed Stability (hello chain CC)CCs in this game are designed toward "duration" instead of short interupt, it was basically the reason why stability wasn't stackable at release of the game. The issue was that some professions (mainly warrior and mesmer) were meant to use actively hard CC and the old stability was to simple and cheap of a hard counter to them. There is no true middle point that can be achieved with the current system, either CC are strangled by stability or stability is so scarsed that hard CC dominate. All in all the complains about this subject are bound to come mainly from the sPvP and the WvW subforum.

I'm glad for the slower balance cadence. Just means we have more time before every class ends up in the gutter.

I agree with you, the slower the balance cadence the less things they break and the more time we got to adapt to the things that have been previously broken.

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@"Kuma.1503" said:Considering CmC is the same guy who:

Added 300 CD traits and never reworked themRemoved runes and amulets (Why remove expertise when you want condi to be attrition based?)Made Rev's staff unecessarily clunkyOvernerfed WeaverOvernerfed WarriorOvernerfed MesmerOvernerfed Stability (hello chain CC)

I'm glad for the slower balance cadence. Just means we have more time before every class ends up in the gutter.

You know he can't do "reworks" right? In your list, he only did the 300s cooldown change (you can hate on the actual skills team for not reworking them), stability nerf and warrior/mesmer nerfs.

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@otto.5684 said:

@youle.5824 said:Balance in 4 days .. fyi

Are you sure? As far as I am aware, Anet did not set a time schedule.

@youle.5824 said:Balance in 4 days .. fyi

Are you sure? As far as I am aware, Anet did not set a time schedule.

@youle.5824 said:Balance in 4 days .. fyi

Are you sure? As far as I am aware, Anet did not set a time schedule.

who knows? Unless you keep up with Ben on twitch/streams from some of the gw2 players we wouldn't know jack shit on when a patch is suppose to come out unless he throws a hint or tells us directly. People still hoping the best for this game and yet not notice the insane lack of support people are getting for any info directed about the game mode.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:That's advocating the devil but sometime a bit of context is needed:

@"Kuma.1503" said:Added 300 CD traits and never reworked them
sPvP players were hating on passive defensive procs pretty loudly prior to this change.

Removed runes and amulets (Why remove expertise when you want condi to be attrition based?)
sPvP and WvW players are in an everlasting crusade against conditions which somehow justify this.

Made Rev's staff unecessarily clunky
The sPvP community complained that Rev had this boring bunker build that sorely needed nerfs.

Overnerfed Weaver
Someone in the sPvP subforum claimed that it was hard to catch the slippery weaver.

Overnerfed Warrior
The sPvP subforum was all about how OP warrior was with rampage.

Overnerfed Mesmer
Hundreds of sPvP threads asked for it.

Overnerfed Stability (hello chain CC)
CCs in this game are designed toward "duration" instead of short interupt, it was basically the reason why stability wasn't stackable at release of the game. The issue was that some professions (mainly warrior and mesmer) were meant to use actively hard CC and the old stability was to simple and cheap of a hard counter to them. There is no true middle point that can be achieved with the current system, either CC are strangled by stability or stability is so scarsed that hard CC dominate. All in all the complains about this subject are bound to come mainly from the sPvP and the WvW subforum.

I'm glad for the slower balance cadence. Just means we have more time before every class ends up in the gutter.

I agree with you, the slower the balance cadence the less things they break and the more time we got to adapt to the things that have been previously broken.

Personally i dont mind the changes after there were done. But i think the lack of changes/tweaks afterwards is a huge problem. I see those changes as a reset, as a base line to build a new "meta" on. Instead, they treated it as the whole structure, as if it was good and done as it is. For example: all those 300 ICD traits are unsued. We got trait lines with 2 major traits instead of 3 cuz of that.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:They actually did hotfix patches very frequently right after february patch, believe me or not.

For some reason this slowly died out.

Skills team got mad at CmC and don't let him do anything on his own anymore. Very biased bad management.I kinda find it funny that he managed to fix the WvW meta in a Hotfix in the same patch that the skills team buffed the fuck out of scourge for PVP and WvW and their goal was to buff it for PVE while it ended up a nerf there.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:They actually did hotfix patches very frequently right after february patch, believe me or not.

For some reason this slowly died out.

Skills team got mad at CmC and don't let him do anything on his own anymore. Very biased bad management.

CMC is the problem. Wrong vision, lazy implementation and slow follow-ups. What prevents CMC/PvP from making balance split changes adjusting numbers for over 3 month? What happened to 4-6 weeks? Please do not make excuses for tardiness.

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@otto.5684 said:

@"Tayga.3192" said:They actually did hotfix patches very frequently right after february patch, believe me or not.

For some reason this slowly died out.

Skills team got mad at CmC and don't let him do anything on his own anymore. Very biased bad management.

CMC is the problem. Wrong vision, lazy implementation and slow follow-ups. What prevents CMC/PvP from making balance split changes adjusting numbers for over 3 month? What happened to 4-6 weeks? Please do not make excuses for tardiness.

Amen to that.

I don't see why so many try to give him a pass when he's the #1 reason we're in this mess with the abomination that was February's patch.

Then to top things off, BenP made it sound like (in the chat of one stream) that even less attention than normal is going on to the current problems because they're already on expansion mode mindeset.

Boy...I can't wait to see what gems we'll be treated to when that xpac drops.

But have a short reward track buff in the meantime as a way to say "sowwy" L O L

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:They actually did hotfix patches very frequently right after february patch, believe me or not.

For some reason this slowly died out.

Skills team got mad at CmC and don't let him do anything on his own anymore. Very biased bad management.I kinda find it funny that he managed to fix the WvW meta in a Hotfix in the same patch that the skills team buffed the kitten out of scourge for PVP and WvW and their goal was to buff it for PVE while it ended up a nerf there.

They have absolutely no idea what they are doing.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:They actually did hotfix patches very frequently right after february patch, believe me or not.

For some reason this slowly died out.

Skills team got mad at CmC and don't let him do anything on his own anymore. Very biased bad management.

CMC is the problem. Wrong vision, lazy implementation and slow follow-ups. What prevents CMC/PvP from making balance split changes adjusting numbers for over 3 month? What happened to 4-6 weeks? Please do not make excuses for tardiness.

No, CmC is not allowed to do his vision because the skills team doesn't let him.

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