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Is there a better way for ArenaNet than abandoning old content to focus on new content?


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@"Atticus.7194" said:Wait are you implying that you need to complete everything in the entire game before you can ask for content updates?yes, it have logic line. So now this is is the same - that you do ONLY dungeons, not raids, no fractals, no meta, no LS, no craft legs, ... So after short time you complete all patch, but not keep eye oncollections .. And say "I need new dungion!!" Same we see here.

My guy, not everyone is a completionist like you, some people only enjoy certain parts of the game and it's not unreasonable to want updates for those regardless of your "AP" (why are you so fixated on this?)I don't say that this is problem, I say that here we not have obsolete content yet, if do all parts.

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@lare.5129 said:

@"Atticus.7194" said:Wait are you implying that you need to complete everything in the entire game before you can ask for content updates?yes, it have logic line. So now this is is the same - that you do ONLY dungeons, not raids, no fractals, no meta, no LS, no craft legs, ... So after short time you complete all patch, but not keep eye oncollections .. And say "I need new dungion!!" Same we see here.

I didn't understand most of this but I'm assuming you're being super hyperbolic so I will say that collections are not a viable alternative for solid new and revamped group content and they're just not at all. You may enjoy them but many of us find grinding out the same thing for days on end over and over and over to get tedious extremely fast. Hell trying to avoid those is often why people seek out GW2 vs a grindier NCsoft title like Lineage 2 or something.

My guy, not everyone is a completionist like you, some people only enjoy certain parts of the game and it's not unreasonable to want updates for those regardless of your "AP" (why are you so fixated on this?)I don't say that this is problem, I say that here we not have obsolete content yet, if do all parts.

There are some parts of the game that I do not want to do and it's absurd for you to imply once again that every shred of content in this game needs to be completed before we are allowed to relevant content updates.

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I've said this before and I'll say it again.

Fractals have already created a perfect mastery of how instanced content should be. All existing instanced content including dungeons, Strike Missions, raids, Visions of the Past, and Dragon Response Missions should be rolled into them.

Maybe even roll story into Fractals too so that players can both solo it and challenge themselves in groups. This would also consolidate the various story formats which are becoming very fragmented over time and has become a real problem for anyone who likes to keep up with all of it. Especially newer players who have to resort to grouping/not grouping, the wiki, YouTube, to get the whole story.

We already have a content distribution platform that works for solo players, PUGs, elite teams, guilds, etc. equally.

There only needs to be two types of content in PvE, "open-world" and "instanced". There's absolutely no reason to keep re-inventing wheel. Its literally all the same content that they keep making with slight variations, mostly that alot of it doesn't have selectable difficulty and other negatives, plus differing rewards which could easily all be merged into one coherent system as well.

Its just becoming a big mess that even players can't manage, let alone the devs themselves. The game's nearly a decade old, we need to be focusing on code consolidation, content remastering & engine reform, not "ooh shiney" short-term blowouts.

Its time to start making a game that'll last another ten years, not another ten months.

@LucianDK.8615 said:new content is what revitalizes interest, not rehashes of old content.This has been proven false in most MMOs, its just a common myth.

The problem is that players who play new content tend to do so for only a short time, while players who repeat old content do so often for hours each day, and end up making up the bulk of the playtime on the game servers.

This has been noticeable in GW2 as well as LS1 failed for the very reason that new and exciting content alone couldn't sustain the game long-term and all future content had to be designed to be repeatable and somewhat grindable (achievements, masteries, etc.). This is also why Elite Specs are so popular, because they revitalise all past content with new gameplay options.

Casual story-based expansions tend to fail too, as we can see with how PoF didn't gain as much traction as HoT despite using much newer technology and designs and being a higher budget expansion overall, because it had only a small amount of repeatable content and once players finished it they simply left the game, sometimes until the next expansion or update but often permanently.

Its your players who log in every day and play older content who sustain the game beyond one-time box sales.

Its also a myth that new players who join the game immediately play the latest content. Ask around and see how many people you know start a TV series from midway through the final season instead of starting at the beginning. You'll be surprised at the results; especially the fact that alot people are extremely put off by the possibility of encountering spoilers because they enjoy the journey of discovery.

I hope the devs rethink their current path before we lose all hope of gaining a new generation of long-term players.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Westenev.5289" said:Personal opinion, but I think Anet could add SO much playtime into the game by going back to grass roots with the combat system. If each class felt and played different, or acommidated different playstyles, I think we'd see a lot more value in new content.

they already do dont they?

I hope you get bearbows, staff mesmers, settlers elementalists or whatever "original builds" people wish were viable in your next fractal excursion.

To me, it feels like there is just a right way and a wrong way to play the game. You aren't rewarded for going out of your way to create a valkyrie crit build with sigil of intelligence... because you can already do that with berserkers armor, buffs and food. Everything, right down to weapon choices, skill rotation, gear or utilities, is simply right or wrong.

If I pick up a Warrior greatsword, it practically does the same job as axe/axe... but it just feels worse.

If I pick up thief dagger/dagger, it probably could do a decent job at PvE... but it just feels worse compared to daredevil staff.

Again, it might just be a personal thing, but everything feels better or worse to me. Nothing feels "different".

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@Westenev.5289 said:

@Westenev.5289 said:Personal opinion, but I think Anet could add SO much playtime into the game by going back to grass roots with the combat system. If each class felt and played different, or acommidated different playstyles, I think we'd see a lot more value in new content.

they already do dont they?

I hope you get bearbows, staff mesmers, settlers elementalists or whatever "original builds" people wish were viable in your next fractal excursion.

To me, it feels like there is just a right way and a wrong way to play the game. You aren't rewarded for going out of your way to create a valkyrie crit build with sigil of intelligence... because you can already do that with berserkers armor, buffs and food. Everything, right down to weapon choices, skill rotation, gear or utilities, is simply right or wrong.

If I pick up a Warrior greatsword, it practically does the same job as axe/axe... but it just feels worse.

If I pick up thief dagger/dagger, it probably could do a decent job at PvE... but it just feels worse compared to daredevil staff.

Again, it might just be a personal thing, but everything feels better or worse to me. Nothing feels "different".

Oh you want the same class play differently.They do that aswell just not everything can be the bestest ever.

A warrior axe main dont play the same as a guardian axe main and thats what your original post asked for.Same as a druid staff is not the same as a thief staff, its acommidating different playstyles.

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I don't think "abandoning" is the right term since it has such a negative connotation- like their actively fleeing it. They are able to see all the metrics behind what everyone is doing and what we are participating in. I have to assume they jump from content bundle to content bundle to try new things and keep the game fresh while weighing the pros and cons of not very popular content. I suspect we are done with raids. We might be done with Strike Missions too. I suspect we will get up to 25 fractals to fit in the 25 tierd levels (so 4 more) and that will be that at least in this iteration. As a game studio I think they have to constantly try to innovate within the bounds of their budget, time and technology.

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@"HotDelirium.7984" said:I don't think "abandoning" is the right term since it has such a negative connotation- like their actively fleeing it. They are able to see all the metrics behind what everyone is doing and what we are participating in. I have to assume they jump from content bundle to content bundle to try new things and keep the game fresh while weighing the pros and cons of not very popular content. I suspect we are done with raids. We might be done with Strike Missions too. I suspect we will get up to 25 fractals to fit in the 25 tierd levels (so 4 more) and that will be that at least in this iteration. As a game studio I think they have to constantly try to innovate within the bounds of their budget, time and technology.It's more like whenever they get to the point where adjustments of any kind to old content would be required, because they didn;t get it perfectly right from the beginning, instead of trying to fix it they decide to abandon it and start over. Sure, at some point they might even finally get it right, but that would still leave a path of ruins behind. Ruins that will only scare any potential new players.Additionally, notice how they specifically didn't want anything like this in GW2 originally. They wanted all the content to remain "current" forever. And yet, they keep abandoning ideas left and right. As a result, the game, instead of being a well-designed coherent whole, is more like a hodgepodge of eclectic pieces held together by a duct-tape and spit.

I don't personally like raids, i was against their introduction into the game, but i still think, that, since they are already there, they should not be abandoned. If they cannot continue in their present form, perhaps some adjustments might be in order, but a complete abandonment of yet another part of the game is to the game's detriment.

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They should add a lege pve armor collection that would make people spam metas, world bosses, events & currencies in central tyria for a few weeks.I'd be way more excited to see some older content get a refresh/some polish/new collections than getting some new map i'll spam for a while and end up rarely coming back to.

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@Friday.7864 said:They should add a lege pve armor collection that would make people spam metas, world bosses, events & currencies in central tyria for a few weeks.I'd be way more excited to see some older content get a refresh/some polish/new collections than getting some new map i'll spam for a while and end up rarely coming back to.

They already do this with the different rush events we get so no need for legendary to be another carrot.

You want legendary armor you already have 3 different paths for it already.

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Anet is smart enough to know most people never focus on positive, they focus on negative, and thus people will always find something to complain about:

  • if Anet has a release where they focus on existing content, people will complain there's not enough new content
  • if Anet introduces new content, people will for some reason conclude old content has been abandoned

GW2 has enormous amounts of content. Depending on the kind of player you are, you probably like playing only a fraction of it.Eg I have done strikes, but I haven't completed strike related achievements or armour sets, therefore I do not consider strikes content 'done' for myself only because I beat each strike once or 10 times. Same as fractals. I can play those for a loooong time until those are maxed (Fractal God title). Also, both are ways to acquire ascended armour.

So strikes stand already well as a feature. They didn't announce a new strike, is that such a big deal? Should adding a new bit of content lock Anet into having to add to that bit with every subsequent release?

Even dungeons, which most people consider dead content - for me and a friend I play with, we still enjoy them immensely. We go there just the 2 of us, or we do dungeon dailies, and I still haven't got dungeon collections maxed.

The point that I'd like to make is, when you find yourself constantly finding things to pick at and complain about, have a good look at what it is you really are complaining about. Is it even true? Do you have something specific you're proposing? Is it backed by solid data/stats?

I understand people asking for content, as in:

  • I would love another strike
  • I would love fishing

But complaints like these, I seriously hope Anet ignore:

  • generic complaints, like this whole post: Anet is focusing on A they should be focused on B, no specifics as to what it is you want
  • no we don't need fishing cause that's stupid no-one should want that (people trying to advocate against types of new content, for no reason other than they personally think they wouldn't enjoy it)

Whatever Anet do, people will always complain.

This original post - is the poster suggesting Anet instead of having Dragon missions and adding More 1-5 player content, release a new strike mission? (entirely different 10 man content, where probably people expect next new strike to be hardest of them all)? That's a denial of content type of complaint.If you want another strike mission, just make a post - I would love another strike mission, I enjoy them. Or 'I'd like this added to strike missions'. Don't post a meandering nonsense about the whole of company's direction.

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@Gimli.9461 said:Anet is smart enough to know most people never focus on positive, they focus on negative, and thus people will always find something to complain about:

  • if Anet has a release where they focus on existing content, people will complain there's not enough new content
  • if Anet introduces new content, people will for some reason conclude old content has been abandoned

GW2 has enormous amounts of content. Depending on the kind of player you are, you probably like playing only a fraction of it.Eg I have done strikes, but I haven't completed strike related achievements or armour sets, therefore I do not consider strikes content 'done' for myself only because I beat each strike once or 10 times. Same as fractals. I can play those for a loooong time until those are maxed (Fractal God title). Also, both are ways to acquire ascended armour.

So strikes stand already well as a feature. They didn't announce a new strike, is that such a big deal? Should adding a new bit of content lock Anet into having to add to that bit with every subsequent release?

Even dungeons, which most people consider dead content - for me and a friend I play with, we still enjoy them immensely. We go there just the 2 of us, or we do dungeon dailies, and I still haven't got dungeon collections maxed.

The point that I'd like to make is, when you find yourself constantly finding things to pick at and complain about, have a good look at what it is you really are complaining about. Is it even true? Do you have something specific you're proposing? Is it backed by solid data/stats?

I understand people asking for content, as in:

  • I would love another strike
  • I would love fishing

But complaints like these, I seriously hope Anet ignore:

  • generic complaints, like this whole post: Anet is focusing on A they should be focused on B, no specifics as to what it is you want
  • no we don't need fishing cause that's stupid no-one should want that (people trying to advocate against types of new content, for no reason other than they personally think they wouldn't enjoy it)

Whatever Anet do, people will always complain.

This original post - is the poster suggesting Anet instead of having Dragon missions and adding More 1-5 player content, release a new strike mission? (entirely different 10 man content, where probably people expect next new strike to be hardest of them all)? That's a denial of content type of complaint.If you want another strike mission, just make a post - I would love another strike mission, I enjoy them. Or 'I'd like this added to strike missions'. Don't post a meandering nonsense about the whole of company's direction.

People complain cause they do one and done point and click adventure for a MMO, and not any MMO but Action based combat MMO. I watched their stream how they build the last map and I wished I had the ability to smack people over the internet when they said they designed the map to be beat by basic attacking.People are not engaged with the content they produce for the living world, cause it is boring fluff after you do it once. Having failure state extends the longevity of content, if everything is easy there is no Real sense of gratification and if things you do don't matter people will quit.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@"Gimli.9461" said:Anet is smart enough to know most people never focus on positive, they focus on negative, and thus people will always find something to complain about:
  • if Anet has a release where they focus on existing content, people will complain there's not enough new content
  • if Anet introduces new content, people will for some reason conclude old content has been abandoned

GW2 has enormous amounts of content. Depending on the kind of player you are, you probably like playing only a fraction of it.Eg I have done strikes, but I haven't completed strike related achievements or armour sets, therefore I do not consider strikes content 'done' for myself only because I beat each strike once or 10 times. Same as fractals. I can play those for a loooong time until those are maxed (Fractal God title). Also, both are ways to acquire ascended armour.

So strikes stand already well as a feature. They didn't announce a new strike, is that such a big deal? Should adding a new bit of content lock Anet into having to add to that bit with every subsequent release?

Even dungeons, which most people consider dead content - for me and a friend I play with, we still enjoy them immensely. We go there just the 2 of us, or we do dungeon dailies, and I still haven't got dungeon collections maxed.

The point that I'd like to make is, when you find yourself constantly finding things to pick at and complain about, have a good look at what it is you really are complaining about. Is it even true? Do you have something specific you're proposing? Is it backed by solid data/stats?

I understand people asking for content, as in:
  • I would love another strike
  • I would love fishing

But complaints like these, I seriously hope Anet ignore:
  • generic complaints, like this whole post: Anet is focusing on A they should be focused on B, no specifics as to what it is you want
  • no we don't need fishing cause that's stupid no-one should want that (people trying to advocate against types of new content, for no reason other than they personally think they wouldn't enjoy it)

Whatever Anet do, people will always complain.

This original post - is the poster suggesting Anet instead of having Dragon missions and adding More 1-5 player content, release a new strike mission? (entirely different 10 man content, where probably people expect next new strike to be hardest of them all)? That's a denial of content type of complaint.If you want another strike mission, just make a post - I would love another strike mission, I enjoy them. Or 'I'd like this added to strike missions'. Don't post a meandering nonsense about the whole of company's direction.

People complain cause they do one and done point and click adventure for a MMO, and not any MMO but Action based combat MMO. I watched their stream how they build the last map and I wished I had the ability to smack people over the internet when they said they designed the map to be beat by basic attacking.People are not engaged with the content they produce for the living world, cause it is boring fluff after you do it once. Having failure state extends the longevity of content, if everything is easy there is no Real sense of gratification and if things you do don't matter people will quit.

Alternatively, if content is perceived as "too hard", people will just spend their free time elsewhere. Take raids as an example.

I think ideally you want to hit the sweet spot in the middle - hard content that can be completed by people with inferior build and mechanical awareness within a few tries and effort.

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@Westenev.5289 said:

@"Gimli.9461" said:Anet is smart enough to know most people never focus on positive, they focus on negative, and thus people will always find something to complain about:
  • if Anet has a release where they focus on existing content, people will complain there's not enough new content
  • if Anet introduces new content, people will for some reason conclude old content has been abandoned

GW2 has enormous amounts of content. Depending on the kind of player you are, you probably like playing only a fraction of it.Eg I have done strikes, but I haven't completed strike related achievements or armour sets, therefore I do not consider strikes content 'done' for myself only because I beat each strike once or 10 times. Same as fractals. I can play those for a loooong time until those are maxed (Fractal God title). Also, both are ways to acquire ascended armour.

So strikes stand already well as a feature. They didn't announce a new strike, is that such a big deal? Should adding a new bit of content lock Anet into having to add to that bit with every subsequent release?

Even dungeons, which most people consider dead content - for me and a friend I play with, we still enjoy them immensely. We go there just the 2 of us, or we do dungeon dailies, and I still haven't got dungeon collections maxed.

The point that I'd like to make is, when you find yourself constantly finding things to pick at and complain about, have a good look at what it is you really are complaining about. Is it even true? Do you have something specific you're proposing? Is it backed by solid data/stats?

I understand people asking for content, as in:
  • I would love another strike
  • I would love fishing

But complaints like these, I seriously hope Anet ignore:
  • generic complaints, like this whole post: Anet is focusing on A they should be focused on B, no specifics as to what it is you want
  • no we don't need fishing cause that's stupid no-one should want that (people trying to advocate against types of new content, for no reason other than they personally think they wouldn't enjoy it)

Whatever Anet do, people will always complain.

This original post - is the poster suggesting Anet instead of having Dragon missions and adding More 1-5 player content, release a new strike mission? (entirely different 10 man content, where probably people expect next new strike to be hardest of them all)? That's a denial of content type of complaint.If you want another strike mission, just make a post - I would love another strike mission, I enjoy them. Or 'I'd like this added to strike missions'. Don't post a meandering nonsense about the whole of company's direction.

People complain cause they do one and done point and click adventure for a MMO, and not any MMO but Action based combat MMO. I watched their stream how they build the last map and I wished I had the ability to smack people over the internet when they said they designed the map to be beat by basic attacking.People are not engaged with the content they produce for the living world, cause it is boring fluff after you do it once. Having failure state extends the longevity of content, if everything is easy there is no Real sense of gratification and if things you do don't matter people will quit.

Alternatively, if content is perceived as "too hard", people will just spend their free time elsewhere. Take raids as an example.

I think ideally you want to hit the sweet spot in the middle - hard content that can be completed by people with inferior build and mechanical awareness within a few tries and effort.People should have been challenged in the core game while leveling, and there should be a way to see how bad their build is in general like a ingame dps meter or something. The game currently is catering to people that don't care, people who don't event try to be at the medium level. For example HoT was going in the right direction, people started thinking about what to do which ability to take, to even ask how to do something, the open world content was pushing you to do better and by your words people would have gotten to the middle not too good not too bad. But something happened and everything is kinda super easy story mode. If arenanet continues to push content for people that don't care, the people that do will leave. i'm pretty sure that if you don't care you don't bother saying a good word for the game and when they are bored they will also leave.
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ANet does, 100%, take drastic shifts away from already existing content. Repeatedly adding in system upon system and content upon content isn't necessarily a good thing (not that new content is bad, but its how they have introduced it and where it "ends up" which is the problem). It ends up making your game extremely bloated, convoluted, and eventually overwhelms your playerbase. There is also the issue of population becoming stagnant in anything older because most players have no reason to revisit that older content, which also makes things like achievements, meta/dynamic events, or otherwise that much harder for newer players to complete on those older maps and that old content. The map currencies also become relatively irrelevant, usually because the same or similar (or sometimes better) rewards come with the more recent content but then inevitably that "newer" stuff becomes irrelevant later as well.

You can make the argument that it keeps things "fresh" but thats not entirely true. Sure, its some new shiny and its pretty easy to get caught up in that fact and ignore the fact that everything else has just been left behind. ANet, for years, has preferred to leave older events or systems behind in favor of trying out something else rather than try and improve the old or rework it. Thats what programming and game development kind of is...iteration upon iteration to improve it and try to do better.

Look at other live service games and the models they use;

  • Warframe has reworked and revamped several of its systems and iterated and tried to improve upon content and systems that need it. They don't always get it right at first, but they go back and try to improve and do better.
  • Path of Exile has for years now released their season content with different mechanics, and PoE2 is going to be doing a big pass over how gearing works to make it more streamlined and try to improve the experience of making your desired character build.
  • BDO has repeatedly redone or tried to add in ways of getting benefit out of older content, while still adding new content, along with trying to give newer players a better entry point into their game where previously it was much, much harder to play catchup with older players.
  • FFXIV has done a rework on the original A Realm Reborn story so that it is much less time consuming, and far less tedious, looking to revamp the experience so that newer players actually play through it rather than skip it with boosts or otherwise. They also added a sort of "New Game Plus" version of it for said boosted characters.
  • WoW over the years has done many reworks and systems and tried several different things with each expansion. Not all of them work, but at least with their upcoming expansion they heeded player feedback on such things much more than in the past. Despite how you feel about them as a company, thats much more communication than ANet has given for...practically anything.
  • Destiny 2 took a big step and got away from Activision, since then they have tried to improve upon the experience for their game and revamped the stat system, revamped weapon slots, reworked armor, etc and the coming expansion they are adding a whole new set of subclasses with much more customization than has ever been available before.

None of these games or companies are perfect, of course not, and not all of them appeal to everyone...but lets at the very least not pretend like there aren't glaring and hazardous problems with ANet and how they handle GW2, and how they have been handling it for years. They are doing something wrong, its why I quit and uninstalled; a franchise I have been with for 15 years and I genuinely felt like I was just done with the game, the company, and what they have turned themselves and their game into. They became victims of their own hype and ego, and that has led to this downward spiral we've been seeing for some time now.

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@Fuchslein.8639 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Because everyone burns through content within hours of release and then complains that there is nothing new to do.

Makes me wonder how little content there must be, if you can easily rush it in a few hour's.I mean, isn't it unusual to play an MMO a few hours every night?

Depends on the market you are trying to appeal to ... sure there are people that can rush it in a few hours ... those people are most definitely not satisated by ANY amount of content and most certainly not representative of ANY statistically relevant population of the playerbase.

As for the OP ... doesn't really make sense. I don't see anything specific you are claiming Anet has 'abandoned' for new content. Even if you don't understand it ... it's not frivolously done.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:Because everyone burns through content within hours of release and then complains that there is nothing new to do.

Makes me wonder how little content there must be, if you can easily rush it in a few hour's.I mean, isn't it unusual to play an MMO a few hours every night?

No, but games vying for subscriptions and microtransaction purchases tend to pad out new content with obnoxious busywork before you can actually
any of it to trick the players into thinking they've "earned" or "accomplished" something when all they've done is waste your time.

Isn't this gaming across the board, including board games, if you're not playing competitively? I mean, with E-Sports, and things like Chess, we can, actually, expand the definition of "Casual Gamer" to anyone that's not playing in either of those, or anything similar. People that play those get paid. The rest of us? We're just "wasting our time". Nothing wrong with that, I mean, I waste my time going out to dinner, or a movie too. I was a Progression Raider for a few years, and never got anything but loot drops from the dungeons/raids we were running. I never got a paycheck, or a one off prize. There weren't any trophies, or any participation trophies. Nothing, but a considerable amount of time spent gearing up, learning the classes I was running, and finishing the dungeons/raids. I got some personal satisfaction, and maybe some bragging rights, but other than that, it was a waste of all that time and effort, because now, that stuff means nothing, and is worth nothing.

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Strikes and raids are abandoned already as those like dungeons(who also was picky in lfgs needing ap, specific classes.) Fractals seems to be the only end game content wich gets constant updates and is played more most ppl only do icebrood construct,fraenir and kodan strikes as boneskinner and whispers is not friendly towards the casual player. I rather see anet look where most players actually play and spend more on that more as its most logical

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Friday.7864 said:They should add a lege pve armor collection that would make people spam metas, world bosses, events & currencies in central tyria for a few weeks.I'd be way more excited to see some older content get a refresh/some polish/new collections than getting some new map i'll spam for a while and end up rarely coming back to.

They already do this with the different rush events we get so no need for legendary to be another carrot.

You want legendary armor you already have 3 different paths for it already.

Then provide a better idea that would keep people busy and motivated enough for several weeks in core Tyria maps. I certainly wouldn't chase a simple infusion or skin for weeks. I don't mind if you shoot down my idea but at least provide a decent alternative.If you can get lege armor by running in a blob until you hit lvl 500 in wvw and finish it off by escorting dolyaks I don't see what would be so different in making people work for it in PvE... It's nothing exclusive or difficult to get, it just requires time - time people are willing to invest.

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:Strikes and raids are abandoned already?? play from start, have aprox 36k AP .. raid is still NEW content for me. If is abandoned for pro raiders this is nothing mean. No one have plan do new raid every 4-8 weeks.If they need new raid content - they should play on one game, and don't wait it from GuildWars2

@Friday.7864 said:Then provide a better idea that would keep people busy and motivated enough for several weeks in core Tyria maps.we already have it. Yesterday close 1 map, today have plan close one more. Play from start. Ask new idea for core Tyria maps can only someone how have all leg T1 weapons.

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