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Necro deserves a solid nerf; especially Reaper. In PvP and especially WvW.

Connla Dda.9407

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@Sansar.1302 said:have been figthing a few more unkilable necros now, ok they cant kill me but they sustain the dps of two rangers only thrue life force gen.It is as broken as it can be.

No offense, but just CC the necro.

Sure, the death magic, spite lifeforce regen build is pretty tanky with trailblazer gear, but it has 0 stab other than a single well. Just CC that over and over. It also does pitiful damage in return compared to a terrormancer build etc.

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@jpsssss.7530 said:If you're losing to a reaper you're letting it get to close. If you're doing that as a ranger you probably need a build change. And yes if you let the melee damage machine go BRRRRRRRR on a class deisgned for range superiority.... well.... ooof.

Necros do have a staff with 1200 unblockable marks and the gap closers of rangers have seen several CD nerfs so kiting a necro is not as easy as you make it sound

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@Supreme.3164 said:

@jpsssss.7530 said:If you're losing to a reaper you're letting it get to close. If you're doing that as a ranger you probably need a build change. And yes if you let the melee damage machine go BRRRRRRRR on a class deisgned for range superiority.... well.... ooof.

Necros do have a staff with 1200 unblockable marks and the gap closers of rangers have seen several CD nerfs so kiting a necro is not as easy as you make it soundA soul marks necro has to drop speed of shadows, which transforms him into a freekill for every build that can apply soft cc.

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@"Sansar.1302" said:have been figthing a few more unkilable necros now, ok they cant kill me but they sustain the dps of two rangers only thrue life force gen.It is as broken as it can be.

Being tanky like that isn't "broken as can be". You literally just explained why it's not a problem "they can't kill me" ... they can't do squat.

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@"Connla Dda.9407" said:I play designed class as a hard counter of any Necro/Reaper/Scourge - ranger. But due to power nerf i was forced to drop the "boon beast" power Longbow/GS build as a not effective and made hybrid power/condi one which is META in my opinon. Axe/Torch + Dagger/Dagger. So it is close ecounter. If i would play Longbow/GS - maybe i could stay competetive to the Necro. But my fights with necro looks like: Chill stun - conditions and damage; fear - conditions and damage - chill stun - conditions and damage - dead (pull not necessary). Can not even pop up my skills. This is ridiculous overpowerness. Especially Reaper. And do not tell me "learn to play" or use longbow - as it is uneffective and not doing enough DPS, and not META anymore. I play this game (GW2 it is) from beginning. And necro was allways challenging, but what we have now is just a bad dream. Wake me up from it please. Lots of Devs play Necro, and maybe this is the reason for this "love" for it. And do not tell me Necro does not have mobility/defence - as you never are using this - focussing on constant push and aggresiveness + life force second HP bar with fancy strong skills. Popped up every few seconds suprisingly full again after beating it to none.

Bud I've mained ranger since the day this game was released. If you're having issues killing necros it is a player skill issue, not the class.

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The moment you said "Why should I have to do A to avoid B" is the moment you lost all credibility on this thread and really makes you look like a troll. Clearly in all your time playing this game, you've not learned much. The biggest reason ranger counters necro is because it has range and disengaging skills for days and these are things that necro lacks and has no counter to. That doesn't mean that you will automatically win against a necro simply because you're on ranger; skill is still very much required as well as some measure of strategy along with the right gear. If you're going to go YOLO and take a Reaper head on in melee range with a suboptimal build while you're chilled and with blind fields down, you're playing into the Reaper's game and if they are not brain dead they will butcher you.

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@"Methuselah.4376" said:The moment you said "Why should I have to do A to avoid B" is the moment you lost all credibility on this thread and really makes you look like a troll. Clearly in all your time playing this game, you've not learned much. The biggest reason ranger counters necro is because it has range and disengaging skills for days and these are things that necro lacks and has no counter to. That doesn't mean that you will automatically win against a necro simply because you're on ranger; skill is still very much required as well as some measure of strategy along with the right gear. If you're going to go YOLO and take a Reaper head on in melee range with a suboptimal build while you're chilled and with blind fields down, you're playing into the Reaper's game and if they are not brain dead they will butcher you.

There's still a ranger build that's extremely strong in melee range.70-90% protection uptime60-80% stability uptime

Both counters reaper extremely hard.

You can't land critical stuns because of the stab uptime and prot uptime makes you look like trying to hit the ranger with a wet noodle.

Obviously it's not what OP is playing, else OP wouldn't have issues with reapers

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@Nimon.7840 said:

@"Methuselah.4376" said:The moment you said "Why should I have to do A to avoid B" is the moment you lost all credibility on this thread and really makes you look like a troll. Clearly in all your time playing this game, you've not learned much. The biggest reason ranger counters necro is because it has range and disengaging skills for days and these are things that necro lacks and has no counter to. That doesn't mean that you will automatically win against a necro simply because you're on ranger; skill is still very much required as well as some measure of strategy along with the right gear. If you're going to go YOLO and take a Reaper head on in melee range with a suboptimal build while you're chilled and with blind fields down, you're playing into the Reaper's game and if they are not brain dead they will butcher you.

There's still a ranger build that's extremely strong in melee range.70-90% protection uptime60-80% stability uptime

Both counters reaper extremely hard.

You can't land critical stuns because of the stab uptime and prot uptime makes you look like trying to hit the ranger with a wet noodle.

Obviously it's not what OP is playing, else OP wouldn't have issues with reapers

Yep hence why I said going in YOLO in melee range with the wrong build.

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@"Wuffy.9732" said:Why more necro nerfs? We've been nerfed into the ground repeatedly (Same as thief/warrior) lol. If anything, it's about time we gain some buffs. Anet favors guardian, elemental, and holosmith these days. The rest of the classes have become forgotten step children.

"Anet favors elemental" LOL xd...mate recently deleted ele in favour of necro...in PvP was getting top stats without knowing what 3/4 of my build could do...and the only threat was coming from...a core necro during those match , met a weaver who tried to tank me...XDDDD.....F1 5-4-2 and the ele was down by 80% HP .

But yeah now for real I don't want Anet to nerf necro anymore, I am glad I made the legendary light armor, the transition from ele to necro was super easy.

But yeah man...damn...."Anet favors elemental" lol are you trolling? Eles only have a semi-viable support build with Tempest ..the rest doesn't exist as it has been nerfed to the ground..but for real...I mean on ele you have weapon skills with 60s CD.....weapon skills; on necro I can pretty much run any stat and elite I like and it feels amazing , everything from core to scourge works and it's viable in all gamemodes!

"Anet favors elemental" xd...sure go and play an ele then

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@Arheundel.6451 said:on necro I can pretty much run any stat and elite I like and it feels amazing , everything from core to scourge works and it's viable in all gamemodes!Scourge does not work in PvP for the same reasons ele does not work: the lack of a fitting amulet.

In WvW both can work extremely good as fitting attribute combinations exist (trailblazer, celestial with 7 x 633 attribute points and a lot of viable mixed attribute options).

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@Morde.3158 said:Ranger does not auto beat Necro, Ranger used to lose against anything until it got buffed starting with the longbow buffs. What game are you guys playing and how long have you been playing it?

Nothing auto beat anything unless you practice, sure they are good and bad matchup as one would expect from a MMO but...an unexperienced ranger won't win automatically against a ranger..actually the very opposite would happen. Now you have wrong opinions on both sides : Necros thinking that every ranger won the match solely because they play that class...and Rangers thinking they should win always against necro........players on both sides refuse to admit that you need to practice to beat anything and outside extreme cases you mostly always lose because you get outplayed

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@Morde.3158 said:Ranger does not auto beat Necro, Ranger used to lose against anything until it got buffed starting with the longbow buffs. What game are you guys playing and how long have you been playing it?

That's actually something we have to ask you.ranger roaming has been second strongest roamer for a very long time now.Not just half a year. Maybe like 2 years (but I actually think it has been much longer just with different builds - I remember condition trapper druid being extremely frustrating to play against while being extremely overpowered)

And especially longbow is way too overturned right now.Longbow 2 same damage as well of suffering, but we'll of suffering has 30 seconds cooldown, and longbow 2 10 seconds. Also it follows the enemy and is 1500 range.While it's easy to dodge out of the well, it's impossible to dodge out of longbow 2 without taking any damage.And you can even further reduce the cooldown with traits.

Same goes for the longbow autoattacks. Way too much damage. You can still do easily 3k autoattacks - on 1500+ range

Reaper has to go melee, and does around 2k, 3k,5k with the autoattack chain in reaper shroud. The much slower great sword is mich less damage and you basically can't build for 100% crit out of shroud on necro, which makes it even worse.

And don't Blabla something about being full glass. And no escape. That would be a straight up lie.

Next: longbow 5.The only skill in the game that is allowed to be placed freely ANYWHERE, on top of walls, behind walls. Oh and btw, it also does way more damage than a well of suffering, while being a larger ae, having less cooldown that can be further reduced and while having a lot more range, and also dealing it's damage much faster than the necro well.

Sorry but you shouldn't be defending a class, that's clearly overturned right now

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@Supreme.3164 said:

@Morde.3158 said:Ranger does not auto beat Necro, Ranger used to lose against anything until it got buffed starting with the longbow buffs. What game are you guys playing and how long have you been playing it?

Nothing auto beat anything unless you practice, sure they are good and bad matchup as one would expect from a MMO but...an unexperienced ranger won't win automatically against a ranger..actually the very opposite would happen. Now you have wrong opinions on both sides : Necros thinking that every ranger won the match solely because they play that class...and Rangers thinking they should win always against necro........players on both sides refuse to admit that you need to practice to beat anything and outside
extreme cases
you mostly always lose because you get outplayed

well said.

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@Nimon.7840 said:snip!

While Morde's statement on the ranger losing against anything was fondamentally wrong (The ranger seldom used to have only losing matchup, it had pretty good builds even while the longbow was a wet nooddle), you're comparison between the reaper and the ranger's longbow isn't a very solid argument either.

Bottom line is that trying to raise both ranger's and necromancer's dps in PvE without spliting between gamemodes have created unbalanceable designs that are bound to plague the game for a long time. Number wise both professions are balanced but design wise... It's a mess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Necro is truly OP in wvwvw and because of that he is very difficult to 1vs1.
{{{{{If you have "few lifes" vs "one life" - you call it not OP or even fair?}}}}}I tried 1 vs 1 as elementalist, and i ALMOST kill him - two times - but when he was ~5% hp ++boom++ next hp bar. I know that it's normal for reaper (it's important mechanic) but really??... He could reactived it soo fast.I'm aware that ANET has 'in deep respect' elementalists but this secund hp bar have to be nerf in wvwvw - it shouldn't work as 'few (3+) lifes'.

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@"Milosz.5938" said:Necro is truly OP in wvwvw and because of that he is very difficult to 1vs1.

{{{{{If you have "few lifes" vs "one life" - you call it not OP or even fair?}}}}}I tried 1 vs 1 as elementalist, and i ALMOST kill him - two times - but when he was ~5% hp ++boom++ next hp bar. I know that it's normal for reaper (it's important mechanic) but really??... He could reactived it soo fast.I'm aware that ANET has 'in deep respect' elementalists but this secund hp bar have to be nerf in wvwvw - it shouldn't work as 'few (3+) lifes'.

In general stating that one class beats another is nothing less than a showcase of lack of understanding of game mechanics. Every build has a counterbuild in this game. A build is considered overpowered when it has very few counterbuilds and becomes so dominant, that everyone else has to adapt his build to this one specific overpowered build to stand a chance in a balanced fight.

You lost against one reaper build on a specific ele build... bad for you, but doesn't prove anything.

For ele vs. necro fights: If he is glass, then you go glass too and beat him with burst and mobility. If he is bunker then you go bunker too and outsustain him.

See my posting about this topic from yesterday:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1396881/#Comment_1396881

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@Nimon.7840 said:

@"Methuselah.4376" said:The moment you said "Why should I have to do A to avoid B" is the moment you lost all credibility on this thread and really makes you look like a troll. Clearly in all your time playing this game, you've not learned much. The biggest reason ranger counters necro is because it has range and disengaging skills for days and these are things that necro lacks and has no counter to. That doesn't mean that you will automatically win against a necro simply because you're on ranger; skill is still very much required as well as some measure of strategy along with the right gear. If you're going to go YOLO and take a Reaper head on in melee range with a suboptimal build while you're chilled and with blind fields down, you're playing into the Reaper's game and if they are not brain dead they will butcher you.

There's still a ranger build that's extremely strong in melee range.70-90% protection uptime60-80% stability uptime

Both counters reaper extremely hard.

You can't land critical stuns because of the stab uptime and prot uptime makes you look like trying to hit the ranger with a wet noodle.

Obviously it's not what OP is playing, else OP wouldn't have issues with reapers

It's like 90% of thief/ranger nerf threads are populated by necro players...oh wait, it reminds me of those "nerf diamond skin" thread, one necro would start a new one every other day lol

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Milosz.5938" said:Necro is truly OP in wvwvw and because of that he is very difficult to 1vs1.

{{{{{If you have "few lifes" vs "one life" - you call it not OP or even fair?}}}}}I tried 1 vs 1 as elementalist, and i ALMOST kill him - two times - but when he was ~5% hp ++boom++ next hp bar. I know that it's normal for reaper (it's important mechanic) but really??... He could reactived it soo fast.I'm aware that ANET has 'in deep respect' elementalists but this secund hp bar have to be nerf in wvwvw - it shouldn't work as 'few (3+) lifes'.

Anet hates elementalist,
all the devs play necro during streams
, although with ele you can still beat below trash level players.....not a hard feat in this game...about necro vs ele, I was able to kill an "experienced" weaver in less than 30s while using a condi core necro.....with less than 24 hrs on it, nothing you can do...dodge, dodge, F1, condi burst -fear-fear..dead ele

Honestly, you're wasting time on ele, move your armor to necro,
you can learn core necro within 1 day
with reaper needing few days at most...and scourge is really pointless to me, it's just a walking condi field

Weaver is a pretty strong roamer which can delete anybody if you know how to play it which is not easy i have to admit. Tempest is a legit spot in squads as support.I wouldn't say Anet hates ele, ele is in a vey good spot at the moment.

My experience is Necro is fine, as very well others had said it is enough to have some CC and you can fight any necro. The counter is very clear and you don't need to buy bundles from merchants (like stealth still needs) to be able to fight it. Whining threads because kids don't want to equip any CC, cleanses or vitality are not helpful in my opinion and should be disregarded.

If any other case maybe nerf a bit the damage from Lich Form autos: 5K autos are not OK. But anything else is fine, a necro can be really tanky and dangerous but it has counters.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@"Milosz.5938" said:Necro is truly OP in wvwvw and because of that he is very difficult to 1vs1.

{{{{{If you have "few lifes" vs "one life" - you call it not OP or even fair?}}}}}I tried 1 vs 1 as elementalist, and i ALMOST kill him - two times - but when he was ~5% hp ++boom++ next hp bar. I know that it's normal for reaper (it's important mechanic) but really??... He could reactived it soo fast.I'm aware that ANET has 'in deep respect' elementalists but this secund hp bar have to be nerf in wvwvw - it shouldn't work as 'few (3+) lifes'.

Anet hates elementalist,
all the devs play necro during streams
, although with ele you can still beat below trash level players.....not a hard feat in this game...about necro vs ele, I was able to kill an "experienced" weaver in less than 30s while using a condi core necro.....with less than 24 hrs on it, nothing you can do...dodge, dodge, F1, condi burst -fear-fear..dead ele

Honestly, you're wasting time on ele, move your armor to necro,
you can learn core necro within 1 day
with reaper needing few days at most...and scourge is really pointless to me, it's just a walking condi field

Weaver is a pretty strong roamer which can delete anybody if you know how to play it which is not easy i have to admit. Tempest is a legit spot in squads as support.I wouldn't say Anet hates ele, ele is in a vey good spot at the moment.

My experience is Necro is fine, as very well others had said it is enough to have some CC and you can fight any necro. The counter is very clear and you don't need to buy bundles from merchants (like stealth still needs) to be able to fight it. Whining threads because kids don't want to equip any CC, cleanses or vitality are not helpful in my opinion and should be disregarded.

If any other case maybe nerf a bit the damage from Lich Form autos: 5K autos are not OK. But anything else is fine, a necro can be really tanky and dangerous but it has counters.

Forum language translation :

-"This class is balanced and pretty strong" - translation = "That class is pretty shit and garbage but I don't play it so great for me"

-"There is plenty of counterplay to this class" - translation - "I play this class and I want it to stay as it is"

-"That class is broken and they should delete/nerf that and that" - translation - "That class counters me pretty hard unless I outplay them"

Anytime somebody says :" that class is balanced".....you can be sure as hell that class is absolute shit/garbage tier...if that class would be even remotely decent you'd see whining threads all over the forum.

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