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You don't need it, but some people like to have a way to restrict groups to people they think are more likely to be experienced in the hope that they'll play better. Before raids were introduced it was common for dungeon and Fractal groups to set a minimum achievement point requirement, which was totally meaningless because the best sources of AP were nothing to do with dungeons or fractals, so it was possible to meet or exceed the requirement without ever having done group content before. But it was something they could use to estimate roughly how much time players had spent on GW2, so they used it. Same idea here. There's no way to measure a players experience with DRMs or if they know what's needed for the challenge modes, so they use requirements from an entirely different type of content instead.

(The earliest example I remember is from the first Halloween, when someone was demanding you had to ping a full set of level 80 exotic equipment to be allowed in the group for the Mad King dungeon. This was back before it was widely known that it's easy to copy or fake chat codes for item you don't have.)

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@radda.8920 said:To find competent people who have mastered the basics of the gameIt allows you to go faster to avoid spending 2 hours in these boring missions

To be honest, Li does not proof that someone is competent nor does or proof someone Mastered the basics of the game. It only proofs someone has done a bunch of raids. For raids it might help to get people who atleast have some experience, but it means nothing for the rest of the game.

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:

@radda.8920 said:To find competent people who have mastered the basics of the gameIt allows you to go faster to avoid spending 2 hours in these boring missions

To be honest, Li does not proof that someone is competent nor does or proof someone Mastered the basics of the game. It only proofs someone has done a bunch of raids. For raids it might help to get people who atleast have some experience, but it means nothing for the rest of the game.

I do not agree. For example every time I did strike in groups that did not ask for LI, it was a disaster. When a team asks for 250 LI, we finish it very quicklySame for DRM, the only group that asked for LI, we finished the 3 of themn2 times fasterit proves that the player will surely master his rotation and his way of moving in space and it avoids players who barely know how to dodge

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@mercury ranique.2170 said:

@radda.8920 said:To find competent people who have mastered the basics of the gameIt allows you to go faster to avoid spending 2 hours in these boring missions

To be honest, Li does not proof that someone is competent nor does or proof someone Mastered the basics of the game. It only proofs someone has done a bunch of raids. For raids it might help to get people who atleast have some experience, but it means nothing for the rest of the game.

The quality of player of someone who has 250 LI will be significantly higher on average over someone who doesn't have any. There's a very large skill level gap in this game. This is apparent as you can see that there's a segment of the player population who even struggle in open world PVE as they find PoF and HoT to be too difficult. There were some that consistently complained about every story boss during LS2.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group.

I don't need your advice. As I stated in the very post you quoted, I play said content with non-LI/KP PUGs and never encountered any issues with them.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group.

I don't need your advice. As I stated in the very post you quoted, I play said content with non-LI/KP PUGs and never encountered any issues with them.

Then why do you care one way or another about what other players set as requirements for groups that they create? It must matter to you for some reason since it affects you hard enough to find it pathetic and cringe.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

It's human nature man. You know this. I say because every time anything comes up it's just make your own lfg like you don't get some will put one up but alot more wait. Again idk why. Same as some guys can walk up to a girl and others can't. I know why you put reqs. There's content you need them for and content you don't. No way and I waiting extra time looking for dumb reqs for Bears or raven or these cms but you see it. I get raids and boneskinner and whisper. Theres 2 issues one is dumb reqs and 2 is less players lead then follow. Both can be true.You acknowledge there's diff skill levels but refuse to see that content for others can be difficult and not difficult for you. Like the sunqua thread where some said t1/2 is a lil hard. And you run in "no it's not". Of course not for you who did t4 cms and w the same group do 25 when it's t1 req. Of course your group won't struggle. But in lower tiers noone cares what you join as or if you exp or looks for alacrity etc. I just join groups on lesser content to help players not as good as me(those actually exist) instead of listing nonsense alac bs 250li for a boring easy cm that I don't need 5 elite players to beat. But no way would I join a no req whisper lfg cuz that's suicide.

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@Jilora.9524 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

It's human nature man. You know this. I say because every time anything comes up it's just make your own lfg like you don't get some will put one up but alot more wait. Again idk why. Same as some guys can walk up to a girl and others can't. I know why you put reqs. There's content you need them for and content you don't. No way and I waiting extra time looking for dumb reqs for Bears or raven or these cms but you see it. I get raids and boneskinner and whisper. Theres 2 issues one is dumb reqs and 2 is less players lead then follow. Both can be true.You acknowledge there's diff skill levels but refuse to see that content for others can be difficult and not difficult for you. Like the sunqua thread where some said t1/2 is a lil hard. And you run in "no it's not". Of course not for you who did t4 cms and w the same group do 25 when it's t1 req. Of course your group won't struggle. But in lower tiers noone cares what you join as or if you exp or looks for alacrity etc. I just join groups on lesser content to help players not as good as me(those actually exist) instead of listing nonsense alac bs 250li for a boring easy cm that I don't need 5 elite players to beat. But no way would I join a no req whisper lfg cuz that's suicide.

You dont wait extra time there are plenty of people with li/kp to fill the few groups that get listed.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

It's human nature man. You know this. I say because every time anything comes up it's just make your own lfg like you don't get some will put one up but alot more wait. Again idk why. Same as some guys can walk up to a girl and others can't. I know why you put reqs. There's content you need them for and content you don't. No way and I waiting extra time looking for dumb reqs for Bears or raven or these cms but you see it. I get raids and boneskinner and whisper. Theres 2 issues one is dumb reqs and 2 is less players lead then follow. Both can be true.You acknowledge there's diff skill levels but refuse to see that content for others can be difficult and not difficult for you. Like the sunqua thread where some said t1/2 is a lil hard. And you run in "no it's not". Of course not for you who did t4 cms and w the same group do 25 when it's t1 req. Of course your group won't struggle. But in lower tiers noone cares what you join as or if you exp or looks for alacrity etc. I just join groups on lesser content to help players not as good as me(those actually exist) instead of listing nonsense alac bs 250li for a boring easy cm that I don't need 5 elite players to beat. But no way would I join a no req whisper lfg cuz that's suicide.

You dont wait extra time there are plenty of people with li/kp to fill the few groups that get listed.

Go stare at the t4 frac cm lfg. Few of these drm cm get listed overall as far as I notice but you could be right as I haven't just watched it. I mean more the finer your reqs get where you need 250 li and alac and hfb etc you just adding time looking for things you could do w/o.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"Pifil.5193" said:I saw one today with something like:

450kp + 250li + a gaming mouse because this is hard!

Made me laugh.

:lol: This is priceless!

It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs.

Then create your own group. Players are free to choose who they want to play with in their own groups. If they want to increase the odds by recruiting a higher caliber of player then that's their own prerogative. There is a substantial difference between players who play on raid level versus your average open world player.

We all can. We all know this. What I would like to know is why you have to def this in every thread or say make your own group or I'm better then you are and never strugglw w content so you can't complain or I'll come lecture you even tho I do all t4 and raids w my static and etc etc

Why do people have to criticize those who have requirements set for groups that they create? If everyone created their own groups then why is this such an issue to warrant so many threads?

He's just showing the insane nonsense to req 250 li for this garbo content. It's not challenging well it is challenging to stay awake. Most don't like to create their own group. I don't. I'll happily stare at a lfg section waiting for others. idk why. So then you see this pop up drm cms you like yay and see the 250 li and like eff this. You want t4 cm fracs or raids I get it and sure put reqs here too but I'll just shake my head at how sad some are just like the one's who are "elite" but only do content w 3 guards and a rev(maybe not you). Yeah I'd find harder content easy to if I did that.

But still: why does it matter so much what some people require for their groups? There’s a large difference between raid level players and open world players. Perhaps they have these requirements to increase the odds of have a quick run.

A previous post of mine had stated that players can create their own groups if they don’t like it and you countered it by saying that “ We all can. We all know this”. Now you’re stating that most don’t like to create their own group. That is the real issue.

tbh, as one of those that don't like to make my own lfg, is I feel plenty confident with my gameplay in the content, but people tend to look to the group creator for everything. I would rather just do my part and put damage down or whatever role function i'm performing, not have people looking to me for whatever.

and also in all honesty, the kp/li stuff is pretty stupid. I'm no raider, although i wouldn't say no it, attempted one training run, bought a kill to be able to max out masteries, and since the training run was for the same boss that the paid run did and had a decent understanding of the fight, i joined in on the kill and wanted more, but don't really have the time to commit to raids sadly. i'm not saying i'm a great player, nor do i completely suck at the game. have ran strike missions with pugs with no li/kp reqs plenty of times and have had smooth easy runs. yeah, sure, kp/li says they can contibute to killing a boss in a time limit and handle some fight mechanics. whats to say those that have never set foot in a raid aren't capable of the same outcomes? those two things should not be the determination of a players worth.

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