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Skyscale farming currency nodes are not guaranteeing currency item.

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Trust me that right now you have additional options and it's easier and faster than at the beginning. You have to optimize your farming techniques I guess. There'are quite a few tutorials on the internet if you need more help. Start by doing Bjora Marches metas daily and exchanging eternal ice shards for currency. Then you can do hearts in LWS4 maps on different characters. When skyscale came out I farmed hearts on 10 characters and it took me a day or two to get all I need.

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@Draconerus.9867 said:Yeah I heard it was worse, but I am still not liking it lol. I have been looking at guides and farming nodes, doing hearts, and farming in Bjora.

Well then, take your time. Enjoy the journey blah blah blah. It's worth it, people said at first it's going to be useless but it's basically all mounts combined in one and it's the only one you will need to use.

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@sitarskee.5738 said:

@Draconerus.9867 said:Yeah I heard it was worse, but I am still not liking it lol. I have been looking at guides and farming nodes, doing hearts, and farming in Bjora.

Well then, take your time. Enjoy the journey blah blah blah. It's worth it, people said at first it's going to be useless but it's basically all mounts combined in one and it's the only one you will need to use.

Except for the new ability for the Skimmer, which is the only mount that can go underwater.

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I just got the skyscale a few days ago. Other than buying them at Dragonfall there's no super-fast way to farm them, so you might as well mix it up to keep it fun.

I found that by doing the dailies, hearts, metas, buying the stuff at Dragonfall and running mining routes I got the crystals I needed by the time I got tired of repeating the content. I probably did 4 or 5 cycles of that on each map and there's still bounties I haven't done, parts of the meta I didn't see etc. I got it before going to Bjora Marches.

Not everyone enjoys doing all the different ways to get the currency, but I'd bet that if you're just logging in and mining the nodes or whatever you're going to get awfully bored of mining nodes by the time you get it. And if you do it all in Bjora you're going to go snowblind before you're done :dizzy:

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I believe that 90% of people complaining about getting the skyscale (including me) :D do so mainly during this Saddle part, because it really feels like a slap in the face after all you have to run through before that stage. I also belong to the group of casuals who can play the game max. 1-2 hours a day, so of course seeing a random kid who has made it in 4 days would slightly demotivate me, but I am not giving up since it is a bit easier now than a year ago :D

I am right now 2 days into feeding the skyscale part and I do believe that I will still have been collecting currencies by the time I reach the saddle part, hopefully I'll be as near to the 250 amounts as possible. To be honest, I am more excited about the achievements (despite certain tediousness) than the mount itself cause I have had a chance to ride fully mastered one on my friend's account and it was a completely underwhelming experience for me, taking into account the extensive achievements wall required to unlock it. May sound crazy, but I am unlocking skyscale just for the content involved in the achievement chain rather than using it actively in the future xD how desperate is that...

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@Tuco.2419 said:I just got the skyscale a few days ago. Other than buying them at Dragonfall there's no super-fast way to farm them, so you might as well mix it up to keep it fun.

I found that by doing the dailies, hearts, metas, buying the stuff at Dragonfall and running mining routes I got the crystals I needed by the time I got tired of repeating the content. I probably did 4 or 5 cycles of that on each map and there's still bounties I haven't done, parts of the meta I didn't see etc. I got it before going to Bjora Marches.

Not everyone enjoys doing all the different ways to get the currency, but I'd bet that if you're just logging in and mining the nodes or whatever you're going to get awfully bored of mining nodes by the time you get it. And if you do it all in Bjora you're going to go snowblind before you're done :dizzy:

Yup, daily hearts +mining routs and if someone's really sick of it all, they can (could, so I assume you'll still have that posibility) pretty much buy big chunks of the lw currency during the special events weekly (gold > event currency > lw currency for skyscale).

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@Azazel.7536 said:To be honest, I am more excited about the achievements (despite certain tediousness) than the mount itself cause I have had a chance to ride fully mastered one on my friend's account and it was a completely underwhelming experience for me, taking into account the extensive achievements wall required to unlock it.I felt the same way. I kept reading how players were extolling the virtues of this mount and saying that it is the only one that they use. Once I had acquired mine, I just didn't see it.

.... until I kept using it and getting more familiar with how it moves/flies/etc. I now understand the hype and use mine almost to the exclusion of other mounts. I guess I'm saying that I was in your proverbial shoes with regards to the skyscale, but after giving it a legitimate chance and using it often, I found it to be pretty much up to the hype.

Good luck!

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Indeed currently there are different options.

But it does not take away from the fact that ArenaNet made a massive mistake with these nodes.In some cases I have experienced not getting a single of the currency drop from 5 nodes in a row.This type of RNG is simply poor game design

I'd rather see less nodes with garuanteed drops than the constant missfarm with purely Empyreal Fragmants which, at this stage, I consider JUNK items.

yes you can farm them with Eternal Ice Shards. However, that cost also Karma on top of the Ice Shards.

If I chop a tree I get woodIf I mine Mithril node I get mithrilif I mine difluorite I should get Difluorite, NOT get it ones every 4 or 5 nodes

(fyi: yes max magic find, yes on boosts... still the droprate on those never changed)

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Buy the home-instance nodes; 3 a day guaranteed from each type of node. Also, the nodes in maps suffer from diminishing returns if you park a character on the map, never leave it and only gather. There's a thought in the back of my head that there's a cap on how many you can gather in a day, but i'm not sure if that's acct-wide or char-bound.

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@Tuna Bandit.3786 said:Indeed currently there are different options.

But it does not take away from the fact that ArenaNet made a massive mistake with these nodes.In some cases I have experienced not getting a single of the currency drop from 5 nodes in a row.This type of RNG is simply poor game design

I'd rather see less nodes with garuanteed drops than the constant missfarm with purely Empyreal Fragmants which, at this stage, I consider JUNK items.

yes you can farm them with Eternal Ice Shards. However, that cost also Karma on top of the Ice Shards.

If I chop a tree I get woodIf I mine Mithril node I get mithrilif I mine difluorite I should get Difluorite, NOT get it ones every 4 or 5 nodes

(fyi: yes max magic find, yes on boosts... still the droprate on those never changed)

Magic Find has no effect whatsoever on gathering any kind of mats.

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@Tuna Bandit.3786 said:Indeed currently there are different options.

But it does not take away from the fact that ArenaNet made a massive mistake with these nodes.In some cases I have experienced not getting a single of the currency drop from 5 nodes in a row.This type of RNG is simply poor game design

I'd rather see less nodes with garuanteed drops than the constant missfarm with purely Empyreal Fragmants which, at this stage, I consider JUNK items.

yes you can farm them with Eternal Ice Shards. However, that cost also Karma on top of the Ice Shards.

If I chop a tree I get woodIf I mine Mithril node I get mithrilif I mine difluorite I should get Difluorite, NOT get it ones every 4 or 5 nodes

(fyi: yes max magic find, yes on boosts... still the droprate on those never changed)

magic find is irrelevant for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm at a point now, where I only have TWO more parts of the "saddle" to purchase.

Meaning I'm SO close to finally being done with this long, drawn-out, ridiculous grind for an in-game mount. But I've honestly lost the will to live. I've taken my time working through this list of achievements, and everything it's entailed.

Otherwise, I think I'd have gone mental.

I'm probably about 6 months into this process, if not longer.

I'm at a point where I now need to farm 250 each, of two more "materials", and I've moved all my level 80 alts. to the required locations, to make the process easier and less painful. But I just can't find the strength to do it, and as you've mentioned, you don't always get the material when farming, and to get ONE each time, is just adding to the pain when it does work.

I don't mind a bit of effort to earn something, but when an in-game mount, has about 100 hoops to jump, to get, it starts to eat away at the fun...

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