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Is wintersday choir activitty working correctely?


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I ask about your expeience of it, because each previous years, I always complete 100% correct notes every melody, every round; but this year, even when I play the correct notes, the game count them as incorrects! I always did like te following: Once a note is on the white line of the central platform or just before arriving on it, I used to press the associated keys and getting my notes credited. But this time it seems it doesn't work at all, so I tried to play after the note pass that white circle line and it doesn't work either, I feel like it is bugged or there is a lag, kinda infuriating, I do all the correct notes, but at the end of the round I only have half of completion bar.

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It seems fine to me. I'm not getting perfect scores every time, but considering I haven't done it in almost a year I'm not doing too badly. Other players were getting perfect scores, so I assume they weren't having any trouble.

I have had problems in previous years when my computer or internet connection was running slow, or when I'm having an off day. When that happens I just give up on that activity for a while and do something else instead.

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I experienced exactly the same thing. Previous years when notes hit the white line, this time they had to be in the blue close to hitting me (some were still hit and miss). Upon opening options I saw no higher ping (40 ping, when I got PoF it was 15 but it turned 30 not long after). More must have had same issue as the general scores seemed lower than last years. The internet on itself on my side is good (it even changed to fiber last year with higher speeds). It would not suprise me if the EU server lag hit this festival too (since a month or so I am getting them pof lags occasionally also in core tyria. While it started in Thunderhead Peaks and spread to other maps and PoF, then Icebrood Saga, Hot Maps and eventually core too and I am not alone). The clock tower this year with halloween had been fine for me but who knows what pressure they put on their servers with the latest Champions episode.

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I press my key just as the note is kissing the white line; by the time the key is fully pressed the note's in the right place (usually -- my perfect scores are few and far between). That said, I have occasionally through the years gotten a bug where it just wouldn't register that I'd hit the right note and I'd have to bail out of that instance and try to get into a different one.

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