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Serpents Ire, and POF maps getting dead maps very fast.

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Im rushing to complete POF stuff before next year when next xpac come out.

because if Pof maps seems dead now imagine when new xpac come out.

First of all, inst a "learn to play" issue, im a bit veteren near 6 years of game , characters of every profession, lots of builds and stuff. I also lead some serpents ire in the past, even before nerf with sucess.

So I come back to POF/LS4 to complete skycale, finishing remaning Elite Spec Weapons collections(thats requires POF map explorations), and the Redeeming IG-6417 collection, so im revisiting lots of old maps, the aggro range make the maps extremy unpleaseant to explore. in Crystal Oasis they put even a Choya next to a vista!!., also theres a HP point with a op veteran fire hydra next it!! so, if to a veteran like me this seems a abuse, imagine to a new player, beat a veteran fire hydra and a fire djiin at same time. The aggro range make theses maps feel like a ping-pong. Its a design failure.

Also event alert inst too map wide. in Vabbi to much small events popping up, but at same time some that events still requires group to complete, make it a pain... event Serpents Ire inst map-wide alert! is just near the zones of the event. In one of my last vabbi runs, theres a arguing in chat, because a player in need in help with djinns event have their pals "stolen" by another commander leading another event.

In POF maps, the empty maps alert spam frenquently, some in a 5 min basis.

I feel pit for those that will need caffeinated skritt, or group content in POF when End of Dragon come out. Some collections events are soloable, but others requires a group, or at least a populated map like caffeinated skritt to get a call out when it appear....., otherwise is a insane scavenger hunt+event wait+a unproper build make impossible kill the skritt.

Also these problems shoudnt be seen through a lens of veteran player, but new player, how the impression of new player will have of the game based on POF maps? its a bad adversiting.

Complains in foruns about the poor replayability of POF inst new. pls devs look at it with care.

A lazy/easy event like Storms of Winter in Bjora Marches, feel 10x more rewarding than serpents ire, drakkar and storms of winter is on my agenda to every day.

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I enjoy that HP. I often wait for the veteran hydra to get near before I trigger the HP so I can take them both down together. It's fun. However, I completely agree that the long aggro range of PoF and LWS4 is extremely annoying. It's why I avoid these maps like the plague (and one of the reasons I quit the game about a year ago). As someone who enjoys exploring, the constant interruptions from the long aggro range ruins the game.

Kill one enemy and before I mount, another enemy aggroes. Kill that one and before I mount, yet another enemy aggroes. Kill that one, and ANOTHER one aggroes. I just say screw it and run past, and they chase me for like an eternity while more enemies aggro. It's extra annoying when the enemies are all ranged and I can't ball them up together, forcing me to take them down slowly, one at a time. All because I wanted to gather one regular orichalcum node...

And I agree it's a much bigger problem for newer players. While I have no trouble (begrudgingly) disposing of all the enemies, I do regularly hear about new players getting frustrated because they can't handle the swarm of enemies that aggro.

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@BlueJin.4127 said:Kill one and before I mount, another enemy aggroes. Kill that one and before I mount, yet another enemy aggroes. Kill that one, and ANOTHER one aggroes. I just say screw it and run past, and they chase me for like an eternity while more enemies aggro. It's extra annoying when the enemies are all ranged and I can't ball them up together.

That doesn't seem to constantly happen to me opposed to what some people say. Which areas are you talking about where you keep getting constant chain of aggroing mobs and apparently can't do anything about it?

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:Kill one and before I mount, another enemy aggroes. Kill that one and before I mount, yet another enemy aggroes. Kill that one, and ANOTHER one aggroes. I just say screw it and run past, and they chase me for like an eternity while more enemies aggro. It's extra annoying when the enemies are all ranged and I can't ball them up together.

That doesn't seem to constantly happen to me opposed to what some people say. Which areas are you talking about where you keep getting constant chain of aggroing mobs and
can't do anything about it?

literally all POF maps, im doing elite specs weapons, so im doing map exploration of Crystal Oasis, last time i completed it with a dead eye, its clearly that mobs have aggro range equal or greater than rifle range. if i wasnst skilled with mounts(completed skycale recently) and routes(i completed it with 6 professions, need 3 to finish) i wonder if it will take 3hrs++ per character if was a new player.

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:

@"BlueJin.4127" said:Kill one and before I mount, another enemy aggroes. Kill that one and before I mount, yet another enemy aggroes. Kill that one, and ANOTHER one aggroes. I just say screw it and run past, and they chase me for like an eternity while more enemies aggro. It's extra annoying when the enemies are all ranged and I can't ball them up together.

That doesn't seem to constantly happen to me opposed to what some people say. Which areas are you talking about where you keep getting constant chain of aggroing mobs and
can't do anything about it?

literally all POF maps

Well, then I must be literally magic, because that's not something that constantly happened/happens to me. So no, it's definitely not "literally all pof maps" unless you keep running "blindly" grabbing every mob around you. Based on my experience in those maps, when someone tries to tell me "it's all of them/everywhere!", it just tells me you might have some serious issues with positioning. As in I'd probably need to go out of my way to run into mobs while fighting other mobs to keep getting chain aggroed on to prevent me from mounting.

im doing elite specs weapons, so im doing map exploration of Crystal Oasis, last time i completed it with a dead eye, its clearly that mobs have aggro range equal or greater than rifle range. if i wasnst skilled with mounts(completed skycale recently) and routes(i completed it with 6 professions, need 3 to finish) i wonder if it will take 3hrs++ per character if was a new player.

Yes, I've done that on every class solo and as I said above: that's not what is "constantly happening everywhere" to me in those maps, which is why it's definitely hard for me to accept that "everywhere!" as a real answer. Based on my playthroughs anyway. You might not be as "skilled with mounts and routes" (whatever that's supposed to mean exactly) as you think you are, I really don't know.

What I can agree with from this thread is that connecting Serpents Ire to collections is kind of annoying, when I've done it I needed 3-4 days of actively trying to get it going along with creating a squad in lfg. Succeeded on friday -whether the day is coincidental or that's when the population raises making it a bit easier to complete is not up to me to say.Also I wouldn't say that certain events/metas being less popular is necessarily bad or out of order. The problem here is mainly in the fact that it's locking collections completion and maybe instead of trying to force anet to come up with ways to "make serpents ire happen", it would be better for them to introduce an alternative way of getting that collection item that would be more solo-friendly. Maybe. Because then again, maybe they want people to organize in some areas of the game -through guilds or otherwise.

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What solution would you recommend? It sounds like you want an easier path to attaining your goals, and are leaning on the new player experience as validation for your desires.

Some parts of the game are designed for group play. Some parts of the game are designed to challenge the player. Likewise some are designed to be easier more accessible. A choya at a vista, a hydra at a HP, that’s part of the game. I still know of many vista and HP you can walk up to and commune without having any combat.

You talk about doing map completion and I would say you should expect to see a full range of difficulty when exploring a whole map. You are setting out to do something by it’s nature challenging, by exploring the full map!

And again on new player experience, talk it through a minute.

New player buys EoDLevels in core to 80Goes to EoD for story and fresh content

This might be an area of interest in the decay of population in PoF. New players may not get PoF when they get EoD. It might not be a bundle, they may not want the extra cost, whatever.

I would assume most new players will decide if they want to invest in HoT or PoF after playing through EoD or at least core. I also expect new players to join current content as it is where everyone else will be playing. I would anticipate that those who enjoy EoD so much they want to keep playing older content will be prepared to play outdated and low pop maps. Because we know the most vocal voices in the community tend to point out the shortcomings of old content.

I am fine if Anet never touches PoF again and invests all their resources into new content. Hopefully they can accommodate the desires and worries that have been raised regarding old content with new better content.

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I don't understand this complaint. I'm in the Pof maps all the time. Most of the metas are done regularly, there's often bounties being done and even bounty trains. I don't have any problem on any character with the hit point you listed.

If you're complaining about choya and hydra, I don't care how long you've been playing. you're not as good as you think you are.

Hydras are easy enough to fight if you keep moving during the fight. Maybe if you're having trouble meleeing and you through on a ranged weapon.

People complained about HOT being hard, but much fewer people complain about Pof being hard. The only complaint I've seen about the PoF maps I agree with is things aggro from too far. Beyond that, I do believe this is a l2p issue. Or you could travel with a friend, because two manning any of that stuff is perfect.

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The biggest issue with PoF and LS4 maps is lag. At least on EU servers. There are days when half of these maps are unplayable for me. If there would be less lag, more people would play on them.

Regarding the djinn, hydra hp point. That's actually the first HP in crystal desert. I always found it a fun HP, never had problems with it.

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Yes the skill lag/map-wide freezes in PoF and LS4 has been a contributor in keeping numbers down (in EU at least). I haven't been there recently to see if their latest fixes are working though.

I'm ambivalent on whether it should have tweaks to it. Fine if it does, but it's not really new player content so I don;t see it as an issue for new players. If players skip the previous content, then sure it's going to an issue, but that's more the player than Anet. I do agree some of the aggro can be a annoying at times, but it's more a nuisance than a roadblock

Until the server issues are rectified, there's not really much worth doing though

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If you hate PoF maps for that, what's your take on Bitterfrost Frontier? I swear, there's a trigger on each winterberry spot that summons mobs when you get near them. Some spots even have parked mobs near them. Now THAT's a design fail, it's literally designed to annoy you.

PoF maps are simmilar. I wouldn't call them hard though, the mobs are easy enough, but some are parked near resources on purpose, and like you said on HPs. At first that's exciting, you're fighting mobs, doing stuff, but if you're just there to collect something then it's annoying. And from what you wrote it seems to me that you were doing PoF maps the way they were not designed. You were just there to collect stuff for your collections and be done with it. Now, whether or not it's good design or not, idk. I'd say a cautious no. The way they keep parking mob on gathering spots is a bit annoying, i mean, permanent nodes are meant to be farmed and visited frequently and lots of times. Obviously it will be annoying the more you do it.

But that's also not new, even in Orr elder wood spots, there's mobs and sometimes poison to deal with if you want to farm them.But i don't think the aggro range has anything to do with that in PoF, it's just the annoyance it becomes when you decide to farm something.If you're just there to fight and explore, it's actually pretty good. But if you're there to just farm then it's a completely different playstyle that maybe clashes with the intent of the maps.

PoF maps are meant to be harder, its just that - when you have a specific purpose, any disruption to that purpose like farming stuff, getting HP, killing 1 mob for the drop, anything, leads to annoyance, not because the maps are super hard, but because they disrupted your purpose. And that disruption is intentional.

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:If you hate PoF maps for that, what's your take on Bitterfrost Frontier? I swear, there's a trigger on each winterberry spot that summons mobs when you get near them. Some spots even have parked mobs near them. Now THAT's a design fail, it's literally designed to annoy you.

Why do people think that the mob spawn intended for players to play actively instead of passively gathering resources is a "design fail"? By what standard exactly? Is a pacman ghost a "design fail", because it's made to go for the player? Is a gap between the blocks in mario games a "design fail", because its whole purpose is making player press the jump button at the correct time?Seriously, lately I see these "design fail" claims being thrown carelessly at literally any part of the game someone doesn't like for whatever reason. A game having mechanics isn't a "design fail". Parts of the game that are made specifically to get the player to react somehow isn't a "design fail". Something being maybe a bit too hard for me is not a "design fail". Stop overusing terms.

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@Sobx.1758 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:If you hate PoF maps for that, what's your take on Bitterfrost Frontier? I swear, there's a trigger on each winterberry spot that summons mobs when you get near them. Some spots even have parked mobs near them. Now THAT's a design fail, it's literally designed to annoy you.

Why do people think that the mob spawn intended for players to play actively instead of passively gathering resources is a "design fail"? By what standard exactly? Is a pacman ghost a "design fail", because it's made to go for the player? Is a gap between the blocks in mario games a "design fail", because its whole purpose is making player press the jump button
at the correct time
?Seriously, lately I see these "design fail" claims being thrown carelessly at literally any part of the game someone doesn't like for
whatever reason
. A game having mechanics isn't a "design fail". Parts of the game that are made specifically to get the player to react
isn't a "design fail". Something being
maybe a bit too hard for me
is not a "design fail". Stop overusing terms.

Please read the entire post before commenting, yes?

I explained it all in the post.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:If you hate PoF maps for that, what's your take on Bitterfrost Frontier? I swear, there's a trigger on each winterberry spot that summons mobs when you get near them. Some spots even have parked mobs near them. Now THAT's a design fail, it's literally designed to annoy you.

Why do people think that the mob spawn intended for players to play actively instead of passively gathering resources is a "design fail"? By what standard exactly? Is a pacman ghost a "design fail", because it's made to go for the player? Is a gap between the blocks in mario games a "design fail", because its whole purpose is making player press the jump button
at the correct time
?Seriously, lately I see these "design fail" claims being thrown carelessly at literally any part of the game someone doesn't like for
whatever reason
. A game having mechanics isn't a "design fail". Parts of the game that are made specifically to get the player to react
isn't a "design fail". Something being
maybe a bit too hard for me
is not a "design fail". Stop overusing terms.

Please read the entire post before commenting, yes?

I explained it all in the post.

What am I supposed to pay special attention to? "because they disrupted your purpose. And that disruption is intentional."? Yes, it is on purpose. Yes, sometimes you need to plan your pathing or mind your surroundings while fighting. Yes, the mobsd near the nods spawn on purpose, because you're not supposed to afk farm those particular ones for free. Still not a "design fail".You're claming that mobs being parked near the nodes or mobs spawning at the nodes when you approach is a "design fail" -no, it's not. They have a purpose and they fulfill that purpose.

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@"Sobx.1758" said:You're claming that mobs being parked near the nodes or mobs spawning at the nodes when you approach is a "design fail" -no, it's not. They have a purpose and they fulfill that purpose.

In POF maps is clearly a failure... im used to map completion, because is a aspect of game that i love it... its first thing i do on every new content... only in POF maps we have a pack of Scarabs(with a veteran) near a Vista;. im very aware that im a experienced player, so fight it to me is just annoyance rather than 'difficult'. Vistas in every other content beside POF are a normally a chill places. judging by their spawn distance, its seems theyre not intended to atack, but due to huge aggro range they find u.

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@Vayne.8563 said:I don't understand this complaint. I'm in the Pof maps all the time. Most of the metas are done regularly, there's often bounties being done and even bounty trains. I don't have any problem on any character with the hit point you listed.

If you're complaining about choya and hydra, I don't care how long you've been playing. you're not as good as you think you are.

Hydras are easy enough to fight if you keep moving during the fight. Maybe if you're having trouble meleeing and you through on a ranged weapon.

People complained about HOT being hard, but much fewer people complain about Pof being hard. The only complaint I've seen about the PoF maps I agree with is things aggro from too far. Beyond that, I do believe this is a l2p issue. Or you could travel with a friend, because two manning any of that stuff is perfect.

Only in POF maps they Put Choyas, pack scarabs near vistas.The fire hydra is clearly not inteended to fight togheter with the fire djinn(the HP boss), but due to huge aggro range it always join the fight, not mentioning the veteran sand shark.

To me is easy content, i know every class on the game, but to new player is just a chaos, and probably 1 hit kill.

I dont find even Tangled Depths messed up like that POF maps.

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I was doing achievements the other day including one within augery rock so I had to wait an hour or so for the event. Did some other random achievements on the map too. It was just a never ending stream of tags popping up for bounties and events, people talking in chat about what they wanted help with and people responding. When augery approached a blue tag popped up and we ended up being ~50 people there.

Fun fact though: one of the events was that in the south (deadhouse whatever) and we absolutely roflstomped the boss with like half a dozen people. The tags comment was "wtf failed this with 30+".

PvE is so tiresome.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:I was doing achievements the other day including one within augery rock so I had to wait an hour or so for the event. Did some other random achievements on the map too. It was just a never ending stream of tags popping up for bounties and events, people talking in chat about what they wanted help with and people responding. When augery approached a blue tag popped up and we ended up being ~50 people there.

Fun fact though: one of the events was that in the south (deadhouse whatever) and we absolutely roflstomped the boss with like half a dozen people. The tags comment was "kitten failed this with 30+".

PvE is so tiresome.

Elon Riverlands is popular thesed days because Deadhouse "cross" various achievments(one is the Griffon collectionsi guess), and Augury Rock is the most cheese of POF metas beside Pinata.

Also the Map Meta "alert" is map wide. The Vabbian map metas doesnt, if u are far away from forged with fire or serpents ire u wont see map "world boss" alert.

The flow of events dont conflict much with each other, except rarely times deadhouse spam at same time with with augury rock.

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Serpent's Ire is just like any other meta-event: it needs a group and some coordination to complete it, but that's all. That can be organised by anyone, it doesn't need a commander tag or any special skills, just an awareness of the tools available to you. I last did it about a month ago, I did it twice about a week apart and I know I missed at least one other successful run, so it is still happening.

Here's what's worked for me when I've been the one organising it:

  • Check the Wiki in advance to see when Serpent's Ire is going to start and make sure you're online at the right time. (It helped a lot that it was right in the middle of prime time, days when daily achievements send people to Vabbi also help.)
  • Arrive in time for Forged with Fire, to get into a busy map and see how many people are around.
  • As soon as FwF ends announce in map chat that you're going to do Serpent's Ire and ask if anyone wants to join.
  • Advertise in LFG to attract people not currently on the map.
  • Ask your guild/s if they'll join, and encourage other people to do the same.
  • Keep the group advertised in LFG throughout, and make a start on the event as soon as it begins, even if you don't have many people yet. We started with about 10, which was enough for the first part, and by the time we were on to the second phase we had about 30.

It helps to have someone who knows the event to lead it. They don't need a commander tag, and for the first phase where you're killing veteran branded to lure out the zealots it can actually be better not to have a tag, so people are more likely to spread out instead of following the commander. But someone who can give instructions and prompt players on where to go, when to use CC skills etc. is useful.

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:

@"Sobx.1758" said:You're claming that mobs being parked near the nodes or mobs spawning at the nodes when you approach is a "design fail" -no, it's not. They have a purpose and they fulfill that purpose.

In POF maps is clearly a failure... im used to map completion, because is a aspect of game that i love it... its first thing i do on every new content... only in POF maps we have a pack of Scarabs(with a veteran) near a Vista;. im very aware that im a experienced player, so fight it to me is just annoyance rather than 'difficult'.

...so mobs not being hard are just annoyance, therefore any mob -maybe outside of an instanced content, but who knows what standards you're measuring this by- is a design failure, because it annoys the player by not being challenging enough?

Vistas in every other content beside POF are a normally a chill places. judging by their spawn distance, its seems theyre not intended to atack, but due to huge aggro range they find u.

I understand why it's easy for the player to convince themselves that's the case, I really do. But vistas are just supposed to show you certain locations through cinematic animations and... aside of being part of map completion, that's all. If it was really the case that every vista was supposed to be a safe harbor then why do they have the attributes like:-can't be interacted with while in-combat-invulnerable while viewing the cinematic?

Based on these I'm inclined to believe that the mobs near some vistas aren't "supposed to not aggro on you". If every vista was supposed to be out of range of the mobs then there's no reason for these attributes to be assigned to them, right?

@ugrakarma.9416 said:

@"Vayne.8563" said:I don't understand this complaint. I'm in the Pof maps all the time. Most of the metas are done regularly, there's often bounties being done and even bounty trains. I don't have any problem on any character with the hit point you listed.

If you're complaining about choya and hydra, I don't care how long you've been playing. you're not as good as you think you are.

Hydras are easy enough to fight if you keep moving during the fight. Maybe if you're having trouble meleeing and you through on a ranged weapon.

People complained about HOT being hard, but much fewer people complain about Pof being hard. The only complaint I've seen about the PoF maps I agree with is things aggro from too far. Beyond that, I do believe this is a l2p issue. Or you could travel with a friend, because two manning any of that stuff is perfect.The fire hydra is clearly not inteended to fight togheter with the fire djinn(the HP boss), but due to huge aggro range it always join the fight, not mentioning the veteran sand shark.

Literally how can you know that? If you think that's unintended then create a thread reporting the bug in a bug report section of the forum. Same with the mobs near the vistas. But I doubt it's unintended.Also if you know that's what happens and that's an issue for you, then... kill the hydra before starting.

To me is easy content, i know every class on the game, but to new player is just a chaos, and probably 1 hit kill.

Yeah, no. Stop using "hypothetical new player" as a support for your feelings regarding the game. If it's not a problem for you, then it's not a problem for you. Meanwhile you say "it's not a problem for me, but it should be changed for new players!" -well, new players don't start in PoF and they have plenty of content on the way there to understand the game and improve on their gameplay. At that point they at least should slowly stop being "new".

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I don't really play on PoF and LW4 maps because of the lag issue in EU. Even if it were fixed atm I wouldn't really know since I tried for months without any luck. Another factor is that dailies are no longer per map but went rotate. Like last week I wanted to do the Shatterer World Boss in Jahai Bluffs for the last item for my Requiem achievement. Only to find out this item only drops from the daily chest of said Shatterer. And by reading this topic I again forgot to do it on the right day, making me check wiki and wait again. Those things simply take the fun away from those maps and make me stick on any other maps (or dailies and log off, which is usually the case).

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@Sobx.1758 said:Yeah, no. Stop using "hypothetical new player" as a support for your feelings regarding the game. If it's not a problem for you, then it's not a problem for you. Meanwhile you say "it's not a problem for me, but it should be changed for new players!" -well, new players don't start in PoF and they have plenty of content on the way there to understand the game and improve on their gameplay. At that point they at least should slowly stop being "new".

Today theres a person in Crystal Desert asking how transfer a exo amulet to another char, shes didnt know how to use the bank.

@Sobx.1758 said:Literally how can you know that? If you think that's unintended then create a thread reporting the bug in a bug report section of the forum. Same with the mobs near the vistas. But I doubt it's unintended.Also if you know that's what happens and that's an issue for you, then... kill the hydra before starting.

Nope, i didnt need clear "all neighbour mobs" in any map(Core Tyria, Hot) except there. its clearly a design failure or even lazy work.

@Sobx.1758 said:i doubt anyone love the perma-aggro in these maps.If it was really the case that every vista was supposed to be a safe harbor then why do they have the attributes like:-can't be interacted with while in-combat-invulnerable while viewing the cinematic

Vistas in game dont have theses atribbute because the pattern inst have 1500 range aggro mobs positioned near it. Try find one like this even on new maps like Drizzlewood Coast, its doesnt have.

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@ugrakarma.9416 said:

@Sobx.1758 said:Yeah, no. Stop using "
hypothetical new player
" as a support for your feelings regarding the game. If it's not a problem for you, then it's not a problem for you. Meanwhile you say "it's not a problem for me, but it should be changed for new players!" -well, new players don't start in PoF and they have plenty of content on the way there to understand the game and improve on their gameplay. At that point they at least should slowly stop being "new".

Today theres a person in Crystal Desert asking how transfer a exo amulet to another char, shes didnt know how to use the bank.

I think it's important to remember that the player choosing to skip the tutorial isn't the tutorial's fault just as much as a user not reading the manual isn't the creator's/seller's/product's fault. I hope that's pretty understandable and not exactly negotiable?

@Sobx.1758 said:Literally how can you know that? If you think that's unintended then create a thread reporting the bug in a bug report section of the forum. Same with the mobs near the vistas. But I doubt it's unintended.Also if you know that's what happens and that's an issue for you, then... kill the hydra before starting.

Nope, i didnt need clear "all neighbour mobs" in any map(Core Tyria, Hot) except there. its clearly a design failure or even lazy work.

You didn't need to, but then at one point you needed to and it stopped being an issue, because you did what you were supposed to do.What's "lazy" or "failure" about this design? Who said HP is supposed to be some isolated point with no connection to anything external? Anet sure didn't. So by what standards/logic/rules are you proclaiming this exactly? Because it's nothing known to me, that's for sure.

@Sobx.1758 said:i doubt anyone love the perma-aggro in these maps.If it was really the case that every vista was supposed to be a safe harbor then why do they have the attributes like:-can't be interacted with while in-combat-invulnerable while viewing the cinematic

Vistas in game dont have theses atribbute because the pattern inst have 1500 range aggro mobs positioned near it. Try find one like this even on new maps like Drizzlewood Coast, its doesnt have.

You got it a bit backwards here. The whole point I made there is that the vistas DO have these attributes.

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Nothing can help PoF after the short term players left it. The maps were designed for the 1 spammer zombie masses. Once a better 1 spamming meta come out, the horde left it to never return. Compare these to octovine or chak garent, these events still get done because they are engaging well designed encounters, but at the same time it makes the zombies heads hurt because they have things like cc bars and mechanics, no class has a hard cc on 1, the zombies have no chance.

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