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Necro Wars 2


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It's begun. 2-3 necros per team per game. They run into mid together and litter the node with AoE's, Fears, and CC's. Think you can stand on node? Have every condition on the game including immobilize from the druid lurking in the back. Good luck cleansing the immob with all the cover condis.

Nvm you just got dazed by a warhorn. Unblockable btw, don't worry you'll regain control of your character sometime next quarter.

It's almost as if Necro has been power crept.... but that's impossible, we've only seen nerf after nerf after nerf.You can't power creep with nerfs, that's not how it works!

I mean sure we doubled the cd on rune of Resistance, which would have helped you deal with the condi spamWe neutered supports who used to help us deal with the condi spamWe nerfed cleansing sigil which used to help us deal with the condi spamWe've nerfed self-sustain across the board... but we barely touched life force. Seems like in indirect buff to necro sustainWe destroyed dps builds which used to help us pressure necros out of shroud. Y'know, the days when Necro had to kite to survive and didn't just walk up to you spamming barriers in your face and face tanking your damage?Remember heal scrapper, the cleansiest cleanser who used to make builds like this invalid. Yeah, we nerfed him too.

Reverse power creep is a myth.

All hail Necro wars 2.

(I only PvP for quick dailies at this point... I've given up on this game mode)

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@Exile.8160 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Then dont go mid??

Such help are these comment right? It really help drive an actual conversation. -_-

If you have 3 necros bombing mid and your team cant win the point you need to start taking sides and spread them out. If even then you lose its because your comp is slow or your team still couldnt win sides.

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Said before, if you're gonna nerf cleanses, you gotta keep an eye on the abundance of conditions too.

When you run all cleanses, clear over 5 conditions at a time over 5 times and still have 5 more to be on you everytime, that's because something hasn't been checked yet.

We all know co-efficients got touched but the amount of Soft-CC conditions that Necromancer/Reaper/Scourge can put out while it may be okay shouldn't last 12 hours or be re-applied with ease over and over.

Just to say that any form of Condition Revenant can't even keep up with the spam and neither transfer since that got nerfed in application and numbers too while Necromancer was untouched. Adjusting some of these numbers would suffice since personally IMO the damage is high enough and should compensate for those at about 4k auto attack on Reaper while Necro/Scourge quite a lot of conditions with Corrupts and transfers.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Then dont go mid??

Such help are these comment right? It really help drive an actual conversation. -_-

If you have 3 necros bombing mid and your team cant win the point you need to start taking sides and spread them out. If even then you lose its because your comp is slow or your team still couldnt win sides.

It's OK. One necro can easily tank 3 ppl since Feb. Two others can then maintain easy side.

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This was predictable with Rev nerf and removal of Mender's. Necro is now the tankiest thing that remains on the node.

I think it's important to watch where this goes. But right off the bat, this can theoretically be countered by Spellbreakers and other hard CC, and taking map control with mobile specs. Necros are just pinnatas that can be knocked around, so CC them and focus on the damage dealers.

Can I ask - why doesn't GW2 have a brief drafting stage before matches? It would make a big difference, even without the ban phase.

There should never be 3 of a single prof on one side. I don't understand why it's allowed to have two core necros + Scourge for example. Reaper is a necro. Scourge is a necro. Core necro is a necro. This is just potentially cancerous. Just two per side please.

If this can't be countered, it needs to be shaved. I think 2 years of double Mallyx/Herald was quite a lot to bear for most of us.

I can imagine dealing with 2-3 necros is super cancerous for most players who are below G3. So this kind of comp probably makes PvP super unenjoyable for a good portion of the dwindling playerbase.

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Why is this a scourge thread when immob druid is the problem? No immob, no standing in AOEs.

Btw.: WvW folks can only laugh about that topic. We are witnessing this covered immob nonsense for a year now. Half of the former viable solo and smallscale builds (across all classes!) became useless the moment this showed up.

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@Math.5123 said:If you struggle vs stacked necro comps in ranked, I suggest equipping a dps traitline and a damage amulet.They are so easily farmed.

This ^ is good advice actually.

I usually play supportive builds. Heal scrap, Auramancer tempest, druid when I'm feeling masochistic (I duo with a friend who plays dps reaper so we make a good combo) for me, dealing with this in mid is somewhat of an inevitability, but when I've had enough I'll swap to glass LB DH or Fresh air scepter weaver.

That is... provided they haven't stacked scourges. Good luck breaking through that wall of barriers in that case. The scourges dish out insane damage once they get their hands on you if you've decided to build glass.

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@mistsim.2748 said:Also, don't Spellbreakers poop on necros with hard CC? Are we gonna see a resurgence of warriors?

Yeah probably. The hard CC lock down makes for easy team fight kills and banner competes for fast stomps vs. instant revive skills with transference. Spellbreaker is also good at pressuring Rangers, which I assume we'll be seeing a lot of with so much Necro going on right now.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:pretty much any high damage ranged class farms necro. did necro suddenly lose all its counters recently?

No, but 2v2 and 3v3 arena quickly taught Necros how much counter play vs. everything they actually possess if one is wise enough to swap a single utility skill depending on the match they are in.

Before 2s and 3s, people largely weren't taking advantage of the tools they had. They'd just run the same exact thing every match. But now people actually swap and use things like Poison Cloud projectile reflection when threatening Rangers/Thieves are around, as one example.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:pretty much any high damage ranged class farms necro. did necro suddenly lose all its counters recently?

No, but 2v2 and 3v3 arena quickly taught Necros how much counter play vs. everything they actually possess if one is wise enough to swap a single utility skill depending on the match they are in.

Before 2s and 3s, people largely weren't taking advantage of the tools they had. They'd just run the same exact thing every match. But now people actually swap and use things like Poison Cloud projectile reflection when threatening Rangers/Thieves are around, as one example.

2 necros cycling that on point would be brutal, but i'm guessing that rarely happens. one necro with that will quickly find himself shit outta luck when it ends, and both deadeye and ranger can sit out of necro range auto attacking waiting for said end. it is a good utility but not much of a counter most times.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Stand The Wall.6987 said:pretty much any high damage ranged class farms necro. did necro suddenly lose all its counters recently?

No, but 2v2 and 3v3 arena quickly taught Necros how much counter play vs. everything they actually possess if one is wise enough to swap a single utility skill depending on the match they are in.

Before 2s and 3s, people largely weren't taking advantage of the tools they had. They'd just run the same exact thing every match. But now people actually swap and use things like Poison Cloud projectile reflection when threatening Rangers/Thieves are around, as one example.

2 necros cycling that on point would be brutal, but i'm guessing that rarely happens. one necro with that will quickly find himself kitten outta luck when it ends, and both deadeye and ranger can sit out of necro range auto attacking waiting for said end. it is a good utility but not much of a counter most times.

it is much of a counter, if you think deadeye/ranger can afk and do nothing for 20s and the rest of their team wont get fucked over in the meantime...if it was a 1v1 then yea, you can stand at 2k range and stare at them for 10s then engage, but in actual mid-fights lik 3v3/4v4 having 1 or 2player be useless for 10s due to one utility will swing fights, and to top it off its also decent pulsing aoe that will deter melee, its not a 1trick pony skill working only against projectiles.

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