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Friendly Fire achievement impossible?


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@Crusartas.9502 said:We tried this a couple of time and there was NO way we could do it. They guys die way too fast and everywhere. Is this intentional or a bug?

It is possiblewhat you need ae 1-3 sturdy players north just tanking and killing slowly ( focus is on grabbing attention of the 2 spawning enemy groups so they dont go for npcs)

then 2 south to kill the 2 monsters per wave there until event bar fills up.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Crusartas.9502 said:We tried this a couple of time and there was NO way we could do it. They guys die way too fast and everywhere. Is this intentional or a bug?

It is possiblewhat you need ae 1-3 sturdy players north just tanking and killing slowly ( focus is on grabbing attention of the 2 spawning enemy groups so they dont go for npcs)

then 2 south to kill the 2 monsters per wave there until event bar fills up.

indeed. Thats how I did it.

I was the HB, so I took 1 other party member North. The other 3 (with no healer), all heavy DPS, took the South.

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The trick is to split and aggro the enemies out of reach of the fragile NPC's.It is quite hard but doable. You will need a group that cares about the achievement. Maybe that is starting to become harder now because the most die-hard achievement hunters already got it and moved on to other content.

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After many times getting this achievement for others, I can say that the 3-2 strategy is, at best, a longshot. The reason being that the legionnaires don't always run to the hired help. Most of the time, they get snagged on enemies in the northern section, and then stay there with destroyers spawning on top of their heads throughout the entire fight.

The secret I've found isn't to use 5 players. It is to use 3: one good healer, and then 2 DPS. The reason for this is simple; the destroyers keep scaling up their damage and health the more players you have. As you stack more people, the one healer you bring along becomes less and less effective. Because of this, you'd want to take the minimum possible. I tried this out one day, wherein a group of 5 failed to get it. When two quit out of frustration, I said we should try it with 3, and it was half as hard with the exact same players.

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Is there a way to do this solo on a glass canon dps raid build? Don't have any active friends since my friendlist died years ago and also no guild that is active as I've been searching for taht already without luck and lfg only puts too much pressure onto me and my mental state so I just have to do everything solo. So far I've done all of the challenges solo without problem but keeping all the squishy NPCs alive can only be done with a healer and to kill stuff would take too much time as you're not in dps gear as a healer and therefore deal less damage. It's pretty tiresome doing this achievement solo but I heard there was a way to trick it. Anyone knows perhaps how to get it done solo so I don't need to get insulted (even if it's not in chat because they'll probably all judge me horribly behind their screens. I can feel it) by lfg people and feel less worth than I already am...

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@Cynder.2509 said:Is there a way to do this solo on a glass canon dps raid build?

Easy, assuming you can handle doing CM normally. Pick the Ebon Vanguard. They line the south side and can hold out long enough for you to complete it, so all you have to do is focus entirely on the north side, intercepting the 2 groups that spawn before they can reach the NPCs.

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@Cynder.2509 said:Is there a way to do this solo on a glass canon dps raid build? Don't have any active friends since my friendlist died years ago and also no guild that is active as I've been searching for taht already without luck and lfg only puts too much pressure onto me and my mental state so I just have to do everything solo. So far I've done all of the challenges solo without problem but keeping all the squishy NPCs alive can only be done with a healer and to kill stuff would take too much time as you're not in dps gear as a healer and therefore deal less damage. It's pretty tiresome doing this achievement solo but I heard there was a way to trick it. Anyone knows perhaps how to get it done solo so I don't need to get insulted (even if it's not in chat because they'll probably all judge me horribly behind their screens. I can feel it) by lfg people and feel less worth than I already am...

like i said use a boonstrip reaper, what kill npc is 14 might buff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don’t recommend going for this achievement solo. This is another poorly designed achievement that you can fail through no fault of your own, forcing you to rely on luck, at least when soloing.


Like another poster said, you want the Flame Legion NPC's safely at the center, away from aggro, while the Ebon Vanguard NPC's hold south and the player soloes north. Trying to get the Flame Legion NPC's separated from the Destroyers at the overlapping spawn point is the first problem since the player has little control over the various triggers and AI behavior. Once the player successfully separates them, it's another game of chance, hoping that the Ebon Vanguard NPC's at south can keep the Destroyers away from the Flame Legion NPC's. I was about 90% done when the achievement eligibility icon disappeared. I looked south and the Flame Legion NPC's aggroed the south Destroyers and got killed.

I agree that 3 players is the way to go. 1 DPS on each side to hold and kill enemies and 1 healer that can heal the Flame Legion NPC’s at the overlapping spawn point. After the Flame Legion NPC’s are safely separated, the healer can roam and act as a back up. You can do so with just 2 DPS and no healer, but then, you need to get lucky trying to separate the Flame Legion NPC’s from the Destroyers at the overlapping spawn point.

Edited by BlueJin.4127
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As others have mentioned, the key to getting this achievement is to aggro the Destroyers early so they never, ever get near the NPCs and they stay safely out of harm's way. I got this with a 5 man group, and we basically split 3 to West, 1 to East (only 2 Vet Destroyers at a time ever come from the East side), and the 5th just floats between the two sides as needed (in case East needs help).


Prior to getting there, I also advise that 2 people run on ahead in front of Efram and clear out the Destroyers near the start of the bridge. One thing that can go wrong is if Efram runs forward to fight the Destroyers on the bridge and gets close enough to trigger the defense phase (you'll know it's started when the progress bar shows up and the 4 Veterans run over to join Efram). You ideally want Efram to have a clear run to reach the bridge when he arrives so he stays safely back and doesn't aggro the enemies.


Oh! And also, try not to pick the Olmakhan or the Flame Legion as your allies. The Effigies have a massive aggro radius and can lock onto enemies from far away, and doing so can drag Efram and co into the fight.

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  • 10 months later...
14 hours ago, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

This achievement is impossible. With a group dedicated to getting it, we tried over 20 times. The NPCs are too stupid, too squishy and too determined to aggro enemies to EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, survive.

Not impossible you have to fight them far away from the npcs standing at bridge.

If they die before that then you dident protect them well enough during escort

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  • 3 weeks later...

Never noticed this achievement b4 but after noticing this thread in forums, decided to do it... So lfg'd for this dragresponse no Li req... Got random peeps who are interested... Chose only one challenge "powerful foes" and chose deldrimor alchemy faction as that thing just melts away the enemies if u're stuck in a pickle. And took my boon corrupting scourge and split the players north and south... 1 - 4 ... So I took care of one side and other 4 players took care of the other side... Just didn't let the NPCs look at the enemies and when enemies try to overpower me, I'd use the deldrimor alchemy on them and they'd just melt away... And if they ever try to make a beeline towards my NPCs, I'd just boon corrupt and fear away the enemies ... Got the achievement on first try with random PPL... And one dps guy even dc'd and left party at the beginning of the phase.. so it was 1 - 3 split. One tempest healer who can choose to run around on their own free will to heal whoever they choose X)


Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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On 3/21/2022 at 10:16 PM, Boogiepop Void.6473 said:

This achievement is impossible. With a group dedicated to getting it, we tried over 20 times. The NPCs are too stupid, too squishy and too determined to aggro enemies to EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, survive.


Aggro the enemies with 2 groups of players before the enemies get too close to the bridge with the fragile and stupid NPCs. You need two groups of players for this to work because the enemies come from two sides at the same time.

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39 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Nah not for this one the npc are paper you need atleast 2 people 1 east 1 west of bridge.

Back when I used to do these, I would qualify for this achievement practically every time I got the Ebon Vanguard, as they could hold the south side by themselves while I stayed entirely on the north side.

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It's easier with a group but it's honestly not difficult to solo if you spec to either keep the NPCs alive or grab and tank the enemies by yourself as well as healing NPCs, such as: Firebrand, Core Guardian, Healscourge, (now available) heal Mechanist, might druid, heal Specter, Renegade, Heal Herald, Shout Warrior, Chronomancer, Alac Mirage, Minion Reaper, Turret Engineer, and heal Tempest. For sure there are other builds that fit here and hopefully you get the idea - they are not nearly as squishy as it seems and people mostly just want to use the very same open world PvE build to get achievements (this approach works more than it should as the achievements could get really fun and entice new playstyles, but that's another topic.). Guildjen aslo recommends DPS builds for the challenge modes to ensure you reach the time limit - but you only want Powerful Foes on for this achievement, use the fact you don't need higher DPS to your favor as well.



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  • 3 weeks later...

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