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So how many hours have you spent on each profession?


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I decided to tabulate how much time I wasted on this game, so wanted to see how folks in WvW used theirs. Unfortunately, you can't tell how much time was spent specifically in wvw, but I assume most reading this probably did spend most in it, or idling somewhere in Lion's Arch or something.

Gw2efficiency is pretty handy for this


Man I die pretty consistently, though certain classes did play more fractals and raids which inflates it heavily. (or so the excuse goes.)

Also posting this around SAB probably doesn't help.

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Ranger 7,113 hours (75%), 17712 deaths, 2.49 deaths/hourNecromancer 1639 hours (17%), 4085 deaths, 2.49 deaths/hourMesmer 240 hours (1.5%), 512 deaths, 2.12 deaths/hourThief 158 hours (1%), 200 deaths 1.26 deaths/hourWarrior 149 hours (1%), 280 deaths, 1.87 deaths/hourEngineer 108 hours (0.5%), 254 deaths, 2.33 deaths/hourGuardian 63 hours, 93 deaths, 1.48 deaths/hourElementalist 36 hours, 106 deaths, 2.86 deaths/hourRevenant 2 hours, 1 death, 0.5 deaths/hour (lol)

I should probably stop playing zerk builds.

~ Kovu

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Mines is mostly wvw over two accounts. I've only done fractals and spvp into the 20's, doubt they count for much anyways, haven't bothered much with pve other than to get mounts, haven't finished story since HoT did living stories up to reward tracks for zones.

If you're not dying in wvw, you're not trying (or so the pat on the back for the excuses goes lol).


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@Kovu.7560 said:Ranger 7,113 hours (75%), 17712 deaths, 2.49 deaths/hourNecromancer 1639 hours (17%), 4085 deaths, 2.49 deaths/hourMesmer 240 hours (1.5%), 512 deaths, 2.12 deaths/hourThief 158 hours (1%), 200 deaths 1.26 deaths/hourWarrior 149 hours (1%), 280 deaths, 1.87 deaths/hourEngineer 108 hours (0.5%), 254 deaths, 2.33 deaths/hourGuardian 63 hours, 93 deaths, 1.48 deaths/hourElementalist 36 hours, 106 deaths, 2.86 deaths/hourRevenant 2 hours, 1 death, 0.5 deaths/hour (lol)

I should probably stop playing zerk builds.

~ Kovu

Does that include your alts?

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that's not even that many deaths, considering u play since ages. @ArchonWing.9480by the way, u can add the killcount as well - gw2efficiency ->stats-> accounts statistics -> wvw player kills. i could not find a version for wvw-exclusive deaths there tho.

i'll edit my stats in here once i find time, don't see a copypaste option currently there.

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@kamikharzeeh.8016 said:that's not even that many deaths, considering u play since ages. @ArchonWing.9480by the way, u can add the killcount as well - gw2efficiency ->stats-> accounts statistics -> wvw player kills. i could not find a version for wvw-exclusive deaths there tho.

i'll edit my stats in here once i find time, don't see a copypaste option currently there.

Well I afk a lot.

Oh WvW kills. I can add that in too-- 173,013-- though not a very important number. Too bad you can't track kills per character. :S

@Justine.6351 said:How do you navigate to that chart?

Oh just ms excel because dividing is too hard.

@Baldrick.8967 said:Less than 4 deaths per hour and you obviously ran away rather than fight:-)

Not completely wrong. I have lower deaths on thief/mes/engi because they have stealth and more on Rev because I dunno how to run away on that. xD

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8 years and 3 months old3,863 hours and 17 minutes playtime4,619 deaths1.2 deaths per hour


8 years and 7 months old2,996 hours and 11 minutes playtime3,928 deaths1.31 deaths per hour


8 years and 6 months old1,325 hours and 53 minutes playtime1,453 deaths1.1 deaths per hour


7 years and 10 months old913 hours and 34 minutes playtime1,099 deaths1.2 deaths per hour


1 year and 3 months old731 hours and 44 minutes playtime1,691 deaths2.31 deaths per hour


8 years and 4 months old686 hours and 9 minutes playtime1,008 deaths1.47 deaths per hour


6 years and 2 months old585 hours and 13 minutes playtime629 deaths1.07 deaths per hour

second mesmer

5 years and 6 months old472 hours and 29 minutes playtime772 deaths1.63 deaths per hour


6 years and 11 months old265 hours and 29 minutes playtime221 deaths0.83 deaths per hour


5 years and 5 months old208 hours and 6 minutes playtime349 deaths1.67 deaths per hour

second warrior

2 years and 4 months old45 hours and 56 minutes playtime83 deaths1.8 deaths per hour

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@Chaba.5410 said:

@Kovu.7560 said:Ranger 7,113 hours (75%), 17712 deaths, 2.49 deaths/hourNecromancer 1639 hours (17%), 4085 deaths, 2.49 deaths/hourMesmer 240 hours (1.5%), 512 deaths, 2.12 deaths/hourThief 158 hours (1%), 200 deaths 1.26 deaths/hourWarrior 149 hours (1%), 280 deaths, 1.87 deaths/hourEngineer 108 hours (0.5%), 254 deaths, 2.33 deaths/hourGuardian 63 hours, 93 deaths, 1.48 deaths/hourElementalist 36 hours, 106 deaths, 2.86 deaths/hourRevenant 2 hours, 1 death, 0.5 deaths/hour (lol)

I should probably stop playing zerk builds.

~ Kovu

Does that include your alts?

........ No

edit- But that probably only adds an extra 1,000 hours to my total playtime.

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Elementalist (all wvw)3477 Hours1605 Deaths (.46 per hour. Stared learning d/d shortly after launch and never looked back. Those were good times.)Warrior (first character so not sure of ratio, but likely skewed significantly more towards pve as I did world completion etc with this)1438 Hours660 Deaths (.46 per hour)Necromancer (bit of both but largely wvw. Probably would consider this my current 'main')1038 Hours1806 Deaths (1.73 per hour)Guardian (organized runs in wvw for the vast majority of these hours)770 hours824 deaths (1.03 per hour)Engineer (base engi from pre HoT, all wvw)330 Hours334 Deaths (1.01 deaths per hour)Thief182 hours128 deaths (0.7 deaths per hour)Revenant (all wvw)72 hours122 Deaths (1.65 per hour. Let's call it 'still learning')Few other characters on alts, but not linked to gw2 efficiency and can't be bothered to do it. Some of these numbers are also heavily skewed, because when I started the game it was on Darkhaven, which iirc was near the bottom or at the bottom tier wise. So a good portion of the day, WvW was running around for considerable time just to find someone to fight and/or following the K-train.

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:Guardian1527h8302 deaths

Necro1485h9453 deaths

Engi1250h5302 deaths

Thief1066h5647 deaths

Mesmer188h1673 deaths

Ele197h998 deaths

Ranger129h513 deaths

Warrior142h823 deaths

Rev129h513 deaths

I feel like i should have more hours and less deaths?

Well, I only put in # of deaths as a meme to make fun of some people I play with who die like every 5 min or something xD It doesn't mean that much. I'm more interested in what classes you played the most; dying on it is more of the footnote.

In practice it's strongly affected by where you're playing. You'll probably have more kills and deaths in zergs. If you play during a active time zone, that matters too. Also if you frequent Desert BL, I also imagine there are more deaths from fall damage lol.

There are also players that don't mind taking outnumbered fights while players like myself just won't unless some friend wants to do something silly. Some would say you learn more from dying to test the limits of your build.

Like I said above, raids/fractals will also skew the numbers because spamming /gg to kill yourself to reset stuff is standard and often done many times.

And finally, gearing/build as well; I think you tend to stay away from tanky gearsets in general IIRC.

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I have a severe case of altoholism so my playtime for classes is split up into multiple characters, many of which I have deleted, so the hours logged aren't accurate at all. However, I was moreso curious about deaths per hour, so these are my numbers for my un-deleted Revenants.

CHARACTER | HOURS | DEATHS | DEATHS PER HOURREV 1 | 1431 | 3640 | 2.54REV 2 | 953 | 2920 | 3.06REV 3 |411 | 1091 | 2.65TOTAL | 2795 | 7651 | 2.73

What does this tell me? I die a lot. It doesn't really bother me or surprise me. I have logged a lot of my hours running solo, and I do put myself in a lot of really dumb situations. I am sure my deaths per hour would be much higher if I didn't become such an EBG monkey the past couple years.

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@Twilightzone.7452 said:Class | Hours | Deaths | Deaths/HourNecro | 7221 | 16738 | 2.31Guard | 1776 | 4731 | 2.66Warriror | 84 | 284 | 3.38Ele | 736 | 1653 | 2.24Engie | 22 | 52 | 2.36

Granted my necro also PVE. I yolo too much but its fun

So we have around the same playtime but you're like 2000 ranks ahead. RIP :open_mouth: I think I need to learn to autorun when meming team chat.

Good thing I didn't play PoF or it'd even be worse xD

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  • Age - 7y 5m
  • Play time - 6,048hr
  • Deaths - 8,653 / 1.4hr
  • Value - 30,526g


  • Age - 7y 3m
  • Play time - 4,178hr
  • Deaths - 5,788 / 1.3hr
  • Value - 8,879g


  • Age - 4y 2m
  • Play time - 2,574hr
  • Deaths - 4,005 / 1.5hr
  • Value - 18,690g
  • WvW kills - 526,142
  • Total value - 237,330g

EDITMy Necro was leveled entirely in WvW, but it was my second character. I deleted my first, an Engineer, which if I hadn't deleted it would be a couple months older. My account is about 7 years 7 months (September 2013).I've done World Completion I think 7 or 8 times(?) for Legendary crafting, and I used to do a lot of Dungeons and PvP when I first started playing. Overall though, I'd wager 75% of my total play time is in WvW, at minimum 60%. I pretty much exclusively WvW now, but I used to do other things a lot more frequently the first 2 or 3 years of my time with GW2.

Also, I don't want to share my total play time, but I've deleted a lot of characters with >1k hours. My play time isn't that bad, really... Even compared to the few comments here, but anything upward of 10k is a lot to me... And mine is above that, lol.I need a life.

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ok, i play even shorter than i thought. bit over 2 years is my oldest character. i think the killcount is simply important to add since it is a Wvw-exclusive stat, while the deaths are not. considering i started playing my warrior with one hand bc i had a pierced hand from an injury when i decided to pick up gw2 to try first time a MMO as well as just having sth against boredom (never played any game with using keyboard really before)... i nearly wonder that it hasn't the most deaths, thaha.

i first time entered Wvw therefore in 2019, late februar or march.

warrior:2 years 3 months old, first char.932 hours2209 Deaths /2,9h

guardians:FB11 year 4 months904 hours3112 Deaths / 3,44h

FB23 months108 hours212 Deaths /1,9h

Elementalist:4 months154 hours294 Deaths/1,9h

NecromancersScourge 1:7 Months338 hours1228 Deaths/3,7h

Scourge 2;1 Month66 hours and 6 Minutes (really)186 Deaths/2,78h

Revenant/Herald:1 year and 5 months old628 hours2,628 deaths/4.18 deaths per hour

Scrapper2 years and 1 month old680 hours and 19 minutes playtime2,514 deaths/3.69 deaths per hour

Ranger (Bankslot and bad Arrowcart Memes)2 years and 2 months old110 hours199 deaths/1.79 deaths per hour

Mesmer/chrono1 year and 4 months old94 hours164 deaths/1.73 deaths per hour

overall stats

Wvw-Rank: 2359(all) Deaths: 12.757Wvw-Kills: 90.392

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EDITMy Necro was leveled entirely in WvW, but it was my second character. I deleted my first, an Engineer, which if I hadn't deleted it would be a couple months older. My account is about 7 years 7 months (September 2013).I've done World Completion I think 7 or 8 times(?) for Legendary crafting, and I used to do a lot of Dungeons and PvP when I first started playing. Overall though, I'd wager 75% of my total play time is in WvW, at minimum 60%. I pretty much exclusively WvW now, but I used to do other things a lot more frequently the first 2 or 3 years of my time with GW2.

It's good that you get 2 gifts for 1 map compleition, because that's all I did. I will just buy any other Legendary because no amount of gold is worth doing that nonsense.

Though expansion map exploration bothers me least, because at least those maps require a little thought and are less of them. Gen 2+ legendaries suck though for other reasons.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

My Necro was leveled entirely in WvW, but it was my second character. I deleted my first, an Engineer, which if I hadn't deleted it would be a couple months older. My account is about 7 years 7 months
(September 2013).
I've done World Completion I think 7 or 8 times(?) for Legendary crafting, and I used to do a lot of Dungeons and PvP when I first started playing. Overall though, I'd wager 75% of my total play time is in WvW, at minimum 60%. I pretty much exclusively WvW now, but I used to do other things a lot more frequently the first 2 or 3 years of my time with GW2.

It's good that you get 2 gifts for 1 map compleition, because that's all I did. I will just buy any other Legendary because no amount of gold is worth doing that nonsense.

Though expansion map exploration bothers me least, because at least those maps require a little thought and are less of them. Gen 2+ legendaries suck though for other reasons.

I genuinely enjoy World Comp, I just have to be in the mood for it. Mounts made doing it a hell of a lot faster. If I do a little every day I could finish it in less than a week usually.I also enjoy a couple Dungeons like; CoE and TA. I did the both of them so many times in my early years that I can pretty well speed run them solo now. Unfortunately, you can't completely solo CoE because of the security thing, otherwise I could. TA is no problem.

I'm the opposite in regard to expansion maps, I absolutely abhor them, and making Nevermore was one of the most begrudging experiences I've had in this game. I like Astralaria, but I will never go through the same crap I had to to make Nevermore again.And for reference, I have 30 Legendary weapons, with a few duplicate types (Exordium + Sunrise, Bifrost +Nevermore, Predator + HMS Divinity).

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@Shroud.2307 said:

My Necro was leveled entirely in WvW, but it was my second character. I deleted my first, an Engineer, which if I hadn't deleted it would be a couple months older. My account is about 7 years 7 months
(September 2013).
I've done World Completion I think 7 or 8 times(?) for Legendary crafting, and I used to do a lot of Dungeons and PvP when I first started playing. Overall though, I'd wager 75% of my total play time is in WvW, at minimum 60%. I pretty much exclusively WvW now, but I used to do other things a lot more frequently the first 2 or 3 years of my time with GW2.

It's good that you get 2 gifts for 1 map compleition, because that's all I did. I will just buy any other Legendary because no amount of gold is worth doing that nonsense.

Though expansion map exploration bothers me least, because at least those maps require a little thought and are less of them. Gen 2+ legendaries suck though for other reasons.

I genuinely enjoy World Comp, I just have to be in the mood for it. Mounts made doing it a hell of a lot faster. If I do a little every day I could finish it in less than a week usually.I also enjoy a couple Dungeons like; CoE and TA. I did the both of them so many times in my early years that I can pretty well speed run them solo now. Unfortunately, you can't completely solo CoE because of the security thing, otherwise I could. TA is no problem.

I'm the opposite in regard to expansion maps, I absolutely abhor them, and making Nevermore was one of the most begrudging experiences I've had in this game. I like Astralaria, but I will
go through the same kitten I had to to make Nevermore again.And for reference, I have 30 Legendary weapons, with a few duplicate types
(Exordium + Sunrise, Bifrost +Nevermore, Predator + HMS Divinity).

I just don't like hearts. That era of pve content without hearts was pretty decent and once they brought them back in living world I just stopped period lol.

I only have 2 legendary weapons, mostly just to get one for the sake of playing this game for this long. I got Warbringer but then regretted it. (I just use the glider skin) but Ad infintium is good. I have legendary heavy and medium armor just from playing WvW, though with the terrible stat change UI and templates, will probably leave it at that. I don't really care for the 3 light classes atm though would be going on ele probably.

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