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I do not like Aurene, and I'm not afraid to say it. [Also spoilers]


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Let's just get straight to the point:

  1. I'm biased, so this is by no means, an objective...rant...discussion...whatever it is.
  2. Aurene is a stupid character and I have a reason to believe why.
  3. She was born with a single purpose in life, as if someone at Anet told her "go be a dragon", granted that isn't a bad thing in itself, but more on that later.
  4. She ate Joko.
  5. Okay, Joko was more of an idiot for not seeing a literal dragon flying right into his face when he was doing this stupid but factual monologue thing. Still, she just flied into him, nomming away any chance of him being utilized later as a compelling villainous character, especially when he was at his prime.
  6. Aurene died. No surprises there, but then she came back at the beginning at the next episode, effectively killing any kinds of investments and emotions I had three months prior. Quality writing right there.
  7. Maybe I'm just expecting too much of a story for an MMO but come on like...they clearly did well at the beginning of IBS, so the potential is there.
  8. We also never get to see her personality for some reason, for a character that we are supposed to be attached to? It's kinda odd, isn't it?
  9. Oh and also the stinking Champion release pretty much made her go "okay let's fight the dragons", even though it's been long established that it's a horrendous idea, so much so even her past self realized that, and be like "okay let's not do that."
  10. And then she proceeded to uh...
  11. I don't even know what happened there, but somehow she got ahold of Anet's storytelling and pretty much threw everything in Season 3 out of the window, alternating the very fabric of reality itself, somehow making Primordus and Jormag's deaths pointless because now the world can live without them.
  12. Oh and also POF because like Balthazar wanted to kill Kralky for some reason?
  13. Yeah, now he's even more of an idiot thanks to the latest episode.
  14. And also somehow she manages to pretty much make everything safe and explosion so small it has no significant impacts to the arena, which is not very climatic given the implication that the world should at least undergo some changes right away, but who cares.
  15. Aurene is a Mary Sue.
  16. Uh...well...also she's literally unkillable at this point. I thought about her becoming evil in the future because I like seeing people's suffering and emotional turmoils, but even that is not possible because she will never become evil. She's a prismatic dragon afterall, and we wouldn't be able to kill her regardless.
  17. Aurene sucks. I would say get rid of her, but at this point, we might as well throw the whole Tyria into the blackhole and her along with it. She's that tough to kill, aka invulnerable.


Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Edited by NeverLoseGuy.3894
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I neither like nor dislike Aurene. I have felt completely indifferent towards her for quite some time now, due to most characters being really badly written by ANet (especially lately, but even before that on several occasions, yet never this consistently).


They all have no depth (or are all mere clichés), many even no real purpose (take Jhavi, for instance: what a boring character wearing the name of a heroine... Almorra's replacement my behind). They are all two-dimensional props, plot devices to drive the story forward, nothing more.


Edited by Ashantara.8731
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I can kind of understand why Aurine exists, but shyness or being a plot device isn't a memorable quirk. Being snarky or funny like Joko, Canach, and to a lesser extent, Braham, are cheap ways to invest me in a character if we are only going to spend 5 seconds developing their character.


Anet's biggest mistake, in my opinion, is that the story never... stops. You don't get breathers, the world just keeps spiraling worse and worse and every event has to have a purpose. Hell, the only time we ever cared to stop in to see aurine was when she was being attacked... or when we were told to do some obstacle courses with her, because the plot demanded. We need more LWS5 prologues, where the plot pauses and characters interact with each other and/or the commander in more memorable and endearing ways.

Edited by Westenev.5289
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I hear you brother, from the moment they made her with that cute pokemon-like face to the end when she basicaly handle 2 elder by herself every intervention of her was a pain to watch (and to hear even that low tuned voice is irritating).

Now i just hope our character "dragonslay" moto isn't finished and at some point we will come and give her what she deserve.



ps : praise joko.

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My guess would be that Aurene will die anyway. Either to the DSD to give us a reason for going to Cantha, or in order to release all the magic she stored and restore this ominous "balance".


If, for what ever reason, she survives EOD, I'd be even more pissed than Rytlock not dying to Ryland in the last cutscene.

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8 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

My guess would be that Aurene will die anyway. Either to the DSD to give us a reason for going to Cantha, or in order to release all the magic she stored and restore this ominous "balance".


If, for what ever reason, she survives EOD, I'd be even more pissed than Rytlock not dying to Ryland in the last cutscene.


Aurene is not storing magic tho she is sharing it with the world.

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29 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:


Aurene is not storing magic tho she is sharing it with the world.

Is she? How does this unfold?

Aside from some words that have been spoken, nothing has been delivered to show what this means. Just some shallow concepts that have no real impact on the ingame world up to this point.

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3 minutes ago, Imba.9451 said:

Is she? How does this unfold?

Aside from some words that have been spoken, nothing has been delivered to show what this means. Just some shallow concepts that have no real impact on the ingame world up to this point.


Well for 1 shes has not eaten anyone since Joko, no army running around gathering magic for her and

All the people around her still got their magic.

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12 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I neither like nor dislike Aurene. I have felt completely indifferent towards her for quite some time now, due to most characters being really badly written by ANet (especially lately, but even before that on several occasions, yet never this consistently).


They all have no depth (or are all mere clichés), many even no real purpose (take Jhavi, for instance: what a boring character wearing the name of a heroine... Almorra's replacement my behind). They are all two-dimensional props, plot devices to drive the story forward, nothing more.



Oh, Almorra. That brief bit of her story early in the Saga really hit me hard. I mean, we already knew she was dead from finding her body in that little alcove, so it's not like I didn't see it coming.... but it was still compelling to see it unfold. And all she had to do was throw a jab at Bangar about losing another son, and it suddenly added that much more richness to what many (including myself) considered a bit of a shallow throwaway part of the Vigil personal story. I didn't care much about any of the Orders generally, or the Vigil/Almorra in particular, but I was very impressed by how compelling they managed to make Almorra for me at the end there.


Jhavi is looking like she'll forever be two-dimensional. Her sole purpose seems to have been to be the NPC yelling things at Drakkar in the meta event.


Finally, I also share your indifference to Aurene. I actually liked her at the beginning as we were raising a baby dragon, but quite rapidly she took on the Taimi-in-shiny-dragon-clothes role - she's become the defacto solution to everything, and it's not even set up to even be all that interesting to watch.



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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:


Well for 1 shes has not eaten anyone since Joko, no army running around gathering magic for her and

All the people around her still got their magic.

And how does she "share" it?

Let's be real: Aurenes power is poorly established. She is one of the worst Deus Ex machina offenders I hace ever seen in fiction.

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23 hours ago, Ylthan.1693 said:

I hear you brother, from the moment they made her with that cute pokemon-like face to the end when she basicaly handle 2 elder by herself every intervention of her was a pain to watch (and to hear even that low tuned voice is irritating).

Now i just hope our character "dragonslay" moto isn't finished and at some point we will come and give her what she deserve.



ps : praise joko.

I like Aurene's voice now. I hated it when she was a baby dragon. It wasn't.... dragony.

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On 5/5/2021 at 11:31 AM, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

Let's just get straight to the point:

  1. I'm biased, so this is by no means, an objective...rant...discussion...whatever it is.
  2. Aurene is a stupid character and I have a reason to believe why.
  3. She was born with a single purpose in life, as if someone at Anet told her "go be a dragon", granted that isn't a bad thing in itself, but more on that later.
  4. She ate Joko.
  5. Okay, Joko was more of an idiot for not seeing a literal dragon flying right into his face when he was doing this stupid but factual monologue thing. Still, she just flied into him, nomming away any chance of him being utilized later as a compelling villainous character, especially when he was at his prime.
  6. Aurene died. No surprises there, but then she came back at the beginning at the next episode, effectively killing any kinds of investments and emotions I had three months prior. Quality writing right there.
  7. Maybe I'm just expecting too much of a story for an MMO but come on like...they clearly did well at the beginning of IBS, so the potential is there.
  8. We also never get to see her personality for some reason, for a character that we are supposed to be attached to? It's kinda odd, isn't it?
  9. Oh and also the stinking Champion release pretty much made her go "okay let's fight the dragons", even though it's been long established that it's a horrendous idea, so much so even her past self realized that, and be like "okay let's not do that."
  10. And then she proceeded to uh...
  11. I don't even know what happened there, but somehow she got ahold of Anet's storytelling and pretty much threw everything in Season 3 out of the window, alternating the very fabric of reality itself, somehow making Primordus and Jormag's deaths pointless because now the world can live without them.
  12. Oh and also POF because like Balthazar wanted to kill Kralky for some reason?
  13. Yeah, now he's even more of an idiot thanks to the latest episode.
  14. And also somehow she manages to pretty much make everything safe and explosion so small it has no significant impacts to the arena, which is not very climatic given the implication that the world should at least undergo some changes right away, but who cares.
  15. Aurene is a Mary Sue.
  16. Uh...well...also she's literally unkillable at this point. I thought about her becoming evil in the future because I like seeing people's suffering and emotional turmoils, but even that is not possible because she will never become evil. She's a prismatic dragon afterall, and we wouldn't be able to kill her regardless.
  17. Aurene sucks. I would say get rid of her, but at this point, we might as well throw the whole Tyria into the blackhole and her along with it. She's that tough to kill, aka invulnerable.


Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Your anger is misplaced. You should direct it to the Anet people in charge of the story, not to Aurene. Blaming her for the horrible writing of the devs is like blaming guns for gun violence. It doesn't make sense. 

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1 hour ago, Sir Alric.5078 said:


Your anger is misplaced. You should direct it to the Anet people in charge of the story, not to Aurene. Blaming her for the horrible writing of the devs is like blaming guns for gun violence. It doesn't make sense. 

Considering this all is fiction and OP probably knows this, speaking out his distaste for the character is most certainly aimed at whoever is in charge of writing her. At least I'd interpret it this way.

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2 hours ago, Sir Alric.5078 said:

Your anger is misplaced. You should direct it to the Anet people in charge of the story, not to Aurene. Blaming her for the horrible writing of the devs is like blaming guns for gun violence. It doesn't make sense. 


You've gotta be kidding me. 💩

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Aurene is a pet, pets in history just fill a "emotional" role. i doubt they rid her of history, the baby aurene help sells stuff.


personaly im a pet hater, i dont want "babysit" anything, i dont like pet or childs in war histories..

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 5/5/2021 at 6:36 AM, Ylthan.1693 said:

I hear you brother, from the moment they made her with that cute pokemon-like face to the end when she basicaly handle 2 elder by herself every intervention of her was a pain to watch (and to hear even that low tuned voice is irritating).

Now i just hope our character "dragonslay" moto isn't finished and at some point we will come and give her what she deserve.



ps : praise joko.

No. Just no. "We will come and give her what she deserve." SHE is not the problem. She doesn't DESERVE anything. Take her out of the story? Fine. Killed somehow? Fine. But WE are not going to kill HER because, despite the presentation, and no matter how awful the presentation is, SHE is not the problem and, canonically, the Commander and all of Dragon's Watch care about Aurene FAR too much to kill her.


Unless Anet does a Trahearne to her. But I hope they learned their lesson about that. But talking like this IS what got Trahearne killed and there is NO excuse for it. Disliking a character is not grounds to kill them any more than real people. Grounds for killing a character is if they've actually substantially wronged you - killed your family, taken your homeland, etc. Aurene has not done that. Aurene is an ALLY, whether she is annoying, poorly-written, or simply offensive to you in particular.

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8 minutes ago, Tiffany.8216 said:

No. Just no. "We will come and give her what she deserve." SHE is not the problem.


That's true. It's not the character's fault the writers screwed up on her in this season.


Either way, although I currently feel indifferent to her, the character still has potential. And if that potential gets wasted, that's still no reason to kill the character - there are so many possible ways to make her disappear; I don't know why it should be a violent one.


8 minutes ago, Tiffany.8216 said:

Unless Anet does a Trahearne to her. But I hope they learned their lesson about that.


I actually liked Trahearne's ending. It touched me deeply, even though the character per se annoyed the hell out of me due to the voice acting/directing for him.

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I liked her at the beginning. But she grew (not only physically) too fast - they interaction back then was more cute when she was smaller and mentally still developing.


My guess though is: With "End of Dragons" all the dragons will be destroyed and with the current "return to" achievements Taimi and Gorrik will figure something out about the dragons that leads us to having to destroy all of them.

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I for one liked Trahearne as a character. If I had to choose a salad friend to sacrifice, I'd choose Caithe over any any other salad.

Aurene was fun as a pet dragon. As with any pet, she got way less fun and interesting after growing up. We've had a great touching moment when she died... but then she survived. I would say "Death to all dragons", but I actually like that Kuunavang will be a part of story in EoD.

It feels like all the talk about "no one to absorb the magic after killing Elder Dragons" went out of the window... why? Cuz we have our own lizard apparently able to deal with that problem. Aurene could have been good.

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I have not much love for her either.


But she is not making Season 3 pointless.

Back then, there was no replacement for the dragons.

However, now she is that replacement.

Although I think it's stupid that one single dragon can replace all other ones.

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5 hours ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

It feels like all the talk about "no one to absorb the magic after killing Elder Dragons" went out of the window... why? Cuz we have our own lizard apparently able to deal with that problem. Aurene could have been good.

I don't think Aurene should have been able to replace all other dragons.


Aurene should have been able to only replace Kralkatorrik and then we'd have to find other individuals for the other dragons.

Taimi with her big plot device brain could certainly have invented some kind of conduit that turned Joko (albet against his will) into a conduit to replace Zhaitan, if Aurene didn't have her lich snack.

That way, only Mordremoth's place would be vacant, but one vacancy was no problem for Tyria.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Aurene should have been able to only replace Kralkatorrik and then we'd have to find other individuals for the other dragons.

Taimi with her big plot device brain could certainly have invented some kind of conduit that turned Joko (albet against his will) into a conduit to replace Zhaitan, if Aurene didn't have her lich snack.


Ack! :classic_wacko: More Elder Dragon storylines? More Taimi? - No, and no.


I am glad this will all end soon to make way for more varied and exciting stories for a change.

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