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The, I have no legendary thread.

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I quit the game 3 times chasing my favourite leggy, twilight. The grind was even more legendary.

I wanted to buy it, couldn't afford it even with a creative director's salary in the country I lived in thanks to their currency. 

I even changed the country I live in to make more money, so I finally could buy it. 

I got married and went back to zero.

I have no legendary, but I am.

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it took me forever to get my first one with sunrise. then i got Auora, Astralaria and after about 7 years i finally crafted Eternity.

if you finally figure out what to do its not that hard.

Currently i'm on vision to get the new effect from both trinkets. 

i have only played 2404h in 3187days since creating the account. Thats not that much.

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4 hours ago, Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

it took me forever to get my first one with sunrise. then i got Auora, Astralaria and after about 7 years i finally crafted Eternity.

if you finally figure out what to do its not that hard.

Currently i'm on vision to get the new effect from both trinkets. 

i have only played 2404h in 3187days since creating the account. Thats not that much.

Eternity is the most regret legendary i ever craft. its kind s wasted + exordium looks better imo 😞


and vision is a pain..

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I have two legendary weapons (Juggernaut and Kudzu) from back when I originally played the game before coming back last year, and I started work on Aurora. Got pretty far, and have almost completed the Draconis Mons part of the track, but then looked at the rest of the stuff required and thought "yeah, sod that".


I was the one who originally suggested adding the ability to swap stats to leggies, and now massively regret it.


I've come to realise that's functionality that should be available to everybody in order to encourage build experimentation and help the devs iron out edge case unbalanced builds. Restricting this to the relative minority of players who have the time and dedication to grind out full sets seems counter-productive and disrespectful of players' time.

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21 minutes ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I have two legendary weapons (Juggernaut and Kudzu) from back when I originally played the game before coming back last year, and I started work on Aurora. Got pretty far, and have almost completed the Draconis Mons part of the track, but then looked at the rest of the stuff required and thought "yeah, sod that".


I was the one who originally suggested adding the ability to swap stats to leggies, and now massively regret it.


I've come to realise that's functionality that should be available to everybody in order to encourage build experimentation and help the devs iron out edge case unbalanced builds. Restricting this to the relative minority of players who have the time and dedication to grind out full sets seems counter-productive and disrespectful of players' time.

What made you change your mind about the amount of grind that is acaptable to craft legendaries.

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Same here. I don't have any legendary gear yet and I wonder if I ever will work on that. There is so much else higher up on my priority list before that one. I don't even have Ascended stuff yet and am doing fine in PvE so far. At this point I will wait for EoD before I get down to crafting any higher tier because who knows what's to come.

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1 hour ago, yann.1946 said:

What made you change your mind about the amount of grind that is acaptable to craft legendaries.

Sorry, I should clarify;

I'm fine with the grind for the cosmetic side of the items, but I believe the build flexibility should be available to everyone, and that it would drastically improve the game for all players.

There's even precedence for this in the first game where initially stat respecs cost tokens, but this was removed shortly after release allowing free respecs at will outside of instances.

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1 hour ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

gen 2 legendary is extremely affordable...

also for those dry out of gold the way is "farm" SW/Dragonfall/Drizzlewood coast.

This may be a decent method but I'm not one to do endless tedious farming tbh. It gets boring to play the same event cicles over and over. I'm ok with not having legendary as of now.

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I have dozens of legendaries. They are called Obsidian Shards. 😉 But no, no legendary gear. I look at the list of raw material and quail. So I end up selling extra materials and making gold off people crafting their own legendaries.

I did do the precursor of a precursor (Spark) and am nearing the end of the Aurora journey, but I wonder whether I'll have the patience and time to carry either to the end.

This game has a sharp return-on-investment wall between exotics and ascended.

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Here. I keep saying I'll get a legendary to compliment one of my character's looks because thematically itll fit, but then immediately after I make that thought BLTC will come out with a weapon skin theme that fits even better, and in most cases I will see legendaries even more frequently than I see some of these other skins.  


Their appeal hasnt won me over to doing the entire task list yet. Maybe EoD will have something I want. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 5/23/2021 at 9:22 PM, SkyCakeLight.3750 said:

I have many thousands of hours in GW2 starting since the 3 day head start, and I have zero legendary items. All of my gold/resources/time goes to alts that I'll never play. 


You know I am SO glad I'm not the only one who has been playing since launch and still doesn't have one. I just have bad self control and end up converting mats to gold and then gold to gems for stuff on the BLTC lol. I usually end up burning myself out and quitting for a few months when trying to make a legendary anyway lol.


One day I'll make one though, one day... Probably not. 🤣

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On 5/23/2021 at 2:44 PM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I'm very far away still from legendaries.

Far, far away.

I was looking through what's necessary to craft one and I just gave up.

I wonder if I'll ever get there at all.

I think not.

Because to make one, I would have to have one for each character.

It would just bug the heck out of me having only one character with a legend and not the others.

So for that reason, I'm out.

This right here is what I think the problem with the “content on not farming til I’m dead” mindset with a lot of players comes from. Yes, looking at the sheer amount of raw materials sounds terrible. But the gift of fangs, bloods, etc etc are pretty easy already. You COULD silverwastes farm, which I know people hate, ooor... you could be pretty lazy about it.


IF you have the fractal masteries unlocked, run your t4’s and Recs, don’t even need to do cm’s if you don’t want to. Buy your 30-60 keys a day, depending on how much you want to spend on them. If you have a ton of stabilizing matrices you can turn those into keys. Amass a whole bunch of keys and put a few orders for fractal chests off the TP. Theoretically you should actually make gold doing so, but it requires a little bit of time and investment from your part. T4’s and recs shouldn’t take more than an hour even with a pug.


I don’t think people realize just how close they are to actually getting a leggo. They are indeed designed to take time. Unless you’re lucky with infusion drops, or you’re a master at playing the TP (which still takes time..) you’re probably not buying them outright, and only gen1 can you do that with.


Dont look at the full list of a leggo at once, rather look at one gift at a time, work from there, do it in smaller steps. If you try and focus on the whole thing at once you might burn out, or ignore your “daily routine” all of which are actually designed to help you get what’s needed for a leggo. 

Edited by Clex Mix.7624
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On 5/23/2021 at 6:21 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:

Most legendaries don't look good in my opinion, I prefer my Dreamthistle Greatsword. So I'm not even trying to get one.

Maybe I'll be the Incinerator off the AH if I'm rich someday but that's pretty much it.


Most leg are horrible.

Also Ascended is so easy and cheap to get that I don't know why I would ever need leg' weap/armor

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2 hours ago, novas.1845 said:


You know I am SO glad I'm not the only one who has been playing since launch and still doesn't have one. I just have bad self control and end up converting mats to gold and then gold to gems for stuff on the BLTC lol. I usually end up burning myself out and quitting for a few months when trying to make a legendary anyway lol.


One day I'll make one though, one day... Probably not. 🤣

This is one of the main reasons I only have 1 myself. That and speeding up ascended crafting after taking breaks and not having mats/currency.


They definitely aren’t a needed commodity, more so sort of a status symbol, though that’s at face value. Though I don’t agree with the premise they aren’t useful or worth it.

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I started close to launch and have never obtained a legendary for myself. True story, I've contributed heavily to the completion of at least 6 of them, but they were all things my friends or guildmates were working on. To bother with the effort of a legendary you either need to want the cosmetics or the functionality, and so far I've wanted neither. I only kinda-sorta have a casual interest in Frenzy (Yeah, the underwater weapon - weird, I know) because it's a fish that shoots fish and I find that hilarious.


We seem to be on track to obtain a legendary PvE amulet over the next few months, so that'll probably be my first just by virtue of me liking PvE content that isn't raids.

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4 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I started close to launch and have never obtained a legendary for myself. True story, I've contributed heavily to the completion of at least 6 of them, but they were all things my friends or guildmates were working on. To bother with the effort of a legendary you either need to want the cosmetics or the functionality, and so far I've wanted neither. I only kinda-sorta have a casual interest in Frenzy (Yeah, the underwater weapon - weird, I know) because it's a fish that shoots fish and I find that hilarious.


We seem to be on track to obtain a legendary PvE amulet over the next few months, so that'll probably be my first just by virtue of me liking PvE content that isn't raids.

The raids aren’t really all that bad. I think there’s a huge portion of the community that’s a little standoffish about them or think the raiding community is super toxic/elitist, while yeah they might be a bit more elitist than your average worldboss frequenters, it’s nothing compared to the raiding scene in other games. 


There are definitely still guilds that do “training raids” for newcomers that also don’t require 100% rep (avoid those guilds anyway) and they aren’t all that difficult to do. There’s plenty of guides both vod and text that players can use to have somewhat of an understanding and the training raids are there for people to see and learn the fights. They won’t expect you to perform at 100% efficiency. 


I appreciate what the Guild Wars raids have to offer and I come from doing heroic/mythic raiding in WoW  and other than Dhuum a lot of the fights are much more forgiving than at first glance.  I can’t speak as to what’s holding you back specifically from wanting to raid, but they’re definitely fun to do. For anyone that does find a training raid guild keep in mind you probably won’t full clear everything each week, but you have to start somewhere.

Edited by Clex Mix.7624
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3 hours ago, Clex Mix.7624 said:

The raids aren’t really all that bad.

I'm glad you like them, but for me they really are all that bad. I'm well aware of statics, training guilds, tutorials, and walkthroughs, but I'm also well aware of what's fun for me and what is not. For me, raids are not fun and therefore not worth the effort (which isn't too far off from my logic on legendaries; their stat swapping and aesthetic aren't worth the cost to me).


My raid dream is multiple difficulty modes with scaled rewards (see: fractals), and the continued production of raids so that people who enjoy hardcore content continue to have something to do, and players who don't enjoy higher difficulty/coordination/precision continue to have reasonable access to the story, AP, and other rewards raids offer (even if it takes them a lot longer due to reward scaling). There will never be a true ramp to raiding without something like this; that's what I believe.


..but that's also not really about legendaries and we're in the no-legendaries thread, so I dunno bro. @ me in a raiding thread if you want to bang pots and pans.

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4 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I have all but five legendary weapons, two legendary trinkets and 2 legendary back pieces. Though I think it's funny that the I have no legendary thread is mostly posted in by people with legendaries. lol

well the thread is for seing how many people have legendary, not just being a thread for only people that don't have legendary, so ofc people will speak that they don't have or have legendaries.

Edited by WindBlade.8749
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6 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I'm glad you like them, but for me they really are all that bad. I'm well aware of statics, training guilds, tutorials, and walkthroughs, but I'm also well aware of what's fun for me and what is not. For me, raids are not fun and therefore not worth the effort (which isn't too far off from my logic on legendaries; their stat swapping and aesthetic aren't worth the cost to me).


My raid dream is multiple difficulty modes with scaled rewards (see: fractals), and the continued production of raids so that people who enjoy hardcore content continue to have something to do, and players who don't enjoy higher difficulty/coordination/precision continue to have reasonable access to the story, AP, and other rewards raids offer (even if it takes them a lot longer due to reward scaling). There will never be a true ramp to raiding without something like this; that's what I believe.


..but that's also not really about legendaries and we're in the no-legendaries thread, so I dunno bro. @ me in a raiding thread if you want to bang pots and pans.

You can’t really do scaled rewards with how raids already reward players. Unless you go as far to say 1 insight per wing. Then they wouldn’t be worth a “dumbed-down” version. The introduction to strikes was supposedly another avenue other than raids for players to “get into” that sort of structured environment. 


I don’t understand the hostility... and well like it or not legendary armor is directly tied to raiding, op post wasn’t specific to weapons. And as for how rewards work in this game or wanting tiered rewards it’s a bit of a self serving pipe dream to think that every activity should offer rewards to players similar to those that, for instance, run raids especially considering that this endgame is lateral.


Do I think there should be an option for new players? Sure. But as far as rewards go I don’t think the raid specific skins, ascended armor or the insights and divinations should be a reward for such... thus making the “scaled” version obsolete. Maybe 5 mag shards tops for a boss kill.. but again players are going to say”well why don’t I get this too” and no one would run them, unless of course you made the scaled versions the same rewards now and normal highly more lucrative than it is now.... which won’t happen and again, players who choose to opt for the scaled version would complain. Think I’m wrong? The amount of LFR only raiders in WoW who were kitten that titanforging went away was immense. They were no longer able to, per chance of rng, get mythic quality gear from doing easy mode.

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16 hours ago, fixit.7189 said:

thread topic: i have no legendary club.


thread replies: most people boasting about their legendaries.


ok then...



That was definitely my first impression, but it's not actually the case.


I just counted (yes I'm that bored) and there's been:

  • 25 people saying they don't have a legendary
  • 17 saying they do, as part of discussing the pros and cons or giving advice on making them (including 1 who said they no longer use it)
  • 5 people replied without saying if they do or don't (and only one of those seemed to imply they do)
  • Just 2 people saying how many legendaries they have without giving their opinions on if it's worth it or giving advice


So the majority of those responding have actually been people without legendaries, and the ones who do have them mostly mentioned it as context for their opinions on whether it's worth doing, which I wouldn't consider boasting. Especially since many of those replies were along the lines of 'I have 1 legendary weapon and I'm working on an armour set but most of my characters are still using exotics/ascended so you're definitely not alone there'.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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4 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That was definitely my first impression, but it's not actually the case.


I just counted (yes I'm that bored) and there's been:

  • 25 people saying they don't have a legendary
  • 17 saying they do, as part of discussing the pros and cons or giving advice on making them (including 1 who said they no longer use it)
  • 5 people replied without saying if they do or don't (and only one of those seemed to imply they do)
  • Just 2 people saying how many legendaries they have without giving their opinions on if it's worth it or giving advice


So the majority of those responding have actually been people without legendaries, and the ones who do have them mostly mentioned it as context for their opinions on whether it's worth doing, which I wouldn't consider boasting. Especially since many of those replies were along the lines of 'I have 1 legendary weapon and I'm working on an armour set but most of my characters are still using exotics/ascended so you're definitely not alone there'.

Not sure how you can talk about how worth it it is, or not.  That's a personal decision based on personal value. For a guy like me who both has too much time and a fair amount of extra income, it's just something I do.  Like a hobby. But my recommendation would only apply to people like me. Those who have significantly less time and money are likely to have a different view on making legendaries. 


I mean it's a skin, footprints, the ability to switch stats any time out of combat. That's all she wrote. Anything else is just a personal decision.

For example, it's my experience that the vast majority of players seldom change their builds. So ascended is much cheaper and it comes down to footsteps or skins. As a sort of completionist, at least in some things, it's worth it to me to get as many as I can. But I'm most likely an outlier.

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