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Silhouette Teaser Weapon

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1 hour ago, hash.8462 said:

The image can be purposely misleading, that weapon it can be a sword, scepter or anything else the professione already has; the new one can be the one in the left hand ad far as we know.

I know it's not a Sword. I'd say I'm 65% sure it's either a dagger, 25% it's a short bow. I'm rooting for short bow.

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I just figured out what it is. 

It's not a spear or a dagger.

It's someone holding a bow in their right hand and reaching up with their left to grab an arrow out of a quiver. The pointing bit we see on her left hand isn't her pointing, it's her elbow.

The ribbons on the back aren't seen anywhere else because they're attached to the quiver.

The things above her head - Arrowheads.

I can't believe I didn't see it until now.

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I don’t have 25g but I would. It’s 100% a bow.


the pink on her left arm is representing her elbow and the backside of her arm.


I drew out the rest of the bow best I could on an iPhone but the outline is symmetrical on both sides of the hand. Well, not my outline. But the weapon is symmetrical. 

Bad mockup

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

As I mentioned in the other thread, I still think it's a longbow that shoots greatswords.

lol I mean I don't know if it's a shortbow or a longbow but it's most definitely a bow.

I don't know if it's mesmer or some new arcane-oriented elementalist though. I'm still leaning towards mesmer as I feel like ele would have more red/orange coloring. But it's definitely a bow of somekind.

Most likely a shortbow though. 

I do have to wonder what the mechanic will be though of the utility skills. 

I'm also wondering if when the legendary armory releases we'll get some interesting lore about a Canthan sounding character with the unicorn shortbow. I can't remember the name but it always struck me as an oddly mesmer themed weapon. I would pay close attention to the lore tidbit that gets released with the armory. 

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Just now, Dawdler.8521 said:

You cant shoot greatswords from a shortbow. That'd be ridiculous.

No, but if we were talking seriously and not trolling they could do a weird mechanic that involves summoning a random weapon type phantasm, one of which could be a phantasmal berserker. So, in theory, they COULD sort of. lol

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What do you mean trolling? It's a bow - quite a large one at roughly half the height of the mesmer herself especially if we assume it's at an angle and there is literally swordlike projectiles above her as if they are about to be shot toward the enemy. Incidently looking similar to how "firing" a greatsword does. 

Meaning, it's a longbow shooting greatswords.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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59 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

It's someone holding a bow in their right hand and reaching up with their left to grab an arrow out of a quiver.


You don't stretch your left arm out in front of you when you reach behind for the quiver.


So, it's either a dagger or a spear.

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3 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:


You don't stretch your left arm out in front of you when you reach behind for the quiver.


So, it's either a dagger or a spear.

She's not stretching her arm out in front of her?

She's reaching back to grab the quiver.

It's also a drawing of someone striking a pose, not someone in the middle of an actual battle. Artistic expression. 

The black rounded bit between the ribbons and her head is 100% her elbow. 

Wouldn't make much of a "teaser" if they straight up showed her arm in an accurate position grabbing the arrow out of the quiver. Lift your left arm like you're going to scratch your shoulder or the back of your neck. That's what we're seeing from the front.


Edited by Bast.7253
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Just now, Ashantara.8731 said:


Yes, she is. She is pointing at us.


lol No, people just assumed that but you can't make out any fingers in the left part of her silhouette. You just see a round circle where everyone THINKS is her reaching her arm out to point at the viewer. But if she were reaching back to a quiver like I mentioned her shoulder would still look the same. If you can point out fingers on her left hand in that silhouette I'll change my mind about her reaching back to her quiver.

If anything, that's the top/backside of her hand as she's reaching back to grab the arrow.

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22 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

lol No, people just assumed that but you can't make out any fingers in the left part of her silhouette. You just see a round circle where everyone THINKS is her reaching her arm out to point at the viewer. But if she were reaching back to a quiver like I mentioned her shoulder would still look the same. If you can point out fingers on her left hand in that silhouette I'll change my mind about her reaching back to her quiver.

If anything, that's the top/backside of her hand as she's reaching back to grab the arrow.

lol yes.

Or more like "lol you see there whatever you want" , so it could potentially be both, but you already made your choice simply because you'd prefer the bow. So now it's "definitely a bow", but mainly for you. For me it's still a right arm holding a dagger, left arm stretched in front and the illusionary blades being cast, most probably with the motion the left arm did/does.


There's really a lot of "definitely" in your posts for something that's not definite.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

lol yes.

Or more like "lol you see there whatever you want" , so it could potentially be both, but you already made your choice simply because you'd prefer the bow. So now it's "definitely a bow", but mainly for you. For me it's still a right arm holding a dagger, left arm stretched in front and the illusionary blades being cast, most probably with the motion the left hand did/does.


There's really a lot of "definitely" in your posts for something that's not definite.


You’re right. Having an extra large symmetrical dagger in the right hand and a vague impression of someone pointing with the right despite not being able to make out any fingers in the right hand makes way more sense.


Nevermind the fact that if it is a Mesmer, they’ve already gotten a main hand and an offhand with previous elite specs. 

What is “illusionary blades?” 

I get that you’re offended by the fact that I’m committed to the fact that it’s a bow because you’ve determined it’s a dagger but we can revisit this in a month when they announce specs and I’m right. 😁


As to whether it’s a Mesmer or ele, we don’t really know. We assume Mesmer because of the coloring but that could be a red herring. 


And no, I’d prefer a spear or trident. I’m just calling it like it is.




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I'll toss my hat in the ring and say it's a double-sided naginata, with spear blade tips instead of curved blades, and a short handle --- ie Asian style weapon + spear looking enough to keep us guessing + could easily be a two-hand weapon set with 1 or 2 power-melee skills (blade dancerish) and 3-4 large spinning shuriken-like throw skills to make it more mid-range!  


Think shorter version of that new double-bladed bo/staff weapon they added in the black lion boxes.

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1 minute ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Which, judging by the fact it appear to continue on the other side of the grip, would be a dagger that cut your own arm off when you swing it.


warglaives confirmed.


I feel like I’ve even seen a bow in game that looks exactly like this weapon. Sunspear maybe? I’ll look later. Not that that means anything as we will be in cantha. But it might help people visualize the obvious.



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10 minutes ago, Bast.7253 said:

You’re right. Having an extra large symmetrical dagger in the right hand and a vague impression of someone pointing with the right despite not being able to make out any fingers in the right hand makes way more sense.

You can't point out the fingers due to the stylistic way they chose to use to present this image. You can't point out a lot of things due to that. Show me a nose on that image. You can't? So the person in that image doesn't have one then, eh? That's literally the same reason you wouldn't be able to see the fingers if the person in the image is pointing at you. 




Nevermind the fact that if it is a Mesmer, they’ve already gotten a main hand and an offhand with previous elite specs.

...so what? What exactly does it change?



What is “illusionary blades?”

It's an equivalent to skill particle, call it how you want.



I get that you’re offended by the fact that I’m committed to the fact that it’s a bow because you’ve determined it’s a dagger but we can revisit this in a month when they announce specs and I’m right. 😁

When was I offended?


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1 minute ago, Ceryxobitus.3012 said:

I'll toss my hat in the ring and say it's a double-sided naginata, with spear blade tips instead of curved blades, and a short handle --- ie Asian style weapon + spear looking enough to keep us guessing + could easily be a two-hand weapon set with 1 or 2 power-melee skills (blade dancerish) and 3-4 large spinning shuriken-like throw skills to make it more mid-range!  


Think shorter version of that new double-bladed bo/staff weapon they added in the black lion boxes.

i like the idea and wanted spear originally. Because I assumed the notch and ribbons on her left shoulder were the continuation of the spear.


but then I looked at the angle of her right hand and it didn’t make sense. Then I looked behind her right hand and saw that the spikes and shape of the backside of the weapon are identical to the front, just hidden by her hand and arm. 

I mean, I’m not complaining either way. I just think it’s a lot less of a stretch to see a bow and someone reaching back than someone holding an unusually large double bladed dagger and presumably pointing with their left hand. 


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