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Changes to armory are not enough

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As title says

We gave u sooo many ideas and u did the minimum maximum 


u forgot Aurora trinket  balls !  give those people a slumbering version it cant be that hard. 

Glider Skins 

Mount Skins

Minis (who cares, some do)

choosing legendary footsteps




U missed implement suggestions I wrote for example name of the template when change (now it's only template activated)

As well cosmetic animations when template change (Fire, ice, demon, bubbles..... endless money grab)


If you're serious about player interaction, then say why those points not happened. Otherwise, we back to hype train air. 


Also, no mention of revenant bug fix ? (I don't play this class, but I care for my fellow gamers)


Please stop wasting ur potential, this min maxim has to stop 


Edited by Balsa.3951
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22 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Some people are never pleased.

Why pleased with minimum effort ? We're not talking a few weeks of programming, they had more than a year.


Key points of suggestions were ignored and just wait for it there will be hidden cost 



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35 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Why pleased with minimum effort ?

To be fair considering what I expected them to actually do, they did went an extra mile with what is already announced, which is quite above "minimum effort"


Sure I agree that aurora/vision/coalescence need the toggle switch themselves, but everything else on your list sounds to me like "memememe AN didn't implement my ideas, literaly unplayable"



35 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

there will be hidden cost

yes, cost of actually crafting legendaries to put into that system. Brief reminder that gems to gold conversion exists 😉

Edited by Lord Trejgon.2809
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42 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Why pleased with minimum effort ? We're not talking a few weeks of programming, they had more than a year.


Key points of suggestions were ignored and just wait for it there will be hidden cost 



Minimum effort? You realize its called Legendary Armory right? everything in your list but the trinket effects and footfalls has nothing to do with legendaries.

Footfalls no one cares about, you equip a legendary skin you get footfalls, don't like them? Transmute it for free!

Aurora, vision, coalescence effects? Nothing we can do about that yet, I imagine they will fix that in the future but probably harder since they don't have a non-effect skin like the others.

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Sure, I'd like to be able to pick glider/mount skins "per tab", but saying that upcomming armory isn't enough is some kind of weird entitlement and certain people being constantly set to complaining no matter what.


It is enough.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Why pleased with minimum effort ? We're not talking a few weeks of programming, they had more than a year.


Key points of suggestions were ignored and just wait for it there will be hidden cost 



What you are talking about isn't 'minimum' effort and you have no clue how long it would take to do the things you ask for. I mean, it's a legendary armory ... there isn't legendary about half the items you listed. You're thread is just screaming out a window about things that no one ever expected from legendary armory in the first place. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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WELL that's why we can't have nice stuff, this community is so satisfied with buggy implementations of features.


But hey it's me crying u can continue buy gems than. 


If u think legendary armory has nada to do with the Equipment template than ya LOL 


different name, so it must be different.


In the meantime its not me it was anet who asked for feedback and ideas on the armory, and anet ignored feedback that's a fact.


Edited by Balsa.3951
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WELL that's why we can't have nice stuff, this community is just hard set on crying and complaining 24/7. No news? Bad! News? Bad, because at the past there were no news and current new don't change it! No lege armory? Bad. Lege armory with no additional cost? Bad, because Im sUrE tHerE wIlL bE hIdDeN cOsT!!!11 There's no hidden cost? Bad, because it's stil BaRe MiNiMuM.

It's not bare minimum, it looks solid (if it wont be buggy) and well done. You want to cry, then keep crying but don't pretend "we can't have nice things" just because you're entitled and not pleased with absolutely anything.


Yes, pretty clearly it is you pointlessly crying. Most of the things you've listed don't even have ANYTHING to do with legendary equipment. And the one that does (choosing legendary footsteps) is just a bad idea and shouldn't be a thing 🙃

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All implementations require a cost-benefit analysis.


ArenaNet received all of the feedback and selected the items that could be done without causing the time and/or money cost of implementation to exceed the expected financial benefit to them.

Anything that you wanted which didn't make the cut, didn't make the cut for a reason. 


You're free to voice your disapproval, but unless you're planning on directly funding the development of those things you'll need to accept the reality that your disapproval is not going to change anything in the immediate future. 

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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

WELL that's why we can't have nice stuff, this community is just hard set on crying and complaining 24/7. No news? Bad! News? Bad, because at the past there were no news and current new don't change it! No lege armory? Bad. Lege armory with no additional cost? Bad, because Im sUrE tHerE wIlL bE hIdDeN cOsT!!!11 There's no hidden cost? Bad, because it's stil BaRe MiNiMuM.

It's not bare minimum, it looks solid (if it wont be buggy) and well done. You want to cry, then keep crying but don't pretend "we can't have nice things" just because you're entitled and not pleased with absolutely anything.


Yes, pretty clearly it is you pointlessly crying. Most of the things you've listed don't even have ANYTHING to do with legendary equipment. And the one that does (choosing legendary footsteps) is just a bad idea and shouldn't be a thing 🙃

What are u bramble about nothing of the points u mention i said  LOL 

also to news no news anet was quiet for over a year on this topic, u may have a short memory, but I remember those stuff 

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On 7/7/2021 at 4:57 PM, Balsa.3951 said:

What are u bramble

Well said.



nothing of the points u mention i said  LOL 

Yes, you did 😁



also to news no news anet was quiet for over a year on this topic, u may have a short memory, but I remember those stuff 

But you were crying about it a week ago AFTER they already stopped being silent, simply because you're just this entitled and think no project can possibly go through without your direct approval LOL. So not sure who has "short memort" here 🙃

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Honestly the only thing I want is for infusions to be available across characters in some way and to make the Snow and bat effects from the shoulders infusion effects so I can wear my scarf while it's snowing gdi!.

Seriously though I am hyped for this armoury and it is motivating me to actually persue crafting legendary armour. I hope that they consider in the future adding some form of ascended armoury too since those are only account bound. But i'm happy so far with this. They may not have implemented everything people stated but this feels like a turning point in the development. We've been here before where it was really bad then they turned it around and it got great, before going bad after some time again. So i'm hopeful we're entering another golden era again for the game. With lots of communication again and them actually being able to work on things.

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4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

WELL that's why we can't have nice stuff, this community is so satisfied with buggy implementations of features.


I love it how you just jumped from "bare minimum" to "buggy" there. We are yet to see about the bugs, when, you know, actual patch drops.


4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

But hey it's me crying u can continue buy gems than. 


would love to to be honest, unfortunatelly my current irl situation does not afford me that privilege at this moment 😕


4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:


If u think legendary armory has nada to do with the Equipment template than ya LOL 


Legendary armory is about integrating legendaries into systems introduced with equipment templates. Not about every single OTHER potential feature that could be integrated with those systems.

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"Leggy armory is coming out in July"


"Leggy armory will work this way"




Armory isn't even out yet. Can we PLEASE give this thing a week or so, see what bugs there will be, how ANET works around them before asking for more implementations? This is huge as it is

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Also they're not sending every player 5k gems and also they don't give everyone a free legendary and also they didn't implement playble Oozes along with the armory and also they didn't introduce idle chitchatting as a minigame where you get a free legendary after doing it once and also they didn't auto complete the map for characters after creation and also they didn't do my laundry...

Sr m8, I get that this feature won't fix everything and I would really love if revenant's many bugs got fixed, but this is not the feature release to handle this issue. Could they have done more, sure, as I said, why do I still have to do my own laundry. Is what they done still a great job? Probably, going from yesterdays announcement. We'll see next week, but I'm fairly confident that this will be a good addition to the game.

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On 7/8/2021 at 6:58 AM, Obtena.7952 said:

It's possible in the mind of an unreasonable person. 

Thanks for the insult, lol didn't know u take the forum so serious that this was needed.


Besides that, Anet asked for feedback, and those points I listed where points ppl asked for.


None was taken, instead anet did what they said from the start they would do.


In a game where ppl celebrate delayed content as a win, I guess I am happily the  unreasonable person 🙂 


But if u happy OK 



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On 7/8/2021 at 3:37 AM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


I love it how you just jumped from "bare minimum" to "buggy" there. We are yet to see about the bugs, when, you know, actual patch drops.



would love to to be honest, unfortunatelly my current irl situation does not afford me that privilege at this moment 😕



Legendary armory is about integrating legendaries into systems introduced with equipment templates. Not about every single OTHER potential feature that could be integrated with those systems.



Ask Revenants about Bugs then come back to here 


to much information, but thanks


yep its part of build templates we agree on that thanks 

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