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EoD is a $30 Patch.....

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35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Hence why I wrote: "Yeah, those complainers sure knew what they were talking about". So... thanks for agreeing that some random complaints from people with lack of understanding and knowledge about new content doesn't mean a lot?


I didn't agree that it did mena much I have said that there may be some merit about someone someone using legth and fail rates as argument for complaint as early days were a mess.



35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You're free to have that opinion, I disagree. It was fun after the snoozfest most of the core content offered.


I didn't say I found it difficult I said that one of the most common complaints I have seen posted on forums reddits and in-game chats, was difficulty spike.


35 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, but pretty sure this is irrelevant to this thread or this comment chain (which is about the content of expansions and the fact that some people apparently don't understand what "expansion" and "patch" is), right?

this is relevant to claim that "most of people left game because not nuff content in hot".

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3 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I didn't agree that it did mena much I have said that there may be some merit about someone someone using legth and fail rates as argument for complaint as early days were a mess.

Oh, that might not have been your intention to agree, but you've confirmed what I've said. Most people there based their complaints on partial information while lacking significant knowledge about the new content.



I didn't say I found it difficult I said that one of the most common complaints I have seen posted on forums reddits and in-game chats, was difficulty spike.

Ok, my bad: they're free to have that opinion, I disagree. It was fun after the snoozfest most of the core content offered.


If the "difficulty spike" was a problem (and I can somewhat see that, where the game went form practically autoplay to finally having its mechanics a meaningful use within its content), then adjust lategame core content to ease out the difference between core and hot.



this is relevant to claim that "most of people left game because not nuff content in hot".

"I feel stolen from because base game went free" is somehow relevant to "people leaving because not nuff content in hot"? 🤔

Pretty sure it's not. And by "pretty sure" I mean it definitely isn't.


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1 hour ago, vicky.9751 said:

I mean you have to admit...

Imagine, me being behind on the news. I go to the EOD page and the main headliners I see are... fishing, and a sea turtle...


I'm still gonna buy it for the zones and story though. 

So, out of curiosity -what exactly did you expect from eod?

(and did you really edit out your previous post to "." just so you can repost it again on a new page of the same thread? 😄 )

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4 hours ago, Razor.6392 said:

Honestly, being as non-bias as possible, right now it's not worth 30 usd at all.


You should see what expansions get you in other games. Dungeons, lots of new content, new races or classes, lotsa maps, etc.


Here we get a mount, a pve activity, par for the course elite specs, a new region and... that's it. LMAO.

I'd like to know what MMORPG offers the same amount of content as EOD does for $30 without having me grease up a monthly fee after buying the initial expansion, or bombarding me with stupid amounts of Gacha pay2win items at the cost of it being "free to play", or telling me I need to have a constant "membership" to gain better benefits compared to those who are just playing for free. 


And remember EOD includes:

-Entirely new continent to explore

-New missions (Meta events, Strike Missions, Story Missions, and whatever else they haven't mentioned)

-9 new ways to play existing profession, making a total of 27 ways to play a character

-New character customisation options for existing races

-Newly added weapons and armour sets 

-Newly added mount

-Additional casual mechanics

-New Storyline and cutscenes

-Voice acting from both well established and newer talents

-New NPCs to meet and know about

-New Enemies to encounter

-New Bosses for groups of players to fight against


Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

"I feel stolen from because base game went free" is somehow relevant to "people leaving because not nuff content in hot"? 🤔

Pretty sure it's not. And by "pretty sure" I mean it definitely isn't.

ok so let me spell it out to you in simple words just to be sure you understand this time around:

1. claim was: "people left around HoT because not enought content"

2. Counter claim is: top 2 reasons for major upset: difficulty and base game going free

3. Neither of the top 2 are "not enough content"

4. ergo: lack of content was not THE reason people were leaving.


if you fail to grasp it this time around then I dunno what to tell you.

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5 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

ok so let me spell it out to you in simple words just to be sure you understand this time around:

1. claim was: "people left around HoT because not enought content"

2. Counter claim is: top 2 reasons for major upset: difficulty and base game going free

3. Neither of the top 2 are "not enough content"

4. ergo: lack of content was not THE reason people were leaving.


if you fail to grasp it this time around then I dunno what to tell you.

...but this had nothing to do with what I said, so I don't know who you were trying to respond to and why you've quoted me instead. Hence: irrelevant to anything I said. Glad I could spell it out for you.

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On 7/27/2021 at 9:02 PM, Faridah.8431 said:

Playable Tengu never made sense. Sure there is the animation and equipment factor. There is also the factor that within the game, they wouldn't be able to slot in well with previous content/story and it would therefore make zero sense for a Tengu to be the Pact Commander. 

Yes, think outside of the box: they emerge after this whole story part. And it makes sense: The Dominion of Winds is still closed and Tengu was initially planned or at least concepted as a playable race. Also to make things easier they could've made some compromises. Also, there is no other 'big' feature compared to HoT (raids, gliding, new class) or PoF (mounts) as fishing and the skiff stuff is a nice addition but rather a side note compared to the other big features. That's why I am a bit disappointed. And if not Tengu, I expected at least new weapons like great axe or overland spears/tridents. We don't have something new in the basic weaponry since release back in 2012... But hey, there is still half a year left - maybe they'll surprise us with something else.

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On 7/27/2021 at 7:40 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

Their big features are a mount.....you know....something we've had multiple times in a patch already......


A skiff....something that already exists as mount...this isn't a new feature.


And, Fishing.....something that is literally a patch....about as big and feature heavy as our sitting in chairs patch.


The only thing that seems new is specializations....so we have a one feature expansion with the rest being patch content.


People leaving WoW in mass and multiple new MMO's coming out, GW2 needed to deliver a reason to come to our game...instead they told everyone to steer clear because they charge expansion prices for patch content.


What were they thinking?


Also, it's true, there could be tons more they are holding back on....but if this is the case then they need a new Marketing Director. Whoever did the PoF reveal needs to be brought back. Otherwise, there just isn't enough content here to warrant a full expansion and the price that comes with.


We get a new 2 person mount. Could they have done this in a LW patch? Yes, but they decided to throw it into the expansion, which is a good thing.


Skiff: Not the same as the skimmer, unless you can have 4 people on your skimmer going on a fishing trip?


Fishing: This is completely new content which they also make available in all old zones. This probably required quite a bit of coding and designing to do. Fishing is something I've always wanted, so I am super hyped for this.


Elite specializations: Yes, this is one of the bigger elements. 9 completely new specs to enjoy. I haven't played all the ones from HoT or PoF yet, so I'm guessing I got tons of content waiting.


And that's not all they have for us!

Let's not forget that we get new zones with new NPCs, new fauna, new systems, new mobs(?), and everything else they create. We also get tons of story content and more upcoming LW seasons. Tons of new transmogs as well.


We don't know everything yet. There's probably more goodies being revealed in the coming months.

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PoF was mounts, elite specs and an expansion storyline to play through.


They just gave us legendary armoury and they're finally giving us more info on wvw alliances, which is huge to wvw players.


What would you like to see in the expac that they aren't already giving to us

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6 hours ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

Yes, think outside of the box: they emerge after this whole story part. And it makes sense: The Dominion of Winds is still closed and Tengu was initially planned or at least concepted as a playable race. Also to make things easier they could've made some compromises. Also, there is no other 'big' feature compared to HoT (raids, gliding, new class) or PoF (mounts) as fishing and the skiff stuff is a nice addition but rather a side note compared to the other big features. That's why I am a bit disappointed. And if not Tengu, I expected at least new weapons like great axe or overland spears/tridents. We don't have something new in the basic weaponry since release back in 2012... But hey, there is still half a year left - maybe they'll surprise us with something else.

I honestly don't see how "getting a new playable race" and the Tengu applied to that notion gained so much traction aside from "other MMOs do it". 


Do you honestly think not having its own personal story and way to fit into the game in a way that makes sense would ultimately go over well?

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Pof reveal wasn’t the reveal. The expansion for pof was leaked months ahead of time before reveal even happened. The only thing reveal showed was that we got mounts. This is how the reveals work.


They cannot show all the features of the expansion in the reveal because why not have mystery?


With heart of thorns they didn’t reveal all the mastery’s themselves at the time either. Allow yourself to experience the new expansion as it was meant to be, discover things yourself.


the maps were already confirmed to be bigger then tangled depths. Based on just one of the confirmed maps and areas each one will be bigger then the desolation in size as well as big as tangled depths as depths.

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6 hours ago, Faridah.8431 said:

I honestly don't see how "getting a new playable race" and the Tengu applied to that notion gained so much traction aside from "other MMOs do it". 


Do you honestly think not having its own personal story and way to fit into the game in a way that makes sense would ultimately go over well?

Yes, in WoW they did it with the Death Knight Class back during BC. They could introduce a different and shorter story how they emerged after IBS and right before EoD. It would be even more attractive for returning players to see a different story, why not. 

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27 minutes ago, ProtoGunner.4953 said:

Yes, in WoW they did it with the Death Knight Class back during BC. They could introduce a different and shorter story how they emerged after IBS and right before EoD. It would be even more attractive for returning players to see a different story, why not. 

There is still the need to make massive number of armor pieces and outfits fit a new rig, something that alone could take well over a year to do.

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9 hours ago, dodgerrule.8739 said:

Pof reveal wasn’t the reveal. The expansion for pof was leaked months ahead of time before reveal even happened. The only thing reveal showed was that we got mounts. This is how the reveals work.


They cannot show all the features of the expansion in the reveal because why not have mystery?


With heart of thorns they didn’t reveal all the mastery’s themselves at the time either. Allow yourself to experience the new expansion as it was meant to be, discover things yourself.


the maps were already confirmed to be bigger then tangled depths. Based on just one of the confirmed maps and areas each one will be bigger then the desolation in size as well as big as tangled depths as depths.

The reveals showed off the majority of the major features of the expansions however, as this one did. Players are dissapointed because to them what they showed wasnt on the level of past expansions(this is of course opinion based per player, and gl changing their minds on that.)

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On 8/1/2021 at 6:11 PM, Vayne.8563 said:

And remains to this day the most consistently played open world content in the game.  All expansions are just patches.  They're big patches. HoT gave us gliding which fundamentally changed the game for a lot of people. It gave us the entire mastery system for core tyria  and HoT.  It gave us elite specs for the first time.  I can't understand how anyone can say HoT was just a patch with a straight face.

I will say though, that a lot of the map design of HoT can go die in a fire. Tangled Depths, I'm looking at you.....

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3 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

I will say though, that a lot of the map design of HoT can go die in a fire. Tangled Depths, I'm looking at you.....

Tangled Depths is brilliantly designed. It's not here's the zone on a silver spoon, you have to play and learn the map. Having learned the map, I can tell you that anyone who thinks Tangled Depths isn't well designed hasn't tried to follow the logic.

I should mention tangled depths without nuhoch wallows mastery unlocked is somewhat harder to navigate.

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6 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Tangled Depths is brilliantly designed. It's not here's the zone on a silver spoon, you have to play and learn the map. Having learned the map, I can tell you that anyone who thinks Tangled Depths isn't well designed hasn't tried to follow the logic.

I should mention tangled depths without nuhoch wallows mastery unlocked is somewhat harder to navigate.

Tangled Depths is nothing more than some intern's masochistic wet dream that was allowed to come to fruition for God knows what reason. I've been playing MMOs, RPGs, Open world games, adventure games, exploration games, etc, etc for over 30 years. And Tangled Depths is hands down one of the worst play areas I've ever had the displeasure of trudging through in a game.

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11 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

Tangled Depths is nothing more than some intern's masochistic wet dream that was allowed to come to fruition for God knows what reason. I've been playing MMOs, RPGs, Open world games, adventure games, exploration games, etc, etc for over 30 years. And Tangled Depths is hands down one of the worst play areas I've ever had the displeasure of trudging through in a game.

You're certainly entitled to that opinion, but there's a percentage of the population, probably higher than you think where Tangled Depths is one of their favorite maps. Not sure what you don't like about it, but I have no trouble at all getting around that map.   

Did it take a while to learn it? Sure. But I've also successful taught navigating that map to other people who now like it. Anyway, your opinion is just that. Your opinion. Others have a different opinion. Shrugs.

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On 8/5/2021 at 8:22 AM, TwiceDead.1963 said:

Maybe, but I don't think so.

Did a quick google and I found next to no threads complaining that there's nothing to do.

On the other hand, when I google HoT's difficulty I find threads all the way back when it first launched of people struggling to just get through the content, and to add to this; you'll STILL find people complaining about how HoT is goddamn brutal, even after it's become watered down to baby-mode in comparison.


I don't think "Not enough content" was the root cause for people quitting HoT back then.

I know most of the people that I knew who played at the launch of HoT all basically quit over the brutal spike in difficulty compared to what we had grown accustomed to in the base game. And HoT most definitely came with a brutal spike in difficulty. A lot of people couldn't even get the Hero Points done without a group to do them with.


Now, there will be a bunch of elitists who will chime in a say "everything was easy" or "they just needed to git gud", but the reality was, HoT content was much more difficult than what most people had become accustomed to, and it ultimately left a bad taste in their mouth (especially when GW2 had always been touted as a more casual experience by the devs themselves up to that point).

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On 8/6/2021 at 4:13 AM, Dante.1763 said:

Yarp, but the lack of content wasnt complained about much, and when compared to the amount of threads on difficulty its a single drop in a deep bucket compared to those threads. Threads that still get made about HoT are all about difficulty, it still overwhelms players. So to does the amount of events, required exp and masteries.(got lots new folks in my guild and HOT has been a nightmare for them due to the above.)

Most of the people who I knew that quit during HoT, all quit before even finishing the story. They quit because of the huge spike in difficulty and feeling like they could no longer accomplish simple things solo anymore like Hero Points. So they definitely didn't quit due to a lack of content....they didn't even finish the content that was there. They hated the direction Anet decided to take the overall game in, at least during the time period at the launch of HoT.

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Tangled Depths is a masterpiece in map design. Top 3 maps in all mmorpgs I played.


I'm wondering what other mmorpg gives more content for 30 bucks without any extra expenses like monthly subscription. Not even counting the LS episodes that follow. 

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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Tangled Depths is a masterpiece in map design. Top 3 maps in all mmorpgs I played.


I'm wondering what other mmorpg gives more content for 30 bucks without any extra expenses like monthly subscription. Not even counting the LS episodes that follow. 

I guess I fail to see how “convoluted and a pain in the kitten to navigate around” is somehow a “masterpiece in game design”. Generally, when game design is annoying, frustrating, or unnecessarily time consuming, it’s also usually not considered good as well. Of course, there will always be weirdos on the internet that consider something good, regardless of how bad it actually is. To each their own I guess.

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36 minutes ago, Zeph.5927 said:

I guess I fail to see how “convoluted and a pain in the kitten to navigate around” is somehow a “masterpiece in game design”. Generally, when game design is annoying, frustrating, or unnecessarily time consuming, it’s also usually not considered good as well. Of course, there will always be weirdos on the internet that consider something good, regardless of how bad it actually is. To each their own I guess.

It's not a pain in the kitten to navigate around. I can get anywhere in the zone relatively quickly. Quicker than in many PoF zones.  You just have to learn the zone.

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